Everyone is too nice around here

Well...I like both bands, but Queen (to me, at least) just made songs to make a payday. So...

Metallica > Queen

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Yeah, they have ALOT of popular songs, but they weren't made specifically to be pimped out at every sporting event and commercial. It happened because their songs just happened to fucking rock. They aren't Smash Mouth, you know.

Queen put real emotion into their music, and the fact that you don't realize that means that the only songs of their you've ever heard are We Will Rock You, We Are the Champions, Under Pressure and Another One Bites the Dust. Try listening to some of their other songs. Bicycle Race, Somebody to Love, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, Seven Seas of Rye, Bohemian Rhapsody.

That's it, where's the fucking rock tournament? It's time Big Papa makes a difference in there.

*Heads off to Rock Tourney*
Shut. Up.
Have of the arguments for Queen are based are just people trying to put Queen over by burying and discrediting all of the accomplishments with arguments I have already disproven
That doesnt change that fact that I prefer queen and telling people to just vote there gives you votes, yes, but they lack the passion of someone who actually cares as opposed to someone who is trying to kiss up to a poster with respect and thousands of posts.
Metallica has earned it just as much as Queen has, I just want to see Metallica win a little more
By telling random people to vote.
Also I only said I would give Blaze green rep, I'm not going to run around and rep everyone who votes for Metallica from here on out
What does that prove. The point isn't about rep, it's about using you leverage as a valued member of these forums.
That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.

Yay, want a cookie?

Yeah, they have ALOT of popular songs, but they weren't made specifically to be pimped out at every sporting event and commercial.

Um, yeah they were. They were smart, and made songs that can be applied to many different entertainment genres. That's smart business, and assures them that they'll always be able to make a payday.

It happened because their songs just happened to fucking rock. They aren't Smash Mouth, you know.

I suppose, but I really don't care. I said to me. Its my OPINION that they only really wanted to get a payday. Still like them, but that's my opinion of them.

someone who is trying to kiss up to a poster with respect and thousands of posts.

I ain't kissing up, I'm piss bored and figured it was somethin' to do to start conversation and ZOMG. It's doing that. =D
Yay, want a cookie?

Choco Choco Chip please.

Um, yeah they were. They were smart, and made songs that can be applied to many different entertainment genres. That's smart business, and assures them that they'll always be able to make a payday.
It also helps that they wrote great songs.

I suppose, but I really don't care. I said to me. Its my OPINION that they only really wanted to get a payday. Still like them, but that's my opinion of them.
I find it funny that you talk about only caring about paydays, when Metallica were the ones who sued Napster.
Choco Choco Chip please.

It also helps that they wrote great songs.

*shrugs* "Great" is completely relevant, but you can't deny the songs are also "smart" songs because of how easily they can be applied.

I find it funny that you talk about only caring about paydays, when Metallica were the ones who sued Napster.

I never said Metallica didn't just want a payday, I said I prefer Metallica TO Queen because it seems like Queen just wanted a payday too me.

That's chocolate chunk. I said Choco Choco Chip.


*shrugs* "Great" is completely relevant, but you can't deny the songs are also "smart" songs because of how easily they can be applied.
Of course they're smart. But they're smart because they can be easily applied without giving up artisitc integrity.

I never said Metallica didn't just want a payday, I said I prefer Metallica TO Queen because it seems like Queen just wanted a payday too me.
So in other words you prefer a band you KNOW just wants a payday, over a band you THINK only wants a payday.
That's chocolate chunk. I said Choco Choco Chip.


D= Blame Wikipedia and Google. It's the first thing that pops up when you type in "Choco Choco Chip".

Of course they're smart. But they're smart because they can be easily applied without giving up artisitc integrity.

You could also look at it as the songs were designed for that, and when you actually pre-mediate something like that its not as "artsy", at least that's how I see it, because you're not really using inspiration.

So in other words you prefer a band you KNOW just wants a payday, over a band you THINK only wants a payday.

No, in other words I prefer a band that seems more like they're making music instead of a band that seems like they just want to keep collecting a paycheck.

Is it ironic that a topic with this title is turning into a debate?
There is a large difference between regulars and barroom regulars. I am pretty sure that most people know that if they are a barroom regular. And being a regular of any kind doesn't make you safe. You may think that because they don't argue much, but it's probably because they don't act hostile towards each other. You, however, took offense to people defending Shango. He has done more than just lurk in the bar and prison, which is probably why they defended him when you claimed that he didn't do much. Did you know he is organizing a movie tournament? Crazy I know because we are on a wrestling forum and all we are capable of talking about is wrestling, but it is actually nice to have other options(once again, crazy I know). You got mad because you wanted to able to say whatever you want(which you still can), but got mad when you realized that most people don't agree with you and that you had to back up what you were saying. Deal with it because if you are nice to people you probably won't be attacked or called out. Is it such a crime for some people to defend their e-friends.

I didn't make this post because I am good friends with Shango, in fact we are usually at odds. I made this post because your holier-than-though-because-I-post-about-wrestling-on-a-wrestling-forum is rather annoying.

First off so for the late response..I just saw this. Second Im not complaining only debating.

"You, however, took offense to people defending Shango".
This statement is sorta wrong. I didnt take offence to people "defending" shango. I took offence to the sodomizing remark. First I know its the bar-room and anything goes, but I bet if a noob were to go in there and make this kind of remarks they would be considered as "flamers". I can take "ribs", I only defended myself after that remark. Was I supposed to take it and leave the bar-room? I never said he didnt no much.

"because your holier-than-though-because-I-post-about-wrestling-on-a-wrestling-forum is rather annoying."
I never said I was better cuz I post about wrestling, you people ribbed me and I shot back, thats not aloud? I find their "sodomizing" annoying but I put up with it...anyways Im sorry if I'm sending out a certain "vibe" people jumped all over me because I took a shot at certain "bar-room flys" and not even Shango in particular and it seems I'm not the only one who thinks it. And the thread is called "what do you think" I didint think people need to defend someone in a thread where your supposed to say what u think....it just makes the whole concept pointless if your gonna get people "defending" people...nobody will want to say what they think. That is all...
Speaking of which, Colt Cabana made a scintilating debut on WWE televisions tonight. If he is one of the best in REAL WRESTLING ill take the fake shit thankyou :lmao:
Speaking of which, Colt Cabana made a scintilating debut on WWE televisions tonight. If he is one of the best in REAL WRESTLING ill take the fake shit thankyou :lmao:

Please tell me you're not going to just write Cabana off after just one match, and a squash at that, they also need to have Kendrick spot floating around the ring like a fucking ******, I like the idea of turning him into a loose cannon type character but is it necessary for him to walk around like he's fucking drunk or some shit
Please tell me you're not going to just write Cabana off after just one match, and a squash at that, they also need to have Kendrick spot floating around the ring like a fucking ******, I like the idea of turning him into a loose cannon type character but is it necessary for him to walk around like he's fucking drunk or some shit

It's more like one leg is a foot shorter than the other.
he looked horrible Justin. in every way shape and form. People can still do decent things in a quash. that guy looked like he had absolutely zero future

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