Happy 82nd Annual Academy Awards LD!

I'm still laughing at Tdigs asking why last years best supporter actor didn't present this years award.

I'm surprised Heath Ledger's family didn't present the award posthumously. What, they can accept the award, but they can't take on any of the responsibilities that award entails? For shame :rolleyes:
Gotta love these timewasters :rolleyes:

Seriously. They always bitch about going over their time slot. Cut this shit, about half of the 30 tributes, present some of the awards no one gives a shit about before the show, and, VOILA!, you got yourself an hour and a half awards show that everyone will watch.
Seriously. They always bitch about going over their time slot. Cut this shit, about half of the 30 tributes, present some of the awards no one gives a shit about before the show, and, VOILA!, you got your self an hour and a half awards show that everyone will watch.

First Academy Awards: 5 minutes long. Literally.
For those of you who are trying to figure out who has a better shot at winning Best Picture, lemme remind you that Crash and Brokeback Mountain were about this close. They gave Brokeback Best Director and Crash won BP. So I think whoever wins Director loses BP.

I think they'll give Hurt Locker the Director award, and Avatar BP. Because the Academy loves making history, and if they do it this way, they'll be awarding the first female Best Director, and the first sci-fi BP winner.

Plus, it's been a long time since the Academy's honored a major Hollywood film with the award, and they're probably dying to.

Well if they want to give it to a sci-fi film then give it to District 9.
Annie Hall may be a classic.

Star Wars is in the top oh 3 or so movies ever. Not sure what the other two are either. Great story, good performances, totally blew away all visual stuff before it, made a boatload of cash.

Which should win?
Btw, I LOVE the fact that the Academy actually decided to give so many nominations to both District 9 and Star Trek. I assumed that with Avatar being so big, they wouldn't want to recognize any other sci-fi movies.

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