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General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

MITB - There are four spots left in the MITB match and these are the superstars I feel should take the spots to add more credibility to the match and make it more entertaining for everyone

Carlito - he had an awesome ladder match with Jeff Hardy on raw and I think he would put some good spots in the match, plus its better then seeing him in a tag match for the 3rd straight wrestlemania

Santino - him and carlito could team up in the match and santino could be used for all the comedy spots to make this match more entertaining

Chavo and CM Punk - I would have Chavo and CM Punk in a match for the ECW belt and somehow both men have there shoulders pinned for the 3 count. Forcing ECW GM to vacate the belt, that would give chavo and cmpunk the oppurtunity to be put in the MITB match and I think its better then having Chavo defend the belt against Punk for the 100th time at wrestlemania

MITB - Jeff Hardy, Y2J, Kennedy, Benjamin (Carlito, Santino, Chavo, CM Punk)
Matt vs MVP (10 mins )
Matt wins ... Finally ... an end for the story...Though there might be a draft after and see Matt go to raw and try to find revenge for the Orton storyline .

World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker vs. Edge (c) ( 15 min )

Hard to predict this one. I don't really like Edge , especially this opportunistic angle and even though Taker will probably end his streak in the next 3 years as he's reaching retirement , and WWE can't afford letting him go without getting something from his streak ending.Probably Undertaker wins .

MiTB Ladder Match (20 min )

Well we don't know all the participants but as all of us know either Jeff or Kennedy will win this one . No other envolved in this match can has the start of push these two have.As Matt has recovered i see him in a match against MVP , and not both of them in the MiTB match , even though it's a 50-50 chance

So don't really care who the other guys will be thrown in this one i see two scenarios .
-Jeff wins , he cashes it in after the WWE championship match , if either Orton or Cena win , as both heels and part-heel and the audience will just love to see them loose to Jeff .
-Mr Kenedy wins and he makes true the promise that he will headline wrestlemania.I don't know if he'll go for Undertaker , or WWE Champ , but i say it's a big chance we will see the briefcase cashed in the same night.

BunnyMania - Piss break 1 ( 5 min )

Big Show - Mayweather - Shit break 2 (5 mins )

Raw vs ECW - (10 mins )
Will be a close match , will be nice to watch , throwing an ECW Big Daddy V or anybody else than CM Punk will ruin the match.

Hornswoggle feud - ( max 10 mins )
Big Crappiola , who gives a damn.Just make Kennedy , Vince's Son

WWE Championship match. ( 20 mins )
Longest match of the night , i don't see Triple H winning as he wants to turn heel , and if he beats those two guys , doesn't matter what he does he won't be hated..Best option for him to turn heel...Give the title to Jeff Hardy ! Everybody will hate him if he screws Jeff .

Career-Threatening Match
HBK vs Flair

If it will be career vs career than we'll have HBK win it , but if not i see flair lasting a little more and taking the win. So far we have 1hrs and 35 mins and the last wrestlemanias had match times of last 3 WM were 106 , 101 mins and 117 mins.. So if MitB will be cashed at WM , Flair must win this one , as i don't see him ending his career in a 15 mins or less match .
With all the match at Mania needing time it will be interesting to see how long each match will be. You can see some matches not give to the time that they deserve.

MITB , Hardy v MVP, UMage v Batista, JBL v Finlay, & TBD might only be given 10 mins or even less

I wish the would just get rid of bunny mania .... but I'm going to the show so I'll use this time to go get food.
This years wretlemania only has a few matches that i actually want to see, wwe championship match,taker vs edge, MITB, Matt vs MVP if it gets added to the card and big show vs mayweather. I hope Big Show vs Mayweather isnt as bad as Big Show's sumo match at wresetlemania 21 but either way I think it should be entertaining
WWE Championship;
Triple H vs. Randy Orton(c) vs. John Cena
Triple H or Randy Orton win this match, im going with Triple H as i cant see Triple H losing at Wrestlemania 4 years in a row. With match going about 20 minutes

World Championship;
Edge(c) vs. The Undertaker
Pretty sure The Undertaker will win, cant see anyone ending his streak. Taker wins title. Match going for about 18 minutes

Career Threatening Match;
Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair
Obviously Shawn Michaels wins, hopefully they have a Guerrero/Benoit moment at the end. Match goes for about 16 minutes.

