General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

Personally, I'm just glad Cena is not favored to win the title, Batista is not expected to beat Umaga, and that The Rock won't be there.

Those 3 are a bunch of clowns.

Sometimes I wish Cena would take the advice of his finishing moves, FU Cena, STFU.
Personally, I'm just glad Cena is not favored to win the title, Batista is not expected to beat Umaga, and that The Rock won't be there.

Those 3 are a bunch of clowns.

Sometimes I wish Cena would take the advice of his finishing moves, FU Cena, STFU.


FIrstly, Cena is ALWAYS favored to win the title, and him NOT winning is anything but a forgone conclusion. And how in the world you figure Batista is not expected to beat Umaga??? There is no way shape or form you can tell me that Umaga even has a CHANCE in this match after how weak they made him look the other night on RAW, coupled with the fact that Umaga is ALWAYS built as a colossal monster, only to use that build to put over some face they are trying to push (just like Lashley last year)

And the rock will be there to induct his father and grandfather into the hall of fame.
Well, it looks like this years Mania will be better than 23, but that isn't saying much. I hope they make up for the 50 bucks I wasted on Mania last year. That was the worst Mania I had seen in a long time, possibly ever.

I do love the edition of the ECW battle royal, that will be entertaining. I like to see Kane win it, but I doubt that will happen.

The MITB match is shaping up to be at least better than last years. Last years felt like it was just used to get Jeff's big spot in. This year's will be better than last year's, but the first two were the best because there were only 6 men, and the matches as a whole were better. I loved WrestleMania 22's MITB, I mean where else can you see a senior citizen fall off a ladder? Seeing RVD win it at Mania 22 was great also.
Personally, I'm just glad Cena is not favored to win the title, Batista is not expected to beat Umaga, and that The Rock won't be there.

Those 3 are a bunch of clowns.

Sometimes I wish Cena would take the advice of his finishing moves, FU Cena, STFU.


What are you talking about? Cena not being a favourite to win? Batista losing to Umaga in the mid-card of 'Mania? And where the hell did you get the Rock from. First of all any PPV match with Cena is always favoured for him to win. Cena is undefeated at 'Mania, and knowing WWE they will want to stretch that streak for a little bit. As for the Batista/Umaga match. I'm surprised Batista is not main eventing, so he would definately not lose in the mid-card of 'Mania, after main eventing it the year before. Batista will win, no doubt. As for the Rock. Where in the blue hell did you get him from. He was never expected to be at 'Mania, and I'm not surprised why. He's over wrestling, he's an actor now. So, you should be happy to hear you won't see the 'clown' Rock at 'Mania.

As for your closing sentece...WTF?
i like going to the theater to see the ppv's since i dont have the cabble hook ups to get ppv's at home, and its usually only like $14-$15, so i get it cheaper then at home, and on a giant screen

went to go buy tickets ahead of time today to make sure i got them. planned to get 2 tickets since my g/f also enjoys it and likes to come with me.

price total, $64 for 2 tickets to see it in theaters. i turned that down. may just order it at her house for cheaper. or just do the steal it later.

prices are ******ed =-/
Seriously, You guys are overeacting with Cena being to so called favorite to win it. You do realize it's a triple threat with TRIPLE H (Who hasn't held the title in 2 years BTW) and Randy Orton (A Heel which in WWE terms = Jobber). So it all sets up for Cena to be laying on the outside of the ring for basically most of the match while RKO and HHH have at it, come in do his 5 moves of doom etc etc....But in the end it all ends with HHH beating Orton. No harm done to Cena as he wasn't pinned. I don't know but to me it really doesn't get more obvious. HHH is WWE's best fit champion to go into the new year, plus he's had a looooong break from the title, and it would freshen things up.

