Everyone is too nice around here

Holy shit.

I cannot believe this has gone on non-stop for almost a full 24 hours.

Give it up people, Sly's not changing his opinion, and he's not quieting down. He will continue to respond to each and every post directed to him, and it will go on forever. I highly doubt there is anyone who has anything new left to say. I managed to say everything I wanted to say last night. How can anyone have anything relevant to add at this point. I'd like to think that I was one of the more civil of Sly's detractors, and I doubt he even remembers anything I said, let alone take it to heed. So why would he bother listening to everyone who is just piling the snide remarks on him? KB, Spawn, let it go. It's really just not worth it. You don't like Sly, that much is obvious. But it's become clear to me that nothing will be accomplished in this thread. So just go do what everyone else does when a poster is pissing people off. Go make a Slyfox Hate Club Thread.
I do find in intriguing that the point of this was Sly wanted more debates. We're debating him on what he had to say and now we're not doing it the way he wanted it done, so naturally we're the failures and only he really gets it.
I want debates, not exercises in ignorance.

I don't care if you want to discuss this, but you people are saying the same damned thing, time after time, and I've already addressed it, time after time. At what point are you guys going to get it? Hell, I've all but spoonfed it to you, and you still choose not to understand.

If there's anything I can't stand more than incompetence, it's laziness.

*sigh* I do understand your point.

But like a certain someone, why should I let go of what I think? I should hammer it down 'till someone accepts I'm right.
The difference is that I respond to each person's point.

They just ignore what I say, and then say it again, just so they can get pissed when I don't answer it.

Take the thread in the Prison right now about Hart and Michaels. It might be wearisome, and I might say some things more than once, but I do it where it's needed, and don't make stupid statements that no reasonable person would make, given the flow of conversation.

It'd be like if HBK-aholic said "HBK has had good matches with Undertkaer, Razor, HHH", and me saying, a couple of posts later, "Yeah, but has he ever had any good matches?".

That's the equivalent of what this thread is turning into.

Lol, anyway Sly...just asking a question, when was the last time you made a wrestling thread where it actually counted? It's an honest question, I think the only threads I've seen you make are usually in the spam zone. correct me if I'm wrong, just asking.
I wrote that column about a week ago.

And the reason I put it in the Live Discussion zone is so more people can respond to it without making 25 sentences. I'm not in favor of the spam rule here, so I put the thread where it doesn't apply.
Another curious question, notice I'm not arguing here Sly, but doesn't making it in the spam zone make for some pointless responses that aren't very well worded? The ones you seek to avoid at times?
So you can see, both sides in this debate have been repeating themselves a little. But in our case it's because we're being lazy and don't understand; whilst Sly is being a martyr putting up with us and desperately trying to force us to comprehend his ideology.
If you people would quit making repeated posts, I wouldn't have to keep repeating my answers.

This really isn't that hard to understand. And that's why I've chosen to ignore the repeated stupid questions I've already responded to.
Sly, I graduated Magna Cum Laude from a well respected liberal arts college and am starting my master's degree in September...and I still don't know what you are trying to say.

All I have read is "I'm tired," "I don't want to debate with noobs because they will get banned," "I've explained things like a hundred bazillion times," "etc," "etc," "etc."

In the most concise and precise manner possible, make one post summarizing your entire point. Then, I will address it.

And it makes it completely boring. Everyone sucks up to HBK-aholic, she idolizes Norcal, the "What do you really think" threads that Shocky does generally are nothing but ass smooching. Frankly, it's boring, and completely unappealing.

Controversy Creates Cash, Eric Bischoff said, but in this case, controversy could at least create interest. I find so many things boring now, because it's just one big MSN message style love fest between all posters.

What happened to the fun days where Justin was ready to kill me, where Brian and Wes flamed each other constantly about two overrated quarterbacks, or when Prax and the admin team had a full out brawl? I miss those days. It was interesting and fun to post.

Now WZ has gone Barney style. I fully expect a thread soon where each member takes the time to sing a line of "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family". Seriously.

I was hoping to read some good stuff in the "What do you really think" threads, but I've been severely let down. I noticed DIAR said bad things about NorCal, but DIAR is apparently on a heel run, so who knows if it's genuine or not.

We need less getting along, and more intense debates. Maybe there were some in the Rock thread, I don't know, that held no interest to me. But, whatever it is, we need more across the board.

At least, that's how I feel about it. I don't want "As the WZ World Turns" or anything like that again, but I do want some action.

What are we missing, and how can we make it fun again?

I'd like to think that I was one of the more civil of Sly's detractors
You were one of the few people I thought genuinely understood.

