Irradiated Terrain: Ask Fallout Questions

Who would Fallout even consider making a full time tag team with?

I'd imagine Fallout as a guy that makes temporary alliances with guys to achieve a common goal, at least at the moment, but if I had to choose, Vega would be my leading choice. Both guys have ties to government agencies, and have done their fair share of dirty deeds in the past. They'd be able to bounce off one another because of that, in a militaristic Brothers of Destruction kind of way.

Who do you enjoy reading? Anybody you want to feud with that you haven't yet?

I pretty much enjoy reading everyone; there's nobody here who's RP's I read and feel like crap or laugh mockingly during reading, they're all at least good. My top five at the moment would have to be LMD, Zeus, Beard and S.H.I.T in no particular order.

The guy at the top of my list is S.H.I.T. While S.H.I.T has comedic elements, he's portrayed as a badass character quite often, and the idea of a war machine against a super-soldier is hard to pass up for me.
What was going to be your RP plan if the original Psycho Mantis app got approved?

What's your favourite animal?

Would you eat that animal?

What would you consider to be Fallout's most suited match type?

How excited are you for M's grand debut next round? :p
You're a gamer right Fallout?

What setting would Fallout the character most want to be in and least want to be in? What boss would he most want to face in the ring and least want to face?
If you ever had to turn him face, how would you do it and what would a face Fallout be like?

I don't want to give too much away, but I have a contingency plan in storage if I ever wanted to do it. All I will tell you is that Fallout will never be the happy go-lucky babyface archetype, most likely because he'll never be able to find peace with himself.

What was going to be your RP plan if the original Psycho Mantis app got approved?

What's your favourite animal?

Would you eat that animal?

What would you consider to be Fallout's most suited match type?

How excited are you for M's grand debut next round? :p

I honestly have no idea, and in hindsight, I'm thrilled that my first app got declined because it was pretty grim.

Kangaroos. They're pretty underrated. And I probably wouldn't eat my favourite animal.

I think a Last Man Standing match, mostly due to Fallout's endurance and ability to dish out damage himself.

Quite a lot. You've already shown that you've got potential as an RPer with your Mark Madden RP, and I look forward to seeing you full-time in the fed.
Why the first name-change?

Kind of a story of double meanings. I was mainly posting in the Backstage area of WZCW, and Backstage Fallout was previously a segment after Raw.

You're a gamer right Fallout?

What setting would Fallout the character most want to be in and least want to be in? What boss would he most want to face in the ring and least want to face?

Most want to - The Fallout games of course :p

Least want to - Anything RPG land similar to Theron Daggershield's world.

Bosses - Probably Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid as his least because he can relate with him. As for the most, probably Gary Oak from Generation One, just so he can kick his ass.

And while not a boss, I think Prophet from Crysis 2 would make a nice match-up.
If cartoon or video game character image reps suddenly became against the rules.... who would you use for Fallout's image rep?
We're going to have to agree to disagree in the Kane thread. I think he has it. You should save your arguments on the chance Kane does draw something he can put Hogan out with.
No question. Just wanted to say I came into the Fed when Fallout was killing Theron and that made me a fan. Hope to see your team thrive and I'm hyped you're back.
Haven't talked to you so, here goes this one. Your favorite TV Show?

At the moment, I'd say Game Of Thrones, although I don't watch too much modern television. I have been meaning to get into Orange Is The New Black, Gotham and Breaking Bad, but I haven't had the time as of yet.

As for all-time, I'd tie it between Robot Wars and The Simpsons.

No question. Just wanted to say I came into the Fed when Fallout was killing Theron and that made me a fan. Hope to see your team thrive and I'm hyped you're back.

I've loved Ramparte from Day 1, and always knew you would achieve big things in the fed. Congratulations on Creative by the way mate.

The Theron feud was easily the best time I had in the fed, and the RP's both of us churned out for our final showdown were superb.
At the moment, I'd say Game Of Thrones, although I don't watch too much modern television. I have been meaning to get into Orange Is The New Black, Gotham and Breaking Bad, but I haven't had the time as of yet.

Make time for Breaking Bad. I didn't think I'd like it, but it exceeded all of my expectations ten times over.

The Theron feud was easily the best time I had in the fed, and the RP's both of us churned out for our final showdown were superb.

I had fun with it too. Still remember our RP's as well. Tiffany getting scared at her house, and Theron surviving a round of the original Donkey Kong. Trivial note.... that was the round Theron converted to Mystrianism. I had no idea how much that would impact him later on. Glad you're back bro!

Play any good video games lately?
Although most of the roster has returned. Still, any other return you'd like to see at Kingdom Come?

I'll give you two answers. In terms of expected returns, I'll throw Dorian Slaughter, Blade and S.H.I.T into the bag.

In terms of hopeful, but unlikely returns, Barbosa, Saboteur and either Max Steele or Ricky Runn.

Make time for Breaking Bad. I didn't think I'd like it, but it exceeded all of my expectations ten times over.

Breaking Bad seems like something that would appeal to me. I've seen the pilot but nothing else.

Play any good video games lately?

Nothing much; I've just been waiting patiently for Fallout 4 and the new Star Wars Battlefront, although I am currently playing a lot of Civilization 5, Mortal Kombat X and plan to play some Borderlands Pre Sequel and Torchlight 2 with the partner soon.
Is Fallout a championship around the waist guy, or more of an over-the-shoulder type?
Is Fallout a championship around the waist guy, or more of an over-the-shoulder type?


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