Favorite and Least Favorite Staff Member

He speaks lies. He speaks the words of the frightened sheep, the uncleansed masses. Pay him no mind. He has turned down the opportunity to rise above - he knows it is us who are truly better than him.

CM Punk and Sam are my saviors. :worship:
He speaks lies. He speaks the words of the frightened sheep, the uncleansed masses. Pay him no mind. He has turned down the opportunity to rise above - he knows it is us who are truly better than him.

At what? Being bored? Weed is great, i cant believe y'all agree with this man. Who else loves weed on this thread? Anyone!?
What an inferior being your truly are, 'Angel'. Your name thought that perhaps I could help you to rise above, but you have fallen to the depths. As I feared. Not all have the strength to be straightedge.
I like most of em, the only one i don like is Lariat. He's a fucking douchebag and takes these forums waaaaaaaaay to seriously. Dude needs to grow up and realise that the computer aint the real world.

Why are you upset with Lariat? Is it because he..

A.) Debated you and used mean words.

B.) Gave you a Warning and/or Infraction.

C.) Deleted a post/thread you made.

D.) All of the above.
Why are you upset with Lariat? Is it because he..

A.) Debated you and used mean words.

B.) Gave you a Warning and/or Infraction.

C.) Deleted a post/thread you made.

D.) All of the above.

I think you summed it up pretty well Will.

All of you are actually wrong. The reason i dislike Lariat is because I made an Elijah Burke thread, keep in mind ONE THREAD. Then later i make a thread asking the people who is the best overall wrestler and who is the best in ring performer in TNA. I listed pope. He starts complaining about how i make too many threads about the pope and that everyone gets it, i like the pope. It was quite funny, i red repped him and said he needed to chill cuz uh, i made one thread about the pope. I bet he shat himself and had a caniptions fit at the same time cuz less than 5 minutes later im red repped and it says "if i see one more comment like that in my rep your stupid ass is banned. are we clear?" He prolly acts this way cause this is the only place he has any say so in anything. I disliked him before this happened too because he seemed to be really rude to new posters and anyone in general that he didnt like, the man just seems to be a dick.
All of you are actually wrong.

I'm not wrong, my opinions were apparently just incorrect. On a side note, I KNEW I should've added a "He gave you red rep" option.

The reason i dislike Lariat is because I made an Elijah Burke thread, keep in mind ONE THREAD. Then later i make a thread asking the people who is the best overall wrestler and who is the best in ring performer in TNA. He starts complaining about how i make too many threads about the post and that everyone gets it, i like the pope.

When you created the 2nd thread, did you just happen to claim The Pope was the best overall Wrestler as well? If so, then I can see where he's coming from.

If your 2nd thread had zero connection to anything you said in the first, then he was out of line. However, if you even so much as mentioned The Pope/Burke as being one of the best - then he had a right to say what he did, as far as making too many similar threads go.

It was quite funny, i red repped him and said he needed to chill cuz uh, i made one thread about the pope.

This shows you're immature and took a single person's negative comments to the extreme. You couldn't just learn from it and adjust.

I bet he shat himself and had a caniptions fit at the same time cuz less than 5 minutes later im red repped

Its possible. Then again, do you often know of people who shit themselves and have fits of rage and anger (besides yourself, apparently) upon being pointlessly repped in a negative way?

Your rep, for what reps worth to begin with, likely did a darn thing to him. And even if you had the highest rep on this forum - its once again nothing thats going to change a person's life.

and it says "if i see one more comment like that in my rep your stupid ass is banned. are we clear?"

If this was the exact comment, I would suggest going to Slyfox696 and making a case about abuse of power. Not only would that comment get Lariat into trouble for making pointless threats, but it would be an empty threat at that. He can't ban you for comments unless you were bad mouthing/flaming him.

Of course, its as the Staff's opinion on what is considered flaming/bad mouthing.

I had another reason but oh well, who cares.

I moderately do. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked.

I disliked him before this happened too because he seemed to be really rude to new posters and anyone in general that he didnt like, the man just seems to be a dick.

Thats because he is.

Seriously. Lariat is a prick. He's the type of guy that will treat you like shit, bad mouth you, bitch about you, call you names, and fuck your Mother if he got the chance.

But once you come to learn this, and accept him for his flaws, he'll respect you and like you for it. Its best if you just allowed him free access to your Mother.
Ya know, your stupid comments are really not helping, do i need to use my adult language and type you into submission again?

He just agreed that I summed things up. I didn't see anything stupid about his comments.

I'm also not instantly coming in here to bad mouth you, or call you stupid. However, comments like yours here - to other forum members - isn't helping your cause of looking like someone who could last.

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