Smackdown Vs. Raw
Batista vs. Umaga
It would be nice too see Umaga get the win over Batista, but very unlikely. Batista wins here. Match goes for about 12 minutes

Money in the Bank Ladder Match;
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr.Kennedy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane? vs. John Morrison? vs. The Great Khali?
I think those will be the final 3, WWE seems to like Khali, so i can see him being in this match. Chris Jericho hopefully takes the win here, im not into Jeff Hardy gettiing a WWE Championship push. Match goes for about 16-18 minutes

Finlay vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Funny how back in October, Jbl loved Finlay. But now??? Anyways hopefully they add a stip to the match, maybe Street Fight? That would make the match great. Finlay wins here, then maybe he can start to get a Main Event push. Match goes for about 17 minutes.

Big Show vs. Mayweather
Mayweather will win. Match, i hope doesnt go longer then 10 minutes.

Playboy Mania;
Maria + Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix + Melina
Im going with Maria to take the win. I expect all divas to get stripped down. Match will not go longer then 6 minutes.

United States Championship;
Montel Vontavious Porter(c) vs. Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy takes the win here. Then Mvp can hopefully, start his way upto main event status. Match goes for about 12 minutes.

And most probley a ECW World Championship match either Chavo Guerrero vs. CmPunk or Kane.
1 wwe championship Randy orton vs triple h vs john cena thiple theart match. I HHH wins after orton rkos cena and triple h periges orton to win.
2 whc Edge vs undertaker no holds barred match edge is scared of Taker edge would get himself dq then teddy long says the match is no holds barred with Taker winning after edge speared him but Taker kicked out and then he tombstones edge on the steel steps and wins the title and is 16-0
3 ecw title Cm punk vs Kane extreme rules match I think wwe should kane a world run because is last one was only a day I think the match is burtal both men bleeding and Punk gives Kane a gts and Kane kickes out and then he gives punk a chockslam on a flamming table then pins him to be the new ecw champion.
4 mitb Jeff hardy vs mr kennedy vs shelton vs y2j vs cartio vs tommy dearmer vs john morrison i think jeff wins the match and cashes it in at cyber sunday against the game in a TLC match and wins to be the new wwe champion
5 Ric flair vs shawn micheals if flair loses he most retire I think Hbk will win because flair is getting old and who better then is good friend Shawn micheals to end his career.
6 raw vs smackdown umaga vs Batista i think Batista wins. Batista can't batista bomb him so the the only way to beat him is a spinebuster or a spear.
7 Beth phoeix and melina vs maria and candice michel winners maria and candice maria will be in the cover of playboy hopefully and then at backlash she gets ashot at beth phoeix's womens title
8 Big show vs rey mysterio winner rey big show returns at no way out and chockslams rey leading to a match and rey winning after a 619 and a frog splash the whole thing will be about four to five hours.:undertaker2:
I cant see this match taking place at Wrestlemania, maybe at Backlash. I am expecting MVP to qualify for the MITB tonight. Then when Hardy comes back, probably in a week it sounds like he will challenge MVP to a match that night! One of the GMs will come down and instead of having this match, we will see if Hardy can qualify for a spot in the MITB match against John Morrison! Hardy could then beat Morrison, and move on to Wrestlemania in the MITB match
Well this match isnt happening, and i think this feud is totally over. JBL and McMahon can start up something, maybe having a feud between them one day over Hornswoggle, or with Finley. I think Jericho is one of the front runners to win MITB, along with Kennedy. Id much rather see Jericho in the ladders match then with the big fat of goo JBL.
Here are my predictions:

Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. John Cena
I expect to see The Game regain the world title and turn heel shortly after. It will then open up a new world of possibilities for him as he can fued with Cena, Jeff Hardy, HBK and Batista (who will probably come to Raw shortly).

