General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

1. If they have Punk cash in the MitB for a shot at the ECW title, I will only watch TNA. I thought when he won, Edge was for sure going to go over.

2. If Punk becomes a major champion before Jeff Hardy I will puke. Punk is sloppy, misses spots and is going to get someone killed. When he wrestles someone outside of ECW, someone like HHH , whose body control can't cover for Punk like Shelton or Chavo's, in a 20 minute match, and HHH gts injured, the WWE might only watch TNA from now on. He needs to drop that briefcase, or get squashed by Orton ASAP.

3. Kane winning in five seconds is brilliant. I was on another board where everyone thought he should remask. I didn't like the idea, I just wanted him to be a badass again. I thought he would have to turn on Taker. But squashing Chavo makes him a badass and doesn't mean he has to turn. Have him become the tag champs by himself and I'm gonna buy his T-Shirt.


5. Cena jobbed out at mania, will everyone stop hating on one of the E's best workers. Honestly, as much as everyone hates on him, his matches never suck.

6. Batista and HBK can at least get a group rate on hospital rooms.

7. So many guys put their bodies on the line like never before. This was what Mania is all about.

8. Ric Flair is the greatest worker in and out of the ring any of us will ever see. He got to go out like a champ, even though he lost. While I thought Edge should do it, for elevation purposes, what I want is insignifigant. Flair wanted it to be HBK because HBK could pull my dead grandmother to a 3 star match, and Flair is a little more athletic than her. Thank you Ric for my 20+ years as a fan. I hated you when you wanted me to, and loved you as much as I can another man, not in "that" way. If you're ever limo ridin, jet flyin, wheelin, or even dealin, and you need a buddy, give me a call.

TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Wrestlemania XXIV (24)

The Opening: So, the opening pyro honestly was horrible. With such a wide open option available to them, they went for more fireworks than actual stage pyro. As a result, because there isn't a dome to inclose the sound, the pyro didn't come across on Pay Per View as anything big.

John Legend opens. Why Lilian can't just sing this song herself is beyond me. I understand Wrestlemania needs big names to boost the star power, but no way is this guy better at the song than Lilian.

The Matches:

Belfast Brawl: Finlay w/ Hornswoggle v. J.B.L.: Overall, the opening match is the one expected to be the most hard hitting of them all. Hornswoggle is brought out by Finlay, as the match gets under way with Finlay taking it to J.B.L... until he decides weapons are needed.

Honestly, the match was not what some said it could be equalled to. Some claimed the match had a heated rivalry to equal that of a Foley/Edge hardcore match. I can honestly say, this match was not anything special. I got more humor out of watching J.B.L. take random shots and Hornswoggle than I did anything else. In the end, J.B.L. picks up the victory with a clothesline from hell. So, in the end, good doesn't always win? And the ultimate understanding.. its okay to beat up helpless midgets and get away with it in the end. Nice.

Money In The Bank Match: Mr. Kennedy v. C.M. Punk v. Carlito v. Shelton Benjamin v. John Morrison v. M.V.P. v. Chris Jericho: By far, the best Money In The Bank match to date. Even (unfortunately) better than the one Edge won, in my opinion. This match was filled with tremendous spots that made me jump out of my seat, simply saying nothing more than "Holy Shit!"

John Morrison was clearly (to me) the star of tonight's match, as he had the most spots that made people take notice. Shelton Benjamin was the subjected target for pain, as he took the broken ladder spot from inside to outside of the ring.

Matt Hardy made his return to a nice ovation, delivering a twist of fate to M.V.P. taking him out of the match. Finally, when everyone figured Chris Jericho had the match wrapped up, C.M. Punk came in, sweeped Jericho's leg into the ladder, and took the match.

Brand War: Batista v. Umaga: They allowed the Raw General Manager (William Regal) & Assistant Manager (Teddy Long) introduce their respective Superstars. Overall, the match wasn't as great as I had hoped but it was more or less what I expected.

It was some nice back and forth action, although they didn't seem to give them too much time to work with. Umaga barely hit any of his spots, and in the end Batista likely destroyed his back on that wicked Batista Bomb to Umaga. Batista picks up the victory in the end.

E.C.W. Championship: Chavo Guerrero v. Kane: Ladies and Gentlemen, 5 seconds. Chavo enters via the E.C.W. General Manager announcing him, Kane's music hits, he enters behind everyone.. Chavo turns around, the bell rings, Chavo rushes, Kane grabs and delivers a thunderous Chokeslam, makes the cover and becomes the NEW E.C.W. World Heavyweight Champion.

All in all, I hope this is what Kane needs to light a fire within him to be a better Superstar, because like it or not, hes the new guy on top of E.C.W.

Career Threatening Match: Ric Flair v. Shawn Michaels: Staged or not, Shawn Michaels in all likelyhood busted the **** out of his ribs. The early moonsault spot to the announcer's table could've easily shaved years and several monthes off of whats remaining in Shawn Michael's storied career.

Overall, the match wasn't anything completely special, but given the opponent, Shawn did what was exactly asked of him, which was give Ric Flair an ending match that the world would remember. I wasn't a huge fan of the semi-ending, where H.B.K. went for the Superkick then stopped. All in all, I understand why, but it just pisses me off that he knows and had knew all along going into the match what was at stake if he were to win. So why suddenly get second thoughts in the middle of the match.

Only to then lock in your own version of a figure four, in which had Flair tapped it would've ruined his entire career.. or rather ended it in irony. Again, great match.. just bad spots.

BunnyMania: Beth Phoenix & Melina w/ Santino Marella v. Ashley Massaro & Maria: The greatest part to this match was when the Power went out. :lmao: Apparently Orlando doesn't care about the Divas anymore than the rest of the Wrestlemania audience. hahaha

Seriously though, giving Beth & Melina the victory shocked me because the match was built around Divas instead of female wrestlers, but I'm happy they didn't crap on the talented female's for the playmates. Santino, Jerry Lawler and Snoop Dogg all played stupid roles in the match.

W.W.E. Championship: Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton v. John Cena v. Triple H.: SHOCK OF THE NIGHT! Randy Orton walks out of Wrestlemania with his Championship intact. And to beat all else, he pinned John Cena to do it! What does this say to everyone?

1. Triple H. didn't win the Championship like everyone assumed. 2. John Cena is NO LONGER undefeated at Wrestlemania. 3. Randy Orton just became a legend, for being one of very few heels to walk in and out of a Wrestlemania with his Heavyweight Championship.

The match itself was very good for as far as Triple Threats go. They had great action between all of them. It was pointed out to me that Randy Orton may of injured his knee, or he sold it really greatly. Either way, I'm happy for the shock that I received as I never seen Randy Orton leaving Mania with the Championship. Hell, to be completely honest I was never sold on him entering with it.

The Biggest v. The Best/Anything Goes Grudge Match: The Big Show v. Floyd 'Money' Mayweather: The announcers pointed out that at some point during the WEEK, this match was turned into an Anything Goes match. I must have missed that memo.

In my opinion, this was the worst thing to happen to the W.W.E. as far as seeing them as completely fake is concerned. Big Show, in complete honesty, should've and would've likely killed that little bug. Mayweather acted completely cocky and like a prick at the beginning of the match. I have NO clue when the roles of heel and face were reversed, but everyone was cheering Show and booing Mayweather. Furthermore, Mayweather was acting like a heel, while Show was fighting off everyone like a face.

This is nothing more than a new/next generation version of Lawerence Taylor v. Bam Bam Bigelow.

The Promos:

Kennedy Before MITB: Kennedy cut another lack-luster promo, prior to MITB about how hes going to become the first guy to ever win back-to-back MITB matches. I'm pretty sure its average promos like this as to why Kennedy didn't walk out the victor. Then I remember who actually did, and still scratch my head.

Snoop Dogg & Santino Marella: Mr. Snoopy the Dogg. Santino is a genius! And why on earth was Snoop Dogg hanging out with Festus to begin with? For them to have Snoop claim Festus was a lot like him, was basically having Snoop openly admit to being a braindead pot smoking moron. Great decision on W.W.E.'s part. Snoop had NO clue.

And Foley with the blinged out Socko.. another beautifully done segemnt.

Raven Symone/Make a Wish: HOLY CRAP! Raven made a wish for big f*cking tits and definately got a wish granted, if you ask me. SWEET MOTHER she could feed a 3rd world country with those jugs!

Outside of adding to the list of reasons why I'm going to hell, for scooping an underage (she is underage, right?) girl's huge breasts.. I laughed unbelieveably when she proceeded to ask the Make a Wish children (most of which were in WHEELCHAIRS) to stand up.

Edge: The Wrestlemania sized promo of all promos, if you ask me. Edge sold every bit of it. He recalled being an innocent child who immortalized Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania VI. A child whos innocence and dreams were shattered when the Ultimate Warrior defeated Hulk Hogan before his very eyes.

Edge said somewhere in the audience, was another young child who immortalized and innocently loved and dreamed of the Undertaker going 16-0. Edge then said it would be his pleasure to destroy that child's dreams.

Attendance Record: 74,635 in attendance. Next year, we hit Houston.

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship: Edge v. The Undertaker: Maybe its because I'm one sided in this, but Edge's entrance was a lot more big time/Mania filled than the Undertaker. Taker didn't have the usual breath-taking moment he typically does, but Edge was (like always) filled with emotion and his pyro was definately on top for being one of the best of the night.

By far the greatest match of the night. It started slow, and went kinda average until the middle when things began to finally pick up. Once it finally did pick up, it didn't slow down or stop. Edge made the biggest mistake of all, in trying to defeat the Undertaker with a Tombstone, in which Taker reversed into his own. At which point, the official had to sprint down the runway which almost looked like he was running in place for the longest period of time ever.

The match continued after a kick out, then followed by the Edge Heads making a run-in. Edge picked up a spear and it looked to be completely over, until Taker kicked out. Edge sets up and drills Taker with another finisher, but remains in between Taker's legs, as Taker uses all he had left to lock in his submission finisher and ultimately made Edge tap out, allowing Taker to officially go 16-0, and become a 6 time World Heavyweight Champion.

Overall: As a fan of pure action overall, I enjoyed the night as it was definately filled with some great moments. As a fan favorite of selective wrestlers, this was quite possibly the worst Pay Per View I've ever witnessed.

First, John Morrison stole the show (in my opinion) in the MITB match, especially when the ladders were locked and he ran up the upside down one. He honestly should've won with that alone, it was one of those "holy shit whats he doing" moves, where you would've never seen it coming. Secondly, C.M. Punk ends up with the ultimate victory? :wtf: WHY?! Morrison has been and definately is WAY more over than he is. Think back to the E.C.W. Championship wars they've had, the fans were more into Morrison than Punk.. so why does W.W.E. think Punk is ready for the next level.

If you look closely you could actually see a plane circling over head during the MITB match. You couldn't make out what it said, but I'm likely assuming that was the big T.N.A. interruption moment.

Shawn Michaels' rib busted moonsault almost had me shit myself, simply because I thought the man killed himself with internal injuries. I would NOT be shocked if he comes out tomorrow on Raw and explains to the world that he'll need the next 5-6 monthes off to repair major internal injuries. The overall H.B.K./Flair match didn't have me as hyped as I felt I was going to be.. but that move alone had me worried more than anyone, to think it was completely real and he was completely hurt badly.

I laughed incredibly hard when the lights went out during the Diva's match. Especially when the announcer's had to fill in the blanks with the classic.. "Its too early for the Undertaker to be coming out." line.

Randy Orton winning was definatey the shock of the night, next to C.M. Punk winning MITB. And the bigger shock was when Punk cashed in.. Oh, wait.. thats right.. THEY BLEW IT! W.W.E. had the best opening to give Punk his legit shot by doing the reverse role of a face cashing in on a heel.. but no, instead, congrats should go to Punk for becoming the first MITB winner to win it, yet not become a World Champion. (Kennedy doesn't count - Edge took it from him)

I was more than a bit pissed that the W.W.E. jobs out the Big Show to some good for nothing punk ass boxer, who's being billed as "the best" in the boxing world, when hes won 39 f*cking matches. Son, talk to me when you've won triple digits. I've met amateurs who have more knockouts then "Money."

The night capped me out furiously when Edge had the single greatest chance at defeating the Undertaker after absolutely little to no build at all. His spear to Taker after the Edge Heads interference was the best opening. Followed by him actually connecting on the second spear. What they should've did, was had Taker's shoulders pinned to the mat for a 3 count, RIGHT as Edge taps out. Now THATS how you should end a f*cking show!

Instead, they did the typically figured plan with Undertaker winning in the end, and seeing how long he can go before reinjuring himself only for Edge to save their ass again.

Overall.. as a fan of wrestling in general, I give it an 8 outta 10. But as a fan favorite of selective guys, the show was horrible for me.

Very obvious that you don't have an understanding of how these shows are booked at all, but it's also very obvious there's some giant holes in the WWE product.

You're hating on the pyro? Last time I checked, the pyro isn't supposed to be the focal point of the show during an entrance. I will agree that some of the pyro during entrances didn't "make" the atmosphere (Batista is the one that sticks out).

John Legend isn't a big enough name to be singing on a WWE show, he's a niche player in the music business. Would have been a better move to book a military band or choir to reinforce the "We Love The Troops" message in front of 75,000 people. For the record Lillian sings better than she announces, it's called B level eye candy. Why waste the money on a Grammy winner that only appeals/known by a small portion of the audience?
Fire that person who booked Legend.

JBL/Finlay...solid opening match. JBL continues to play the mean, nasty bastard heel. Finlay worked his ass off, but I think this should spell the end of Hornswoggle. It's tired...and when does Vince payback Finlay for the lie?
Another story that dragged out and then whole story gets forgotten to an extent.

MITB's obvious you'd like to have an affair with John Morrison. he did do some work...but didn't steal the show. I don't think anyone really did, but each person had their moments & it's obvious that each guy went to great detail to create some unique spots that we've not seen before. I mentioned on another board here that they need to change the match for next year being WM 25 and to make it special...

A 10 man MITB War Games match to begin the show...winning team competes in a MITB Hell In A Cell match later in the night. Winner take all!
I don't care what people say about War Games being a WCW idea and WWE won't do it...guess what, when you do so much with the WCW library online and on DVD (Best Of Starrcade this summer)'s something people wanna see!

Batista/Umaga....was OK. Batista tweaked his back a bit...nothing that a hot oil rub from Melina won't cure tonight at the hotel.

Bunny Mania...please release Ashley. No reaction, she knows 2 moves, & looks like a stick figure in a short skirt. Besides, now that a few in the locker room have sampled her...she's run out of dates. Candice and Maria really would have been good...since they can work with Beth & Melina. The Lawler bit is tired and he needs to go permanently...he's not good. Tazz & JR would be good. However, JR is not as good as he once was.