So IMO, HHH easy favorite.
but this is JOHN CENA we are talking about here Wes. JOHN CENA. The scenario you just posted up would make FAR too much for the WWE to figure out. Its too easy. While I tend to lean towards agreeing with what your saying, you have to realize any and all logic gets thrown out when it comes to John Cena. The dude didnt loose in a match, clranly, regardless of the participants, and the number of them, for the better part of THREE YEARS. And maybe im just trying not to get excited, about my favorite wrestler going over for the title at wrestlemania over JOHN CENA. Honestly, the WWE has beat it into me so much, that I will not feel safe until the final bell has rung. I think ANY match that Cena is involved in, he has to be the odds on favorite. NO ONE has been booked more strongly in high profile events, and matches, than Cena.YOU of all people should know this Wes. You are falling into WWEs trap LOL
How? They've done it in the past with Mysterio and Beniot when he made HHH tap out. It's typical booking. I'm falling into no trap, your actually falling into by thinking they'll just give him the belt when HHH is clearly the best thing for the company right now and he hasn't held it in 2 years. Why do you think Orton is there? So HHH can pin him and Cena can claim he was never pinned blah blah blah only to overcome every odd months later. It's like Batista last year in a way. Only with Cena winning.

BTW if John Cena wins. I'll let someone ban me for a week for being such a clown and not realizing it.
o no. remember how EVERYONE just KNEW that he would be dropping the belt to Orton at SS?? yyyeeeaa that REALLY happened. NOPE. Just another typically booked Cena match. this is the main event of WM. So I dont see why it would be different. And Wes I TOTALLY AGREE that Trips is the best option, and the most logical at this juncture. but WHEN has WWE EVER booked logically when it comes to Cena? Why would it change now?? Modern day Hulk Hogan goes over in the main event at WM. Its easy. WWE moronic booking easy. Its probably me being cautiously pessimistic, so im not totally pissed when Cena is crying after he wins on March 30th. I hope your right though.
Predictions (In Show Order-Top 2 Bottom):

#9 WWE Championship Match:

Randy Orton is in this feud y'know. You could be forgiven for thinking otherwise. It's based around Cena vs. HHH. You could leave out Orton and not really notice. If Cena doesn't win this I'll be pissed. What was the point of him winning the Rumble if he doesn't? They may as well have had HHH or Taker win this.

Anyway I'm predicting a new champion. I think that is obvious. Cena is apparently going to film a new film. But I still see him winning.

#8 BunnyMania:

Filler. Apparently it's a Lumberjack match. I'm predicting it's a Lumberjill match. Especially considering the undercard will be involved in the battle royal. Phoenix & Maria win.

#7 Career Threatening Match:

My guess is poor match. Worst on the card even. I don't care for it. The quicker Flair retires, and HBK starts to make special appearences the better.

HBK wins. Thus the reason for it's high place on the card. It'll be emotional. To some people at least. I'll be exstatic if Flair retires.

#6 The Biggest Battles The Best:

This won't be a match. Just an elaborate angle. A good one at that. I'm guessing No Contest. But it'll certainly be intresting.

#5 Belfast Brawl:

This will be good. Logically It would have been Finlay & McMahon. But JBL is obviously a popular guy. I'm more excited now I know this is a brawl. Especially considering that is the only thing JBL is good at, and Finaly can adapt to anything.

I'm predicting a JBL victory. And a Finaly heel turn. He turns on Hornswoggle post match. Then it's so long midget.

#4 World Heavyweight Championship:

Mid card yet again. But face it. There are bigger matches on the card. WWE Championship? Bigger. Big Show vs. Mayweather? Bigger. JBL vs. Finlay? Yup.

Anyway. I'm not half as excited about this as I was 6 months ago. Maybe if they hadn't have had a match at Armageddon. Or had at least come into contact. They've really only build this since No Way Out. Despite it initially being started at Survivor Series.

Easy prediction. Taker.

#3 Smackdown vs. Raw Match:

Can't wait for this. Filler? Yup. Yet again. But Umage is so awesome. And Batsita has been mighty impressive this past year. I still think he's shit. But he can deliver.

Again the outcome is predictable. Batista wins. I'm predicting match of the night.

#2 Battle Royal/ECW Championship:

More filler. But I love Battle Royals. It's ever Kane or RVD. Either way Chavo is losing the title. He's getting killed in the title match.

It'll be good fun this match. I'm expecting a couple of surprises in the Battle Royal.

#1 Money In The Bank:

This is nothing more than filler. So it may as well go on first. Most of the wrestlers involved deserve a better match. But why is this taking place? Doesn't the ECW match have a similar concept? Winner get's a title shot.

It's between Kennedy or MVP. It all depends if Hardy is in the house.