The Undertaker vs. Edge

Floyd Mayweather vs. The Big Show
If Floyd Mayweather had agreed to lose a match to a wrestler they wouldn't put him up against The Big Show. Mayweather wins.

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michales
It's over for Flair at long last. I do think they should of allowed an up and comer to beat him though rather than HBK who's a legend anyway.

Jeff Hardy v. Mr. Kennedy v. Shelton Benjamin v. Chris Jericho v. Carlito v. (Elijay Burke?) v. (Kane?) v. (The Great Khali?)
Jeff Hardy's turn this year folks. Hopefully Khali will have minimum involment.

Batista v. Umaga
I think these two will switch brands at the next draft because the pair of them have run out of fresh oppenents. With that being said it would be wise of the wwe to have Umaga win cleanly so he can look a threat to The Deadman, but the WWE doesn't do wise so Batista wins this one.

Finlay v. JBL
Finlay to win this one with help from Hornswoggle. Hopefully he'll beat JBL so bad he returns to the Smackdown announce table his commentry is far better than his wrestling.

Candice/Maria v. The Glamazon/Melina
Who gives a shit who wins? I'll go for the babyfaces on this one.

Unconfirmed matches

CM Punk v. Chavo Guerrero
Probably an extreme rules match, im thinking Punk should win but that would mean titles changing all over the place at Mania. I'll stick my neck out and go for Punk.

MVP v. Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy to capture the US title here.
WWE Title

will be main event of the night. Cant See Orton winning but hopefully we wont see cena win and go on another 1 year title reign. Triple H will win


easy prediction undertaker by dq most likely or clean win to go 16-0. Cant see edge winning in anyway

Money in the Bank

Would like to see the most skillful and underpushed athlete in wwe win sheltan but will not happen hardy or kennedy will win.

Big Show v Mayweather

pfftt who cares all that the boxing dude was sayin on raw was last time i broke ur nose this time i am gona brake ur jaw 100 times worst PROMO EVER

Umaga V Batista

am Batista probibly 5 min match will be one of the best of the night

Flair V HBK

will be one of the best matches of the night if not the best

hbk wins to end flair old mens career.

ecw title

i hope they have free invational challange and funaki comes out and wins it would be heaps mad and funny :)

other matches does not matter who wins

avearge mania 3/5 i would say
I don'T what'S going on right now but the build up for this year's wrestlemania is just plain awful especially on the raw side. Usually this is the time when the WWE does is best work because they know that Wrestlemania is the biggest event of the year but this year i feel like wrestlemania is just another over price PPV that going to last longer. Outside of the Flair/Hbk match and The Undertake/edge match, everything is either place on the card because of a stupid storyline or a repeat form other wrestlemania match. Just look at the card as it's stand right now.

HHH vs Orton Vs Cena: almost a complete repeat of wrestlemania 22 except we got orton in the middle.

Finlay vs JBL: might be a good match but it'S there because of a stupid storyline

Batista vs Umaga: same formula they do every year but different superstars.

Maria/candice vs Melina/BEth Phoenix: again same has always since we get a playboy match every year

Money in the bank: Getting sick and tired of this over populated match, it'S pretty always the same thing and the special factor of this match left 2 years ago.

Big Show vs Floyd MAyweather: who cares really, especially after this weeks promo by floyd.

So am really not feeling like it's wrestlemania time this year and am not even sure if am going to order it yet because for me, it doesn'T look like it'S going to be a great wrestlmania.
It's about time for me to give my general opinion on Wrestlemania as it looks right now. I will not be ordering it. The card besides Taker vs Edge looks pretty terrible. I was interested in a couple matches at first including the MITB match as well as Big Show vs Mayweather. At this point though I couldn't care less about them, espically Show's match due to Mayweather's TERRIBLE promo. I am really shocked as to how bad this card is looking. It's Wrestlemania, it's supposed to be the biggest PPV of the year. This card looks like a 4 hour minor PPV such as Backlash or Unforgiven. I would not surprise me if this week's 3 hour Raw puts Mania to shame...
I would not surprise me if this week's 3 hour Raw puts Mania to shame...

