Admit it

I don't think there's any one way I can answer this question. But I'll start by answering the question "Would you want to believe in a god?" And I think the answer is no. I think one reason atheism makes the most sense to me is because being in control of ones own life and destiny is how I believe the universe operates. To think someone set certain events in place, even if they were ages upon ages ago, they would still indirectly effect me and I don't believe that that's how things operate.

Its a good question to ask, to be honest. The question of "Would you want to believe in a God?" is probably the question to ask and answer before answering the What would that God look like? For me, I look at it as Yeah, I do want to believe in a God. I want to believe there is reason and meaning for what I do that exists outside of the world we live in. That there is some rationale for all the crazy, screwed up things in this world. Unfotunately, it's so hard to do, because like you said, the type of God you(and I) want to believe in is one who unites people, prevents disease and sufferring, and gives the same rights(I.E. being a child of God) to all people in all walks of life, no matter the general path they choose.

But if I was to believe in a god, what would it be like? I'd want it to be a god that gets involved, that inspires people to treat each other with dignity and kindness, expresses the belief that all should be treated equally, prevents disease, famine, and natural catastrophes from effecting the poor, and inspire universal peace. After all, what's the point of having godlike powers if you aren't gonna use them?

And here's what I hate about the idea of free will. I grew up in the church, under the notion that there are no short cuts to God. But also that God has the "Jeremiah 29:11 plan" for my life(Plans to prosper, to give all people a future and a hope) but I look at life and the world we live in and I see anything but. And I hear, "well, those people aren't doing "this" enough", or "God will see their heart and do what's right by them eventually". And damn, thats just not the type of God I want to believe in. I know that sounds like an idea of wanting instant gratification, but it's more of the idea that I see really good people who do whats considered "right" having one misfortune after another, and I see despicable, amoralistic people living healthy, prosperous lives. And I struggle to reconcile the two. Ive heard that heaven is when those who do what's right will be rewarded, and vice versa for those who don't. But I wonder, what is an all-loving, all-knowing God, waiting for? Why Heaven? And so the cycle goes, and there were times I wished I was raised with no beliefs, because not believing sometimes seems a helluva lot easier then believing does.
Im not calling you out, by any means. I hate religious debates on a wrestling forum, and Ive had far too many already. But can you elaborate on what you mean by simple folk? Is it those who just have blind faith in God without utilizing common sense in their day to day decisions? Im just asking out of curiousity.

If I took this seriously and thought about it, I would be an absolute wreck. Because when I think about stuff like the end of the world, the Illuminati and other stuff like that my trains of thoughts take me to very, very, very dark places that I struggle to get out of. So I try to ignore it as flash rather than substance, this one however I find hilarious as he is putting his reputation on the line again and he has predicted the end of the world before in 1994 and when this doesn't pan out he will say the numbers were wrong again and pick a point 17 years in the future and hope he doesn't live to see another failure.
Not afraid, kinda was looking forward to it. I hate this era anyway. I would love for it to be 1990 again. (Not gonna happen)
I wouldn't even have had any idea had it not been for FB. I'm not afraid in the slightest. I could tell you all the end of the world is next Wednesday. That comment holds as much weight as what this guy is saying. That is - absolutely none.
They're now claiming it was God testing their faith.
Yes because God disproving some math bullshit done by some guy looking for attention is him testing their faith.

Unbelievable what people will say to save face.
Blissful too, being devoid of facts to your pending fate just brings about less pressure to enjoy life, but hastens the efforts to your goals.

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