You didn't necessarily agree, but you at least got it.

and I doubt he even remembers anything I said, let alone take it to heed.
May not take it to heed, but basically you said to lighten up, and while it's ok to debate hard and get points across, be less of a dick about doing it.


Go make a Slyfox Hate Club Thread.
Oh, that would so totally rule.

If someone doesn't make it by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'm starting it.
I want debates, not exercises in ignorance.

I don't care if you want to discuss this, but you people are saying the same damned thing, time after time, and I've already addressed it, time after time. At what point are you guys going to get it? Hell, I've all but spoonfed it to you, and you still choose not to understand.

If there's anything I can't stand more than incompetence, it's laziness.

The difference is that I respond to each person's point.

They just ignore what I say, and then say it again, just so they can get pissed when I don't answer it.

Take the thread in the Prison right now about Hart and Michaels. It might be wearisome, and I might say some things more than once, but I do it where it's needed, and don't make stupid statements that no reasonable person would make, given the flow of conversation.

It'd be like if HBK-aholic said "HBK has had good matches with Undertkaer, Razor, HHH", and me saying, a couple of posts later, "Yeah, but has he ever had any good matches?".

That's the equivalent of what this thread is turning into.

I wrote that column about a week ago.

And the reason I put it in the Live Discussion zone is so more people can respond to it without making 25 sentences. I'm not in favor of the spam rule here, so I put the thread where it doesn't apply.

Much like you are with repeating that we're all not getting what you're saying yet I've seen no attempt to show us what we're doing wrong.

And no, by not being willing to take your time to debate with newer posters as its a waste of your time, you're not being lazy at all. Hypocritical, eliteist, insulting and rude, but no never lazy.
Another curious question, notice I'm not arguing here Sly, but doesn't making it in the spam zone make for some pointless responses that aren't very well worded? The ones you seek to avoid at times?
It makes it possible, but it also allows one sentence responses that aren't pointless, but take a lot less time to get out.

It's like I said to HBK-aholic a few days ago, when she tried to get people to post in a Chit Chat thread she made. "Why post in 17 sentences what I can post in one"? She asked why racism is worse, and in one sentence, I explained it. With the spam rules, I can't make that post, even though it's completely relevant and discussion involving. But, by posting my topics in the Spam Zone, those type of sentences can be had.
Much like you are with repeating that we're all not getting what you're saying yet I've seen no attempt to show us what we're doing wrong.
Because I've already made the attempt (multiple times), you just chose to either ignore it, or not understand it.
I think KB's trying to show Sly that he isn't the only one who can be stubborn like a motherfucker.

I got what Sly was saying, his methods leave alot to be desired. They're effective though.
It makes it possible, but it also allows one sentence responses that aren't pointless, but take a lot less time to get out.

It's like I said to HBK-aholic a few days ago, when she tried to get people to post in a Chit Chat thread she made. "Why post in 17 sentences what I can post in one"? She asked why racism is worse, and in one sentence, I explained it. With the spam rules, I can't make that post, even though it's completely relevant and discussion involving. But, by posting my topics in the Spam Zone, those type of sentences can be had.

Yeah, I get you, I hate the spam rule at times, but if the topic is really riveting and not something you can explain in one sentence, it's quite easy to make a reasonable length post.

Do you like the number 17? Think you've used it a few posts back also.
You were one of the few people I thought genuinely understood.

You didn't necessarily agree, but you at least got it.
Of course I got it. I don't understand how a single person couldn't have "gotten it". You're basically absolutely right, I just didn't why you went a made a big deal out of it. I say you made a big deal out of it because it's out of character for you not to make a big deal lol.

May not take it to heed, but basically you said to lighten up, and while it's ok to debate hard and get points across, be less of a dick about doing it.

Holy crap. He listened. It almost feels like an accomplishment on my part. AND your part, now that I think about.

Oh, that would so totally rule.

If someone doesn't make it by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'm starting it.
LOL I knew that idea would excite you. Only Sly would support his own hate group lol.
I think KB's trying to show Sly that he isn't the only one who can be stubborn like a motherfucker.

I got what Sly was saying, his methods leave alot to be desired. They're effective though.
They might not be the most aesthetically appeasing, but it worked, right?

I mean, isn't this thread a big debate? And it has 466 posts in it. In about 24 hours.

Debates bring interest and excitement. We've had a ton of people post in it, making tons of posts.

I'm being stubborn because what he's saying is such bs it amazes me.
No, you're being stubborn because of either your inability or flat out refusal to comprehend the basic them of my post.
They might not be the most aesthetically appeasing, but it worked, right?

I mean, isn't this thread a big debate? And it has 466 posts in it. In about 24 hours.

Debates bring interest and excitement. We've had a ton of people post in it, making tons of posts.

You remind me of House sometimes.

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