Everyone is too nice around here

he looked horrible Justin. in every way shape and form. People can still do decent things in a quash. that guy looked like he had absolutely zero future

Meh, it was one match give him time, I'm not going to argue with you and the quality of the match, and I really don't want to be one of those guys that comes in and says shit like "watch hi ROH stuff, or he was better in the indies, yada yada yada", cause we all know their are plenty of other posters that will be saying that shit, I just saying give him some time, I mean have you ever seen Triple H's first WWE match, it was fucking horriable, same with the Rock
Personally, I think Cabana looked good tonight, and this is coming from someone who has never seen him wrestle. The chances he got to be on the offensive he looked pretty decent, and sold the running tackle from Ezekiel well. There really isn't much else he could've done, considering they booked him in a squash.

I also like the zany character they gave him, but maybe that's just me.
Please tell me you're not going to just write Cabana off after just one match, and a squash at that, they also need to have Kendrick spot floating around the ring like a fucking ******, I like the idea of turning him into a loose cannon type character but is it necessary for him to walk around like he's fucking drunk or some shit

Thats what I like about Kendrick's new gimmick. Its just so easy to like but hate at the same time.
Personally, I think Cabana looked good tonight, and this is coming from someone who has never seen him wrestle. The chances he got to be on the offensive he looked pretty decent, and sold the running tackle from Ezekiel well. There really isn't much else he could've done, considering they booked him in a squash.

I also like the zany character they gave him, but maybe that's just me.

Colt is pretty good at the zany thing, always has been, WWE giving him a character that allows him be zany is a pretty smart move, since it's what he's really good at
Yep, he's a zany fun loving guy, what's the problem with it, I mean I didn't realize every wrestler had to have a serious gimmick, the dude is fucking Colt Cabana not Lance fucking Storm

But I get it, he's from ROH and has made a name for himself on the indy circuit so if he doesn't come out a start having five star matches upon his debut then he must suck, and there really is no need to give the guy a shot or anything right;)
I didn't know you like ROH.

Yeah, I just don't get as ******ed about it as some people do, I just look as it as another alternative, I am completely aware that it is not "real wrestling", and is not necessarily better than WWE or TNA....well maybe TNA from time to time, that shit has gotten pretty awful lately;)
Yeah, I just don't get as ******ed about it as some people do, I just look as it as another alternative, I am completely aware that it is not "real wrestling", and is not necessarily better than WWE or TNA....well maybe TNA from time to time, that shit has gotten pretty awful lately;)

I have only watched one match from ROH in my life. C.M Punk vs Homicide I think it was. Not a bad match but I can't see myself watching it all the time.
I have only watched one match from ROH in my life. C.M Punk vs Homicide I think it was. Not a bad match but I can't see myself watching it all the time.

The biggest problem with ROH is that they don't give away matches that are good and really show what they are capable of on their site, they save them for the DVDs and make you buy them, which makes sense in that that is where they make the majority of their money, the problem with that is that people see matches that are pretty average at best and think to themselves "why would I want to shell out $20 for a DVD of this?!", they need to show some good classics matches on their site for free, so that people can see what they can really do, if people see one of ROH's better matches then they may think, "danm that was pretty good, maybe I should check out some more of this stuff"
First off so for the late response..I just saw this.
I actually missed it too. So thank you to Murfish. It didn't need to be said, but I appreciate that you did.

Second Im not complaining only debating.
You've kinda been comin off as a complainer.

"You, however, took offense to people defending Shango".
This statement is sorta wrong. I didnt take offence to people "defending" shango. I took offence to the sodomizing remark.
I made a sodomy joke? Don't remember this. And it's not recorder in my joke log. Besides, "sodomy", doesn't sound like something I'd use. Sounds more like Spawn to me.
First I know its the bar-room and anything goes, but I bet if a noob were to go in there and make this kind of remarks they would be considered as "flamers".
I would probably laugh, if it were in the context I believe the alleged sodomy joke took place in. If someone sounded as though they were actually threatening someone with anal rape, though, it would be flaming.
I can take "ribs", I only defended myself after that remark.
Why defend yourself? Nobody whipped it out on you did they?
Was I supposed to take it and leave the bar-room?
Laughing it off is usually a good approach.
I never said he didnt no much.
This is true, I don't think you did ever question my intelligence. How could anyone, though? I mean, I'm clearly a genius.

"because your holier-than-though-because-I-post-about-wrestling-on-a-wrestling-forum is rather annoying."
I never said I was better cuz I post about wrestling,
You still went on a spiel about post count and rep and what not. It came off very snooty ("Snooty?" "Snotty." "Snotty?!" Green rep for the first person to name the movie.).

you people ribbed me and I shot back, thats not aloud?
No, your response was quite aloud. It was verbalized.

I find their "sodomizing" annoying but I put up with it...
Gee, thanks for your tolerance? :headscratch:

anyways Im sorry if I'm sending out a certain "vibe" people jumped all over me because I took a shot at certain "bar-room flys" and not even Shango in particular and it seems I'm not the only one who thinks it. And the thread is called "what do you think" I didint think people need to defend someone in a thread where your supposed to say what u think....it just makes the whole concept pointless if your gonna get people "defending" people...nobody will want to say what they think. That is all...
I think the reason people were getting defensive was because

A) I'm quite popular (When and how that happened is beyond me) and
B) You got extremely defensive first.

You gotta learn to let a lot of things just roll. Joking around is pretty much the main activity in the Bar Room, apart from getting shitfaced off straight shots of tequila and SoCo. It's also helpful to know that most of Spawn's jokes include sodomy, and are really only to be taken as insults when they are said to Prisoners.
Ding Ding Ding Ding!! Winner! Throw up the W's for KB.

Unfortunately, I can't rep you. But I CAN rape you...

Damn, there I go ago again.
To battle back Sly's original point of this thread, as he has so eloquently osted elsewhere, I have red repped him, but I did it in a nice way.

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