I'm gonna say it. Good card. I'm predicting like last years Mania, the majority will hate it, but it'll be really solid. Other than BunnyMania, nothing has a stinker label on it. But that's just to give fans a breather anyway.

It's mostly filler. And the build has been terrible. But that's how Mania's used to be. 80's and early 90's fans should know that. I predict it'll be an underrated Mania.
Thats kinda the same feeling im getting. The build for this WM has been absolute ball sack. Honestly WWE doesnt have me pining to see any of these matches besides the Triple threat. The rest seem fairly predictable, and they havent at all built the matches to a fever pitch yet, and have done damn near everything they can to absolutely ruin the incredible intrigue that couldve been for the Edge-UT match. Which doesnt at all make me want to see it less, as I want to see all the matches becuase I feel they pretty much all will be very entertaining and of good quality. But this WM has some of the worst build that we have seen in recent memory.
For 55 bucks and being the biggest WWE PPV of the year, shouldn't it be more than just solid? Especially in a time where the company has people that can deliver, but choose to water everything down most the time or not book the right matches. When I think solid I think acceptable but not as good as it could/should be, guess it's just a matter of how one views "solid".
Biggest Wrestlemania Under the Sun ? Only if it's a solar eclipse.
It looks like WWE creative can't build up matches any more.Let's get real.Edge has been made to look as a victim since Armaggedon when he was running from Taker , and guess what , 3 months later and he's still running.How can you make him look like a big contender to taker's strike if he's running all the time. Batista wasn't running last year , even though he's a big crap wrestler.

The Flair match also hasn't got the attention needed.Let's face it , the "i'm your pal and i don't want to take you out" shit isn't wrestlemania build-up

Alsothey could have done a lot better with the Mayweather angle.

The Triple Threat Take-over ? Come on it's like Choose your poison , which could have been ok for one night but 3 raw's edition wasted on this ? No freakin way

The MITB build-up hasn't started yet , only the participants settled , so until now the only good ideea they seemed to have was with the battle royal and ECW match . Let's see how they screw up that one.

Also as Finlay JBL will be a good to watch match , the Hornswoggle is Vince's kid one day , next day it's Finlay's kid...Maybe the big Wrestlemania surprise will be that Vince fucked Finlay and he gave birth to Hornswoggle. :):)
TheOneBigWill's (Early) Predictions:

W.W.E. Championship Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton v. Triple H. v. John Cena: Unfortunately I'm sure this will be the final match of the night, especially since they've truly f*cked up the Undertaker/Edge match. I can't see Randy Orton retaining for anything. But as much as I can't see Orton retaining, surprisingly I'm starting to think less and less that John Cena will leave as Champion as well.

I honestly believe Triple H. will win the Championship, then have a medium sized run until around Summerslam, where he'll likely drop the Championship to John Cena. I have NO idea what W.W.E. would do with Cena if they don't keep him in the Championship scene for 4 monthes. However, overall I just can't see them giving the title to the guy thats beginning to get constantly booed everywhere. UNLESS.. they turn him heel.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge v. The Undertaker: First and foremost, I'm with the rest of the majority of everyone in saying I'm highly disappointed in how they've treated this match. Originally, since last year this has been the one solid match assumed for Wrestlemania this year. Its been built improperly, when it should've taken off completely since Edge's return at the Survivor Series.

They've made Edge look almost scared shitless and completely cowardly in the presense of the Undertaker, when the fact is, Edge has been the one true heel that hasn't backed down. I seriously question if this has something to do with backstage politics in possibly Triple H. not wanting any other heel to look as commanding or powerful, like he was. Edge was starting to get a huge fan ovation because of his intensity toward matches. Now they're causing him to cheat more, and run away as often as possible.

I see the Undertaker winning one way or another. But I definately don't like it. My only hope here, is that Edge can get disqualified to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

BunnyMania: Candice Michelle & Maria v. Beth Phoenix & Melina: I'm a bit confused if they're going to have divas surrounding the ring, or actual wrestlers. I'm sure it'd be divas, but the are billing it as a "lumberJACK" match. Overall, this is pathetic and its killing the two good female wrestlers in this match. The likely finish will be Candice Michelle getting the pin over Melina, or if they really want to slaughter Beth's reign as Women's Champion, they'll just have Candice "own" her here.. on route to winning back the Championship, likely at Backlash.

