Who Was The Most Charismatic WWE Superstar Ever?

How can anyone in their right mind put the Rock over Hulk Hogan? Sure the Rock ooozzzzed charisma. But Hulk had so much charisma, he had 4 times at which he carried the entire company ON HIS BACK. WWE when they went national, WCW, for a long time. WWE again, when he should have been retired. And again in 00's This man could come back full time today, and still be as big as he was 20-30 years ago. The Rock, did have charisma, and a lot of it. But you still can't deny the power of the hulkster. A man who did 5 moves, if that. To win every match.
The Rock and Hogan were great choices, They got people rallying behind them like crazy. I think someone who is waaayyy underated is Goldust. Thats a character that required a lot of charisma, and gave us some great moments, whether it was creepy, or absolutely hilarious.

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