If You Could Fire One WWE Superstar From The Current Roster...

Well it wouldn't be one it would be half the female roster. Fire Jillian, Layla, candice Michelle, and any other female superstars that can't wrestle. If you are going to have a women's division bring in talented women. Feature Natalya, Beth, Katie Lea, Gail kim and bring in REAL competition for them.
If I were to fire a make wrestler it would be hard since there are so many on the roster that deserved to be let go. I like JBL because he is a good mouthpiece. He could totally be BIG as a manager after he retires. As a wrestler he sucks. But I wouldn't let him go. I would have to let go Mark Henry. This guy does nothing for me. He is a big mass of nothing like Great Kahli. They are HUGE guys have no charisma, no mic skills, and no in ring skills. Why keep them when there are guys out there who aren't getting tv time. Charlie Haas and Goldust (who is hilarious and wonderful when given the right creative direction). Give guys like Shelton more tv time to prove themselves. There are so many more that deserve to be let go and so many that deserve to have focus drawn to them. Maybe the WWE will become wise to this someday!
2. Tony Atlas - WHY IS HE STILL EMPLOYED?! Wtf does he do? The guy literally...no exaggeration...comes out each time, walks behind Mark Henry, stands around the ring, and then leaves behind Mark Henry. That's it. Henry is able to carry himself on the mic and Atlas is even worse than him. Atlas doesn't help Henry out in his matches to cheat. Atlas doesn't do ANYTHING. He's a waste of a paycheck.

I believe Atlas is still employed because he has been down and out for a while and now Vince is helping him out by keeping him on the payroll for a bit, Atlas was supposed to be the very first black world champion for the WWE or WWF at the time, and never got his break, maybe Vince feels a bit guilty about that, or maybe he's not as big of a bastard as some people seem to think he is. Vicky Guerrero was another of Vince's charity cases that kind of worked out great. Don't knock him when he's trying to do some good.
Rey Mysterio
Tony Atlas

If I had to pick just one, I'd can Santino. He has to be the most annoying wrestler to ever be on RAW. He isn't funny or entertaining. He's not gold as someone referred him as. He sucks...plain and simple.
Kozlov would really be my pick. They just repeated the Umaga gimmick exept this time he's Russian and can't sell. Anything Kozlov can do Umaga can do. In fact i'll bet one of the main reasons Kozlov was brought in was because they needed to get in a heel to replace Umaga while he was injured. Now Umaga is sort of face but will get no reaction because he lost his spot to Kozlov which is a shame because he is far more talented.

Ken Kennedy is another guy that should be released. His mic skills are awful. All he did during his HBK feud was referance to something from HBK's past then whisper that he was going to beat him. His in ring work is nothing special either. He halted his own push by going out after the Benoit tragedy and talked too much crap about stuff he shouldn't have talked about and really bigged up the WWE wellness policy. In a Uk Sun podcast he actually said "steroids are actually good for you". Then surprise surprise they found out that he was using steroids. So the guy that is praising the WWE wellness policy to many media outlets is caught using steroids at a time when there was a huge focus on steroid abuse.

If I had to pick just one, I'd can Santino. He has to be the most annoying wrestler to ever be on RAW. He isn't funny or entertaining. He's not gold as someone referred him as. He sucks...plain and simple.

Santino is the best thing to come along for the divas since Trish Stratus left. He is very funny and very entertaining. Too many heels have to be viscious madmen that beat the face senseless only to get beaten up next week. Santino is part of the dying breed of self confident, idiotic, chicken shit heels. Which ofcourse makes him a perfect manager.

