Everyone is too nice around here

I'm sort of caught in the middle here. People kissing others ass needs to stop. But on the other hand flaming just for the sake of it is no good either. I don't mind people flaming me. I realize that it is just an internet forum. I'm not going to go kiss peoples ass, just as I wouldnt go around openly flaming other posters as well. Sure, there are certain posters I like, and others who flat out get on my nerves. I just tend to ignore the latter.

Dude, do whatever makes YOU happy. Don't listen to what other tell you should be or criticize you for. Be you. Plain and simple.

On The other hand. Sly, I have to commend you for getting people riled up. But it is kind of a shame that there has been this much discussion in the bar room about people being too nice, when it should be out in the forums talking about wrestling. But anyways, Sly...great job. No ass kissing, just stating a simple fact.

Yeah, but essentially he is telling you to do exactly what you are doing but on the opposite end of the spectrum.
What a great thread. It's the first one a few months that I felt compelled to read from front to back. Leave it to good ol' Sly to get things started. And I couldn't agree more with him (and that does NOT happen often). There is so little debate that goes on anymore it is rather stale. Granted, I haven't been a "regular" on here for about 6 months now- partially because my schedule is busy- but partially because the posting just isn't as strong. I mean no disrespect by that, it's just the truth.
Alot of the people who were willing to debate and really get involved (such as Prax, Ace, Xfear, Wes, Kasey, AE, Tex, FlameLee, etc. etc- love 'em or hate 'em) were either banned for going a little too far or have just lost interest. Don't get me wrong there are still alot of great posters but it truly does seem like there is more ass kissing then debating going on.

I love RVDGurl, nailed in on the head. No disrespect to our current guys, but that list of names you just dropped was a list of guys that didn't give a shit whose toes they stepped on, they said what they wanted.

I still think the debate is good on these forums, don't get me wrong, but the edge isn't there anymore.
I hardly post anymore for this exact reason theres just nothign interesting goin on anymore

another issue I have is I hardly know many people who post in the bar room anymore so I have little to no interest in reading what they have to say besides a select few and Im kind of in the same situation as RVDGurl because I haent posted regularly in months either
I love RVDGurl, nailed in on the head. No disrespect to our current guys, but that list of names you just dropped was a list of guys that didn't give a shit whose toes they stepped on, they said what they wanted.

I still think the debate is good on these forums, don't get me wrong, but the edge isn't there anymore.

So before was like the Attitude Era? Without the crappy storylines?
no not all. There are plenty of people that are capable of being just as good, but either the business sucks, or people don't debate hard anymore.

Norcal, Sam, Will, Skullz, Slim and Irish could go toe to toe with any of those guys that were mentioned easily. Good posters have left though, and it's not meant to be disrespectful, but we haven't had a ton of people step up.

It's one thing to be a good poster, but to be a good poster and just be vanilla isn't any good either. There has to be some sort of flare, some sort of style that people use to individualize themselves. We have a ton of great wrestling posters, but they stick to facts instead of forming some opinion on the situation.
no not all. There are plenty of people that are capable of being just as good, but either the business sucks, or people don't debate hard anymore.

Norcal, Sam, Will, Skullz, Slim and Irish could go toe to toe with any of those guys that were mentioned easily. Good posters have left though, and it's not meant to be disrespectful, but we haven't had a ton of people step up.

It's one thing to be a good poster, but to be a good poster and just be vanilla isn't any good either. There has to be some sort of flare, some sort of style that people use to individualize themselves. We have a ton of great wrestling posters, but they stick to facts instead of forming some opinion on the situation.

You just pretty much explained why I hardly go in the wrestling sections.

I mean, where do I post most that isn't the Bar Room? Chit Chat easily. Why? Because the only thing it's about is opinion and debate. There are no solid facts for a majority of the things we discuss in there.
That is true, because if solid undeniable facts are posted, you lose all taste to debate, sometimes you just appear ignorant for trying to deny what has been pointed out and proven.
And you do a good job in wrestling too, much better then what you get credit for, but you're easily in your comfort zone in that section. That's the Black Widow's Web.

There isn't anything wrong with using facts, because if you don't, then your argument is useless, but having an opinion on those facts makes it less like reading a text book, and more enjoyable.

And then there's the group of people that simply have no clue what wrestling is.
Yup, you are officially the Black Widow of wrestlezone, it's either that or a praying mantis.
Even so, with all of the complaining, I would take the ten best posters on this forum and put them up against any ten posters from any other forum, and we would mop the floor with them.
Black Widow, you can kill anyone pretty much.

Praying Mantis females rip the heads off the males when finished with mating.
its already happening. all these "ok ill be an asshole" thread will be popping up, as if flipping a bitch on a internet wreslting forum is "stepping up". which is immensely more pathetic than being cool with each other LOL
One thing I just want to say is though Sly was right when he said that not knowing any of the posters doesn't incline him to post much, but what he and other posters also have to realize that when you actually acknowledge those posters instead of those you already know, you help them get established, and IMO, this isn't done much here. Since i've tried the posting thing out, I've noticed that people gravitate to certain threads depending on who's posted there, for example if Shocky was the last post in the thread, they'll reply to Shocky's post, not even checking out that maybe someone else had made some good points and not even bothering to read it...I've experienced it myself. All I'm saying is if you want people to start being honest, forming their own "niche" so to say, you gotta show them that. Acknowledging them can do wonders, even if it's just tearing them to shreds, or if you actually agree with them, that'll motivate them to post even more. I feel like the only times I'm paid any attention to is in the BR, so why bother posting in the wrestling forums if you know you'll just be "just another post" no matter how hard you try not to be?

Reminds me of something a teacher of mine used to say, "Some employers don't employ some individuals because of lack of experience, even if they're qualified, when they themselves could give those individuals the experience needed, train them up, let them get used to it, and you have a valuable employee on your hands...but if they don't get that chance, they can't go anywhere".

Watch this get ignored:p
Amen Blaze. That's the one huge flaw I see in Sly's argument. He wants the place to be better but won't help any of the newbs get better. A lot will be banned but you can tell quite often who will and who will be around or has the potential to be around.
When NorCal sees a newb make a good post, he reps them and PMs them to tell them we need more of thst, and that I hope to see them continue posting around here.


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