The ECW title match...if you left the room to hit the bathroom during Chavo's missed the match. A joke...just killed what little momentum they had. Hope they use the timeslot to begin showcasing FCW. ECW is dead...take the few good pieces from it, add them into Raw and Smackdown and release some of the jobbers from there (Duggan, Venis, etc.) and solidify the product.

Flair & Michaels...might be one of Top 10 WM matches ever. I agree Michaels legit hurt his ribs or something. The middle rope he sprung from wasn't tight enough to give him the spring which would have landed him farther back on the table. Bad camera work kinda ruined the was right to show Michaels giving his "I'm sorry & I love you" before kicking Flair a 3rd time...but they didn't need to show Flair crying before the spot started. Took away from the drama a bit...since you knew what was coming.

Triple Threat...well done...nice ending and I'll concede the point about Orton. This sets up a lot of things for the next few does Cena respond after his big comeback and losing? I smell heel turn this summer!

Show/Mayweather...YOU REALLY DON'T GET IT. You missed the heel/face change? Happened 3 weeks ago...we watching same show(s) every week?
Maybe you didn't see the crowd go nuts for Show in the promo when he threw Floyd onto the ramp? I just get sick when I see the so-called experts
pick on something when they're missing half the story.

Edge & buzz until last 5 minutes.

Other stuff...

Kim Kardashian was OK...certainly better than Mike Adamle & dude gets 300K a year to do 1 interview a week & nothing online. Her bit with Kennedy was funny, but it was obvious they weren't allowed to get too close to her. Good move by WWE to bring her in since she's pretty well known. If she wasn't dating Reggie Bush, she'd be in someone's hotel room tonight!

Raven Symone...WHY???? Not relevant to target audience & she way over did it. Even though they were trying to connect her with the Make A Wish thing, they could have found someone better. The WWE marketing dept. needs a lesson in relevance. Using a 2 yr. old Red Hot Chili Peppers song to promote your signature event...made no sense. The Fuel song for Flair's video on the other hand....excellent. BTW...she is 22 & she's 200 lbs. which explains her large chest. Thanks for making no sense on that point as well & your taste in women is well...............weak!

Using Cowboy for the WM 25 spot...again, no sense! Not down with the sheriff badge as a logo either...Vince needs help or the 3 shares will become 2's by next year.

7 of 10 overall time pay attention to the storylines before you write and stop drooling over your wall sized John Morrison poster!
Very obvious that you don't have an understanding of how these shows are booked at all, but it's also very obvious there's some giant holes in the WWE product.

You're hating on the pyro? Last time I checked, the pyro isn't supposed to be the focal point of the show during an entrance. I will agree that some of the pyro during entrances didn't "make" the atmosphere (Batista is the one that sticks out).!

Firstly, who, exactly are YOU?? You must be new, becuase around here, we dont flame others, especially while looking like a complete tool. during WM, the pyro, and showmanship, and pageantry during an entrance IS supposed to be the focal point of an entrance. and he wasnt hating on ALL the pyro, just the opening sequence of the show. Learn to read.

John Legend isn't a big enough name to be singing on a WWE show, he's a niche player in the music business. Would have been a better move to book a military band or choir to reinforce the "We Love The Troops" message in front of 75,000 people. For the record Lillian sings better than she announces, it's called B level eye candy. Why waste the money on a Grammy winner that only appeals/known by a small portion of the audience?
Fire that person who booked Legend.

so you ARE saying here, that a military orchestra would be more well known and popular than a grammy winning platinum selling artist?? On what planet?? And the slogan is "we support the troops" BTW

MITB's obvious you'd like to have an affair with John Morrison. he did do some work...but didn't steal the show. I don't think anyone really did, but each person had their moments & it's obvious that each guy went to great detail to create some unique spots that we've not seen before. I mentioned on another board here that they need to change the match for next year being WM 25 and to make it special...

Once again, the flameyness is unecessary. Especially from someone who would be OH so easy to flame for such a dumb post. Morrison by far was the most showcased guy here, and had the most high spots, and this is fairly easily recognized. And personally i found your idea for next years MITB to be downright delusional. It would never happen, and would be laborious if it did.

The Lawler bit is tired and he needs to go permanently...he's not good. Tazz & JR would be good. However, JR is not as good as he once was.

which is why he is in the HOF I guess right?? For not being good. Not to mention that Tazz says some pretty downright ******ed shit sometimes. saying JR and King arent good pretty much eviscerates any credibility you have...what little was left after misreading someone, and sounding like a jackass, then saying that Joh Legend wasnt popular enough to sing at WM, but a military band WOULD be, and apparently watching MITB with a sleeping mask on.

The ECW title match...if you left the room to hit the bathroom during Chavo's missed the match. A joke...just killed what little momentum they had. Hope they use the timeslot to begin showcasing FCW. ECW is dead...take the few good pieces from it, add them into Raw and Smackdown and release some of the jobbers from there (Duggan, Venis, etc.) and solidify the product.

Um wha??? HOW exactly does do anything to HURT ECW??? are you kidding?? Are you smoking crack?? If anything this BUILDS ECW as they now have a dominant monster face carrying the brand. Surely you cant see this as a step down from CHAVO FUCKING GUERRERO??? You sir, are the first person I have seen that didnt think this was a good idea.

And btw. Duggan works a crowd better than 2/3 of the WWE locker room, in this very day and age. And Val Venis is probably the BEST enhancement talent they have on the roster.

how does Cena respond after his big comeback and losing? I smell heel turn this summer!

you have a horrendous sense of smell. you should probably go get that checked out.

Edge & buzz until last 5 minutes.

LOL. try last 15. and BTW you just gave one of the best mania main events EVER 5 words and 1 number. good shit.

Raven Symone...WHY???? Not relevant to target audience & she way over did it. Even though they were trying to connect her with the Make A Wish thing, they could have found someone better. The WWE marketing dept. needs a lesson in relevance. Using a 2 yr. old Red Hot Chili Peppers song to promote your signature event...made no sense. The Fuel song for Flair's video on the other hand....excellent. BTW...she is 22 & she's 200 lbs. which explains her large chest. Thanks for making no sense on that point as well & your taste in women is well...............weak!

Using Cowboy for the WM 25 spot...again, no sense! Not down with the sheriff badge as a logo either...Vince needs help or the 3 shares will become 2's by next year.

Yes. giving the Make a wish foundation 5 fucking minutes on WM is a horrible stupid idea. And what the fuck does it matter how old the song is for the theme of the event as long as it fits?? So you say will is dumb for hating the pyro, but yet YOU want to sit here and bitch about a theme song we hear maybe three times, and the FUCKING LOGO??? You CANT be for real... time pay attention to the storylines before you write and stop drooling over your wall sized John Morrison poster! time pay attention to the forum rules about flaming and being a dick before YOU write. And rethink your angle before attacking one of this forums most well respected posters when you are so obviously and blatantly incorrect on pretty much everything you condescendingly say.
I didnt catch the show, but from what i have read it had its good points, and its low points.

I am shocked that Punk won the MITB. I am not sure what they are going to do with it, maybe him lose it to someone or cash it in and lose, but i dont think it makes any sense what so ever to have him with the case. who knows, vince didnt discuss any plans for jeff hardy with anyone for when he comes back so maybe punk is just holding onto the case until jeff comes back?

Orton retaining was a definite surprise. I would have bet my house that Triple H was going to walk out the champ, and I agree with a post above that they should have had Punk cash in tonight, that would have been a shock and the best way to capitolize on it.

I want to watch the edge vs taker match, sounds like it was the best of the night. i am looking forward to a few months long feud between these two. maybe have it in a buried alive match or hell in a cell match at summer slam.

batista vs umaga was there ever a doubt batista would lose and umaga will end up on smackdown now? i wish umaga would have won, they were doing such a great of building him up as a monster heel again only to have him lose.

the bunny match is something i would prefer not to see, except maybe for the stuff with santino and snoop.

kane winning in a total squash is one of the best things they could have done. kane might be able to give a little credibility to the ecw title, but who knows about that. i think having him squash chavo like he did is setting up for him to be the dominant kane he used to be.
Very obvious that you don't have an understanding of how these shows are booked at all, but it's also very obvious there's some giant holes in the WWE product.

So first lets cover the basic. You decide out of everyone who did a review, to jump on the **** of the guy who has 2,200 plus posts to claim he doesn't know what hes talking about.

Then you follow through with accepting that the W.W.E. has giant holes in their production process? Which would basically reverse everything and admit that I was right in my judgment in accepting that some things turned out like shit, yes?

You're hating on the pyro? Last time I checked, the pyro isn't supposed to be the focal point of the show during an entrance. I will agree that some of the pyro during entrances didn't "make" the atmosphere (Batista is the one that sticks out).

No, its not. Its suppose to be the single most important thing to kick off the BEGINNING of the show, which is why its there, to get you even more pumped up and ready for a night of tremendous action. They spent a fortune of fireworks based on numerous reports here on Wrestlezone, and overall the opening bit was horrible. It didn't get me pumped at all, and was likely one of the worst opening pyro scenes in all of W.W.E. Pay Per View history. (as far as pyro is concerned)

John Legend isn't a big enough name to be singing on a WWE show, he's a niche player in the music business. Would have been a better move to book a military band or choir to reinforce the "We Love The Troops" message in front of 75,000 people. For the record Lillian sings better than she announces, it's called B level eye candy. Why waste the money on a Grammy winner that only appeals/known by a small portion of the audience?
Fire that person who booked Legend.

I think its safe to say reading the bolded parts alone solidified your stupidity. But just so we're clear, you're bad mouthing the W.W.E. for bringing in a Grammy Award winner because hes not well known enough.. and you'd of rather they replaced him with a Military band/choir, because they're so much bigger known?

You see, I brought up Lilian because to be quite honest she has a much better voice than Legend and I liked her more. Overall, shes also a rising star in the music industry and the W.W.E. is backing her on it. Now that being said, I do understand why they went with Legend, as you said. (Grammy Award Winner)

Tell me though, replacing a Grammy winner with a Military band/choir, is this one of the production holes you'd fix if you were in charge? Just one quick question.. did you see the iceberg before, or after you hit it?

JBL/Finlay...solid opening match. JBL continues to play the mean, nasty bastard heel. Finlay worked his ass off, but I think this should spell the end of Hornswoggle. It's tired...and when does Vince payback Finlay for the lie?
Another story that dragged out and then whole story gets forgotten to an extent.

This match was definately not solid. It lacked in the passion that is should've carried. Finlay got beat down half way through the entire thing, and barely had any offense. Sure he got in a couple moves, but Finlay should've been like a man on fire. Afterall, the storyline calls for his SON getting beat down by J.B.L.

Furthermore, having J.B.L. win has to go down in history as one of the all-time biggest :wtf: moves ever. Short of dragging out a rematch at Backlash. (which to be honest, I kinda thought the point of a hardcore brawl was to end a feud) So, if things ended as is, it basically tells the world midget violence is okay in the end, because you can get away with it.

MITB's obvious you'd like to have an affair with John Morrison. he did do some work...but didn't steal the show. I don't think anyone really did, but each person had their moments & it's obvious that each guy went to great detail to create some unique spots that we've not seen before. I mentioned on another board here that they need to change the match for next year being WM 25 and to make it special...

Jericho = Walls of Jericho on a ladder, seen it before. Benjamin = leaping like a cat from ropes to the ladder, seen it before. Benjamin = Edge plunge from a year ago. M.V.P. = Twist of Fate off the ladder, seen it before. (minus M.V.P. taking it) Kennedy = absolutely nothing. (seen Lashley's performance a couple years back)

Punk = Nice finish with Jericho's leg caught up, not great though. Carlito = Back Stabber off the ladder, GREAT MOVE! Definately second best of the night.

John Morrison = Moonsault with the ladder that could've killed everyone. (bit overdone, I know) Runs up a reversed ladder and could've (should've) won on that unbelieveable sight to see. Morrison's wanted by the Orlando police for stealing the show, son, I suggest you rewatch the match.

A 10 man MITB War Games match to begin the show...winning team competes in a MITB Hell In A Cell match later in the night. Winner take all!
I don't care what people say about War Games being a WCW idea and WWE won't do it...guess what, when you do so much with the WCW library online and on DVD (Best Of Starrcade this summer)'s something people wanna see!

10 guys is 4 too many. You've added WAY too many gimmicks for a one match purpose. You want a Wargames match (double cage) to happen first, followed by a Hell in a Cell (cage) match to take place after. So, you realize T.N.A. puts on an all-cage match Pay Per View called Lockdown, it happens in April, check it out sometime.. not W.W.E. quality, but its probably gonna blow your nuts.

I agree that I love Wargames, but not when you want to warp it into some random gimmick to resolve a MITB winner.

Batista/Umaga....was OK. Batista tweaked his back a bit...nothing that a hot oil rub from Melina won't cure tonight at the hotel.

What did you expect from this match? A 40 minute technical classic? They delivered on most of what people should've been ready to expect. Two monsters, one good (Umaga) one bad. (Batista) Umaga owned the entire way through and jobbed in the end. Why? Because Raw is the superior brand without winning a match to show for it.

Also, Melina isn't with Tista anymore. Get with the times, son.

Bunny Mania...please release Ashley. No reaction, she knows 2 moves, & looks like a stick figure in a short skirt. Besides, now that a few in the locker room have sampled her...she's run out of dates. Candice and Maria really would have been good...since they can work with Beth & Melina. The Lawler bit is tired and he needs to go permanently...he's not good. Tazz & JR would be good. However, JR is not as good as he once was.

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler will always be the A. Team, noone can or ever will replace their greatness. Someday they'll move on, but it won't be by the hands of Micheal "no drama" Cole.

And Maria couldn't find talent if she was at a search for it. :disappointed:

The ECW title match...if you left the room to hit the bathroom during Chavo's missed the match. A joke...just killed what little momentum they had. Hope they use the timeslot to begin showcasing FCW. ECW is dead...take the few good pieces from it, add them into Raw and Smackdown and release some of the jobbers from there (Duggan, Venis, etc.) and solidify the product.

Seriously? They put the Championship on a Heavyweight that can move. They allowed him to slightly return to form in squashing the crap out of a guy that was clearly not going anywhere as Champion. They let Kane return to monster form in destroying Chavo.

Did it hurt Chavo? As a Heavyweight, yes. As a midcarder where he belongs? No. They put all their money on Kane for now, and win, lose or draw, its a better bet than Chavo as far as possibility and chance is concerned.

Flair & Michaels...might be one of Top 10 WM matches ever. I agree Michaels legit hurt his ribs or something. The middle rope he sprung from wasn't tight enough to give him the spring which would have landed him farther back on the table. Bad camera work kinda ruined the was right to show Michaels giving his "I'm sorry & I love you" before kicking Flair a 3rd time...but they didn't need to show Flair crying before the spot started. Took away from the drama a bit...since you knew what was coming.

How in the blue hell could it take AWAY from the drama? They zoomed in on Flair with tears in his eyes, because he KNEW it was coming. They then showed H.B.K., tears in his eyes saying he was sorry and loved him, then he blasts him for the finish.