i also don't get why people dislike Rey Mysterio. Watch No Way Out and you'll see how good Rey Mysterio is.He was the workhorse during the Raw Elimination Chamber and put on a 5 star performance. The Guy is close approaching 40 i believe and he can still do these insane moves that most cruiserweights in their 20s couldn't do.
Triple H. Just because I cant stand him. If Triple H was gone I really believe a lot of younger guys would have a better chance to make it if Triple H wasnt there dominating everyone. Triple H isnt a bad wrestler but his politics is what makes me not like him. I dont really think the WWE would miss him too much either. A guy like Edge, Randy Orton, or even Mr. Kennedy could step up and fill his role.
I would fire Jesse and repackage Festus with a new gimmick and as a solid mid-carder. I don't see anything in Jesse's future outside the tag team, and Biscuits N' Gravy hasn't been shown much on tv lately (or from what I've seen). If the WWE had a cruiserweight title again, maybe he might hold ground for a little while.
Damn, if I could fire just one person from WWE, it would be Stephanie McMahon. As the head of creative, I think she has taken WWE to all-time lows (not financially, but in terms of the quality of the product, although I'm pretty sure WWE's finances will start going down the tube should their lower than usual buyrates continue). But, I'll go with the next worst thing and fire HHH. WWE is teeming with potential superstars right now. Cutting HHH would free up, overall, about a quarter of WWE weekly programming to test these aforementioned potential superstars out.
I would get rid of Goldust. Not because he sucks, but because I love the character so much I can't bear knowing that there is an interesting character with proven success that they just do nothing with. The guy clearly still draws as proven at that voting pay per view late last year (i forget the name of it used to be Cyber Sunday) where you had to vote Santino's opponent and the choices were the Honky Tonk man who they had been mentioning on TV for the past 2 months prior regarding the honk o meter etc, Roddy Piper who is a former media icon, and just Goldust an old character. And Goldust only just lost to them both which I think is very impressive. And surely enough WWE resigned him. Since then practically nothing. I would love to see Goldust go on a proper competitive heel run and take back the IC title then once he's all built up and everyone wants to slap his feminine face put him into a program with CM Punk. Mr Straight Edge V's Mr Not Straight Edge at all. But if not just get rid of him. I hate seeing him do these rare comedy segments he's much better s a heel.
Some of these answers are seriously laughable. To those who say fire Shelton & HBK I say this...

Lay off the crackpipe.

Thank u.....Greatly said.....Shawn has had amazing matches....Shelton is a amazing talent and not just cause he beet hhh....watch some mitb matches.

Pink slips tooo:

The Great Khali: has three moves....literally chop to the head, grabs head, and two hand chokeslam? and he a former champion?

Mark Henry: Is been here a while.....and he's only won the ecw title? and really how many times have u seen a henry match or moment and said wow! once, i thought it was amazing his fat ass got up that cage when he feuded with batista

Jimmy Wang Yang: i just simply hate him thats why!

Jillan Hall: ok not all the divas..but yea she does..some are quite hott.....and if they did turn ecw straight diva and it was mickie james, michelle mccool, kelly kelly, maria, maryse and melina all night i would watch loyally

Willam Regal: i think he's so damn boring
This is a tough question Triple Hollywood , Has Been Kid , Just a Big Loser , Bitchtista , Shelton Benjamin , Charlie "Identity Crisis" Haas , OlderTaker , Big & Slow The list is endless if I had to pick one I would say Triple Hollywood who only got to where he is because he started F***ing around on Chyna with the bosses daughter turned around and married her to get the push of a lifetime had a couple of kids with her to soildify his place in the WWE pecking order seriously I knew him when he was Tarra Risen in WCW and losing to Alex Wright on WCW PPV . Triple Hollywood was S**t til he started dating Steph period that was the first of the best career moves he ever made . fallowed by marring her , and having 2 kids with her . So Triple Hollywood is my choice and if anything bad happens between him and Steph his WWE career is over . If they divorce his WWE career push would end faster then his match against Warrior at WrestleMania .

That's My Opinion I Really Don't Give A F*** About Yours !!!
^^^ jesus dude, why not just close the entire WWE. The majority of those are truly laughable I mean fire John Cena? The biggest draw in the whole comapny?? Why?
^^^ jesus dude, why not just close the entire WWE. The majority of those are truly laughable I mean fire John Cena? The biggest draw in the whole comapny?? Why?

The title says "If you could fire one WWE Superstar" but see, it doesn't say if you're in Vince McMahon's position or anything. As a fan I would like to see any of those people go because I believe they are shit.

But hm then again, the title doesn't say if I could fire a Diva, but my list is inclusive of them...so *shrug*.
I don't know if she would count as a superstar but she is clearly an employee...and I know that this would never happen but I can dream....I would fire Stephanie McMahon and there are many reasons for this.

All you hear about her are negative things like how she constantly badmouths fellow workers who actually seem to know what they're doing (ie. Paul Heyman and Shane McMahon).

She's not even attractive anymore. Back in the day when she was terribly overexposed on television, atleast I could mute my tv, avoiding hearing her irritating voice, and admiring those wonderful implants.