Battle of the Brands: Batista v. Umaga: This match has potential to be a decent hard hitting contest between two guys that can really show the world that they have the ability to put on the best match of the night. Do I think that'll happen? No. But I'm still excited to see these two meet. Strange thing is, I'm not sure why.

I guess I just like the overall excitment of thinking the "Animal" will collide with the "Bulldozer." I'd love to see Umaga get the victory, but most likely Batista will get the nod not only to help Smackdown, but also to gain him another 6 monthes worth of Championship contender spots. Don't ask me how, because noone knows.

Worlds Collide: The Big Show v. Floyd "Money" Mayweather: The entertainment aspect of the night will likely flow well with this. I can't stand the thought of this being anything over 10 minutes, and chances are it'll take that long to get both men to the ring. Hell, I'm banking on it taking 20 minutes to get all the celebs involved to the ring, much less the two actually meant to be involved in the "match."

I can't possibly see how Mayweather would or could ever get a victory over the Big Show. And I can't see where W.W.E. would let Show completely own Mayweather, as hes the cash cow for this year's event. Thereby meaning this match will in all likelyhood end in some type of draw or no contest. Perhaps we get some type of return, or interference angle where Big Show will get beat down by someone?

Money In The Bank Match: John Morrison, John Morrison, John Morrison. I don't care. I want him to win. Plain and Simple. I'm building more and more excitment just thinking about him shockingly winning the match. Will I be let down? More than likely. Will I get pissed off and want to throw stuff at the television when someone like Mr. Kennedy wins? (for the second year in a row) Absolutely.

Overall, this match with the individuals involved has the best possible chance to be the greatest MITB match they've ever had. Everyone involved has the ability to use a ladder and market themselves off it somehow. I'd like to hope Matt Hardy will cost M.V.P. the match, and Mr. Kennedy still won't be forgiven for his previous screw ups. Thus allowing my quite possibly 3rd favorite wrestler of all time, John Morrison, to pick up the victory.

Battle Royal/E.C.W. Championship Match: Winner v. Chavo Guerrero: Jake mentioned possible mystery entrants in the battle royal. Considering its suppose to be an E.C.W. battle royal, to determine who'll meet the E.C.W. Champion.. I'm banking on the most extreme guy the W.W.E. knows.

The Brooklyn Brawler. Oh, you know it'll happen. Hes hardcore by W.W.E. standards, and I wouldn't be a bit shocked if they had him win the whole thing, including the Championship. (I bet you think I'm joking. Funny thing is.. I'm not.)

Overall, I'm assuming Kane will be the guy to win and then take the Championship from Chavo. Although Chavo does have a history with pulling out victories in matches similar to these. Anytime hes put into a contest where hes the last guy in, or competing, against someone who's already been competing for a while.. he typically wins. Therefore, I could completely see W.W.E. letting Kane job to Chavo. Why? Because it doesn't make sense, which is the only thing W.W.E. knows how to do.

Belfast Brawl: Finlay v. J.B.L.: McMahon and Hornswoggle will both likely get involved. If neither did, then it'd be a glorified Raw match on the biggest card of the year. Hardcore rules or not.

I'm assuming Finlay would pick up the victory, simply because (except for Championship matches from time to time) the good guy normally wins the finale feud on the Mania stage. I'm assuming Hornswoggle will help Finlay win, but wouldn't it be something to see Hornswoggle turn heel ON Finlay, siding with Mr. McMahon with some odd angle like "He learned his tough love lesson, and wanted to prove to McMahon that he was a tough little bastard."

I can completely see a Hornswoggle heel turn. Allowing J.B.L. to get the victory. It'd rank right up there with Trish Stratus turning on Chris Jericho, siding with Christian. It does absolutely nothing for anyone involved, but it somehow creates a pop.

Career Threatening Match: Ric Flair v. Shawn Michaels: Possibly the match of the night? Maybe. I'm still thinking that the Undertaker/Edge match could steal the show. Or even Umaga/Batista. However, this match should definately warrent a nice amount of time. And it should be a true classic, definately one for Ric Flair to go out on.

Do I see Shawn Michaels winning? I'm about 98% convinced he will. With the remaining 2% going into assuming Flair could pull out a shocking roll-up, then lose the next night on Raw somehow. I'd hate for something like that to happen, because in completely honesty.. if you're going to retire, why wouldn't you want your last match to be at Wrestlemania?