Outside of the guaranteed disqualification endings to lots of Raw matches, of course, lol, but I have to agree with you. Half the Wrestlemania card doesn't matter (Finlay/JBL, Mayweather/Show, Bunny Mania, Batista/Umaga, and HBK/Flair unless HBK can pull the old man to a decent match).
Outside of the guaranteed disqualification endings to lots of Raw matches, of course, lol, but I have to agree with you. Half the Wrestlemania card doesn't matter (Finlay/JBL, Mayweather/Show, Bunny Mania, Batista/Umaga, and HBK/Flair unless HBK can pull the old man to a decent match).

Whoa, whoa, whoa. How can you say some of those matches don't matter? Lets breakdown each one, shall we?

Shawn Michaels v. Ric Flair: The match could be, and likely is Ric Flair's farewell match for a while. Its likely to be a great technical match-up, since it is with Shawn Michaels. Just recalling their last Pay Per View match from 2004 was a great match. I'm sure this one will be even better.

Therefore, it can't be pointless, and it very greatly matters, since Ric Flair will likely lose and thus be forced to "retire."

Batista v. Umaga: Another top quality match with an understandable storyline behind it. Its to determine which brand, Raw or Smackdown, is the better of the two. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they ended up making it a Lumberjack match, with all 3 brand's wrestlers filling the outside of the ring.

Furthermore, I think the Batista/Umaga showdown will be a dark horse for match of the night. It should be rough, no doubt, however it should also be a perfect fit for each guy. Batista generally works better with bigger guys that are agile and with talent. Umaga would likely carry him through the match, and make him look tough and strong. Therefore, this match is basically bringing Batista back to sub-par with being a Main Eventer.

J.B.L. v. Finlay: Albeit this match will likely be the wrestling match with the most shit involved, it still has a strong storyline behind it. Bradshaw destroyed Hornswoggle, Finlay's son. Therefore, Finlay needs to get revenge.

I could give a crap less about the actual match. I'm enjoying the heated storyline thats connecting everything. Its almost over, so I'm thrilled to beat hell. I'm unsure how exactly they're gonna end everything, or furthermore where everything will lead for Finlay and Hornswoggle after this.

Seriously.. Championship match? Doubtful. Finlay doesn't seem the type to be Championship material. But where else would they take him, since they've pushed him really hard lately.

The Other Two: Yeah, you got me there. Mayweather and Big Show is strictly for money and marketing purposes. And Bunny Mania is strictly to gain interest from the few morons willingly stupid enough to pay $50-70.00 to see half naked divas.
Well the reasons I classify HBK/Flair, Batista/Umaga, JBL/Finlay are...

HBK/Flair = We know Flair is going to lose, and I don't have as much faith as many others that the match will be "legendary". It might be "good for how bad Flair's been lately", if you know what I mean, but that doesn't necessarily put it up in terms of the Iron Man match at WM12 or anything. If anybody can force a good match out of the old man, its Michaels, but I don't think even he can boost Flair to an epic level. Its important because its Flair's last match, yeah, but we've all seen it coming, its long overdue, and I have a feeling Flair's in-ring retirement will be nullified in a year or two when he comes back in a different role.

Batista/Umaga = The only way I can see it being useful is if Umaga destroys Batista. Dave himself is boring to me, but they'll probably book him to win, so that's annoying. As far as the brand superiority angle...we won't get anything out of it. If Batista wins, Smackdown won't receive the best talent or anything. So in the end, it isn't anything to write home about and could easily just be as good as a decent b-level ppv match. Hopefully, it makes Umaga look good in the process.