You ended with "since you knew what was coming." -- Who the f*ck didn't know that finish was coming?! Flair's career was winding down, had it not of been tonight, I think a collective gasp followed by a "what the f*ck" would've erupted throughout Orlando.

You don't get anymore dramatic than H.B.K. v. Ric Flair, March 29th, 2008, Orlando, FL, Wrestle-fricken-Mania 24. Not a dry eye in the house.

Triple Threat...well done...nice ending and I'll concede the point about Orton. This sets up a lot of things for the next few does Cena respond after his big comeback and losing? I smell heel turn this summer!

I smell shit. I won't point at where I think its coming from though. I'll let the forum members decide.

John Cena has been a heel in the eyes of most fans for a while now, if they turn him it won't be much of a shock. Randy Orton winning has to go down in history as quite possibly the second biggest heel win there ever was. (next to Triple H. in 2000)

Show/Mayweather...YOU REALLY DON'T GET IT. You missed the heel/face change? Happened 3 weeks ago...we watching same show(s) every week?
Maybe you didn't see the crowd go nuts for Show in the promo when he threw Floyd onto the ramp? I just get sick when I see the so-called experts pick on something when they're missing half the story.

Repeat yourself, stop, then think.

Yes, I seen the show. YES, I seen the fans boo Mayweather for being a cocky little prick and cheer the Big Show for everything. NO, I didn't see a heel/face turn, because there never was one. It was never reversed as such, only through the eyes of the fans, not the eyes of the product. Mayweather was seen as the underdog defeating the unbeatable giant. Nothing more.

Edge & buzz until last 5 minutes.

:eek2: You're fucking kidding me, right? Mid of 2007, Taker & Edge begin their rivalry with Edge cashing in. End of 07, Edge screws Taker and the war/build is on. YES, it was a shit build for them to ruin Edge the way they did, but this match didn't go on last for the hell of it.

It was the most waited for match in Wrestlemania history, next to likely Hogan/Warrior. Yes, I said it. Taker v. Edge was a huge event, and would've been the very best had they built Edge better. The opening sucked because of the no-build they gave Edge, short of a week prior.

The fans suddenly got into the match toward the middle when people started realizing, "Holy shit - Edge could win." It had one of the best Mania endings ever. And as much as I dispise it, I loved it equally as a fan of suspense.

Raven Symone...WHY???? Not relevant to target audience & she way over did it. Even though they were trying to connect her with the Make A Wish thing, they could have found someone better. The WWE marketing dept. needs a lesson in relevance. Using a 2 yr. old Red Hot Chili Peppers song to promote your signature event...made no sense. The Fuel song for Flair's video on the other hand....excellent. BTW...she is 22 & she's 200 lbs. which explains her large chest. Thanks for making no sense on that point as well & your taste in women is well...............weak!

You've complained about me not following how things are done, when you then turn around and show your own stupidity. Summerslam a couple years back did a Rush - "Summertime Blues" remake. Yes, the song was new for them, but clearly not new in general.

The Chili Peppers song was something they felt could work with the setting. And their alternative song is by a band thats c.d. won't be released until late this year.

Now, as far as my taste in Women. Son, I've likely seen more Women than you've ever known of. Don't talk to me about taste, you don't know me, you don't know what I like. And I damn sure don't give a shit if you agree or disagree with me on what I think is attractive.

For the record, NO, I don't think Raven is attractive. I was merely making a crack at the "Make a Wish" product and her having extremely large breasts. I made sense and a point, you just failed to see it because your IQ only hits a certain level before the needle drops to "empty."

Using Cowboy for the WM 25 spot...again, no sense! Not down with the sheriff badge as a logo either...Vince needs help or the 3 shares will become 2's by next year.

7 of 10 overall

Hmmm.. Wrestlemania is in Texas, what could be a big marketing ploy for Texas. A song called "Cowboy." A "star" logo, and a "western theme." Wow, that Vince he sure is a moron.

Should've went with the cast of Y.M.C.A., the background being a gay bar and the song being "We Like To Party." That would've sold! time pay attention to the storylines before you write and stop drooling over your wall sized John Morrison poster!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.. do NOT talk about my wall sized poster of John Morrison. Its right next to Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes, and have you seen Morrison's abs? Tell me they didn't construct the grand canyon outta those things. Hes got more dips and curves then a freeway in Cali. Thats man-sexy right there, and you're just jealous.

Now, with all due respect.. please make sure you know just who the hell you're flaming, before you come climbing up my ****.
Firstly, who, exactly are YOU?? You must be new, becuase around here, we dont flame others, especially while looking like a complete tool. during WM, the pyro, and showmanship, and pageantry during an entrance IS supposed to be the focal point of an entrance. and he wasnt hating on ALL the pyro, just the opening sequence of the show. Learn to read.

so you ARE saying here, that a military orchestra would be more well known and popular than a grammy winning platinum selling artist?? On what planet?? And the slogan is "we support the troops" BTW

Once again, the flameyness is unecessary. Especially from someone who would be OH so easy to flame for such a dumb post. Morrison by far was the most showcased guy here, and had the most high spots, and this is fairly easily recognized. And personally i found your idea for next years MITB to be downright delusional. It would never happen, and would be laborious if it did.

which is why he is in the HOF I guess right?? For not being good. Not to mention that Tazz says some pretty downright ******ed shit sometimes. saying JR and King arent good pretty much eviscerates any credibility you have...what little was left after misreading someone, and sounding like a jackass, then saying that Joh Legend wasnt popular enough to sing at WM, but a military band WOULD be, and apparently watching MITB with a sleeping mask on.

Um wha??? HOW exactly does do anything to HURT ECW??? are you kidding?? Are you smoking crack?? If anything this BUILDS ECW as they now have a dominant monster face carrying the brand. Surely you cant see this as a step down from CHAVO FUCKING GUERRERO??? You sir, are the first person I have seen that didnt think this was a good idea.

And btw. Duggan works a crowd better than 2/3 of the WWE locker room, in this very day and age. And Val Venis is probably the BEST enhancement talent they have on the roster.

you have a horrendous sense of smell. you should probably go get that checked out.

LOL. try last 15. and BTW you just gave one of the best mania main events EVER 5 words and 1 number. good shit.

Yes. giving the Make a wish foundation 5 fucking minutes on WM is a horrible stupid idea. And what the fuck does it matter how old the song is for the theme of the event as long as it fits?? So you say will is dumb for hating the pyro, but yet YOU want to sit here and bitch about a theme song we hear maybe three times, and the FUCKING LOGO??? You CANT be for real... time pay attention to the forum rules about flaming and being a dick before YOU write. And rethink your angle before attacking one of this forums most well respected posters when you are so obviously and blatantly incorrect on pretty much everything you condescendingly say.

First of all...I'm entitled to an opinion! Second of all, judging someone by their number of posts is a joke! I'm a guy in the target demo that's been following the business for 20 years & also works in the media. I've created, promoted, produced, & hosted events (mainly concerts) with the same size audience in terms of a Monday Night Raw or larger. I'm very familar with how to promote a brand using marketing & overall pop culture relevance.

Coming for someone who's tagline is "Enforcer of the WZ Tag Belts" or whatever it says shows me how much you do know.

I don't care about someone's number of posts on their comments either. if you think I was flaming...that's your interpretation. Any sane person would call it an opinion. Now on to you rant of my thoughts...and what you don't get IMO!

John Legend is 5 at best in terms of relevance to the average wrestling fan.
If you bring in a name artist...bring in someone with more current mass appeal or a legendary older artist that would make sense to have sing "America The Beautiful" like when Aretha Franklin did it in Detroit or wherever that was. THAT WAS THE FREAKING POINT! Do think that a 30 yr. old guy was into John Legend or the family of 5 at home watching on PPV?
Hell, no! WWE booked him mainly cause he was a Grammy winner & figured people would be impressed!

WWE has always been about making a statement...bringing a military band and recovering soldiers would have been more in line with the company's support of the troops & made a bigger heartfelt impact given the overall tone of the evening! We love the troops or we support the troops...don't matter either you say it, thanks for being a true nit!

My point about the pyro...whatever you wanna think dude...I don't think it fit and in most cases it didn't add to most of the entrances especially with a 1/4 or more long walk to the ring!

Morrison was not the most showcased guy in the match....PERIOD! I remember 2 things he did...the ladder bit and crotching himself on the top rope after falling from the ladder. Besides...he wasn't booked to win and came close only once to grabbing the case! Like I said...each person worked well together and provided a lot of action! I cracked the OP for his love of Morrison based on interpretation of his constant mentioning of him. You don't like it...too bad! My opinion...enforce that...oh can't!

My thoughts on next year's MITB....delusional? It's called thinking outside the box and doing something to spotlight an obviously great match concept at the 25th anniversary of the original super pro wrestling card! You wanna build to something...try that! I seem to remember a time when people thought the Elimination Chamber was a joke because it came from Bischoff (true story) and seemed too much like War Games. Gee...didn't they do 2 EC's at a non-major PPV last month. Remember...anything can happen in the WWE?

Lawler's in HOF fame mainly due to his long career and being respected by fans, wrestlers, & promoters. His gimmick behind the mic is 1-dimensional & mostly doesn't do anything to promote the image of match or a wrestler.

Tazz's on-air image is more relatable to the average fan that doesn't read the net as much as you. He's more in touch & talks to the fans instead of yelling "Puppies" every 5 seconds or some other bad remark. Tazz is a believable announcer!

Bobby Heenan was fabolous calling matches with people cause he could switch gears with anyone he worked with. Lawler can't! Not saying Tazz is best...but better than Lawler. Grisham, Josh Matthews, & Mike Adamle are a waste of money considering there's plenty of talented announcers that could do their gigs 10 times better.

Onto does doing a live/taped show every week that has about 6-8 decent talents build up to a title match at the "Super Bowl" of wrestling & then give it's first ever WM title match 5 seconds...and you not think it doesn't mean they don't care about the product!??!?!?

Has nothing to do with Chavo, who's actually more valuable to them than Duggan, Venis, Striker, Big Daddy V, Khali, Snitsky, & other wastes of $$$ and TV time. Putting the strap on Kane is better, but who will they book him against?
More repeats of him vs. Mark Henry or V? The brand died since they're not putting anything into's the wrong mix of guys & no story. Kingston is over because he's different than most. Delaney plays the role of the wimp that everyone can relate to. Dreamer is the aging vet that still can work a crowd and gets them fired up.

Burke, Kingston, Lane, Chavo, Kelly Kelly, a couple others should be split between Raw & SD to make them part of the next wave of stars...the rest should be released or given some other off camera gigs. After the current TV deal is up in another 10's over! BTW...Kane's not being used in the role he once was...wake up! AND if Venis is so great...why does he get 1 TV match every 2 months?

What do you think's gonna happen with Chris Harrins & Ron Killings go on TV? You think Val's gonna be on then? LOL....Haas & Shelton...not the future either...their stars have fallen too!

For you to make a crack about the Wish kids being in wheelchairs is simply brutal...nice thoughts! And you're calling me an idiot for "flaming"? LOL
My point was like about relevance to 90% of the audience & Raven's mgmt. team got her on the show to help push her upcoming tour in front of 1.2 million PPV users & a 75,000 person crowd. That's called Marketing 101! Didn't you notice the tone of Ross's voice when he plugged her? He wanted to puke since she was in there acting like a Red Bull infused teenager! Plz listen a little more closely Mr. Expert! Tell Vince he made a bad move promoting a 20 yr. old charitable relationship on camera that brings his company great press and makes them all seem caring & real!

And I'm the joke? the media business when promoting something using music, you do need to use relevant tunes to enhance the story you're telling thru video.

You're telling me that the Fuel tune didn't make the Flair video a piece of art? You're telling me the music while mixed with effects in the Edge/UT video didn't make the whole story seem compelling? How the ____ does a 2 yr. old song called "Snow....(Hey O)" be relevant to a WWE event being held in Orlando, Florida where it's 75 degrees?

It's called taking someone's money to promote their product & not caring what the audience will think!!!

Here's my closing point...these boards are meant to express opinions. I expressed mine cause I felt some of his views were slanted & somewhat whacked! I made a comedic, sarcastic response about it! You don't like it, too freaking bad! Go cry to someone! But to accuse me of "flaming" someone cause of their "respect online" and "who do I think I am" and the other dozen or more insults....


Now that you've pounded the table at my response and screamed at your cat that I'm a _____ or a ____....I implore you to respond like an adult & match wisdom with me instead of coming off like an teenaged internet mark who's not in tune with reality!'s my opinion that some of the "insiders" here also are whacked, jaded, & don't have any relevance to discuss the current product...Eric from BB8, Joe E. Legend, Kevin Kelly, Gilberti, Scott Hudson, & more.

Some of the news posters that host a internet radio show here as well, have even admitted they don't watch the product they discuss. So how can they establish credibility with people that listen or read the site?

Again...say something that makes sense in your response instead of crying about the rules or running to the admin.
Well, Will took care of pretty much everything I wanted to say. Morrison stole the match, IMO. And the Mayweather/Show match did not match the crowd flow AT ALL. Hopefully this will prevent Vince from paying ridiculous amounts of money so that arrogant celebrities can bury actual talent. Blah, Mayweather.

As for pyro...I thought it was the best I've ever seen. I thought the individual entrance pyros were a little lax, but it's outside w/o the arena effect. But the whole stadium, the set, the fireworks at the end, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh it was beautiful.

As for Will and what's his name and what just happened...Will will be played by the dude...other guy played by the cat...




I think that sums it up pretty well. No need to attack Will.
First of all...I'm entitled to an opinion! Second of all, judging someone by their number of posts is a joke! I'm a guy in the target demo that's been following the business for 20 years & also works in the media. I've created, promoted, produced, & hosted events (mainly concerts) with the same size audience in terms of a Monday Night Raw or larger. I'm very familar with how to promote a brand using marketing & overall pop culture relevance.

Coming for someone who's tagline is "Enforcer of the WZ Tag Belts" or whatever it says shows me how much you do know.

1.Im not judging you by your number of posts. had you something other than a totally assinighn post, attacking one of most respected guys, with no cred behind yourself, will get you on the bad side of me. Having an opinion is perfectly fine. Attacking someone is not.

2. I could give a flying fuck what you do for a living. Especially since all those years of experience with things of this natue have ibviously given you little to no knowledge regarding what you are talking about.

3. Saying judging someone according to their post count is a joke, but then telling me I know nothing becuase my tagline is "the enforcer of the WZ tag CHAMPIONS" (once again learn how to fucking read) makes you look extremely stupid.

I don't care about someone's number of posts on their comments either. if you think I was flaming...that's your interpretation. Any sane person would call it an opinion. Now on to you rant of my thoughts...and what you don't get IMO.

you know what?? your right. That IS my interpretation. And im not a mod, and so im not going to play mod, and argue with you if it was flaming or not. Im sure it will be addressed.

