Everyone is too nice around here

I also find it very fustrating that "noobs" dont get a fair chance. I know here you have to earn repsect and crap but it just gets to me. I have been a member since last December read about everyone, was sort of a creeper and no alot of the things that go around. I started posting last week sometime. I just can't believe how dead the wrestling section of this "wrestling forum" is. I keep posting what I think to be relative coherent posts but still nothing. I know alot of people dont want to "talk" or "debate" the "noobs" but maybe if u did it would make the wrestling section a little better? But it really doesnt bother me, I'll just keep posting for my own enjoyment.....
I'm not saying that people should be assholes, I'm saying they should grow a set, and start mixing it up with people. Like Shocky said, those list of names that RVDgurl dropped weren't afraid to step on people's toes. That made it fun.

You may not be saying people should be assholes, but that is how it's being interpreted by people, and they are running around making threads and posts thinking "ok now I have to be a prick and just post all the things I hate about people on the forums" instead of going to the other sections outside of the barroom and trying to get a good heated debate going, also I think alot of people liked the names listed by RVDgurl, and as they saw them disappear one by one they feared the same thing would happen to them if they ever developed an attitude similar, and it also seems alot of poster who showed good potential were banned cause they had alts, there has to be another way to deal with that
Actually you are. You're unhappy. And instead of finding a productive way of solving that, you instead spread it to others and make them feel inadequate because they aren't meeting the qualities that you saw in other posters who you respected more.

Well they are gone. Plain and simple. There are new people here. If it's not to your liking, then take your talents elsewhere. It's that simple. But you know that really makes me laugh. It's when people don't like this place or something about it or something that they got called on and proceed to stay here and bitch about it. If you are THAT unhappy and are THAT let down and THAT disappointed..... then leave. You are beholden unto noone here. You are not chained. You are not shackled. Nothing is holding you here but you. You could turn of your comp. You could go to another sit. It's just that simple. Period.

It was a rhetorical question.

Don't bother Spawn, Sly is only going to come in here and say "there it is again, WZ: Take it or Leave it." and then leave you in the dust.
I also find it very fustrating that "noobs" dont get a fair chance. I know here you have to earn repsect and crap but it just gets to me. I have been a member since last December read about everyone, was sort of a creeper and no alot of the things that go around. I started posting last week sometime. I just can't believe how dead the wrestling section of this "wrestling forum" is. I keep posting what I think to be relative coherent posts but still nothing. I know alot of people dont want to "talk" or "debate" the "noobs" but maybe if u did it would make the wrestling section a little better? But it really doesnt bother me, I'll just keep posting for my own enjoyment.....

You are a perfect example of what Im talking about. Your name implies that of a newb that will be banned soon. You have proven me wrong. You're a very good young poster and I read several of your posts. Very good, young poster.
I'd rather be nice to People I don't know than mean to them. If I disagree with someone I'll let them know. Yeah I'm an occasional ass kisser but I'm never serious.

To be 100% honest I like some of you but I just don't care.
I'd rather be nice to People I don't know than mean to them. If I disagree with someone I'll let them know. Yeah I'm an occasional ass kisser but I'm never serious.

To be 100% honest I like some of you but I just don't care.

Occasional?!?, yeah that would be the understatement of the fucking century, I see you kiss more ass than anyone else
Yes I read it, and it shows yet again your eliteism. You want this place to be better, then fucking do something about it. Don't by hypocritical and try to get the other people to do what you want done.
Again, the communication process has broken down.

I AM doing something about it. What do you think this thread is?

It's amazing how often I have to repeat myself for you. Just so you know now, if you mention something again that I've already addressed, I'm ignoring it. So, don't take it hard if the next thing you say I don't respond to. Blame yourself.

Sly, how is it that my post was "too long" for you to read, but yet you've replied to posts longer than mine?
Because your post was a long post pissing about the same things that other people were doing in much shorter posts, at a time when I was posting a lot to a lot of people.

But that's fine by me because I think I have my answer. You don't respond to new posters because their going to get banned anyway, good reasoning.
I think so. You should see some of the other forums I post on.