Shawn Michaels made his match with Vince McMahon one of the best on that Wrestlemania card. With that being said, I'm sure this match will easily be one of the top 2.

Overall Thoughts: I don't care what anyone says about weak card, or crappy fillers. I'm generally excited for this year's addition of Wrestlemania. For the passed two years, I've been f*cked over by honestly shit matches. Name me one match on last year's card, that wasn't John Cena/Shawn Michaels, that was honestly worth $50.00.

Batista/Undertaker? Pssh, not to me. It was great by Batista standards, but not anything Wrestlemania great. And the rest of the card sucked major ass. And what about the Mania before. Edge/Foley was pretty much it for me. This year, I'm generally looking forward to most of these matches. Even the Finlay/J.B.L. match.

Infact, the only two matches I'm not concerned for caring about seeing. Are the BunnyMania match, and the Big Show/Mayweather "segment." Outside of those two things, this is a great line-up and I'm especially excited to see Wrestlemania return to an outdoor setting. (I'm assuming some may have forgotten that)

So finally, overall. I'm waiting impatiently for Wrestlemania to get here. Will it be one of the greatest? hahaha NO. But it does have the ability, in my mind, to make me think it could be one of the best in recent memory!

Quit thinking Cena will turn heel. It won't happen. It's common sense by now.

I'm going to do some quick predictions on matches that actually matter.

MITB: Meh, It'll be ok. I'd rather they just lose this match to make the card stronger as it's downright atrocious. Obviously Kennedy or MVP win it. If Hardy comes back and takes it then we'll know right then and there WWE is dying.

World Heacyweight Championship: Meh, Good match. Taker wins. Common sense really. But people will be let down because they hyped it up to be this Angle/HBK type classic. It won't be even close. Just tossed in the middle of the card for 12, 13 minutes of wrestlng. MOTN? Nope not IMO. Which leads me too...

Oh wait....There isn't one. This card is shit.
guess it's just a matter of how one views "solid".

Solid = good matches.

It's pretty simple. From a booking standpoint it's been poor. But pretty much all of the matches have potential to deliver.

MITB are a convulted mess a lot of the time. But there is usually something that makes them stand out.

WWE Championship will be good. I dislike every wrestler involved, and I know it'll be good.

WHC like Wes said, it won't be a classic. But it'll still be good. Same with Finlay/JBL & Umaga & Batsiat.

In this age where there are 14 WWE PPV's a year, 12 TNA PPV's and every Raw has PPV name matches, do you honestly expect Mania's to be special, or anything other than just solid?
I'm sorry if anyone said this already, but on Charter, the HD and standard are the same price- $54.95. I got a little WWE envelope thing that said HD was $54.95.
I'm sorry if anyone said this already, but on Charter, the HD and standard are the same price- $54.95. I got a little WWE envelope thing that said HD was $54.95.

Yeah, I was honestly questioning this because with my satelite provider, they aren't saying HD costs more. Do you realize how great it'd be to get by with NOT having to pay a higher amount.

I was all set to do so, but it'd be amazing if I didn't have to. I'll edit and update when I find out for sure. But I noticed this too, that not everyone would have to pay more and that its the same price as standard for some providers/carriers.
I say yep that the price is way too high. First off to me it is not even worth it this year because there is only the Money in the Bank match that interests me. Second and more importantly, they are making a killing as it is with $24 per house hold. And say that there is a million orders. Then there is the people who went to see it live. Now I don't know what the price is for the tickets but it is alot.
I think this is the weakest card in WrestleMania History since WrestleMania 11. The only thing that is saving this year's Mania is Money Mayweather vS The Big Show and that match is the only reason I want to see the show at all. Look at the card

