hatehabsforever, I would like you to admit that you were wrong


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Because in the wonderful world of social media, you can create quite the buzz, and fast, before ever airing anything on television. Hell it hasn't even been 48 hours yet, and look at the response he's created. How many threads have already been started here alone to discuss it?

Sure it hasn't been aired on television. Yet. Let the audience stew for a couple of weeks, then return with another infamous pipe bomb, and it's the spring of Punk 2014 instead of the summer of Punk 2011.

Punk is notorious for doing these things. It creates plausibility and reality if done in this manner, especially when there is likely true resentment on his part toward Cena, Bryan, Lesnar, and Batista. It just seems more real. Wrestlemania is still 10 weeks away, lots of time for television appearances.

If you turn out to be dead wrong, as I expect you will, are you going to stop being so quick to give the WWE and their guys the benefit of the doubt in the future?

Because let's be honest: If this news were coming out of TNA, you'd have taken a nice heaping dump on that company by now and chastised them for being a sinking ship that can't hold onto big names.

First of all, you should know better than to suggest I could be dead wrong. But yes, on the unlikely chance that I am wrong in this one instance, I would probably be less likely to give WWE the benefit of the doubt in the future.

And I only take a heaping dump on TNA when they deserve it, which unfortunately is more frequently than we all like. After all, TNA hardly has the same track record for retaining big names that WWE has. WWE can probably pull it off, whereas TNA probably cannot. Unless AJ Styles proves me wrong.
Or you can take the easy way out and blame inbreeding for your mental deficiencies.
I've got no problem admitting when I am wrong, Coco, and it is definitely possible that I may have been wrong about CM Punk returning to WWE in time for Wrestlemania 30. Although the grandest stage of them all is still 4 weeks away, and I'm still naive enough to think that a return to WWE before then is not absolutely out of the question. Although I'm not as confident of that as I was 24 hours ago. It is distinctly possible that WWE deliberately leaked false information to Meltzer, who was more than willing to share his misinformation with the world. It seems to me that an awful lot of the program last night was devoted to focusing attention on a guy who has otherwise left the company high and dry in the days leading up to the biggest show of the year.

I am pretty quick to give WWE the benefit of the doubt because let's face it, in today's professional wrestling world, there are plenty of works or worked shoots and I tend to believe very little that I read on dirt sheets. I tend to give the WWE the benefit of the doubt because they have a history of pulling off storylines and surprises better than other companies.

Not sure what you are talking about in regards to me taking a heaping dump on TNA. I don't think I have ever called TNA a sinking ship, however, they do have a tendency to have difficulty retaining their biggest names, especially over the last few months. WWE may possible have lost Punk for now, but TNA has seen a parade of guys heading for the door, and if you believe the always accurate dirt sheets, there may be several more guys exiting stage left as well.
Seems you still need time to digest. We'll touch base again after Mania. And if it still hasn't sunk in by then, we can always try again in July.
WWE deliberately leaked false information to Meltzer

Or more believably, the fuck took a shot in the dark and missed. You know, like he does half the time.
So I assume we aren't talking about being a spam mod (as this is the Bar Room). Because we all know (especially the OP) that there's absolutely no need for one of those on these forums. That would be like being named the General Manager of RAW.
So I assume we aren't talking about being a spam mod (as this is the Bar Room). Because we all know (especially the OP) that there's absolutely no need for one of those on these forums. That would be like being named the General Manager of RAW.

Suck up.
So I assume we aren't talking about being a spam mod (as this is the Bar Room). Because we all know (especially the OP) that there's absolutely no need for one of those on these forums. That would be like being named the General Manager of RAW.

I was thinking WWE mod. Thoughts?
So I assume we aren't talking about being a spam mod (as this is the Bar Room). Because we all know (especially the OP) that there's absolutely no need for one of those on these forums. That would be like being named the General Manager of RAW.
The need for a spam mod doesn't negate the need for other moderators.

Don't put stupidity in my mouth.
Only when Mark Madden posts something or I want to get Killam's attention. Why?

People speak of Madden, Meltzer and Killam like they are intimately acquainted with them AND that they wrong them personally every day.

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