John Legend is 5 at best in terms of relevance to the average wrestling fan.
If you bring in a name artist...bring in someone with more current mass appeal or a legendary older artist that would make sense to have sing "America The Beautiful" like when Aretha Franklin did it in Detroit or wherever that was. THAT WAS THE FREAKING POINT! Do think that a 30 yr. old guy was into John Legend or the family of 5 at home watching on PPV?
Hell, no! WWE booked him mainly cause he was a Grammy winner & figured people would be impressed!

dude...DOES IT TRULY FUCKING MATTER?? Its the fucuking national anthem!! Which is forgotten by every last damn fan in the audience about 2.5 seconds after the last note. Im sure many fans simply just shut off Mania, becuase John Legend wasnt "relevant" to them, right after the national anthem.

Morrison was not the most showcased guy in the match....PERIOD! I remember 2 things he did...the ladder bit and crotching himself on the top rope after falling from the ladder. Besides...he wasn't booked to win and came close only once to grabbing the case! Like I said...each person worked well together and provided a lot of action! I cracked the OP for his love of Morrison based on interpretation of his constant mentioning of him. You don't like it...too bad! My opinion...enforce that...oh can't!

HOW was he NOT?? He had the most spots based around him!!! What the FUCK would you consider being showcased then?? Um yea u missed the part were he did a fucking moonsault with a ladder in his hands from the inside to the outside while listing the spots. and when he almost grabbed the case, it was an upside down tipped over ladder. But yea, they didn especially have in any good spots...sure dude LOL

Onto does doing a live/taped show every week that has about 6-8 decent talents build up to a title match at the "Super Bowl" of wrestling & then give it's first ever WM title match 5 seconds...and you not think it doesn't mean they don't care about the product!??!?!?

By putting it on a credible respected heavyweight and making him look dominant??? Like I said, you are the one and only person ive seen who took issue with this. but go ahead and keep that fist raised partner ;)

Has nothing to do with Chavo, who's actually more valuable to them than Duggan, Venis, Striker, Big Daddy V, Khali, Snitsky, & other wastes of $$$ and TV time. Putting the strap on Kane is better, but who will they book him against?


They have this guy named Shelton Benjamin. He worked a pretty entertaining program with him recently. another guy named Elijah Burke who is an amazningly promising up and comer. Actually the vast majority of good ECW talent is heel, so it makes an exceedingly large amount of sense for them to have an experienced legit face champ to feud with, and put over young heel talent. But I guess you know better, becuase you promote concerts and shit :rolleyes:

BTW...Kane's not being used in the role he once was...wake up! AND if Venis is so great...why does he get 1 TV match every 2 months?

What do you think's gonna happen with Chris Harrins & Ron Killings go on TV? You think Val's gonna be on then?

1. So I guess thats why he was booked to totally destroy a world champion in WRESTLEMANIA last night. you just cant help but contradict yourself can you???

2. Do you even know what the term enhancement talent means???

For you to make a crack about the Wish kids being in wheelchairs is simply brutal...nice thoughts! And you're calling me an idiot for "flaming"? LOL
My point was like about relevance to 90% of the audience & Raven's mgmt. team got her on the show to help push her upcoming tour in front of 1.2 million PPV users & a 75,000 person crowd. That's called Marketing 101! Didn't you notice the tone of Ross's voice when he plugged her? He wanted to puke since she was in there acting like a Red Bull infused teenager! Plz listen a little more closely Mr. Expert! Tell Vince he made a bad move promoting a 20 yr. old charitable relationship on camera that brings his company great press and makes them all seem caring & real!

Erm, direct me to ther place were I Mighty NorCal, made the crack about the kids in wheelchairs??? Once again, I find your reading skills to be somewhat lacking, since I failed to mention the make a wish in my reveiw. Add to that im involved with the make a wish program. Thanks for playing though. and as I said earlier, Im sure it truly mattered to your "target audience" im sure everyone veiwing was so incensed by that 5 minute spot featuring Raven Symone that they turned off their televison sets.

Now that you've pounded the table at my response and screamed at your cat that I'm a _____ or a ____....I implore you to respond like an adult & match wisdom with me instead of coming off like an teenaged internet mark who's not in tune with reality!

1. I do not own a cat
2. I assure you I was nothing but reclined in a large bean bag chair eating a bowl of ice cream while reading your post
3. OOOOOOHHHH you called me the "M" word. fuckin right im a mark. I love wrestling. Which is why im not sitting here bitching about who sung the national anthem, and who represented the make a wish foundation after veiwing one of the best Manias of all time.

Again...say something that makes sense in your response instead of crying about the rules or running to the admin.

I assure you I did not cry to any admin. And ill tell you something that should make a lot of sense. Ill break it down as simple as can be, you know, so it can make sense....

THIS is MY HOUSE. And YOU WILL NOT come in here and disrespect people who I consider my friends, and who I hold in high regard, wether it be will or anyone else.

Hope THAT made sense.
First of all...I'm entitled to an opinion! Second of all, judging someone by their number of posts is a joke! I'm a guy in the target demo that's been following the business for 20 years & also works in the media. I've created, promoted, produced, & hosted events (mainly concerts) with the same size audience in terms of a Monday Night Raw or larger. I'm very familar with how to promote a brand using marketing & overall pop culture relevance.

Coming for someone who's tagline is "Enforcer of the WZ Tag Belts" or whatever it says shows me how much you do know.

So what you're getting at is roughly put. Its okay for you to express your opinion and shit all over someone else's. (mine) But when the table turns, and we put you in your place we various points of truth, you get all offensive and play a "opinion" card? News flash, genius, these are our opinions too.

Further more, did you not just try to sell yourself to us, by running down an internet make-believe list of shit you have or haven't done? What purpose does it serve? Do you honestly believe any of us "lesser people" on the internet forum would truly give two thoughts about what you've done in life? Short answer - NO.

You wanna run down NorCal for having a tag line in his signature, but only after you rant off a list of bullshit as far as the eye can see? Why didn't you put Micheal Jackson's personally fluffer in there as well, I could've believed that one. Bottomline, don't shit on someone else unless you expect it in return. Everyone has opinions, get used to it.. oh, thats right, you can't.

I don't care about someone's number of posts on their comments either. if you think I was flaming...that's your interpretation. Any sane person would call it an opinion. Now on to you rant of my thoughts...and what you don't get IMO!

Well, judging by the fact that I'm a moderator over this forum and know the rules pretty well I'm sure I can point out several cases in which your "opinion" was a bit flamey. Now before you cry wolf or beat yourself to death over complaining at me some more, "I" won't be the one to pull that trigger because I decided to reply to you. Thats not to say someone else won't, however, so I do suggest for your own greater good you watch what you say.

I'm not saying you can't state your point in a tone, I'm merely saying don't all-out bitch.

John Legend is 5 at best in terms of relevance to the average wrestling fan.
If you bring in a name artist...bring in someone with more current mass appeal or a legendary older artist that would make sense to have sing "America The Beautiful" like when Aretha Franklin did it in Detroit or wherever that was. THAT WAS THE FREAKING POINT! Do think that a 30 yr. old guy was into John Legend or the family of 5 at home watching on PPV?
Hell, no! WWE booked him mainly cause he was a Grammy winner & figured people would be impressed!

I don't honestly think anyone was arguing with John Legend being anything great. If you've read anything I wrote, I was saying I'd rather have someone else. (Lilian) However I jumped on what you said, because you had the nerve to claim a Grammy Award winner was better known than a military marching band.

I'm pretty sure the Grammy didn't get handed to Legend for the hell of it. So wrestling fan friendly or not, I'm definately sure hes known by some, if not most. LIKED, is another story.

WWE has always been about making a statement...bringing a military band and recovering soldiers would have been more in line with the company's support of the troops & made a bigger heartfelt impact given the overall tone of the evening! We love the troops or we support the troops...don't matter either you say it, thanks for being a true nit!

Wrestlemania = Big names/Celebs. Bright lights, big spots.

Military bands aren't big names. They're heartfelt. Save it for the holidays when people care more. For someone in marketing, you sure don't know how to properly do it. Why should anyone give a crap about the troops, when Mania IS NOT surrounding anything with them, outside of the opening anthem?! Absurd to waste a good spot on a known singer, for some unknown band to promote love for troops during a drinking holiday season. (St. Patty's)

Beautiful marketing ploy there, genius. Should we hand out free guns with single bullets, or sell them at the gift shops?

My point about the pyro...whatever you wanna think dude...I don't think it fit and in most cases it didn't add to most of the entrances especially with a 1/4 or more long walk to the ring!

Was this you agreeing with me? About the pyro being shit at the opening? Because originally you weren't agreeing. I'm confused on where you're siding now.

Morrison was not the most showcased guy in the match....PERIOD! I remember 2 things he did...the ladder bit and crotching himself on the top rope after falling from the ladder. Besides...he wasn't booked to win and came close only once to grabbing the case! Like I said...each person worked well together and provided a lot of action! I cracked the OP for his love of Morrison based on interpretation of his constant mentioning of him. You don't like it...too bad! My opinion...enforce that...oh can't!

Oh no. He wasn't booked to win, lets never boost a loser. I guess Edge didn't out-shine Undertaker, or Umaga out monster Batista. I guess Randy Orton OWNED in the entire Triple Threat match.

Bottomline, Morrison did more than 2 things. Your blindness for his talent isn't allowing you to agree, merely because you want to shit all over my "opinion" (theres that word again) of someone "I" feel is incredibly talented & well deserving.

My thoughts on next year's MITB....delusional? It's called thinking outside the box and doing something to spotlight an obviously great match concept at the 25th anniversary of the original super pro wrestling card! You wanna build to something...try that! I seem to remember a time when people thought the Elimination Chamber was a joke because it came from Bischoff (true story) and seemed too much like War Games. Gee...didn't they do 2 EC's at a non-major PPV last month. Remember...anything can happen in the WWE?

You wanted to take a Wargames cage (Main Event cage match) with a HIAC cage (Main Event cage match) and combine them into two matches to more or less open a show, in determining a #1. contender.

Not only does your idea completely deminish and ruin any legacy the Wargames, HIAC OR Elimination Chamber matches carry, but you're wanting to take 10 guys (if all 10 are to be seen as legit contenders, thats likely the entire Main Event roster of all brands) and put them in a match to have one overcome them all.

Original, yes. Incredibly unbelieveable and unmarketable, absolutely. If we built next year's Wrestlemania your way with these two combined matches, then we'd need all the talentless jobbers you released to make out the rest of the card.

Lawler's in HOF fame mainly due to his long career and being respected by fans, wrestlers, & promoters. His gimmick behind the mic is 1-dimensional & mostly doesn't do anything to promote the image of match or a wrestler.

Tazz's on-air image is more relatable to the average fan that doesn't read the net as much as you. He's more in touch & talks to the fans instead of yelling "Puppies" every 5 seconds or some other bad remark. Tazz is a believable announcer!

Bobby Heenan was fabolous calling matches with people cause he could switch gears with anyone he worked with. Lawler can't! Not saying Tazz is best...but better than Lawler. Grisham, Josh Matthews, & Mike Adamle are a waste of money considering there's plenty of talented announcers that could do their gigs 10 times better.

Bobby Heenan was and is one of the true greats. He shouldn't be talked about with this conversation, however because hes no longer an announcer. Your choices are Jerry Lawler, who brings more to the table than "Puppies", thats merely what you choose to see him for.

Tazz, whom you feel is more relatable with the people with phrases like "Rocket Buster."

And Micheal Cole, who couldn't show you drama if he turned on TNT network.

Whether you like it or not, Jerry Lawler isn't the great announcer you think we make him out to be, hes the guy people look to for humor. Tazz's humor is dried and odd to say the least. And Cole is suppose to be a version of J.R. - Fat chance that'll ever happen.

Onto does doing a live/taped show every week that has about 6-8 decent talents build up to a title match at the "Super Bowl" of wrestling & then give it's first ever WM title match 5 seconds...and you not think it doesn't mean they don't care about the product!??!?!?

Has nothing to do with Chavo, who's actually more valuable to them than Duggan, Venis, Striker, Big Daddy V, Khali, Snitsky, & other wastes of $$$ and TV time. Putting the strap on Kane is better, but who will they book him against?

More repeats of him vs. Mark Henry or V? The brand died since they're not putting anything into's the wrong mix of guys & no story. Kingston is over because he's different than most. Delaney plays the role of the wimp that everyone can relate to. Dreamer is the aging vet that still can work a crowd and gets them fired up.

Burke, Kingston, Lane, Chavo, Kelly Kelly, a couple others should be split between Raw & SD to make them part of the next wave of stars...the rest should be released or given some other off camera gigs. After the current TV deal is up in another 10's over! BTW...Kane's not being used in the role he once was...wake up! AND if Venis is so great...why does he get 1 TV match every 2 months?

So you'd rather they had Chavo put up a decent fight against Kane, and you feel it would've worked better if they DIDN'T sell Kane as suddenly destructive again?

Chavo works well with Cruiserweights, and Cruiserweight sized athletes. The objective of a World Heavyweight Championship is to make you seen bigger than the average guy.

Chavo as the "Extreme" Championship Wrestling Champion was their first mistake. If you think Kane is such a bad choice, and you'd rather have Chavo back, then clearly you know nothing about your 20 years of following the business.

I agree that guys like Kingston, Burke, and a couple others have talent and should get shots. However, Burke doesn't have the size to be believable as a Main Eventer. Benjamin doesn't have the mic skills to push to the next level, Kingston is on his way, but still needs time. Kane fits for now. Deal with it.

What do you think's gonna happen with Chris Harrins & Ron Killings go on TV? You think Val's gonna be on then? LOL....Haas & Shelton...not the future either...their stars have fallen too!

Chris Harrins? For someone whos so in-depth with the business, you sure don't know wrestler names. And I imagine Chris Harris will be used as a tool, because hes coming from a company that the W.W.E. will want to bury shortly. Ron Killings debuted in dark matches recently, wearing the K-Kwik pants yet going by the name "Ron Killings."

Obviously the W.W.E. doesn't have enough faith in feeling people will remember him for being "Ron Killings" so they push it on their crowd slowly, by allowing them to remember the horribleness that was Mr. "Get Rowdy."

For you to make a crack about the Wish kids being in wheelchairs is simply brutal...nice thoughts! And you're calling me an idiot for "flaming"? LOL

Your remarks were in poor taste at members of this forum, and their "opinions." (oh no, not that word again)

My remark was a joke, about something that some could see as bad taste and others could see as funny. I didn't force you to laugh, but then again I didn't force you to read what I wrote, either.

My point was like about relevance to 90% of the audience & Raven's mgmt. team got her on the show to help push her upcoming tour in front of 1.2 million PPV users & a 75,000 person crowd. That's called Marketing 101! Didn't you notice the tone of Ross's voice when he plugged her? He wanted to puke since she was in there acting like a Red Bull infused teenager! Plz listen a little more closely Mr. Expert! Tell Vince he made a bad move promoting a 20 yr. old charitable relationship on camera that brings his company great press and makes them all seem caring & real!

