Everyone is too nice around here

Say it's a Hart Vs Michaels debate, and I make an opening post that Shawn is better. Then Sly makes one about Hart which I reply to. We ultimately end up talking more about Hart, which is really on his terms and what he knows more about, instead of him moving away from his comforts.

This is exactly what I was trying to get across. He stays in his safe zones and won't argue about things he isn't a master of.
Can't this wait 'til Sly's on, at least so he can say what he has to.

Anyway, like I said last night, I agree with Sly...but his methods were all wrong.

Entertaining, but still wrong.
HELLLLOOOOOO!!! I would love to stay and chat more, especially since this thread is wicked good, but I gotta head out for the night.

Represent for us old heads, ok? Muah!

I remember when I started lurking, RVDgurl used to be a fave of mine, she had a couple debates with Sly if i can remember? Correct me if I'm wrong. Wish she'd post more though.
What a great thread. It's the first one a few months that I felt compelled to read from front to back. Leave it to good ol' Sly to get things started. And I couldn't agree more with him (and that does NOT happen often). There is so little debate that goes on anymore it is rather stale. Granted, I haven't been a "regular" on here for about 6 months now- partially because my schedule is busy- but partially because the posting just isn't as strong. I mean no disrespect by that, it's just the truth.
Alot of the people who were willing to debate and really get involved (such as Prax, Ace, Xfear, Wes, Kasey, AE, Tex, FlameLee, etc. etc- love 'em or hate 'em) were either banned for going a little too far or have just lost interest. Don't get me wrong there are still alot of great posters but it truly does seem like there is more ass kissing then debating going on.

*Marks out a little bit*

Good to see an old face around these parts. And, as I stated, the trends continue-Vets vs Recents goes on.
So I read all 30 pages. Some pointers:

  • I agree with Sly and Shocky, the Bar Room is boring now
  • Be honest, chances are you'll never meet someone from WZ in real life, so what have you got to lose from being honest?
  • In every dicussion about a new mod no one has ever said "That guy compliments me, make him a mod" So don't waste your time.
  • 30 pages and I wasn't mentioned once? Fuck what? No "Too many Bar Room exclusives like Luther"?, No "Luther's being saying this for years"? Fuck that, I am the Bar Room. Kiss my fucking ass.
  • *****

Sounds a lot to me like the same bitching people do about wrestling now. Yes wrestling was better 10 years ago and people want it to be that way again. Wake up people. It's not going to happen. This is what you have. Deal with it.
What the hell do you think this thread is?

It's me "dealing" with it.

Don't like the way I'm "dealing" with it, you know where the thread door is. You're welcome to show yourself out.

(See how that can work both ways?)

Personally, and I could be wrong, but I think he knows if he says things in a certain way it'll garner a reaction, and that it did.
Possibly. ;)

Or maybe that's just his way of saying stuff.
Also a possibility. ;)
Yes he got a reaction, and also showed that he has the same weakness that I've said he's had since I met him. He doesn't go into the wrestling sections because it bores him? It's not like the rest of us are all thrilled by it. We go and post there because its wrestling, something that I for one love. I could care less how many posts they have. At some point, Sly was a newb. Someone debated him, and now he's established. So it was good enough for whoever did it with him, but its beneath him.
For someone who does an awful lot of crying about how I don't pay attention to other people's post, it seems that you have yet to understand what I'm talking about.

No one said that I don't talk to new people because it's beneath me. That's something that YOU made up. What I have said, time and again, is that I'm not wasting my time on posters who are going to be gone in a week anyways. If you're under 100 posts, chances are you're getting banned. Given how often people get banned around here, that's a reasonable theory.

Thus, I'm not wasting my time trying to educate posters who are going to be gone in a couple days anyways.

Please quit saying such stupid stuff that you're making up with no basis behind it.
Eliteism like his is one of the few things in the world that truly ticks me off. He's the same as all of these newbs he bashes. No official power, meaning no different.
Another ignorant comment, based upon absolutely no historical proof.

And that's what pisses me off abotu what he said. He's not better than them. Smarter? Possibly. Better poster? Possibly. But how can he prove it if he never debates with them? He gets by on his reputation, nothing more.
My reputation? What the fuck are you talking about?

What the hell do I care about a "reputation"? I'm a fucking poster on wrestling message board, just like everyone else. There is no higher power, so to speak. We're all just posters, and no one here is (inherently) any better than another.

However, it's when people post, and the quality of their arguments, that determines quality, not some imagined reputation.

