Academy Awards Changing Best Picture Award Structure


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The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released a statement revealing a new twist on the Best Picture nominations.

Here is the full press release:

The governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voted on Tuesday (6/14) to add a new twist to the 2011 Best Picture competition, and a new element of surprise to its annual nominations announcement. The Board voted to institute a system that will now produce anywhere between five and 10 nominees in the category. That number won't be announced until the Best Picture nominees themselves are revealed at the January nominations announcement.

"With the help of PricewaterhouseCoopers, we've been looking not just at what happened over the past two years, but at what would have happened if we had been selecting 10 nominees for the past 10 years," explained Academy President Tom Sherak, who noted that it was retiring Academy executive director Bruce Davis who recommended the change first to Sherak and incoming CEO Dawn Hudson and then to the governors.

During the period studied, the average percentage of first place votes received by the top vote-getting movie was 20.5. After much analysis by Academy officials, it was determined that 5% of first place votes should be the minimum in order to receive a nomination, resulting in a slate of anywhere from five to 10 movies.

"In studying the data, what stood out was that Academy members had regularly shown a strong admiration for more than five movies," said Davis. "A Best Picture nomination should be an indication of extraordinary merit. If there are only eight pictures that truly earn that honor in a given year, we shouldn't feel an obligation to round out the number."

If this system had been in effect from 2001 to 2008 (before the expansion to a slate of 10), there would have been years that yielded 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 nominees.

The final round of voting for Best Picture will continue to employ the preferential system, regardless of the number of nominees, to ensure that the winning picture has the endorsement of more than half of the voters.

Other rules changes approved by the Board include:

In the animated feature film category, the need for the Board to vote to "activate" the category each year was eliminated, though a minimum number of eligible releases – eight – is still required for a competitive category. Additionally, the short films and feature animation branch recommended, and the Board approved, refinements to the number of possible nominees in the Animated Feature category. In any year in which eight to 12 animated features are released, either two or three of them may be nominated. When 13 to 15 films are released, a maximum of four may be nominated, and when 16 or more animated features are released, a maximum of five may be nominated.

In the visual effects category, the "bakeoff" at which the nominees are determined will expand from seven to 10 contenders. The increase in the number of participants is related to a change made last year in which the number of films nominated in the visual effects category was increased from three to five.

Previously, the Board approved changes to the documentary feature and documentary short category rules that now put those categories' eligibility periods in line with the calendar year and thus with most other awards categories. The change means that for the 84th Awards cycle only, the eligibility period is more than 12 months; it is from September 1, 2010 to December 31, 2011.

Other modifications of the 84th Academy Awards rules include normal date changes and minor "housekeeping" changes.

Rules are reviewed annually by individual branch and category committees. The Awards Rules Committee then reviews all proposed changes before presenting its recommendations to the Academy's Board of Governors for approval.

The 84th Academy Awards nominations will be announced live on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, at 5:30 a.m. PT in the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2011 will be presented on Sunday, February 26, 2012, at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center®, and televised live by the ABC Television Network. The Oscar presentation also will be televised live in more than 200 countries worldwide.

It's kind of long but in short it says that now instead of there automatically being ten nominations for Best Picture, the number could be anywhere from 5-10 and the nominees have to reach a threshold of first place votes before making it to the nomination list. THis comes off as a good idea as ten movies for best picture is a bit of a stretch. At least here we know that at least some people thought these movies deserved the chance rather than simply being there to fill in a spot on a list.

Thoughts on this?
It's a good idea, in the last couple of years The Oscar have been very controversial and specially the nominations, this year there were a lot of movies that should have been nominated like Scott Pilgrim for instance, everybody thought he was going up and they didn't even care about that.

Well with that said, The Oscars will be more recognized, and it will start to feel more real, for example this year in my opinion The Kings Speech, Social Network, Black Swan and Inception could easily won that award, and look like a fair winner.
Overall It is a good change, and it will give more interest to movies this year.

I think that The Academy Awards need an Award for comedy/blockbuster movies, because they literally don't give a fuck about them.
(There is no way that X-Men or The Hangover gets an award, and people will most likely enjoy every piece of these movies)
The King's Speech
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
127 Hours
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone

That's the list of movies from last year's Best Picture Academy Award. In reality, if you had to cut that list down to 5 pictures, I bet that everyone could do it without having to think too much about it.

The King's Speech, Black Swan, Inception, The Social Network and True Grit would be my 5 pictures and when you think about, none of the other contenders are ever going to win the award. The Academy knows what it likes to see and all of the other movies that were listed were basically given the nomination to fill out the board. For example, there is no way that Toy Story or Winter's Bane were ever going to win the Oscar. 127 Hours was a good movie but it doesn't seem to have the abilities like the King's Speech does.

What I am getting at, is that there was always going to be a few run away nominations for best picture and last year it was Black Swan and The King's Speech. Narrowing down the field again seems like the best thing to do to keep things interesting and keep people guessing.

Seems like good news to me.
I don't have a problem with this at all. I always thought ten nominations was too much for the Best Picture category. Out of all the films that were nominated this year, The King's Speech, The Social Network, Black Swan, True Grit, and The Fighter were the only films that really deserved Best Picture nominations, and I guess you could throw in Inception as a wild card.

This new format will help narrow the field. This should make the Best Picture category more prestigious, and this new format should put more focus on the better films.
The King's Speech
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
127 Hours
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone

That's the list of movies from last year's Best Picture Academy Award. In reality, if you had to cut that list down to 5 pictures, I bet that everyone could do it without having to think too much about it.

I would have to do some thinking about it, because I liked most of those. I suppose I would have listed The Social Network, Toy Story 3, Winter's Bone, The Fighter and Black Swan. But I liked Inception and 127 Hours enough to have a debate over the final 2 spots.

However I think the way they have set up the nominations is very appropriate. You wouldn't want a year were there were only 5 films worthy of the nomination, but they also are preventing a year with 7 great films having to ignore two, though sometimes the discussion of snubs is more entertaining than the discussion of the nominees.

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