WWE Championship Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton v. Triple H. v. John Cena
Why is Triple H in this match? I mean Cena won the Rumble in shocking fashion and was setting up what could of been a nice revenge storyline with Randy Orton till Triple H comes in and why? I mean Triple H has been champion 11times and I know he is a Ric Flair mark, but I don't want to see 12 as I think Triple H time as Champion has past him by. He should be more like HBK and just work with putting talent over as he is not the main guy in wrestling. I'm not a Cena fan, but the match with Orton could be the mordern day Rock-Austin fued and I was looking forward to Cena & Orton as it could of been Cena setting his name as the guy in wrestling joining Hogan, Hart, Rock & Austin or it could of been Orton being the badass heel who tops Cena once and for all, but yet we may get Triple H for the 12th time. Great.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge v. The Undertaker:
For five weeks, the WWE pissed on this match with little to no hype. Hell to be honest, I've watched Smackdown each week and I don't even consider this match close to being a Main Event. I think this match should open the show hell I'm more interested in the ECW Title match than this. I mean this could of been Streak vS Streak with Edge being the Rated R Superstar that he is, but yet we get Edgeheads, Chavo jobbing and something about a funeral from what preview has going. I mean Kane, Henry & Orton did it already. I mean I expect Undertaker to win was the streak is one of the greatest things about Mania, but maybe the WWE piss on the angle big time with Edge winning as it seems that in the middle of pushing the weak ass Triple Threat match they forgot about the world title.

BunnyMania: Ashley & Maria v. Beth Phoenix & Melina:
Women in sexy clothes, will be put in between Flair Career Match and WWE title match, add some Santino, maybe king, and really this match is nothing special.

Battle of the Brands: Batista v. Umaga:
A match so Batista can win and thats it. Umaga is the King Kong Bundy of our time, Wrestlemania jobber to the stars. I mean really I understand picking Batista for Smackdown, but you could gotten Kennedy for Raw then this would of been better. Another stupid match from the WWE.

Worlds Collide: The Big Show v. "Money" Mayweather:
This is the only match I'm looking forward too and the only reason I'll be ordering. I just can wait to see this, I mean it may be a big pile of crap, but I'll bet it will be a moment to remember and entertaining.

Money In The Bank Match: John Morrison v. Chris Jericho v. MVP v. Mr. Kennedy v.CM Punk v. Carlito

Every since Jeff Hardy screwed himself, I fell out love with this match. I don't care who wins as it just another ladder match to me and I hope this is the last MITB ever as I mean you got the Rumble if you want a sure shot at the belt. I'm rooting for MVP in this one.

Battle Royal/E.C.W. Championship Match: Winner v. Chavo Guerrero:
I'm looking forward to this for two reason, 1 I get to see it on, and make a last descion on rather not to buy Mania or wait for it to get posted on youtube. I hoping for Tommy Dreamer to win the Battle Royal as seeing as Chavo is in the WWE doghouse for going to the TNA show, I know for sure he is dropping the belt now. I would like to see Dreamer win, and who ever wins Money in the Bank come out and beat Dreamer for the belt. But as the WWE hates pushing the old ECW, I see Kane winning the Battle Royal and winning the title. Hell his push more on ECW anyway.

Belfast Brawl: Finlay v. J.B.L.:
Just a Hardcore match, blood, and a pinfall in a storyline that is stupid. I mean great Horny isn't a McMahon. So why does JBL care? Finly wins.

Career Threatening Match: Ric Flair v. Shawn Michaels:
Seeing as I think Ric Flair is the worst wrestler in the WWE today, I mean the guy jkust takes bumps, chops people and then does a figure four. And I don't see why HBK ending Ric career will help him, when this could be a great tool to push a younger talent like Kennedy, MVP, or even Punk. I saw in a shocker, Flair wins, AS I think the WWE will give him a run with the belt one more time as Hogan got one. I see Flair vS Orton at Backlash with Flair dropping the title to the MITB at SummerSlam.