Actually, if I recall correctly.. your point, and jackass opinion, was directed toward me and the "taste of women" I have. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you not make a moronic comment that was uncalled for to begin with, regarding what type of females I may or may not like?

I'm sorry, under what experience do you have in knowing what, who, or how I like my females? Where exactly does your opinion get off in thinking it could ever assume to know what I think?

Let me answer for you. IT DOESN'T. You made a stupid comment, directed at me, because you wanted to take a cheap shot. So now you deal with getting them back. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other forums.

And I'm the joke?

Yeah, I'm happy you've caught up with us. the media business when promoting something using music, you do need to use relevant tunes to enhance the story you're telling thru video.

You're telling me that the Fuel tune didn't make the Flair video a piece of art? You're telling me the music while mixed with effects in the Edge/UT video didn't make the whole story seem compelling? How the ____ does a 2 yr. old song called "Snow....(Hey O)" be relevant to a WWE event being held in Orlando, Florida where it's 75 degrees?

Have you even listened to the lyrics of "Snow (Hey O)" or simply because the title has "Snow" in it, you and your opinion drill deep up your own ass with assuming? Let me help..

When will I know that I really can't go
To the well once more time to decide on

When it's killing me
When will I really see
All that I need to look inside

Come to believe that I better not leave
Before I get my chance to ride

When it's killing me
What do I really need
All that I need to look inside

Hey oh listen what I say oh
Come back and
Hey oh look at what I say oh

Yes, it says something about snow as well, but the overall point the song is trying to make.. is taking your chance. Never giving up, before giving everything you got. Trying and failing, or trying and succeeding, instead of never trying at all.

Hmmm, sounds like something that would make out a Mania advertisement to me.

It's called taking someone's money to promote their product & not caring what the audience will think!!!

I'm pretty sure 74,000 live in attendance loved being there live, for the experience alone. I'm sure millions all across the world loved watching Wrestlemania, be it for the 24th time, or the first. Everyone will likely at least admit to loving one portion of the show.. which means it was a success on some levels.

Oh, and for the record, you really don't know shit about how W.W.E. works. Do you think they want to give you everything they have up front, when they can spread it out over the course of several monthes to make you pay more month by month to watch it unfold?

Here's my closing point...these boards are meant to express opinions. I expressed mine cause I felt some of his views were slanted & somewhat whacked! I made a comedic, sarcastic response about it! You don't like it, too freaking bad! Go cry to someone! But to accuse me of "flaming" someone cause of their "respect online" and "who do I think I am" and the other dozen or more insults....


Awww, so you whine and complain about people replying to your opinion and calling it shit, yet you feel its perfectly okay to do it to others? Tisk, tisk. You're very contradicting.

And I could care less what you think of me, or my review. It was MY review, not yours. I made it for everyone, not just you. I'm not demanding that you, or anyone else like it, love it, or hate it. Thats the beauty of it, you have a choice.

But every choice comes with a reaction. If you shit on my opinion, I defend it. Simple as that. Deal with it or leave. It won't break my heart either way.

Now that you've pounded the table at my response and screamed at your cat that I'm a _____ or a ____....I implore you to respond like an adult & match wisdom with me instead of coming off like an teenaged internet mark who's not in tune with reality!

I haven't pounded a table. And to be quite honest, I don't see you having any wisdom, I see you wanting to pick an arguement over someone else's opinion for no reason other than "you can."

What wisdom do you feel you've shown? That you can make an opinion on someone else's views? We've done that back at you. I guess we're on par.'s my opinion that some of the "insiders" here also are whacked, jaded, & don't have any relevance to discuss the current product...Eric from BB8, Joe E. Legend, Kevin Kelly, Gilberti, Scott Hudson, & more.

Some of the news posters that host a internet radio show here as well, have even admitted they don't watch the product they discuss. So how can they establish credibility with people that listen or read the site?

I'm not any of those people, however you did list off several individuals who've actually been IN the business, which is more than you can say yourself. So I'd assume they know, at least from their era in time, what the business was like a hell of a lot better than you do.

Again...say something that makes sense in your response instead of crying about the rules or running to the admin.

Trust me, you don't want an admin involved. And I'm not crying, I'm merely stating my opinion that you love so much. I'm sorry that it breaks your heart.
So first lets cover the basic. You decide out of everyone who did a review, to jump on the **** of the guy who has 2,200 plus posts to claim he doesn't know what hes talking about.

Then you follow through with accepting that the W.W.E. has giant holes in their production process? Which would basically reverse everything and admit that I was right in my judgment in accepting that some things turned out like shit, yes?

No, its not. Its suppose to be the single most important thing to kick off the BEGINNING of the show, which is why its there, to get you even more pumped up and ready for a night of tremendous action. They spent a fortune of fireworks based on numerous reports here on Wrestlezone, and overall the opening bit was horrible. It didn't get me pumped at all, and was likely one of the worst opening pyro scenes in all of W.W.E. Pay Per View history. (as far as pyro is concerned)

I think its safe to say reading the bolded parts alone solidified your stupidity. But just so we're clear, you're bad mouthing the W.W.E. for bringing in a Grammy Award winner because hes not well known enough.. and you'd of rather they replaced him with a Military band/choir, because they're so much bigger known?

You see, I brought up Lilian because to be quite honest she has a much better voice than Legend and I liked her more. Overall, shes also a rising star in the music industry and the W.W.E. is backing her on it. Now that being said, I do understand why they went with Legend, as you said. (Grammy Award Winner)

Tell me though, replacing a Grammy winner with a Military band/choir, is this one of the production holes you'd fix if you were in charge? Just one quick question.. did you see the iceberg before, or after you hit it?

This match was definately not solid. It lacked in the passion that is should've carried. Finlay got beat down half way through the entire thing, and barely had any offense. Sure he got in a couple moves, but Finlay should've been like a man on fire. Afterall, the storyline calls for his SON getting beat down by J.B.L.

Furthermore, having J.B.L. win has to go down in history as one of the all-time biggest :wtf: moves ever. Short of dragging out a rematch at Backlash. (which to be honest, I kinda thought the point of a hardcore brawl was to end a feud) So, if things ended as is, it basically tells the world midget violence is okay in the end, because you can get away with it.

Jericho = Walls of Jericho on a ladder, seen it before. Benjamin = leaping like a cat from ropes to the ladder, seen it before. Benjamin = Edge plunge from a year ago. M.V.P. = Twist of Fate off the ladder, seen it before. (minus M.V.P. taking it) Kennedy = absolutely nothing. (seen Lashley's performance a couple years back)

Punk = Nice finish with Jericho's leg caught up, not great though. Carlito = Back Stabber off the ladder, GREAT MOVE! Definately second best of the night.

John Morrison = Moonsault with the ladder that could've killed everyone. (bit overdone, I know) Runs up a reversed ladder and could've (should've) won on that unbelieveable sight to see. Morrison's wanted by the Orlando police for stealing the show, son, I suggest you rewatch the match.

10 guys is 4 too many. You've added WAY too many gimmicks for a one match purpose. You want a Wargames match (double cage) to happen first, followed by a Hell in a Cell (cage) match to take place after. So, you realize T.N.A. puts on an all-cage match Pay Per View called Lockdown, it happens in April, check it out sometime.. not W.W.E. quality, but its probably gonna blow your nuts.

I agree that I love Wargames, but not when you want to warp it into some random gimmick to resolve a MITB winner.

What did you expect from this match? A 40 minute technical classic? They delivered on most of what people should've been ready to expect. Two monsters, one good (Umaga) one bad. (Batista) Umaga owned the entire way through and jobbed in the end. Why? Because Raw is the superior brand without winning a match to show for it.

Also, Melina isn't with Tista anymore. Get with the times, son.

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler will always be the A. Team, noone can or ever will replace their greatness. Someday they'll move on, but it won't be by the hands of Micheal "no drama" Cole.

And Maria couldn't find talent if she was at a search for it. :disappointed:

Seriously? They put the Championship on a Heavyweight that can move. They allowed him to slightly return to form in squashing the crap out of a guy that was clearly not going anywhere as Champion. They let Kane return to monster form in destroying Chavo.

Did it hurt Chavo? As a Heavyweight, yes. As a midcarder where he belongs? No. They put all their money on Kane for now, and win, lose or draw, its a better bet than Chavo as far as possibility and chance is concerned.

How in the blue hell could it take AWAY from the drama? They zoomed in on Flair with tears in his eyes, because he KNEW it was coming. They then showed H.B.K., tears in his eyes saying he was sorry and loved him, then he blasts him for the finish.

You ended with "since you knew what was coming." -- Who the f*ck didn't know that finish was coming?! Flair's career was winding down, had it not of been tonight, I think a collective gasp followed by a "what the f*ck" would've erupted throughout Orlando.

You don't get anymore dramatic than H.B.K. v. Ric Flair, March 29th, 2008, Orlando, FL, Wrestle-fricken-Mania 24. Not a dry eye in the house.

I smell shit. I won't point at where I think its coming from though. I'll let the forum members decide.

John Cena has been a heel in the eyes of most fans for a while now, if they turn him it won't be much of a shock. Randy Orton winning has to go down in history as quite possibly the second biggest heel win there ever was. (next to Triple H. in 2000)

Repeat yourself, stop, then think.

Yes, I seen the show. YES, I seen the fans boo Mayweather for being a cocky little prick and cheer the Big Show for everything. NO, I didn't see a heel/face turn, because there never was one. It was never reversed as such, only through the eyes of the fans, not the eyes of the product. Mayweather was seen as the underdog defeating the unbeatable giant. Nothing more.

:eek2: You're fucking kidding me, right? Mid of 2007, Taker & Edge begin their rivalry with Edge cashing in. End of 07, Edge screws Taker and the war/build is on. YES, it was a shit build for them to ruin Edge the way they did, but this match didn't go on last for the hell of it.

It was the most waited for match in Wrestlemania history, next to likely Hogan/Warrior. Yes, I said it. Taker v. Edge was a huge event, and would've been the very best had they built Edge better. The opening sucked because of the no-build they gave Edge, short of a week prior.

The fans suddenly got into the match toward the middle when people started realizing, "Holy shit - Edge could win." It had one of the best Mania endings ever. And as much as I dispise it, I loved it equally as a fan of suspense.

You've complained about me not following how things are done, when you then turn around and show your own stupidity. Summerslam a couple years back did a Rush - "Summertime Blues" remake. Yes, the song was new for them, but clearly not new in general.

The Chili Peppers song was something they felt could work with the setting. And their alternative song is by a band thats c.d. won't be released until late this year.

Now, as far as my taste in Women. Son, I've likely seen more Women than you've ever known of. Don't talk to me about taste, you don't know me, you don't know what I like. And I damn sure don't give a shit if you agree or disagree with me on what I think is attractive.

For the record, NO, I don't think Raven is attractive. I was merely making a crack at the "Make a Wish" product and her having extremely large breasts. I made sense and a point, you just failed to see it because your IQ only hits a certain level before the needle drops to "empty."

Hmmm.. Wrestlemania is in Texas, what could be a big marketing ploy for Texas. A song called "Cowboy." A "star" logo, and a "western theme." Wow, that Vince he sure is a moron.

Should've went with the cast of Y.M.C.A., the background being a gay bar and the song being "We Like To Party." That would've sold!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.. do NOT talk about my wall sized poster of John Morrison. Its right next to Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes, and have you seen Morrison's abs? Tell me they didn't construct the grand canyon outta those things. Hes got more dips and curves then a freeway in Cali. Thats man-sexy right there, and you're just jealous.

Now, with all due respect.. please make sure you know just who the hell you're flaming, before you come climbing up my ****.

OK Corn Bred...let's see if you can figure out the meaning behind that one!

Boy did I touch a few nerves or something? LOL...I don't care if you've got 2,200 posts or 2.2 million my opinion your thoughts were whacked & it's entertaining to read that you think I don't have a clue. Read my other response to your "buddy". But, lemme attack your thoughts about my opinions...SON...LOL...BTW nice lame use of little characters!

My thoughts didn't validate mention of their production process is an opinion of how the whole show was. The pyro was lackluster overall & didn't blow me away in terms of a visual when mixed with a wrestler's entrance for the most part! Flair's & Taker's pyro...only ones that were good after the opening!

When you've got 75,000 live and 1.2 million PPV homes or more...everything you put on camera needs to be spectacular. The pyro needs to be perfectly sync'ed with an entrance. Having a celeb like Snoop drive a BMW-esque golf cart to the ring instead of having him escorted by 10 hotties to further his "ladies love me" bit....garbage!

Ask 50 average fans...if you had the choice between John Legend or another mainstream classic or current artist...I guarantee you...Legend wouldn't win!
WWE took him because he won a Grammy...plain and simple, remember WWE prides itself on being hip, current, relevant, & always bringing in the biggest stars! Compare him to others in the past that have done the role!

If you don't think an Armed Forces band doing that song after military planes flew overhead wouldn't have gotten a bigger pop...then you've inhaled too much Iowa manure!

Lillian has a good voice...rising star in music business!??!?! LOL, stop drooling over her and face reality! I'm in the * * * * * * * radio/media biz, she used her WWE spot to get a record deal & it's made her U.S. music career go nowhere! In Latin markets...she's got a shot since she's bi-lingual!


Sorry dude! Finlay hit more than a couple of moves...hit at least 3 after JBL's crash into the steps before the bell rang. Counted 7 more after another couple minutes. First 6 minutes was back & forth. Next 2 was all JBL, next 2 was Finlay. That's 10 if you can count! Then a quick :30 second rally by JBL & match is over! Watch the tape on your VCR, last time I checked Iowa didn't have DVR's! Do you actually think the overall message was midget violence is OK? WRONG!

It was about a fake story that Vince was Horn's dad & that Finlay was really the dad, then JBL defended Vince's honor in a way by telling the truth followed by an intense mini sub-plot that JBL wanted to cripple Horn for the lie & while getting under Finlay's skin to build drama & anger between the 2 leading up to the match! Ask the writing staff if you don't believe me since it surely came out that way on TV for the past few months. No rematch here since the obv. move is build JBL back to up main event status which is why he came back & went to Raw anyway! NEXT!


I agree...the spots you mention above...yes, been done before. But you missed the original point...the use of them plus some new stuff:

MVP opening with ladder as weapon vs. other 6 & joust with Y2J
Y2J monkey flips Kennedy onto ladder
Shelton sunset flip/powerbomb & suplex from ladder by K onto JM
Shelton walking rope like Taker & using ladder on Carlito
K plunges Punk onto ladder

MVP did less than anyone...obv. you weren't watching same match!

I give you JM on the moonsault & see saw bit where he got crotched, but he didn't steal the show. Was well balanced, constant action...most everyone was solid! NEXT! my prev. post to your BF about next year's MITB, ain't gonna re-type it SON!


