General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

amazingly set the new WrestleMania record of 74, 000 + in attendance. Congrats Vince McMahon!

-No it didn't. Mania III still holds the Mania (and still worldwide indoor?) attendance record. Mania 24 set the Citrus Bowl attendance record.
Now, WrestleMania 9, the most disliked WrestleMania to the fans

Um, inaccurate assumption? Mania XI? It was like Mania 24 if only it had Show v. Mayweather in the main event......and well, didn't suck. Mania IX>>>>>>>>Mania XI.

did it remind anyone of WCW? I mean, especially with the palm trees, such a nice sight.

No. Because Bash at the Beach was inside, and it didn't have the greatest set and pyro display in sports-entertainment history. Also, it wasn't predictable and poorly booked, like WCW. Although, I was reminded of WCW with the TNA flyover. They can't compete so they try to do desperate things like that. WCW was pretty good for that. So, I guess in a way.:p
i thought wrestlemainia was good but you know whats really funny is how the dumb tna fans come to wrestlezone and try rating it a "F" haha these no please dumb fans like this is there

just because every tna event is a "F" doesnt mean u got to vote wwe events as a "F"


I agree my friend. This show was deffo an A grade show, A* if I could give it. Off you go TNA fans, go back to your small, dingy studio to tape your great PPV's.

Us WWE fans will be travelling the world, filling up stadiums with over 70,000 people.
I just thought I'd let you guys know that I encountered an odd event with the WWE HD system last night...
When HBK and Ric Flair's match was on, and Michaels had a laid-out Flair set up for the superkick, I could clearly hear Michaels say, "*groans* Take your time.*groans*" It seemed like he was trying to cover up telling Ric to take his time getting up. Just thought I'd share, as I believe that Michaels being heard was a direct effect WWE HD system.
WM cost me $55 and it was worth every penny.

BunnyMania (Just God Awful)
- I lol'd at the power outage. Santino is fucking hilarious. I loved his interview and the Snoop Dogg clothesline at the end.

Batista vs. Umaga
- I was disappointed with this match because I was really looking forward to it. Umaga carried that match all the way to the end, and then Batista finishes it with a botched Batista Bomb. Decent match, but I was expecting more.

ECW Title Match
- Great job in re-establishing Kane as a monster.

Belfast Brawl
- This angle needs to end ASAP. The match was better than I expected, I'll admit, but the ridiculous storyline wasn't working for me. I loved the Suicide Dive-Garbage Can Lid spot.

Career Threatening Match
- Possibly the best match of the night, and that means a lot coming from me since I hate Ric Flair's recent matches with a passion. Great storyline, emotion and build up.

Money in the Bank
- Morrison really stepped it up and was easily the star of this match. I would have enjoyed it a bit more if Jeff Hardy was there for some impressive high spots. I was rooting for Kennedy or MVP to win though. I don't think CM Punk is ready for a major title. Cashing it in for the ECW title would be a waste. Also, I have to wonder where Y2J's career is going. I was really surprised when he didn't win this match. Did he not demand any title shots or something?

Mayweather vs. Big Show
- It was better than I expected, but it didn't deserve to be that high on the card. This match did a good job in getting WWE press coverage though, and I guess that's what Vince wanted.

Triple Threat WWE Title Match
- I was shocked to see Randy Orton retain. I was really expecting Triple H to win. Props to the Creative team on this match.

World Heavyweight Championship
- This was my favorite match since I was waiting for a long time to see it. I loved to see the Attitude era Undertaker robe. Both entrances were awesome. The match had a slow start but it really picked up. They did a great job in making people doubt whether Undertaker's streak would stay alive or not. I wish the match ended in classic Undertaker fashion: with the Tombstone.

Overall, great PPV. 9/10.
Wow I just saw the video of the fireworks malfunction. Man that must have been scary, it was kind of eerie with the Taker's music in the background. I wonder if there are going to be any lawsuits because of this? Anyone else have any thoughts?
I am sure it has been discussed already but I was there in the section where the pyro malfunction occured in the upper deck of the Citrus Bowl during Undertakers post match celebration, and it was total chaos in that area of the stadium. I had 1-2 of the pyro balls I guess you can call them that fly right me and the heat coming off of them was ungodly hot.
This Wrestlemania was definately better than the previous 2.. and it was crazy

Punk winning the MITB match was great .. hard to believe this guy was nothing in TNA and the WWE is in the process of making him into a big star. props to everyone in the match as they continue to evolve ladder matches ..

The brothers of destruction rule the WHC And ECW championships.. I think they shouldve had a moment similar to the one from WM 20 where Kane wouldve came out and they both posed together in the ring with the belts..

Randy Orton Became the Second Heel to retain the WWE title at Wrestlemania by beating Cena and the first guy that did it back in 2000 HHH.

Flair Michaels was reminded me of the rock vs. Hogan match..but the rock hogan match was about entertainment while this one was about actual wrestling..

Edge cut one of the best promos ever to set up his eventual stellar preformance vs. taker.. taker must really respect edge and batista to let them kick out of the tombstone
The Hi def broadcast of Wrestlemania cost me 55$


So everyone with their chicken little crying out claims of the PPV supposedly costing 2,000$ or whatever ridiculous stupid ass fucking number WZ news site posted, who I attempted to tell that price was a large overexaggeration, I was RIGHT. PLEASE stop taking WZ news site outlandish claims as god's truth. Use your damn brains. I knew there was NO DAMN WAY that PPV would cost 70 damn dollars. Thats an absolutely ludicrous amount of money to charge for anything on a TV. ANd if I could find the fucking thread that had this as its subject I would be posting this in THERE. lol

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