This a weak card by Wrestlemania standards. Nothing on this card, but the Mayweather vS Big Show is something new as Triple Threat Main Event, been done,Undertaker making a main eventer a jobber, done, Flair Vs Michaeals, been done before, Ladder match been done. I think the show is living off its name this year.
The reason prices keep going up is not because WWE can not afford it, but it's because people will buy it. 70$ is mad expensive for any show period. I don't know much about WWE's PPV buyrate, but it sure seems to me that it is well in tact. If WWE was not getting a lot of buyers, then there would be no way in Hell of an outrageous 70$ would be the price for HD programming. I refuse to buy WM this year for two reasons. A.) Overall poor card and B.) Outrageous price for that poor card, espically on HD.
Has anyone actually ordered the damn show and seen this mythical 70$ price tag, or are we just sipping WZ kool aid a lil here??? Let me tell you all a little secret...the last two PPVs, that were supposedly 10$ more exspensive? THEY WERENT. They were the exact SAAAMME fucking price. This has been the last two months, it hasnt changed. I highly doubt that WWE will be charging 70 fucking dollars for this. SO dont belive it til u see it. Everyone needs to stop getting so fired up over some shit that hasnt even happened, and has no actual proof to back it up.
Has anyone actually ordered the damn show and seen this mythical 70$ price tag, or are we just sipping WZ kool aid a lil here??? Let me tell you all a little secret...the last two PPVs, that were supposedly 10$ more exspensive? THEY WERENT. They were the exact SAAAMME fucking price. This has been the last two months, it hasnt changed. I highly doubt that WWE will be charging 70 fucking dollars for this. SO dont belive it til u see it. Everyone needs to stop getting so fired up over some shit that hasnt even happened, and has no actual proof to back it up.

Well I called Directv today about WM24 and in HD it cost $64.99 and I would say thats a little steep compared to last years what $50-$55. But I guess I wasn't to far off on the $70 and who knows some places might be charging the $70 or more. Like with UFC PPVs they charged $10 more for the same standard PPV from Dish to Directv ( I think its changed since though).

Really think WWE could of picked up a huge buyrate if the price was $50 or less considering I think alot of boxing fans are interested in it with Mayweather. But who knows lol.
My "Set in Stone" Predictions:

--In no way possible, whatsoever, not a shot in the dark, do I see anybody winning this outside of Kane or Tommy Dreamer. Kane is much more likely to go on and win the title, which I think they'll want to do. Perhaps we'll get a Dreamer/Chavo feud and Kane will win the title and simply move on to defend against more entertaining people. I really hope Chavo doesn't retain against anybody, as I think he's a terrible, terrible champion.

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H
--Triple H wins and feuds with the two of them for a little while. Oh, and by the way, he pins Orton, not Cena, so Cena can bitch and moan about how he wasn't pinned, so he should be the #1 contender. Should be a "solid" match in the way that it won't be filled with botches, but it won't be anything too exciting. It'll be a spectacular "standard" match, but won't break into the barrier of being a "great match"...just a very stable, general match.

--Should be a great match, but it won't be a classic. Undertaker wins the title.

MONEY IN THE BANK: Mr. Kennedy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito vs. MVP vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison
--MVP will be screwed out of it by a returning Matt Hardy. Shelton and Carlito don't have a shot, Jericho doesn't need it, so that leaves Kennedy/Punk/Morrison. Personally, I'm hoping that Morrison wins and that Kennedy feuds with Jericho for the IC title after the ppv, but I have a feeling that Punk is going to walk out with the case, especially after they said that Vince is "big on CM Punk" and "we'll see after Wrestlemania".

CAREER ENDING MATCH: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
--Come on now. If Flair wins, I'll be so pissed off. I've been sick and tired of him barely being able to move and getting put over all these young guys. I don't agree that Flair being beaten by a younger guy is a good idea, though, because I don't think this massive push that people complained about and how "Michaels doesn't need it" means anything, because I don't think if Kennedy or MVP or whatever beat Flair, that it would be something to write home about. I honestly don't think anybody would care, and I think that most people are kissing Flair's ass recently just because of the storyline. Nobody was bowing in the audience last year. HBK wins after a "figure-four war" between the two when he finally just superkicks Flair and gets it over with.

BRAND SUPREMACY: Umaga vs. Batista
--I'm really, really rooting for Umaga to win, but he won't. Batista will go over so that Umaga attacks him on Smackdown and that's the catalyst for him shifting brands.

BUNNY MANIA: Ashley & Maria vs. Beth Phoenix & Melina
--Piss break where Santino costs the match for Melina/Phoenix.

--Boring and sloppy. Finlay wins.

Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather
--Mostly all of it will be entrances and Mayweather running around the ring. Big Show will taunt him, then get punched in the stomach a few times, and when he lunges forward, he'll get hit in the head and beaten. I despise this match, lol, and all of the shitty, stupid "build-up" we've seen, which just consisted of a hundred repetitive promos. I'm desperately hoping that Mayweather slips and falls, knocking himself unconscious before he gets past the entrance ramp. That would make my Wrestlemania lol.

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