Didn't expect a 30 min tech. classic between 2 power monsters, but there wasn't anything special to it...mostly brawling. Finish was almost an accident! BTW...when 2 people publicly & in print for the last few months mention that they've got an on/off relationship...I can make a crack about Melina giving him a massage. I was making a joke you nit! read between the lines, outside of's called sarcasm! NEXT!

Jim Ross

Will be the A announcer until they can find someone that they feel can take his place. Didn't say I didn't like Ross, but he's still old school & doesn't sell some of the things he calls like he used to. Plus, it's obvious he doesn't like plugging which is the new gen. of marketing the product to the fans. Lawler...sorry, same act for however many years is tired!

You ever hear Joe Rogan do color for the UFC...knows the product, explains psychology, cracks a joke, & talks to the fans. If WWE finds someone like him, be a much better broadcast with him. Michael Cole is brutal, but did step up years ago when Ross was on the bench. Styles was good, but has been toned down so much...he's unmotivated & will constantly be looking over his shoulder. WWE needs to find someone & let them be an announcer and tell the story the way they see it. You think Solie had someone bark in his ear when calling a match telling him not to get excited?

Playboy match....

Sorry dude you missed it again! Didn't say Maria was Trish or Lita caliber, but very much improved. Her with Candice would have been better than the overall trainwreck we saw. She's mostly fluid in the ring...


Again...what's the point of a title match on PPV that lasts 10 seconds?!!??!
I guarantee you half the fans, Kane won and killed him! That's OK. But the other half that are watching it for entertainment & drama were left holding their jaws thinking....what's the point?

My gives off the vibe of not giving a crap about ECW to the people that like ECW! How much more black/white do you want it?!?!? You tell me which direction you plan now...he's faced every guy they can push on TV as legit threats. If Kane was a monster...then why get whacked around before by Khali, V, & some others. At least if Dreamer had it, they could have some possibilities. When the brand is dead within 12 months, you can bow at my feet....AGAIN!


Again corn I said camera work...not the actions! Great storytelling in beginning when HBK caused Flair to bite his lip and the little chat about it. Great back & forth stuff for 1st 16 minutes. During last 4, Flair got up from SCM & the HBK tried a pin for 2, then back & forth chops. Then SCM number 2...then Flair stumbles up crying. Then HBK goes home.

When have you ever seen do that? Never...which to some people blows the whole belief of the friction between the 2 leading up to the match and then to the finish. I don't blame Flair for getting emotional right before it happens. But, if you're telling the story that Flair will "die" before he loses and almost has a heart attack on RAW when he gets mad that HBK calls him "Old Yeller", then you show him crying before he takes his last move & gets pinned? Ask anyone that writes & directs a protect the storyline at all costs! HBK's "conflict" was fine and helped twist the story a bit at the end which will lead to an epic interview on RAW tonight.

Again...plain English for you....great match, 1 HUGE bad camera shot before finish hurt it to an extent!

Triple Threat...

You smell s--t in...I mean corn bred? Get a clue...most men hate Cena cause they think he's a wannabe thug rapper & don't like it. Women & kids love him cause he beats up the bad's that simple. If I'm him & to help further his career...turning full blown "I'll come back and destroy HHH this summer" so that everyone can hate him, then become a face again in 2010 will help WWE in the long run. Haven't Flair, Hogan, UT, and a ton more gone back & forth to help storylines and in most cases helped them make careers?

Orton unexpected swerve and adds to the image that will get short term damage when he loses to HHH in the next 2-3 months.


Maybe I missed your sarcasm about not seeing the face/heel switch. OK.
If you think the fans turned Floyd heel, maybe...but after Rey tore his arm, what choice was there? But they still could have placed him against another heel to make Floyd a face...but the chance to make an impact a size mismatch was too obvious to pass up.

I'll agree to a point that it should have been more boxer vs. wrestler & not about size...could have turned out worse.


I'll agree slightly....great lengthy storyline, poor recent build, great pre-match Edge promo that should have been done 3 weeks ago to add fuel. Nothing but garbage with Edge Heads & seen before coffin appearances!


First of all, the match was last because of a title change & UT's streak...
nothing else. You keep asses in seats live for the hope of seeing Taker win after a title retained by Orton and Show/Floyd. Keep everyone watching at home because it's drama about a champ vs. a legend that's never lost at WM. Seriously...stop inhaling the cat's litter box fumes before you post!

1st above chat level crowd noise 4 minutes in when Edge raises his hands after chucking Taker outside ring. 2nd one comes after UT's leap over top onto Edge on the ramp...7 minutes in. Crowd goes back to chat level.

Then another 1 minute later...still nowhere near your claim of what it was.
Gee, real large pop (sarcastic) when Edge suplexes him into front row.

3 pops in 10 minutes "Mr. Legend In My Own Mind". WOW....LOL. Boy, what a fever pitch!

Now 13 minutes in & we get multiple "Yay/Boo" pops during the exchange & Cole could care less about really selling it. Finally back to back decent pops at 14 minute mark!

Sorry people want to see a "Last Ride" or "Tombstone" before pin...not an MMA move that really hasn't gotten over. Biggest pop of match to this point is almost 18 minutes in...

Light pop for Old School 2nd Coach's puking is really selling the drama here!

Big pop at 22 minute mark...for Tombstone...big pop for finish 2 minutes later because UT won, not for the move! Like I said, put a timer & sound meter to it. Last 5 minutes were biggest pops, not last 15. It;s simple fact...maybe you can find a buddy that's hooked up their 20 yr. old RCA to a stereo instead of getting with modern technology and check it that way!

Final thoughts...

I'm not saying WWE hasn't made theme song mistakes before...I'd say 75% of them have been about just taking in ad revenue not really caring about it fitting the theme.

The Raven Symone thing...showed your mentality. Spooning with the female animals on your farm doesn't count as getting women. The fact you addressed it in your response shows the exact opposite of your actual occurences.

As I "go home"...I could care less about what your internet buddies here think and if you think it means anything online as a whole. Go to bed tonight thinking you "got over" on me cause you've posted 2,200 times here & a few dozen humanoids think you have internet cred. Fact is, you couldn't hold an in face discussion about this business with anyone above the vocabulary level of an 8 yr. old.

I suppose you're gonna next tell me that the Rock's USA Network version of his HOF intro wasn't the best mic work in over a year on WWE TV? Or I suppose you'll tell me that Flair's 90 acceptance speech won't be remembered for years to come? Wait till the DVD comes out to see it all "genius".

Check the scoreboard Corn Bred...I'd say the lead is about 50-0.
Will said:
Overall.. as a fan of wrestling in general, I give it an 8 outta 10. But as a fan favorite of selective guys, the show was horrible for me.

Which is the point, WWE took the unpredictable route. WWE delivered a solid A PPV but yet you and others are all going to bitch. It's jaw dropping TBH.

As for the matches, what more could you have asked for? All the major matches everyone was pumped up for were solid, 2 4 star worthy matches in the MITB and Edge/Taker, a fucking 5 out of 2 of the greatest to ever step in a ring, and the triple threat was solid, better than expected, Finlay/JBL, great brawl. Big Show/Mayweather drew one hell of a reaction, and whoever said "maybe Vince will stop with the celebrities", Just stop it...Why would he? Did you hear that crowd? Wait until you see this buyrate.
To start off with, for anyone that thinks HBK/Flair was a 5 star match...


No way in hell was that match worthy of 5 stars.

My Review:

JBL/Finlay - Decent brawl, better than I expected. Whatever happened to good overcoming evil? 6/10

MITB - Very entertaining match, lots of cool spots. Punk winning was a shock (not a good one). No way is he ready or good enough for the WWE title or WHC, and it would be a joke if he goes for the ECW title, so I think he'll lose when he cashes it in. 8/10

Batista/Umaga - Completely unmemorable. 3/10

Kane/Chavo - Kane sucks complete ass, and will bring nothing to the meaningless ECW title. 2/10

HBK/Flair - Best match of the night, told a good story. The match already seems to be overrated, which isn't a big surprise seeing as Ric Flair is the most overrated wrestler of all time. 8/10

Bunnymania - I took a piss during this match. 1/10

Orton/HHH/Cena - Solid match, nothing great though. I expected this to be the main event, and it would have been if Cena or HHH was booked to win. It was a nice surprise to see Orton win. This is now becoming a pretty good reign. 7/10

Mayweather/Show - Entertaining match, probably as good as it could have been. 6.5/10

Taker/Edge - One of the best Mania main events of all time? NO. One of the most hyped? NO WAY. It wasn't even the most hyped match on the card, probably the 3rd most hyped. The crowd was quiet during the first half of the match, and the action was very average. It didn't have that main event feel to it, especially with the previous matches having louder crowd responses. It picked up in the second half, but it was far from a classic. 7/10

Overall - A great spectacle, and a very entertaining show. Nothing that really stands out as a classic, but definitely one of the best Mania's of the past 5 years. 8/10

Now the countdown for WM25 begins. I have a feeling that Cena will end the career of a legend by making him tap out to the STFU, therefore turning heel. And that legend... could be the Undertaker... or could it possibly be...... HULK HOGAN?!

Who knows? We'll see.
To start off with, for anyone that thinks HBK/Flair was a 5 star match...

No way in hell was that match worthy of 5 stars.

My Review:

JBL/Finlay - Decent brawl, better than I expected. Whatever happened to good overcoming evil? 6/10

MITB - Very entertaining match, lots of cool spots. Punk winning was a shock (not a good one). No way is he ready or good enough for the WWE title or WHC, and it would be a joke if he goes for the ECW title, so I think he'll lose when he cashes it in. 8/10

Batista/Umaga - Completely unmemorable. 3/10

Kane/Chavo - Kane sucks complete ass, and will bring nothing to the meaningless ECW title. 2/10

HBK/Flair - Best match of the night, told a good story. The match already seems to be overrated, which isn't a big surprise seeing as Ric Flair is the most overrated wrestler of all time. 8/10

Bunnymania - I took a piss during this match. 1/10

Orton/HHH/Cena - Solid match, nothing great though. I expected this to be the main event, and it would have been if Cena or HHH was booked to win. It was a nice surprise to see Orton win. This is now becoming a pretty good reign. 7/10

Mayweather/Show - Entertaining match, probably as good as it could have been. 6.5/10

Taker/Edge - One of the best Mania main events of all time? NO. One of the most hyped? NO WAY. It wasn't even the most hyped match on the card, probably the 3rd most hyped. The crowd was quiet during the first half of the match, and the action was very average. It didn't have that main event feel to it, especially with the previous matches having louder crowd responses. It picked up in the second half, but it was far from a classic. 7/10

Overall - A great spectacle, and a very entertaining show. Nothing that really stands out as a classic, but defineitely one of the best Mania's of the past 5 years. 8/10

Now the countdown for WM25 begins. I have a feeling that Cena will end the career of a legend by making him tap out to the STFU, therefore turning heel. And that legend... could be the Undertaker... or could it possibly be...... HULK HOGAN?!

Who knows? We'll see.


Remember guys. Strong Hogan (automatically means Flair is overrated) and Cena mark (Automatically means anything he does is instant gold). They shit on everything you like :thumbsup:

Now onto....

Now the countdown for WM25 begins. I have a feeling that Cena will end the career of a legend by making him tap out to the STFU, therefore turning heel. And that legend... could be the Undertaker... or could it possibly be...... HULK HOGAN?!

Who gives a shit? And what sense would it make for fucking John Cena to end the legendary streak of the Undertaker IN his own hometown. That's no secret by the way.

It would make no sense whatsoever, the guy whos been crammed down our throats (still gets massive heat for that, (See: Last night.) ending the streak of a legend? :lmao:

Idiotic. They wouldn't do it anyways. When people suggest that, their living in a dream land.
Much better WrestleMania than expected. Not better than 19 in my opinion, but overall better than the last three. It had the atmosphere of the "big time" show that it needed to have, but to me it's the in ring work that I care most about. For the most part I thought that was upped here to a Mania level. Now onto my thoughts on the matches.

Belfast Brawl: Not too bad, though an odd choice for an opener. Finlay's suicide dive was a bit different for him. The lack of Vince coming out and having a role was a good thing. Perhaps he is finally realizing the spotlight should be on his wrestlers and not him? I didn't mind Vince having an active on screen role in year's past, and he still has a good street fight left in him at times. But last year's overabudance of Vince made me sick of him. My guess is JBL/Finlay will continue until the gimmicked One Night Stand, which might be a bad idea. Of course it could also be blown off tonight on Raw.

MITB Ladder Match: Swerve here with Punk getting the win. Not a bad one though. Still, it was Morrison who stole the show here. Carlito's backstabber off the ladder was nice too. Not sure if this one was better than the first, but it was better than the last two. When Matt Hardy came out in his wrestling attire I almost expected the announcers to getting breaking world from the back that Hardy was officially in the match. 2nd best match of the night in my opinon. Guys like Morrison and Benjamin have a wrestling style that in my opinon is more current and will hopefully become more dominant in WWE.

Batista versus Umaga: Didn't like this one. Didn't interest me much and I was glad when it was over. Never been much of a Batista fan outside the Taker matches.

Michaels versus Flair: Match of the night for me. They went out there and did more than they had to do. It could have been kept simple and most people wouldn't have cared since it was Flair's final match. But they stepped it up, and that is what WrestleMania is about.

BunnyMania: At least the right team went over. Other than that, eh. At least it wasn't as awful as last year's Ashley stinkfest.

WWE Title Triple Threat: Good match, though nothing spectacular which was a bit dissapointing. Not a big fan of any of these guys, but I'm glad Orton went over here. He deserved it. I'm guessing we either get a rematch at Backlash or another lengthy and dull Triple H/Orton "classic". Outside their LMS match, those two have never had a match I've cared to watch a second time.

I wasn't a fan of the Money/Show angle nor did I enjoy their match. Honestly, I don't even feel like commenting much else on it.

I almost forgot about Kane/Chavo. Not a fan of squash title matches, but I am glad that Kane is finally getting a push. Even if it's with the WWECW Title. At least this squash made sense, unlike the ending of WrestleMania 9. I kind of liked the match Shelton and Kane had awhile back on tv, so something between those two might not be too bad in the coming months.

Undertaker versus Edge: Predictable outcome but still a pretty good main event. Like most folks I would agree the start was a bit slow but the action picked up later on. A solid match I guess, but in the end, I was hoping for a great match here. Still, it was a good ending to a good show and I don't want to down it. Edge going over would have been nice, but until Taker decides he wants to end the streak, it won't happen and I'm fine with that.

I'll give it a 7 and 1/2 out of 10 since there were a few things that I didn't care for and a few matches that were good, but I was hoping would be a tad more. All in all a much better effort than expected. Whether or not that will continue into the summer remains to be soon, though hopefully it will as I've not been a big fan of the WWE product for awhile now.
According to a video I just watched on, about 45 people were injured by pyros at the end of the show last night, as hot cables that guided fireworks came into contact with some necks and heads.

