How Many Of You Here Support Trump?

He's throwing it at this point, which isn't surprising seeing he doesn't really want to be President. How stupid must Republican voters feel right now?

Yeah I've thought this too. There was rumblings he wanted the title but his VP would do all the work.

Which the thought of Mike Pence running this country is nearly as horrifying a thought as Trump trying to run it.
He's throwing it at this point, which isn't surprising seeing he doesn't really want to be President. How stupid must Republican voters feel right now?

I think the idea of Donald Trump being the leader of the Free World appeals to him greatly but at the same time he's smart enough to realize the job of president isn't something he really wants, the job title is more appealing than the job itself. I'm not sure if he's intentionally throwing the election but he probably made it further than he thought he would have and once he got the support he did (which isn't a shit ton but a lot more than I would expect) he started getting scared that the job of president could be a reality for him. I think he knows he's not the right guy to be president and now he's doing what he has to so he can get out of it.
This is going to be the most disgusting presidential campaign in a very, very long time. Whoever wins, I can't imagine there won't be some form of rioting on the streets after the vote and some kind of wide-spread violence.

God help America...
This is going to be the most disgusting presidential campaign in a very, very long time. Whoever wins, I can't imagine there won't be some form of rioting on the streets after the vote and some kind of wide-spread violence.

God help America...

If anyone is that afraid of Hillary Clinton, I will be shocked. She isn't even remotely dangerous.
This is going to be the most disgusting presidential campaign in a very, very long time. Whoever wins, I can't imagine there won't be some form of rioting on the streets after the vote and some kind of wide-spread violence.

God help America...

Nothing will happen, except the usual fear mongering idiots in the media (on both sides) will yell more. You seriously overestimate how "angry" people are. The majority of the country isn't dipshit millennials screaming about "bad" it is.
Yesterday, Trump let us in on a big, huuge secret - Obama is the founder of ISIS. Hillary is the co-founder.

Please, again, tell me how Clinton and this buffoon are in the same category. Please, I obviously need to be educated here...
I watch Phillip DeFranco. And the the way he reported that shit just annoyed me to no end. He went out of his way not to use the word "lie", focused on how he disliked both candidates and referred to it as " inaccurate rhetoric".

If you think Hillary is crap, and don't plan on voting for her then fine. But don't listen to that shit and pretend it isn't a full blown lie. When asked to clarify Trump called Obama ISIS's MVP. I don't know how you can stay neutral in this. You don't have to be blue to call shit, shit.
I watch Phillip DeFranco. And the the way he reported that shit just annoyed me to no end. He went out of his way not to use the word "lie", focused on how he disliked both candidates and referred to it as " inaccurate rhetoric".

If you think Hillary is crap, and don't plan on voting for her then fine. But don't listen to that shit and pretend it isn't a full blown lie. When asked to clarify Trump called Obama ISIS's MVP. I don't know how you can stay neutral in this. You don't have to be blue to call shit, shit.

I used to watch Philip DeFranco daily, but I stopped a few months ago. I can't put into words exactly what changed for me, but I just don't like him as much as I used to. Part of it is that he engages in all the YouTuber drama that I just have no interest in whatsoever (I don't know who most of these people are, I don't care who dissed who or who has a questionable personal life), but I think he's scared of losing his viewers that are also Trump supporters. He never puts Trump on blast the way he does other people who deserve it far less than Trump does.
If he were a homeless man on the street, no one would be reacting at all. But he's running for President, and saying dangerous shit, and flat out lying. Not even giving us the courtesy of using double-speak political bullshit like most politicians. Being outraged about that isn't overreacting. Pretending it's no biggy is under-reacting.
Well he did say our President founded ISIS...

He's trying to create a narrative. One of Hillary's and Obama's biggest perceived failures is the ascension of ISIS. When the point/counterpoint media acts baffled by Trump's words his conservative media minions and Yahoo! Forum troglodytes get the opportunity to jump in with these perceived failures. You may not see this on Daily Show and Huffington Post but elsewhere it really does become a reminder that Obama called ISIS the JV Team. A JV Team that now scare the fuck out of a lot of people who equate Hillary as four more years of Obama.
He's trying to create a narrative. One of Hillary's and Obama's biggest perceived failures is the ascension of ISIS. When the point/counterpoint media acts baffled by Trump's words his conservative media minions and Yahoo! Forum troglodytes get the opportunity to jump in with these perceived failures. You may not see this on Daily Show and Huffington Post but elsewhere it really does become a reminder that Obama called ISIS the JV Team. A JV Team that now scare the fuck out of a lot of people who equate Hillary as four more years of Obama.

Last night on the Daily Show, they showed a clip of an interview with Trump after the statement in question (paraphrased):

Host: What I'm sure you meant was that Obama's decisions and policies caused the rise of ISIS.

Trump: No I meant he founded them.

Host: Well you might use some different language.

Trump: People are talking about it and they're using my language. They're using it more than they're using yours.

Host: Well good point. Good point.

Starts at 4:58.
Yes, he is trying to create a narrative alright. An ethically responsible one, where he doesn't correct anyone that is taking it literally, and is happy to nod his head in agreement when someone says Obama is Muslim. He's just trying to get people talking.

Seriously though, even if he was just trying to say Obama is responsible for ISIS, it's inaccurate to say that. And yelling (yes, yelling) that he founded them is irresponsible, lying, manipulative bullshit

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