JBL/Finlay = I just don't think either man is that good. Finlay's much better than JBL in the ring, I feel, and JBL's much better on the mic than Finlay, but the storyline takes away both of the positives. I have a feeling its going to be a real dud with a lifeless crowd...its just giving off the vibe to me that nobody will care and those that actually liked the storyline will feel its a bit anticlimactic. Then there's the possibility that they might try more of the Hornswoggle interference stuff, which was old months ago. I think Finlay would serve the company best as a solid midcarder or near the top of ECW to help garnish the new talent. As far as Hornswoggle goes, I hope this is the end of him. He and Khali have to go lol.
I don't see how this card is any worse than last years. Let's compare.

MITB vs. MITB - These matches are always entertaining. There are typically 2 or 3 guys that you could see winning it. Guaranteed 1 or 2 spectacular spots (especially with spot monkey Jeff Hardy involved). No drop-off there.

Lashley/Umaga vs. Batista/Umaga - Pretty similar matches here, w/out the trump storyline involved. Last yr however, you knew Lashley was gonna win and McMahon was gonna get his head shaved. Granted Batista is probably going to win, but I could see a swerve. Plus I think Batista is a little better performer than Lashley was.

Kane/Khali vs. Finley/JBL - This one's not even close. Khali is awful. The build-up between Finley and JBL is much better, especially because you know McMahon is going to get involved.

Diva match vs. Diva Match - Again, the advantage goes to this year. Better in-ring performers (Ashley is terrible), and more gorgeous women on the outside. Seriously, what else are you looking for here?

Benoit/MVP vs. Hardy/MVP - Pretty even here. Both matches are US title matches. Benoit and Hardy cancel each other out. I think MVP gets a little more heat now than he did before.

ECW Originals/New Breed vs. Chavo/CM Punk - Hasn't been signed yet, but it will be. I give the title match the edge, especially because these guys have had some great matches. I would guess they're perfecting their work together in preparation for a great WM match.

Title Matches vs. Title Matches - I again give the edge to this year. Edge is a much better opponent for Taker then Batista was. Good buildup for this match as well. Plus, the 3-way dance adds more intrigue than last yrs match. Cena and Michaels had a great match last yr, but who really thought Cena was gonna lose? At least this yr, you know it could be HHH or Cena.

Finally, it's going to to probably be Ric Flair's final match. Yeah, it's close to a trainwreck as far as his performing now. But it's history. I think this will be a great card and you guys are nuts if ya don't think so
Are you guys seriouse about this wresltemania card looking shit ?

Shawn Micheals vs Ric Flair ( Retirment match )Excuse me but if you think the Flair Micheals match will be useless..Haaha this will probably be the match jsut before the ME. The Showstopper , the Heart break kid , Shawn micheals going up again the Nature boy , the 17 time Champ , the limosine riding Rick Flair In a Retirment Match. You know how big this shit it is. No matter who wins expect a celebration after the match and that special Mania feeling that we have been missing since Benoits win.

Edge vs The Undertaker .... The match that everyone has been asking for , now it's not that special ?

Orton vs HHH vs Cena .... Now Imo this is a huge match. 3 biggest stars in Raw going at it.

Batista vs Umaga ... Imo I know this is a match that happens annualy but just looking at Batista vs Umaga gets me fricking excited expect it to be a great match.

Floyd vs Big show ..... dissapoiting yes so far couldve been so much better.

MITB ... going to be off the hooks (H)

And dont forget we still got 3 weeks ahead of us.
There appears to be quite a few celebrities appearing at this years event. Mayweather is being led to the ring by 50 Cenat. I think this is great. He's a pretty big star, and it'll make the match feel far more important than it is.

Raven-Symoné is supposed to be there. She's of some kids show. Fuck knows why she's there.

All I've seen of Kim Kardashian is her sucking some guys dick. I don't know what else she does.

