If You Could Fire Anyone in TNA...

Before I reply I'm going to clear things up, I don't wish these people any ill but if I was building my own business they would not fit in and I'm going to have to be ruthless and not give a damn about whatever happens to them but I would wish them a good luck

Crimson: I see nothing special. He has the looks but that's about it. There are better big wrestlers I've seen

Gunner: He's nothing special. There's more talents I've seen.

Mark Haskin: Who is this guy?

Kid Kash: nothing special, better talents to be invested on

Eric Bischoff: The guy was drunk with power in WCW. I am not taking my chances with him.

Brooke Hogan: No explanation needed

Rob Terry: Boring, no skills at all

Garret: Horrible overall

King Mo: He has no pro wrestling skills background at all.

Pope: He had potential but he didn't live up to it. Either change his gimmick completely or RELEASED

Christy Hemme: I heard she's paid a lot of bucks for doing a job that is less demanding than wrestler and she's not very good at the job either imo. Just save some money and get a new announcer/interviewer

Clare: Shouldn't be there in the first place

Devon: Not really going to be used. His mic skills isn't great and he isn't the best single wrestler

Hogan: Payed his dues, too injury prone, In my opinion his mic skills isn't that great and I have hard time taking him seriously.

Anderson: The guy hasn't done anything special. Only memorable match with him was with Kurt Angle

RVD: This guy is past his prime and doesn't put on performances like he used to. His mic skills to be honest is mediocre (and I'm being nice right now). Overall there are better talents to invest on than him

I mean what has he done since gut check? He doesn't have the wrestler build and his promos are vanilla. IMO he is a waste of TNA's money.
Just to give some prespective I have only watched TNA for about a year now (maybe a little more) so my opinions are only based on what ive seen recently.

My first cut would be Robbie E, i get the gimmick but his in ring ability always leaves me less than impressed.

Guner is up second, I just plain dont see the point, His only impact ( pun intended) on the show was his string of injuring people which any other wrestler could have filled in.

Finally not so much a cut but EY, If they dont drop his whole comedy thing he should just go. If they were to change his gimmick give him something serious he could do well, he does have from old videos I've seen a good amount of in ring talent. not a main eventer but still can carry a match.

There are others but they have been done to death and i have nothing to add on those points.

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