Zeven_Zion - I need to understand you.

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They always snap before they go...it's sad, really. Is it too much to ask for at least one guy to take a banning on the chin and walk out with his head held high?

I mean, yeah, this is more entertaining, but I'd like a little variety.
So...that's it?

But it's The Bar Room. the point is for people to rant and rave and for people with thick skin to take it, or rant back.

There have been tons of self-admitted trolls here. Should I be banned for the joke threads I've made in the past?

Don't get me wrong, I didn't like the guy and won't miss him, but it seems a bit off that he's permabanned after being PMed to show up in this thread.
Shattered, you have to look at it this way though.. How many threads were made in the cage about you? I know there was a few since I joined. I don't recall one of them where you came into it, and began to Troll the hell out of it, and insult all the staff at once. I may be wrong, but don't remember you doing that.
People may rag on you for standing up for TNA so much, myself included, but at least you do it because you actually believe what you say. ZZ straight up admitted he trolls the forum looking to piss people off. That's not trying to have a discussion with people, that's being an asshole.
This was pretty lowbrow if you ask me. If anyone wanted Zeven's opinion in general you should've looked harder:

1.Promos - they are deficient of emotion, or proper emotion. I don't feel like the person cutting the promo is feeling the words he's saying. They're just saying their lines like they were told to. The best and most memorable pro wrestling promos were spontaneous for the most part. They came straight from the heart and the viewer could feel the emotion expressed at that point. Whether it was written or not, the promo was felt. It was delivered well. I come from a family of actors and one thing I was taught was that fun and passion are contagious. WWE doesn't have that, therefore the promos don't click.

I don't get that with the WWE. Currently they don't have a solid amount of mic workers. Only Cena, Truth, Punk and recently Triple H who came back to RAW. That's it from MNR. I don't watch SmackDown! but Christian and Orton can hold their own on the mic. Everyone else doesn't know how to cut a promo. It's not passionate. They don't mean it. They don't feel it and I don't as well. No matter how good a storyline could be, when you give the mic to someone who doesn't know how to talk the storyline's value drops immensely.

The delivery is not the only issue. The content is weak. Whoever's writing it is not doing a good job. They're not saying anything new. They're not saying anything interesting. There are no thought provoking dialogues, the interviews are basic and repetitive. I simply don't care about what he or she has to say because he or she already delivers it poorly and what he or she says is irrelevant because of the writing. Plus, they have this stupid (as someone called it) "where's my camera angle" look on their faces all the time. It's thrown together so he or she just says something to further the storyline.

That's the issue with the promos. They're weak. The delivery is lacking and so is the content. The writers only produce something better for the Main Eventers. Everyone else is served basic shit and has to make it shine.

2. Matches - I don't like spot fests. Stop assuming. The problem with the majority of WWE's matches is pacing, reason and story. Very, VERY few people in WWE know how to tell a good story. I'd say it's less than five or six. C.M Punk, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker and Christian. John Cena and Randy Orton are not included for obvious reasons. They have to be carried but that's not the point.

-- Pacing: most of WWE's matches are very slow and repetitive. Rest hold, move, lie down for 10 seconds. Rest hold, move, lie down for 10 seconds. Switch of offense. Rest hold, move, lie down for 10 seconds. Finish. With the lack of story in such a match, it makes for a pretty boring part of the show. Look at some of the better matches in TNA and WWE in general. They start off slow with some nice chain grappling, then the pace picks up more and more but doesn't get too fast unless it's a cruiserweight match, and it just builds until the finish. In WWE it picks up, stops, picks up, stops and then finish. Such a buzz kill.

-- Story: There is none 96% of the time. It's bascially two people in the ring, having a 10 minute match, each hitting his moves in a random manner and one of them winning. They don't tell stories with their bodies, with their body language, their facial expressions. They just hit their moves and go home.

-- Purpose: The purpose of the match is often forgettable. It's just another match. There's nothing behind it to make me care. Not a promo to hype it beforehand, nothing. And even if there WAS a promo we already have the shitty promo issue with people not being able to cut great promos, so the match is fucked from the beginning. It's very basic. Lazy. Not much thought put into it. One good example of how to do it right are the random Rock matches from way back when. The Rock would get a match against Eddue Guerrero, The Hurricane, Bully Gunn - you name it. But he'd make you care. He'd cut a promo and hype the thing so you have a reason to see him whoop someone's candy ass. The writing was EXCELLENT. Rock was hilarious, he'd drop some awesome one-liners and the overall talent back then was better. They'd play off of eachother and improvise when needed. They knew what to do and how to do it and it worked.

3. Storylines - unless your name is Cena you will not get any consistent attention from the writers . Just about every storyline is about nothing. There is no conflict between two individuals who antagonize eachother for actual reasons. There's nothing at stake (that matters). There is no clash of opinions, ideology (aside from you bad I good) or anything. Look at Kofi and Ziggler. They've been facing off for such a long time. Does anybody know what the beef is? Why the fuck are they still fighting? Who the hell knows? Last night we got Del Rio vs Kofi. While it's not a long term storyline, it's just Del Rio wanting his revenge for losing.