I generally address everyone who replies to me, because I know they're not getting banned. But, of course, you with your infinite knowledge of my posting habits already know that right?

Personally I think that's just a scapegoat of sorts to get out of the whole topic in general.
Personally, I think you don't have the first clue as to what you're talking about, and you're pissed that I don't give a damn about you.

Basically I'm saying give the new guys a chance to make a mark on this forum because with your "reasoning" it seems we were doomed the second we registered on this forum.
That's my reasoning, but not my fault.

You need to take THAT complaint to someone else.

Actually you are. You're unhappy. And instead of finding a productive way of solving that, you instead spread it to others and make them feel inadequate because they aren't meeting the qualities that you saw in other posters who you respected more.
Like I said, you totally don't get it.

I'd explain it again, but I tire of having to explain things multiple times for people who are unable, unwilling, incapable, or just too damn lazy to take the time to understand what I'm saying.

Well they are gone. Plain and simple. There are new people here. If it's not to your liking, then take your talents elsewhere. It's that simple.
I don't care if those people are here. I care about what those posters were about. I care that they made the forums interesting to be apart of, and didn't care who they were debating, they would do it hard.

Now it seems that everyone is afraid to debate with their "friends" because then someone might not like them as much. It's boring, and ridiculous.

It was a rhetorical question.
It was a joke response.

I also find it very fustrating that "noobs" dont get a fair chance. I know here you have to earn repsect and crap but it just gets to me. I have been a member since last December read about everyone, was sort of a creeper and no alot of the things that go around. I started posting last week sometime. I just can't believe how dead the wrestling section of this "wrestling forum" is. I keep posting what I think to be relative coherent posts but still nothing. I know alot of people dont want to "talk" or "debate" the "noobs" but maybe if u did it would make the wrestling section a little better? But it really doesnt bother me, I'll just keep posting for my own enjoyment.....
I can't speak for others, but it's not that you don't get a fair chance, it's that most people are gone just as soon as they arrive. Which means all the time I spent responding to their posts, and showing them the flaws in their logic and reasoning is wasted, and I have to do it all over again for the next batch of new posters, new posters who will be banned again as well.

Why should I take my time, and repeat myself a million times, for no gain?
You may not be saying people should be assholes, but that is how it's being interpreted by people
Which is unfortunate, because that's not how it was intended.

It was intended for people to quit being such wimps and scared of each other, and be willing to mix it up with one another.

instead of going to the other sections outside of the barroom and trying to get a good heated debate going
Which is what I was asking for. I know you understand this, but others don't seem to get it.

Additionally, it doesn't have to be outside the Bar Room. They can make the same debates in the Bar Room as well.

Don't bother Spawn, Sly is only going to come in here and say "there it is again, WZ: Take it or Leave it." and then leave you in the dust.
Wow, what clever wit you posses. :rolleyes:
Well said

BTW you look like you need a hug... *hugs Ricky just to annoy Sly*


*posted to annoy Justin* :lmao:

Yes you are. You're hiding in the bar room where you know only the regulars are going to give a damn about it, trying to change our ways to change the forum into what you want rather than going into the wrestling sections and trying to make the changes yourself.
Why should I take my time, and repeat myself a million times, for no gain?

Ummm this is a wrestling forum...you state your opinion and or debate with the members? What do you gain from debating the "regulars".....a fancy green rep or a "reputation as a master debater" on a wrestling forum? Who cares if the person you "smoke" are gone in a day. Did you not have "fun" challenging their opinion regardless of their outcome. You can have a back and fourth banter and then move on to the next topic. And I know "you" alone cant respond to all posts and stuff thats why you respond to things that you consider fun. Isnt the point about having fun and debating people. If you find nobody up to your "standard" why bother posting?
Personally, I think you don't have the first clue as to what you're talking about, and you're pissed that I don't give a damn about you.