Not a huge deal, IMO. With all the pyro that was shooting off in that place, it's no surprise that some people got hurt. They'll get some $ to cover the medical costs and hopefully that will be the end of it. Stuff happens, so I hope that there's not a lot of whining.
Ok, so I'm watching WrestleMania over a friend's house, and I have to say, overall, it was decent. Nothing was spectacular, and nothing was god-awful, it was just uniform in general.

Opening Pyro: I have to agree with Will. The pyro for the entire night seemed off, dull, and lackluster. In WrestleMania's past, the opening pyro (and subsequent as well) really would get me psyched, but this time, it seemed less than reputable. The first thing I thought was "they spent how much on this?"

--I was surprised that this was the opener, as I thought MITB would be. As far as the match was a bit of a bore, which didn't surprise me one bit. I've been saying for a while that I thought the match would be boring and wouldn't deliver some "instant classic, incredibly brutal" showing that some people predicted. If this match was on a B-grade ppv, it would be decent, but at Wrestlemania, you're supposed to up the ante. Best shot was the diving trash can lid to the head, funniest was JBL throwing the can at Hornswoggle. I was surprised that JBL went over, and I just hope that that doesn't mean we see more of this feud.

--Didn't I call that Punk would win? Told ya. That wasn't a shocker. The match was pretty good, but am I the only one that was hoping for some more high spots? Carlito's backstabber was nicely done, but I just felt that most people took a breather too long in the match. I loved how it started off with MVP in the ring, fighting everyone off, as well as Kennedy immediately going for a ladder (though for some reason, he decided to do a 180 and turn around, going the opposite way). Shelton...he spent the entire match on the outside after that Swanton-esque jump onto the ladder, but beforehand, he botched what looked like just a normal climb on the ladder. Dizzy, much? Kennedy was sorely missed, as I don't recall him doing anything except wearing that weird track suit or whatever and having lots of stubble. Morrison, who I was really hoping would win, definitely stole the show, and I'm so glad that this happened. Since he wasn't booked to win, the WWE damn well better take notice of how awesome he's been lately (one of the best showings at the Royal Rumble, best in MITB, etc). I say, have him challenge Punk and take the case away from him lol. The way Punk won was ok in my book, but nothing extraordinary. It was logical, so that's good, but it wasn't flashy. The question is...who does Punk defeat? It's a waste of an opportunity if he just wins the ECW title again, and he sure as hell shouldn't go over the Undertaker...but he isn't good enough to headline the flagship show. We'll have to see what happens down the line.

PROMO: Snoop Dogg, Foley, Santino, Festus
--Typical, nothing great, Foley's jokes fell flat and seemed so forced.

BRAND SUPREMACY - Batista vs. Umaga
--Well, we all knew Batista would win, and I think the majority would agree with me that we were rooting for Umaga. The match was ok. Umaga definitely carried Batista in it, though, but that's no surprise. That Batista Bomb, though? Ouch. Hopefully Batista finishes his program with Umaga and then is out for a few months.

ECW CHAMPIONSHIP - Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero
--SO glad lol. I knew Kane had to win the championship. I've been saying it ever since the battle royal was announced. A pox on you who thought Richards or Kofi or someone would win, lol. The best part was how quick it was. A friend of mine decides to go to the bathroom, comes back, and we had to inform him that he just missed an entire match in a 30 second piss break. Very happy that Kane won in a showing that proves how boring Chavo is.

--Did Flair deliver as some people were hoping, but I had no confidence in? It depends on your definition of "deliver". Was he the best he's been in months? Damn right. Was he good? Give me a break. This was no "match for the ages" in my opinion, and although everyone likes being right, I was hoping I'd be proven wrong. However, there were some good points to this. That moonsault on the table was sick and every one of my friends and I just said "he's out for a few months" after it happened. That sickening thud and the way he was moving afterwards...yikes. Hopefully Shawn gets checked out thoroughly for internal damage. Did we get the reversal and rope breaks with the figure fours like I said? Yup. Did it end with SCM like I said? Yup. I was surprised, though, at how many times SCM played a part in this. He landed it like 3 times and tried another 3 or 4 lol. Even though the match clearly wasn't something to write home about, you have to appreciate the emotion in it. Nice way to end it, with Flair basically begging Michaels to lay him out and finish the job, and Michaels crying out the words "I'm sorry. I love you." The post-match celebration was a bit anticlimactic, though. I expected a hug, a round of cheers, etc. No matter what, whether or not you're an uber-mark for Michaels, you can't possibly say that the guy doesn't deserve the utmost respect and is arguably the single greatest superstar the WWE has ever produced. Now, at least, he can officially be referred to as "the man".

--EASILY the greatest promo I've seen in a long, long time. Edge constantly impresses me. Back when I stopped watching wrestling, it was 98/99, and Edge was just breaking out of the Brood, so he had no real character left. Now that I started watching wrestling again at the beginning of 07, and I've done my research about what went on in the time gap, I'm so pleased to see that he's become one of the top 5 guys they have. Edge, despite being a heel, never wavers in his emotion for the sport and this promo was a great showcase of that magnitude.

--Haha good lord. I will say this, though. I was not expecting the heels to go over on this one, let alone Maria getting pinned. I thought for sure that Santino would try to cost Maria the match, but he'd end up as the catalyst for Maria to pin Melina. If not that, then I thought Ashley would get pinned by Beth. I never thought Maria would take the loss. Snoop's involvement was expected, but the kiss wasn't. That was a little awkward. Best part was definitely the lights going out.

--Didn't expect this to go on this soon. Even more of a shocker, didn't expect Orton to retain. The 92% that voted against him must be surprised as well. I was CERTAIN that Triple H would end up pinning Orton and we'd see Cena/HHH for the next few months. I thought it was guaranteed. While I wouldn't mind HHH being champ for a little bit, I really didn't want Cena to win it, but who the hell thought Orton would retain? Lol. I'm not big on Orton, and I think Edge would be better suited as the king of the hill, but I was so happy to see Orton win this match, especially by pinning Cena. THANK YOU WWE for throwing me a curveball. Who the hell is Orton going to lose to now? Hopefully not Punk, but I think we may be seeing Punk take Hardy's place on Raw and then see Jeff get demoted to Smackdown on the draft. Both are upper midcard/almost-main-event stars, both are popular, and while Jeff is more entertaining in the ring, Punk is more entertaining on the mic. We'll see.

--This one is tricky. I've been saying forever that this match will be awful, and I think it was. However, this match was also entertaining. Seems like I'm contradicting myself, I know, but in a way to explain it, this match was entertaining in a sort of "youtube video" aspect, but horrible in regards to a WrestleMania showing. Big Show needs some compensation for his hard work in this match, as he totally made it entertaining. I didn't really mind how it ended, either, despite hating Mayweather, because it really made Big Show look strong. Shit, you take out tons of guys, including the boxer, you take how many chair shots, and then a legit punch to the jaw with brass knuckles, and you still almost get up at the 10 count? I'm glad they booked him to beat the living hell out of Mayweather, as that was fun to watch.

--The match wasn't a classic, no, but WOW did it have its moments. They sold everything very well, especially the extremely close pinfalls. At the time of the second spear, the thought actually flashed in my head, albeit briefly, that Undertaker may just possibly lose. Maybe it was the ambiance...the night sky...the main event...I don't know, but I think when you had Charles Robinson running full speed (faster than the Edgeheads, which I thought was kind of funny) 50 yards or so, damn near in slow motion due to his hair flopping around, that was more emotional than Flair's post-match celebration lol. I'm a writer, so I always think of things in comparison to the world of a writer and so forth, and when this was going on, I felt like I was watching the climax of a film more than a spot in a championship wrestling match. The only thing this needed was some Hans Zimmer or Steve Jablonsky score like something out of The Island or Pearl Harbor, lol. It really felt like pulling the emotional strings, where you're just hoping the ref comes down in time to count "the bad guy" out. Edge and Taker are two of my five favorites, but I had to root for the Undertaker in this. Seeing him win the title again is always nice, but I was kind of hoping the submission move wouldn't finish the match. The tombstone has always had more impact to me. Nice match, however.

So all in all, WrestleMania XXIV wasn't legendary, and it wasn't something to bust a nut over, but I was pleasantly surprised with some aspects of the show, and seeing as how I didn't pay a dime for it, I'm very glad that I was able to witness it. I have a feeling that if the stadium was more stable and needed less preparation, the product of some of the matches would have been better (like JBL and Finlay) but for a few spots alone, the ppv was worth watching.
Overall a fairly good and def better than people expected. The 3rd greatest Mania since Mania 14. Only to come after 17 and 19.

Lets get to the matches :

JBL vs Finlay , pretty surprised that it came first. Good match notihng to memroable , I expected a better brawl from the two and I was hoping for a Heel turn for Horny. Ok match.

MITB : A huge surprise for me Punk snatched the win. Loved the ending. Benjimns falls into the ladder was great. Morrison is the true fucking future of this buisness. He def stole the show. Expected more from MVP and Kennedy. Good choice to give Punk the win.

Batista vs Umaga : rrr expected a better match and I hoped for Umaga to win. Dissapointed.

Micheals vs Flair : A good match props to Flair to bring out his best. Liked the endging and the Crowd was awsome when the match ended. But Would have liked a better sendoff aftermath.

BunnyMania : huh just like expected

Mayweather vs the bigshow : So Dissopinted in Show losing. He fucking ate the guy out there. And lol did anyone hear how Mayweather screams lol pretty pathetic such a girly voice. How Mayweather let the ring I dont expect this program to end.

Triple threat for the WWE title : great match and SOOO FUCKING happy Orton won. Everyone looked Awsome and for the first time in a long time I screamed of happiness after the bell rang for the finish of the match.

Kane vs Chavo : huh great for Kane how he won. What like 7 sec. Looked like a Monster.

Edge vs The Undertaker : Now this is were I want to get to. First of all the match was great. Edge looked Awsome. Great counters by Edge. Edge looked like he was going to end the Streak and I bet every fan was sitting on the edge of their seat in this match and I bet UT fans almost pissed them selves as they saw how much Edge came close to win. Edge kicked out Chockslam . Last Ride , Tombostone. He looked awsome. Lost the title in a very good way and looked dominant and A main even more than ever. Props to both Taker and Edge.

Loved the Atmosphere and the Ending. Greatets Pyros ever saw. 8/10.
Sad to see Flair go. But was done very respectfully. Wish had been a better send off for the ICON. Exstrodinary wrestler and entertainer wil be greatly missed HBK was very respectful to his long time friend

Undertakker deserved what he got Edge needed to shut his fucking mouth so now he rest in peace

Cane was awsome

Y2J should have won the ladder match

Maria had that match won

i thought wrestlemainia was good but you know whats really funny is how the dumb tna fans come to wrestlezone and try rating it a "F" haha these no please dumb fans like this is there

just because every tna event is a "F" doesnt mean u got to vote wwe events as a "F"

lol this is real entertainent NOT WWE REJECTS THINKING THEY STILL IN THE BIG TIME I just got home from WM 24. I live about 2 hours north of Orlando and a friend and I made a weekend trip out of it. We had floor seats about 10 rows behind the announcers. We could look right up the entrance ramp. Sign Guy sat a few rows in front of me. The set was amazing. It had to be at least 100 feet tall. The canopy with the lighting rig was pretty sweet too. But the Citrus Bowl itself was a dump. Everything but the floor seats were bleachers and the toilets in the bathrooms were the troughs. Not really what I expected. And the plane flying around the stadium was advertising some strip club, not TNA. It was a beautiful day until right after the Battle Royal it started to drizzle a little, but stopped in time for Mania.

Now lets see what I can remember from the show.The JBL and Finlay match was pretty good. There were some nice spots. When Finlay tried to dive onto JBL and got hit by the trash can was good. JBL seemed to win out of nowhere.

MITB was amazing. Punk was way over. The whole match was just "Holy shit!" after "Holy shit!" chants. Maybe the best MITB match. Carlito's face was priceless after Shelton went through the ladder on the outside. I Heard the people on the left sied of the stadium going crazy and I looked over and saw Matt Hardy running through the crowd. He got a huge pop. I was kinda surprised that Punk won, but I don't really have a problem with it.

Batista vs. Umaga wasn't bad, but wasn't great. Umaga showed up to entertain, but I can't say the same about Batista. Umaga was really over and about maybe 1/2 the stadium was cheering for him. I think Batista might have screwed his back up on the Batista Bomb, though.

I thought Kane and Chavo was a great match for all of the 5 seconds it lasted. I don't know how they got Kane under the ring without anyone noticing. It was a good way to build Kane back up as a monster.

The Career Threating Match was great. It was way more than I ever thought it would be. Shawn has to have some broke ribs from how he hit the table. I thought the ending was great. From where I was sitting I only saw Flair stand up with his fists up and Micheals hitting him with the Sweet Chin Music. When the match ended, I looked up at the giant board that was hanging from the canopy and saw Micheals say "I'm sorry. I love you." Wow, that was great. I'm not sure how it came acroos on t.v., but the stadium erupted for Flair after the match. There were so many Thank You Flair chants. It seemed like time slowed down and everything was surreal. That is something I will never forget.

Next up was Bunnymania. The power went out over the ring, so it was even garder to watch than it was previously. At least Melina and Beth Pheonix picked up the win.

The Triple Threat Match was also hard to get into for the same reason. When the FAMU band came out I thought they were just stalling until they fixed the power until they statred playing Cena's entrance music. I thought that was cool. It was a really good match, but I had a hard time watching it until the power got fixed. Triple H was the crowd favorite. From where I was sitting, it sounded like 80%/20% booing/ supporting Cena. I was shocked when Orton retained, but I liked it.

I'm not sure how it came off on t.v., but the Mayweather/ Big Show match was a lot of fun live. It blew away my expectations. There were a lot of Mayweather Production people sitting near us. Big Show was WAAAAAY pver as a face. Not much more I can say besides it was a fun match.

Finally, the Edge and Undertaker match. I thought both entrances were amazing. This match was everything Wrestlemania should be. So much drama built up over the year climaxing at the end of this match. One of the best matches I have seen in a loooooong time. The ending was great with the Edgeheads and the referee bump. I was great to see Undertaker,s new submission finally look good. What a great way to end Wrestlemania.

If it came off on t.v. anything like it did live, it will go down as one of the best Wrestlemanis ever. The atmosphere was great and almost everything seemed to work. It was a great show.
Wrestlemania was full of surprises. It was anything but predictable. First, I was shocked that Punk won MITB. With all the rumors of backstage heat that he received, along with clean loses to Guerrero and Morrison, I thought he had no chance. Kudos to WWE for giving him the push.

I was also pleasantly surprised that Orton retained the title. Who saw that coming? I know many people wanted it to happen. But who actually thought it would?

An even bigger surprise was that people other than Cena or Triple H didn't close the show. That hasn't happened since Wrestlemania XIX.