Every storyline revolves around X attacking Z and Z attacking X and X attacking Z back and Z costing X a match and they face off. There's no progression. There's no character development. There's match after match until the PPV. No time for promos where both men present their argument to the audience so they can get INVESTED in the feud. WWE just expects you to cheer the face and boo the heel because the face is the face and the heel is the heel.

And it all comes back full circle. A fan like me sees a bunch of heels and faces that are more of a shell than an individual. I don't know what they stand for, I don't know who they are and why they're doing what they're doing. They are only defined by their alignment and that makes them all stand for the same things. Faces are happy and fair, heels are angry, cowardly at times and cheat. I can't invest in the roster, therefore I don't care what happens to the people involved in storylines.

Still, they get on the mic and they can't talk. I can't feel what they're saying, I don't are because they don't seem to care. They become even more dull.

And now we have a weak story between two people that don't have a DEFINED personality, can't make me care about them through their mic work and don't bring to the table anything that anyone else on the roster can't.

I'm a little ashamed D-Man. The man was a constant draw for debate troll or not and you pulled him in here and look at the result. Up until now, he wasn't breaking a single rule. Well, the occasional flaming there. Trolling or not, his posts were detailed had indeed a point. Whether it was your intention or not, you caved in with ease.
They always snap before they go...it's sad, really. Is it too much to ask for at least one guy to take a banning on the chin and walk out with his head held high?
I mean, yeah, this is more entertaining, but I'd like a little variety.

I can recall one. A poster I actually liked talking to as well. Spaceman Spif. He asked to be banned, then did something to get banned.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't like the guy and won't miss him, but it seems a bit off that he's permabanned after being PMed to show up in this thread.

You bit your lip junior. D-man was desperate to have a civilized discussion with the guy so he created a thread with a condescending title in the bar room. How could that possibly confuse you?

Because I knew the thread would trigger other, immature and annoying posters to begin a flame war. I'm keeping the conversation in a room where no one would be infracted for such comments.

Yep, just banned.
You bit your lip junior. D-man was desperate to have a civilized discussion with the guy so he created a thread with a condescending title in the bar room. How could that possibly confuse you?

"I need to understand you."

Yep, condescension at its best. :rolleyes:

Yep, just banned.

He wasn't banned because of a comment he made in here. He was banned because he summed up his entire reason for being on this forum in one sentence... he was here to cause trouble. Whether it was admitted in the Bar Room or another thread, it's in violation of our rules.

Wrestlezone Rulebook said:
C. Stirring up Drama: Don’t do it. If there is some aspect about the WrestleZone Forums that you do not like, rationally make your case and discuss it in a mature fashion. Do not be immature and cause a massive fuss, as it will only work against you and may result in an Infraction.

There really is no disputing this.
Bar Room Rules said:
There are only three rules of The Bar Room, so don't break them.

1) There is to be no pornography of any kind. This is a legal issue with minors, and we are not going down that road.

2) Nothing illegal should be posted here. This includes pornography, links to warez, links to streams or illegal videos, etc. YouTube and Dailymotion videos are fine.

3) What happens in The Bar Room, stays in The Bar Room. Any feuds here are not to spill out into the open forums.

So, what IS allowed here? Everything else. Want to call someone a fucking ****** ass queer ******? You do it here. Want to make fun of suicide? Do it here. Just be prepared to take it, if you're going to give it.

I'll repeat...if you're going to dish it out, be prepared to take it.

Hm. A bit of an overrule ain't it?
No, because he admitted to trolling others within every other post he made in every other part of the forum... non-spam sections included.

So you took what he said in The Bar Room to ban him? Isn't that taking things out of the Bar Room and leaking them out on other forums? He came in here trusting that nothing he would say would be held against him as the rules say, but you still did so. He came in here and despite the attitude, he came here trust and didn't get it.
So you took what he said in The Bar Room to ban him?


Isn't that taking things out of the Bar Room and leaking them out on other forums?

What does this have to do with anything?

He came in here trusting that nothing he would say would be held against him as the rules say, but you still did so. He came in here and despite the attitude, he came here trust and didn't get it.

You're talking about "trust" now? Seriously? I broke his trust? Since when is there a moral code around here?
Can someone please explain to me why D-Man's point is being disputed?

Well, by everyone besides SD, that is. It's pretty obvious he's just being Mr. Contrary.
So you took what he said in The Bar Room to ban him? Isn't that taking things out of the Bar Room and leaking them out on other forums? He came in here trusting that nothing he would say would be held against him as the rules say, but you still did so. He came in here and despite the attitude, he came here expecting trust and didn't get it.

It's the Bar Room. Everything we say IS held against us. Must I get Lariat around here to own your ass again?

sidenote: It's kinda weird to see how people dispute things stated on what D-Man already said in his OP. It's like he's insaaane, right?

Can someone please explain to me why D-Man's point is being disputed?

Well, by everyone besides SD, that is. It's pretty obvious he's just being Mr. Contrary.

Actually your mental deficiency has never been more obvious. Dman has always had thin skin when it comes to people aggressively disliking that which he enjoys.
Actually your mental deficiency has never been more obvious. Dman has always had thin skin when it comes to people aggressively disliking that which he enjoys.

I appreciate that comment because it's true. I care less if someone disagrees with me. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

This is about following rules.
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