If people think I don't post because of some imaginary reputation, then that is on them, not me. Because I don't give a rat's ass about a "reputation".

Christ Klunder, you should go back to being the shy kid again, you made more sense.

He's good don't get me wrong, but if you break down his debates, its half smoke and mirrors.
You say that, and yet, where are you to try and call me on them?

It's not smoke and mirrors. What it probably is is you not understanding what I'm saying, but being too afraid to ask for clarification.

I don't B.S. Well, not much, at least.

It also seems to me that he stays away from topics that he isn't a master at. He claims that this is because he isn't interested in them or he finds these arguments irrelevant. This sounds to me like him simply not wanting to put his reputation on the line or branch out.
Again with this supposed reputation stuff. What the hell am I supposed to be afraid of?

Your argument is akin to the argument that Triple H holds wrestlers down. What? What the hell is Triple H supposed to be afraid of? He's married to the bosses daughter and is an 11 time World Champion, and a future Hall of Famer. Insinuating that Triple H is holding wrestlers down is ridiculous.

And it's as ridiculous as saying that I don't post in topics I'm not interested in because of some presumed reputation.
What I'm saying is that in his debates, if you read them, you will very rarely see him adress the arguments the other person brings up. He will find flaws in the people's responses to his points and demand answers to them but never fight off the other points. That isn't debating, that's lecturing.
Your post doesn't even make sense.

If I find a flaw in your argument, then I'm addressing your argument.

Seriously, consider that shy thing again.

What a great thread. It's the first one a few months that I felt compelled to read from front to back. Leave it to good ol' Sly to get things started. And I couldn't agree more with him (and that does NOT happen often). There is so little debate that goes on anymore it is rather stale. Granted, I haven't been a "regular" on here for about 6 months now- partially because my schedule is busy- but partially because the posting just isn't as strong. I mean no disrespect by that, it's just the truth.
Alot of the people who were willing to debate and really get involved (such as Prax, Ace, Xfear, Wes, Kasey, AE, Tex, FlameLee, etc. etc- love 'em or hate 'em) were either banned for going a little too far or have just lost interest. Don't get me wrong there are still alot of great posters but it truly does seem like there is more ass kissing then debating going on.
Wow...a true legend returns.


Say it's a Hart Vs Michaels debate, and I make an opening post that Shawn is better. Then Sly makes one about Hart which I reply to. We ultimately end up talking more about Hart, which is really on his terms and what he knows more about, instead of him moving away from his comforts.
Then that's your fault, and a reflection on your debating skills.

However, I've made more than enough posts about Shawn Michaels.
This is exactly what I was trying to get across. He stays in his safe zones and won't argue about things he isn't a master of.

I know more about Shawn Michaels than Bret Hart.
Then that's your fault, and a reflection on your debating skills.

However, I've made more than enough posts about Shawn Michaels.

I know more about Shawn Michaels than Bret Hart.

It was a random example. I don't think I've ever had a Hart V Michaels debate, let alone with you.
Everyone is too nice around here, but it's not gonna change. There's nothing wrong with being nice, just not this.
If you don't like the way the forum is going and want there to be better debates, then naturally this must start with the new posters and getting them to improve. You want the place to be better yet you won't talk to them because they're hopeless? You say they're going to be gone in a few days. Ok fair enough. Perhaps if you got off your high horse and did talk to them, then maybe they wouldn't be banned? Explain this one to me as I simply don't see any logic in it at all.

Me saying you're the same as everyone else is ignorant? And also you say you don't care about a reputation. If this is the case, how are you and I as posters any different at all? We have no authority whatsoever and are no higher up than any newb that signs up at this very second. Explain how this is ignorant.

Your HHH argument is irrelevant as far as I can see. Care to elaborate?

About Shawn, prove it. Go make a wrestling post in one of the countless threads about him and show your intelligence about him.
I'm sort of caught in the middle here. People kissing others ass needs to stop. But on the other hand flaming just for the sake of it is no good either. I don't mind people flaming me. I realize that it is just an internet forum. I'm not going to go kiss peoples ass, just as I wouldnt go around openly flaming other posters as well. Sure, there are certain posters I like, and others who flat out get on my nerves. I just tend to ignore the latter.

On The other hand. Sly, I have to commend you for getting people riled up. But it is kind of a shame that there has been this much discussion in the bar room about people being too nice, when it should be out in the forums talking about wrestling. But anyways, Sly...great job. No ass kissing, just stating a simple fact.

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