If she got fired, there could be a chance that HHH has alot less pull in the company,meaning we could see some new blood in a wrestlemania championship match for once. But who am I kidding...he would've already made himself a 20 time champion by the time stephanie left the company.
If I had to choose someone to fire it would have to be The Great Kahli, for obvious reasons the guy can't wrestle, has zip charima, and has done barely anything within the past year.
If I had to choose someone to fire it would have to be The Great Kahli, for obvious reasons the guy can't wrestle, has zip charima, and has done barely anything within the past year.

To this day it amazes me that Khali is a former champion! Whilst on paper it is a good idea to fire him for his lack of charisma/ring skill/fact he killed a guy wrestling once, the guy has opened the WWE market in India which in turn has giver them quite a decent bit of revenue.

MOD note; Please do not give us a list, the thread is entitled If you could fire ONE, not if you would fire the roster. also you need to give reasons for why you have chosen them, if not that is classed as spam and will lead to an infraction.
I'm amazed that having the chance to fire dead weight off the roster you'd pick Triple H, HBK, Batista, JBL, and Rey Mysterio among others. I'm hoping nobody here runs their own business.

Anyways, although I fired Horny (possibly with Finlay), I'd support the notion of losing Khali. Big men can always be sold, even if they have limited (or no) working ability. But there's nothing you can do for him when he cant sell a Pedigree, or portrays terrible acting in his promos.
Well, if I was just firing guys purely on if I liked them or not, I would fire HHH & Batista. I find both men incredibly boring(minus the Orton feud right now)and both are usually always on the top, so it would be nice to have other guys fill their spots.

But I am not stupid and I know that both men are hugely over and are great assets to the company, so if I was just firing people based on their performance, potential, and overall contribution to the company I would fire Mark Henry.

While he still can be used as a monster heel, it is sort of un-effective. He has been jobbed and beaten too many times to seem dominate. Also there are plenty of other big guys that could take his place(Knox, Khali, Umaga, Kozlov, ect). He's getting up there in age, and isn't nearly as mobile as he once was(although he never was very mobile to begin with). He just seems like he's there because he's a veteran who seems nice backstage. Honestly it's not like they would lose anything important if he was fired, so he's my choice.

This would be to make Finlay, the real Finlay. The Finlay we all know and fear. Not the Finlay we all know and laugh at. Really, WWE took it to far with this PG thing when they made Finlay this. I know I will hear they did it before PG, but it is so worse now.

The Great Khali

At least as a heel, he was a good character. Now he is a bad character and can't wrestle. As a heel, he was dominating the WWE. As a babyface, he is a joke.
This is a tough question Triple Hollywood , Has Been Kid , Just a Big Loser , Bitchtista , Shelton Benjamin , Charlie "Identity Crisis" Haas , OlderTaker , Big & Slow The list is endless if I had to pick one I would say Triple Hollywood who only got to where he is because he started F***ing around on Chyna with the bosses daughter turned around and married her to get the push of a lifetime had a couple of kids with her to soildify his place in the WWE pecking order seriously I knew him when he was Tarra Risen in WCW and losing to Alex Wright on WCW PPV . Triple Hollywood was S**t til he started dating Steph period that was the first of the best career moves he ever made . fallowed by marring her , and having 2 kids with her . So Triple Hollywood is my choice and if anything bad happens between him and Steph his WWE career is over . If they divorce his WWE career push would end faster then his match against Warrior at WrestleMania .

That's My Opinion I Really Don't Give A F*** About Yours !!!

I don't like Triple H much either but to say he was nothing until he boinked Steph is wrong. He was getting over before that. But he did use that to secure his spot for way longer then he should have.

The guy has talent but I just hate the way he puts over people only when he is forced to.

Anyway I second the Steph firing. When she took over the product as a whole went into the toilet.
I would fire Kozlov he is so boring, botches every move he tries and just is not over. Put UUUUUUMANGA back into the main event as a tweener leaning toward a heel. He has all of Kozlovs positives and actually has some charisma.
I fit wouldn't affect the income of the company, John Cena. I seriously have not watched a Raw main event with Cena for over a year. Not because I haven't tried, but because this guy puts me too sleep with his boredom, immature jokes and re hashed phrases.
i think dolph ziggler if given the right stuff by creative he could be like the next mr perfect curt hennig. i think he has the ability to step up to the plate. even tho he did start his wwe career as a cheerleader lol. an also kenny dykstra i also thought he could of been the next owen hart as he had everything to make him a star.
CM Punk. Useless waste of the pixels or lines needed to display him on the TV. Boring character, boring matches, boring lip piercing. My Direct TV screensaver comes on every time he's onscreen because even the TV thinks that nothing is going on.

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