Snoop Dogg is apparently going to be the announcer for the Playbody match. Pointless. But again. At least it's for an unimportant match. It's better that the celebs don't take away from the wrestlers. I just hope it doesn't end up like WM 11.
Wrestlezone Main Page said:
MVP qualified for the WrestleMania XXIV Money in the Bank ladder match at last night’s SmackDown/ECW house show. MVP beat Jamie Noble to become a participant, only two spots remain as Carlito, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Ken Kennedy, and Shelton Benjamin have already qualified.

Well it's official now, this match will not happen. Apparently MVP qualified for the Money In The Bank Ladder Match on a house show Saturday night. This is a shame as I was actually looking forward to this match, but whatever. I think WWE didn't want to push Matt Hardy to return too soon, as his health was still uncertain, and WWE would not want to risk another injury.

So, like a poster above said, this match will still happen, but not at WrestleMania, but more likely Backlash or a later PPV.
Ill piggy back on what Jake said by saying im really pleased at how this is shaking out, as far as all the celebrity involvement, and how this is starting to shape out as very high profile. True it should all be about the wrestling, but all this extra mainstream stuff is making it very much feel huge, and superbowlish. I especially like John Legend doing america the beautiful, and 50 cent leading mayweather down to the ring. This is really giving this WM the big time, high profile, Wrestlemania atmosphere, and "feel" that the last few have lacked IMO.

This WrestleMania is shaping up to be a one big MEH. How is this card any better than any PPV we had throughout 2007? Wow, Edge vs Taker...It suddenly makes everyone shit themselves, but yet after the match, everyone will be let down because they hyped it up to be a 5 star classic. I see this WrestleMania as bad, but not as bad as 23. 23 was just horrid. The Mayweather storyline owns the Trump storyline, so maybe something somewhat entertaining will go down. As for the celebrities, meh, WrestleMania needs some everynow and then. But as for the matches...:lmao:

A lackluster looking Triple Threat...Hmmm..What ever happened to building the classic one on one main event that'll end the show with a bang, like Cena/HBK from last year etc etc.. Those are the good main events that have you pumped. Triple Threats are more like for PPV's like Backlash or some shit. Not Mania. The Edge/Taker feud was built wonderfully besides that Armageddon fuck up. Which is why it would make the better main event. Won't happen because HHH has to go off camera holding that atrocious spinner. Boring. The match won't be too bad, but it'll be alot of HHH vs Orton with Cena laying on the outside.

The MITB has alot of good superstars but why not put them in matches? Again with the pointless MITB match. Isn't their like 8 guys this year too? *Yawn*. I'd rather have some other matches. Has WWE forgot they have mid card title belts?

Flair/HBK. Shit match but historic. As for the rest of the card. Who gives a shit?
They do stuff like that for house shows. I fully expect him to be involved in a one on one match with Hardy at Mania.

They do it so the people at the house show thing they've seen something unique. It's not like anybody'll listen when they complain that MVP has already qualified or whatever.
Given the change to the card and addition, I guess I'll end up reposting my thoughts next week. Still not worth 55 though, but MITB is sounding better at least.
First of all, I think it'd be a shame if there was no ecw match on the show. If there isn't, then why should Joey Styles and Taz go all the way over there just to call part of the Money in the Bank match? ECW has a talented roster and it'd be a shame if they didn't get a chance at wrestling at the big show.

Whether there is or isn't an ecw match, I'm not ordering the show. First of all it's $55 which is way overpriced and the card is nothing special. I have a feeling Batista vs Umaga is going to be plodding and the playboy match will be stupid. My prediction is that either Flair vs HBK or Undertaker vs Edge will be the match of the night.
So I am hopeful that there is a good Santino segment during this year's Mania. In year's past, we've seen Hogan come out and confront a variety of people and beat them up for no reason.

In my mind, the coolest scenario would have Santino coming out and rambling about God knows what, only to have the Rock come out and have the two exchange some barbs before the Rock smacks him around quickly. I mean, the Rock will be there the night before for the HoF and you could assume he'd be there also for the big show the next day. Would it be that difficult to convince him just to do this small little role while he's there? If it does end up happening, well then, colour me excited.

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