Go On, Ask Me Questions.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
This isn't the same as the Find Out About Thrash thread, this is to ask me questions about my time here, what I've done or my thoughts on you as a person, an RP'er or your character.

Beware, I'm on an iPod so my replies may not be huge.

EDIT: I've been in the fed for around a year, but questions related to the past couple of months on the fed I'd steer away from due to me not being here.
How did I just see that question?

There's many differences, just because they're alike in appearance means nothing.

Scumm is a disgusting human (until he turned face), who in the past would beat people up for no reason, fought in the backstreets of London & just plain liked to cause pain.

Thrash is a nice guy, a former musician and someone who likes people. There's a hidden past which through RP's, will gradually come out though.

You shouldn't care about Scumm now, he's history. But you should care about Thrash, because I certainly plan on making a mark with him.
Would you ever consider being the Jeff Hardy of WZCW? I mean weird paraphenalia and some huge spots, not developing a drug problem...
Erm, with Scumm, that would've been a total possibility. He had that sort of aura about him where he could make a title belt look funny, or start dressing to the extreme.

With Thrash, I don't see it as much. He's a clean cut guy usually, who dresses a little bit OTT, but it's nothing too major. I could see maybe something coming from winning a title belt, but I'd want him to be established and not for it to be a fluke win where from then on I try to look good.

The high spots are possible, but the rest not so much.
Thrash. Scumm was fun to start with, but gradually, even into the face turn, it felt like more of a chore. I was actually forcing out a story that I never thought would've existed in the grand scheme of things, so I was disappointed with how that went.

Thrash is brilliant to write, there's a story that I've actually planned & apart from a couple of tweaks, it's working the way I want it to right now. Not to mention, with my musician experience, there's things I can put into these RP's that I know more about than say, bareknuckle fighting.
Pics or it didn't happen.

But seriously, now I'm curious.

It's nothing major, I'm a Guitarist & have been for 10 years. I'm not putting what's happened to me into RP's, but there are certain things that only people with a musical knowledge would be able to use in their writing & I'm trying to put that spin on my RP's.

Obviously having two finishers named after songs is a small aspect, but Kazarian does that as well. Keep reading my RP's, there's things I can talk about due to having the needed knowledge.
How much do you pay creative to always beat myself and Blaze? ;)

Who was your favorite person to work with as Scumm?
I don't. I just RP better ;)

To work with? Albeit a very short time, Triple X. It was my big title match at KC, for the Elite X title and I think I was very close to winning then, but we had some amazing moments.

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