Oh get off your high horse Sly, seriously. I don't give a shit what you think of me, I care about people like you who reply to posts that myself and fellow new-comers make. If you even tried to care about what I posted you would've noticed that I agreed with you that there needs to be more debate on this forum. I LOVE debating and I love reading people's opinions and reacting to them. I agree with you fully on that, but what my problem comes from is that people like you shun the new posters and we never have our chance to voice our opinions in debates or even be taken seriously as a poster. So no I don't care what you think of me, but what I care about is posters like you who respond to us and let us get more involved in this forum.
Consider these two right here. Mysterio and Simpsons. When I saw their names, I immediately thought they'd be gone within 3 days. I don't think I've ever talked to either, but so far I like what I see. Could they be banned within a week? Yes. Could the be future admins? Yes. All i know about them is that they're here, making good solid posts all around the forum. Apparently someone thinks something of them as they both have a little rep and a slowly growing post count. I've replied to one or two of their posts each, and things are going fine. Based on what I've seen I think I'm going to start doing it more often as they seem like they're improving fairly well. That's how you make a forum better Sly. You take a chance on some new guys and see where it goes, don't just write them off.
Ummm this is a wrestling forum...you state your opinion and or debate with the members? What do you gain from debating the "regulars".....a fancy green rep or a "reputation as a master debater" on a wrestling forum? Who cares if the person you "smoke" are gone in a day. Did you not have "fun" challenging their opinion regardless of their outcome. You can have a back and fourth banter and then move on to the next topic. And I know "you" alone cant respond to all posts and stuff thats why you respond to things that you consider fun. Isnt the point about having fun and debating people. If you find nobody up to your "standard" why bother posting?
You're missing the point.

I don't want to post the same things, over and over again (despite what my time in the Cena thread might suggest). I want to build upon what I've posted, to expand and enhance wrestling knowledge.

However, if I have to start at Level 1 over and over again, because people get banned, then it's pointless and a waste of my time. And I don't feel like doing that.

Consider these two right here. Mysterio and Simpsons. When I saw their names, I immediately thought they'd be gone within 3 days. I don't think I've ever talked to either, but so far I like what I see. Could they be banned within a week? Yes. Could the be future admins? Yes. All i know about them is that they're here, making good solid posts all around the forum. Apparently someone thinks something of them as they both have a little rep and a slowly growing post count. I've replied to one or two of their posts each, and things are going fine. Based on what I've seen I think I'm going to start doing it more often as they seem like they're improving fairly well. That's how you make a forum better Sly. You take a chance on some new guys and see where it goes, don't just write them off.
And if they are still here for a while, then I'll be happy to take the time to respond where I feel necessary.
Yes. Once they're established and the rest of us have taken the time to help them become established instead of you taking maybe a minute to reply to them each.
And if they are still here for a while, then I'll be happy to take the time to respond where I feel necessary.

And why would they... or more accurately we... or even more accurately anybody, bother to stick around at all if everyone suddenly started adopting your "everyone else is here for my personal enjoyment" philosophy?

You seem to want people to change their behaviour, so that you can be amused.
You want an improvement in the quality of debate, so that you can be amused.
Yet you recoil away from actually doing anything to bring this about unless you personally find it gratifying. This seems rather hypocritical to me.
Slyfox Im not missing the point.
I get that it most get fustrating and boring to debate with a noob that Cena real isnt the devil spawn, or debating that Hogan didnt suck because he couldnt perform a 450 splash, I get that. The thing that I dont get is that you complain that these forums are crap and that the "regular bar-room posters" are all I love you and ur cool....can I be mod, so instead of trying to help some "noobs" get better are just have "fun" posting about something and not worry about gaining something or making someone look stupid, then maybe you can help the wrestling sections out. This thread helped some, but its obvious that some bar-room flies would rather talk about cookies than talk about wrestling so why dont u try and have "fun" in the wrestling sections. Who cares if Im gone tommorow its not like we are friends, debate with me & move on. Also post in the different threads. I never see you post about the Divas, TNA stars, ect try debating about these topics since they are "new" too you and it wont be the same old rehashing. Maybe make a few topics of your own.....and lastly u can debate with "us" now or tommorow it might be to late cuz we will either be banned or we will become bar-room only posters.
Try to have "fun".....instead of just complaining that the forum sucks....the forum is what u make it....

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