How Many Of You Here Support Trump?

It's a very complicated question that has a multitude of factors to consider.

Basically, there are two personas that you need to consider. Donald Trump the presidential nominee, and Donald Trump as a person. I think I've said it multiple times here, but Trump is obviously much smarter than he lets on (he's a multi-billionaire, he didn't get there through dumb luck), and sometimes, in interviews, you can see that part of him, and he can flick the switch on a dime between the personas. On the other hand, the presidential nominee Trump is at best, extremely short-sighted, impractical, bigoted and lacking in political nuance. But to me, racism describes an irrational distaste against people of a certain race. And say what you will, but there is an argument against immigration. A very good argument. But it's an extremely complicated issue, that requires the best understanding of both perspectives in order to reach the best conclusion. Trump doesn't have that understanding, or at least, doesn't show that understanding to the public. So while I don't hate Trump, I do hate what he represents to a lot of his voters.

I will say though, one thing that no longer works as a defence mechanism against this brand of nationalism is labelling it "racist". You will get laughed and mocked at by groups like the alt-right and the retro-right (basically right-wingers who provide no nuance to their arguments and misrepresent in order to fulfil their narrative and instead resort to ad-hominem and hyperbole). Instead, try to talk to these people like adults and prove to them why their ideas are wrong. The only way you can defeat a retrograde ideology is by metaphorically puncturing as many holes into it as possible, and intercepting indoctrination methods.
Trump is obviously much smarter than he lets on

I'm willing to believe that he could teach the average person a few fun pointers about real estate investment, but that's as much credit as I'm willing to give him.

Donald Trump has been claiming that he has a plan that will most certainly defeat ISIS. Though later on he said that -- after becoming President -- he'll give US Generals 30 days to present him with a comprehensive plan to defeat ISIS. When pressed on how this is a ridiculous notion by Matt Lauer, given that Trump supposedly already has a plan, Trump explained that he wanted to see if top Generals agreed with his plan.

You ever meet someone who's just so stuck on their own bullshit that they keep pushing it on you even when it makes no sense? That's the guy who half the country picked to potentially run the world's largest economy.

We currently don't know the extent of Donald Trump's stupidity, but it's far enough below the realm of average stupidity that it stands as evidence that a dumb fuck can become ridiculously wealthy.
ヒュー G. レックション;5568739 said:
So I'm not a US citizen and don't follow American politics too closely but I always hear "Trump is/isn't a racist." what does this board think? If you think he is, could you post some racist quotes of his?

Also, I haven't read the whole thread but is anyone here supporting Trump?

This is one of the major points of conflict amongst people this election, the whole racist thing.

To understand what's going on in American politics right now, the first thing you need to be aware of is that much of the population has gone temporarily insane, and people are using overly emotional language to describe everything that's happening. (On a national level; a fun game to play when someone starts railing on about Hillary/Trump is to ask them who their state representative, school board chairman, or city manager is, all of whom have a much more direct effect on someone's life than who the President is, which mostly dictates what will be on television.) So when people say "is Donald Trump racist", what they mean to say through the haze of insanity is "are Donald Trump's policies racist".

Some people would argue that blanket policies targeting Muslims and the misidentification of Central American migrants as Mexicans is, some people think it isn't. But the constant back and forth this election, on the racist issue, is "show me a quote of Donald Trump saying something racist", and people responding "his policies and actions are racist". So unless Donald Trump comes out and says we need to move all of the spics into desert work camps (or until November), there's going to be a lot of emotion over this issue.
This is one of the major points of conflict amongst people this election, the whole racist thing.

This is a really tricky game for me. I argue that Donald has implied things that are racist, but he hasn't shown that he's conscious of what could be construed from things he's said. You can't really blame someone if they're ignorant to how people interpret what they're saying.

I don't think that he's racist, I just think that he's a wealthy affluent White guy who's trying to get a job that requires him to stop being such an affluent White guy all the time. However; I have no doubt that he is in fact a dipshit.

I find it odd that after a year of essentially shaking his ass at rallies in front of mostly white crowds, he decided to attend a Black church on behalf of only God knows what. Donald has been polling horribly with Black voters, so it seems pretty stupid that he waited until about three months before the votes are counted (and only a few weeks away from early voting deadlines) to appear comfortable at a traditionally Black church. I honestly think that his visit was less an effort to appeal to Black voters, and more an effort to appear less racist to White voters who cringe at the idea of being associated with a supposedly racist Donald Trump.

Hillary has played the same game of "I'm not liar, I'm just really fucking stupid." by claiming that she didn't know that an e-mail marked "C" was designated as confidential. In Donald Trump's case, he pretended that he didn't know who David Duke was and even after being told that David Duke is a former Grand Wizard of the KKK he kept on acting like he didn't want to denounce him because he didn't know who he was.

Misuse of confidential e-mails aren't really a taboo at our dinner tables, racism is.
The shorthand version:

People don't trust certain sects of ethnicity, and it's finally ok to say that.

It's largely selfish and historically ironical, but that doesn't matter.
This was a fun and entertaining read.

Thread of the year.

Anyways, how anyone could vote for Trump is beyond me. Him as president literally scares the shit out of me. I shit you not when I say this, but I have had the same nightmare twice of Trump as president and Mexicans were being rounded up and put in camps. I was mistaken for Hispanic because I'm half black and white and with my lighter skin tone and short hair, I easily look Hispanic. I'm not making this up.

It might be irrational and it might be extreme but I have had this nightmare twice and I haven't even gotten into all of the nonsense, false information, and bullshit he's spewed. I honestly think that if Trump is elected, we're in serious trouble.
That "FBI has no jurisdiction" comment has to be among the stupidest things I've ever said in my life.

But still, I find it hard to believe that not only that the 30,000 e-mails she deleted are personal e-mails, but also so personal that she doesn't want her privacy compromised. If she had nothing to confess, I think all of the American public would appreciate it if she revealed the contents of those e-mails instead of hiding them.

I understand why she may need to hide some classified information from the public at large, but the FBI isn't the public at large. I can't imagine they care about her yoga schedule too much.

But Nate's post at the beginning of the thread is basically perfect: If I were American, I'd vote Democrat because they actually have the populace's interests at heart, whilst providing maintenance of the state. Hillary is a shitty candidate, but I'd take her over most Republican candidates, let alone a vessel for the populist movement in Trump.

Don't agree with all he says, but he's very right to suggest that Hillary needs to change her strategy, or face possible loss to Trump.

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