It was great to see The Undertaker and Edge close Wrestlemania. This was one of those matches where both men came out as winners. Edge will benefit from this main event for years to come. It reminds me of Summerslam 92 where Hart lost but came out as the true winner in the long run. And best of all, it showed confidence in Edge. For WWE to select Edge to close the show on what will be there most monetarily successful pay-per-view of all time has to be one of his greatest honors.

Even Big Show-Mayweather came off well.

Overall, a dynamic show that delivered on many levels. I say it's a top ten Wrestlemania.
I would have to echo many of the sentiments posted in here. While it wasn't the greatest show ever, WrestleMania XXIV delivered on so many levels and has to go down as one of the best of all time. For starters, the outside atmosphere, the pyro which seemed like it was in the heavens, Flair and HBK's emotional match, Edge and Taker closing the show, Orton winning, the insane bumps in MITB and everything else, this was a solid show from start to finish. I'm excited to see it sober because I'm sure there are many things I don't remember.
A great experience it was watching on from the big screen, but still with the inclusion of disappointment, beginning from the Batista vs. Umaga Match to the very last match-up at WrestleMania 24, in which by the way had amazingly set the new WrestleMania record of 74, 000 + in attendance. Congrats Vince McMahon!

Now, WrestleMania 9, the most disliked WrestleMania to the fans was the last time all recall a WWE event being hosted practically outside. I’ll give it up, the set, the jam-packed crowd and massive Citrus Bowl was extravagantly off the chain and did it remind anyone of WCW? I mean, especially with the palm trees, such a nice sight. The coruscation of pyrotechnics was like Disney World.

A super hyped up package opens WrestleMania 24 with wild camera shots circulating the entire psyched audience only for John Legend to perform at the inception of the show in which I expected better than from what we received. I won’t discredit his singing ability as it was full of good sound and I won’t even discredit him, but I reckon Ashanti or Raven Symone or even Willie Nelson would’ve done a better job in terms of motivating up the crowd more. I just felt John Legend’s performance was beautiful but wasn’t a “WrestleMania” kind of motivator and basically didn’t establish very much for the kick-off.


This match had a good turnout as Finlay jumped on the opportunity to put on a piece of beating on JBL for his vicious perpetration on Hornswoggle. Finlay deserved the redemption and the victory too, but with JBL scooping the win did it only indicate this feud isn’t quite over. And talk about a match being quickly thrown into a hardcore session with the implementing of trash cans, the lids, and kendo sticks and factor in a returning Hornswoggle receiving a dose of it as well. The Suicide Dive by Finlay straight into a trash can lid shot by JBL, sheer carnage. JBL proves too high a competition on that night after a Clothesline from Hell! This match was full of impact for an opener, served as a great crowd hyper, and it wasn’t dragged out or boring, it actually ended at a good time. I say this is one of the best matches of the evening.


Best match of the night though it lacked a significant element and it’s called JH, standing for Jeff Hardy. Hardy missed out on a death-defying awesome display of athleticism, acrobatics, and brutality all for the MITB briefcase and would I dear say this was the best MITB match of all the others, no! But definitely one of the top three as these guys gave us something even without the presence of Jeff Hardy. My pick for winner was MVP. Morrison was stunning and hope he rises fast cause he's been putting on some great matches on SmackDown and ECW, Shelton Benjamin was stunning and amazing with his ability and the bump he took off the ladder in the ring through one set up between barricade and ring, THAT WAS SICK!!! Not to mention the three-way Powerbomb/Suplex off the ladder by him and two others as well, original and awesome. Cap it off with the return of Matt Hardy Twist of Fating MVP from the top of ladder, not too much a surprise but exciting to see although MVP lost his chance to win. CM Punk winning shocked me. To be honest, never thought it would happen but of course if Jeff Hardy was in this match, this would be his victory seeing as how Punk replaced his position. I question Punk's title of choice to pursue. Ah, who I'm I kidding, if I'm hearing that they're sending Punk to RAW, he's likely going after the heel champion, that being Orton.


And this is where marks the water down of WrestleMania 24. This right here, this match was no more than a SmackDown wrestled match. Sure, Umaga impressed with his super-heavyweight size and as for Batista, well Batista is Batista and he exhibited that out there, but did anyone receive the feeling that it was just another one of those SmackDown matches happening because it was thrown together? Like, I was expecting to see a whole lot with this match that could’ve been done if converted into perhaps an Anything Goes Match or No DQ and even changed to a No. 1 Contender’s Match for the World Title. They could’ve spilled the action elsewhere and even way into the crowd, give them something to say when they get home. But anyway, following a huge Batista Bomb, it is clear SmackDown is the dominant side as Batista won as I thought would happen.


Where do I begin? So Kane wins the Battle Royal to gain opportunity to face Chavo for ECW Title. What the hell are they doing making Kane beat Chavo in less than ten seconds? I thought we’d have an exciting match with Kane mostly doing the domination before that but damn, what kind of SmackDown regular did they pull? They made it seem as if Chavo wasn’t even a competitive champion at all, but for the worse part, it is WrestleMania god dammit, people paid to see at least a five minute match. I paid $32.15 in theatres for the best show WWE produces. Kane won the ECW Championship after a hellacious Chokeslam, that’s very good. I thought Chavo would retain if there was a match but back to the match, we wanted a damn match! Don’t worry things get worse!


I’m still hearing the chops in my head, hard chops and too much. Throughout the whole match, all you get is “chop, chop, chop, chop, chop”. Then Shawn Michaels decides to do a Moonsault from the outside onto Flair and nearly breaks himself in half as he crushes the broadcast table. What is up with the Show Stopper, he’s committing suicide to himself. He seemingly doesn’t learn and does it once again later on and just barely touches Flair dropping harshly on the floor outside. This is certainly not one of Shawn’s best matches at Mania but Flair gives HBK everything remaining in his tired tank from chops to Figure Fours and Flair kicks out of the Sweet Chin Music, how delightful but touching at the end how Flair tells HBK not to Sweet Chin him and Shawn coldly does it and puts him officially on the retirement list. Pretty decent match to say the least, despite the overexertion of certain things but it’ll go down in the records as a classic.


Nothing was duller than this match, why you think the lights went out? Too bad they had back up lights. I liked Snoop Dogg’s pimp entrance with the Lumberjacks though, that was slick and smooth. But other than that, I’ll pass this match. You’ve just got some divas in there not performing at their top potential and the outcome is nothing outstanding. And somebody take the Women’s Championship off Beth, she’s just so boring. Beth and Melina pick the win up but it comes off dull. My personal preference would’ve been to see a 3 Person Inter-gender Match again between King, Maria, and Ashley against Santino, Melina and Beth. The fans were all cheering when King came after Santino after Santino had pulled Maria from a pin. I believe it would’ve worked out a little better. Maria loses but she wins as she gets a lip lock with the Dogg, a definite surprise.


This match should be the Main Event. Cena won the Rumble, why is this match-up not the Main Event even if he utilized his Rumble opportunity at No Way Out? I can’t believe I spent money only to witness such a short mediocre performance. Triple H stated the roof would’ve blown off if there was one, pfft… not even. This match was shorter than all anticipated and didn’t have that sheer excitement. The only thing impressive was when Cena lifted both Orton and HHH on top of one another on top of him and when Triple H utilizes the Crossface that only made me wish Benoit was there. Otherwise, Cena is countering moves in there, Triple H is trying to get rid of one and dominate the other and Randy Orton is using his smarts, making them do some damage on him and themselves while saving energy for the last part where Triple H Pedigrees Cena and this guy has to come in and take prompt advantage, putting out HHH and pinning Cena to end a match that didn’t even reach it’s pinnacle point. I’m so disappointed with this match, so damn disappointed. The match could’ve been longer, better and that was Triple H’s match and all of you people damn well know it!! I rest in comfort however knowing Cena doesn’t have that title. Anyways, Orton made history as first heel champion to enter WrestleMania without winning momentum and walk out as the champion.


This is a more entertaining match to the WWE Championship Match. It wasn’t that big as it was hyped. It’s Goliath vs. David and we all know David comes out the victor even if he gets battered and bruised so stop complaining people. And actually, Mayweather was lightning-quick in there for a slow Big Show that could have capitalized on many periods where he had hold of Mayweather. He was all hesitant and allowed the belly to take some fists that never seemed to faze him. Even when Mayweather was on his shoulders applying a Sleeper Hold, you can’t tell me he couldn’t just flip Mayweather right off or maybe Mayweather really had it locked in. Whatever the case, it was funny how Mayweather was squirming and hollering after Big Show stomped his arm and slapped him in the chest. It had him walk out in attempt to escape and his peeps trying to back him up who which one of them got a hell of a clothesline off the apron for their troubles. As for the low blow and chair shots by Mayweather that leveled the Big Show and the brass knuckles to the jaw for the KO, desperate times called for desperate measures, the odds were just too much and people may call that unfair, I call it defying the odds when it looked like it was done for Mayweather. This just serves as the example not to underestimate the under-dogs or even small, short people. I don’t think Mayweather/Big Show is over!


This match was slow, methodical and tiring but it was a little exciting. Both men moved like they shoveled 50 centimeters of snow before the show. Undertaker got his ass handed to him and I was in disbelief. It seems every year that passes, Undertaker comes closer and closer to adding a blemish to that flawless streak. Edge was in full control during the most part but problem is that Edge is too slow and weak in his executions which make for a slow and kind of boring match as Undertaker’s slow too but more seemingly turning into an old tired tank though he was able to defend himself. Edge consecutively countered moves from the Undertaker which came at a surprise but even more when Edge kicked out after being Tombstoned! Edge makes history as only man to kick out of that but not to end the streak as Edge becomes victim number 16 despite interference from his two sidekicks and his flaccid ass spear that Taker counters into his submission. I hate how he executes that damn spear, it is so weak. He should stick to the Edgecution. In addition, did anyone catch Coachman’s mistake on commentary when Taker pushed Edge off the top turnbuckle and Coach said, “Edge must have dropped at least 13 feet”, what a dumbass lol. But anyway, our new World Champion is The Undertaker and hopefully he gets no injuries that would have to compel him to relinquish the title too soon.

All in all, WrestleMania was a satisfying turnout but it always can be better. It was great to see Raven and the Hall of Famers out there and Mae Young attempting to expose once again and also the Flair family supporting the Nature Boy.


Funniest Moment: In backstage segment between Snoop Dogg and Marella when Snoop picks up a bell and rings it to set off Festus after Marella, from his state of trance.

Most Emotional Moment: Flair tells HBK not to Sweet Chin him but HBK gives it to him and he loses, now forced to retire.

Most Classic Moment: Benjamin takes huge bump from ladder in the ring onto ladder set up between ring and barricade, crushing it in half.

Top 3 Matches: 1. MITB Ladder Match, 2. Belfast Brawl, 3. Career Threatening Match.

Dullest Match: Bunnymania.

Best Performers: Shelton and CM Punk in MITB and even JBL and Finlay.

Worse Performers: The girls in Bunnymania.

Most Impressive: Shelton Benjamin.

Best Promo: Edge's.
I'll get into an individual match breakdown in each of those threads. This is my overview of Wrestlemania 24.

Amazing, that's all I have to say. Due to how terrible WM 23 was I was very close in not ordering this pay per view. The WWE has let me down, but this year, they turned it all around. Personally, I think this is the best WM since 19, and it may end up being better then that one. Easily a top 5 Wrestlemania at this point, but too early to decide where it will go rightfully.

From top to bottom, this card was good. The Belfast Brawl was a good way to open the show, and set the pace for the night. I have to give Kudos to JBL, he put on a good show.

I was very happy with the booking of the night, and really can't see it going any other way.

The Brawl opened the show, which set up perfectly for Money in the Bank. Money in the Bank was solid, but me thinks Shelton is getting too much credit when he really didn't do anything this year. It was a perfect high, and they slowed it down with the Brand match. That match wasn't good at all, and then they comedic relief of the night, Chavo getting squashed by Kane. This was a good idea to have two "bad" matches after the Money in the Bank, because that set up for the Career Ending Match.

Now I'm not going to knock Flair, but people that are already calling it the match of the year is a little too much. It was a solid match, but Flair was spent ten minutes into it. Hell, it wasn't even in the top half of the best matches of the night. It was a good match, don't get me wrong, but let's not kid ourselves on how great it was. The emotion came after the match was over, not during the match.

Bunnymania was god awful, but honestly, what did you expect. The best thing possible could have happened did happen, the power went out during this crapfest. Thankfully, the WWE made the right decision by having the WHC go on last. The feud with the most build threwout the year deserved to go on last, and I'm glad to see it happen. Mayweather vs. Big Show was a perfect match to go in between the two title matches, solid booking by the WWE throughout the entire night.

How I rank the matches:
9. BunnyMania (Just God Awful)
8. Batista vs. Umaga
7. ECW Title Match
6. Belfast Brawl
5. Career Threatening Match
4. Money in the Bank
3. Mayweather vs. Big Show
2. Triple Threat WWE Title Match
1. World Heavyweight Championship

Performer of the Night:
Randy Orton. The guy carried that match almost single handedly. I'm now officially a big fan of the guy. He impressed me a whole lot tonight.

Honorable Mention:
Edge. The guy brought it, and he earned his spot as a main eventer at Mania. A solid performance against the Deadman.

Promo of the Night:
Easily Edge. That promo was sick and conjured up feelings within me on how I felt at Wrestlemania 6. If you weren't alive at the time, I feel sorry for you, because Edge pretty much summed up what any little Hulkamaniac felt that night. Ultimate Warrior can rot in hell.
This WrestleMania was deffo one of the best in a long time, filled with more shocking moments than a human can withstand. I wanted Orton to retain, and boy, I jumped off my sofa when he retained the title. Now he is a credible champion for sure. The MITB ladder match was insane as always. Filled with lots of spots, John Morrison was deffo the star. CM Punk winning though? Way too early for me.

Bunnymania was as good as it could have been, worth a watch because, well, they're hot! Snoop Dog was a great addition. Mick Foley with Mr Socko, that was seriously funny.

Finlay vs JBL was a decent opener, and set the stage for the other matches. Trash can thrown at Hornswoggle, seriously funny. Diving into a trash can lid, seriously sick.

The WHC match was filled with twists and turns, but the crowd seemed dead during the match. They popped at the right times, but I think it was lacking the usual vocal support that the matches had tonight. Great match though.

Mayweather vs Big Show. Brilliant for what they could do. I think Floyd played his part really well, and Big Show sold everything very well. That final punch looked legit though, anyone know if it was?

Allthough, anyone catch the bit where he was walking up the ramp, and his fat mate kept grabbing his 'Mayweather Promotions' t-shirt, and showing it to the camera? God I wanted to knock the hell out of him.

Flair vs HBK. One word, amazing. Nothing more needed. Thank you Ric. You are The Man

All in all, a very good WrestleMania in my mind. The pyro was amazing. Anyone else feel that they should do WrestleMania outdoors more? I think it really suited the whole event. Maybe in Miami or something, WM27 anyone?

I would give this PPV 9/10.

Thank you Vince.

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