Everyone is too nice around here

Did you ever think you were ignored because what you were saying didn't deserve a response, whether it be because it was silly, or already been addressed?

Once again, you thinking you're better than everyone else.

You're one of the worst culprits, on both sides of the coin.

If you really want to know, and can handle it, PM me. But, if you ask, you get.

Why the need for PM? But go on then, seeings as you won't say it here for some reason. You'll have your PM in a second.

Would you prefer me to amend it to say "intelligently" before disagree?

Seriously hun, you are not better than anyone else here. You see, you complain about people not disagreeing with you, yet you choose who to reply to, therefore missing out on people who disagree because they're not good enough for you?

What's silly about it?

You need me to answer what's silly and stupid about making comments like that?

Get over yourself sweetheart. I mentioned Norcal in my opening post. Yes, I'm aware you were part of that, but that was coincidental. And, I think I HAVE talked about how ridiculous it is that everyone kisses other people's asses. In fact, isn't that what this whole thread is about?

Oh the irony.

You should try to read the whole thread first. I know it's long and full of a long of meaningless things, but it will help you to follow along.

I did, but honestly some of the shit you say is stupid.

So stay in them :). People are nice in the bar room, since when is there a need for everyone to bitch? But there isn't anything like that in the otyher sections, so why come here?
That was the only thing the entire time I wanted an answer to but never got. I don't hold a grudge. You told me to come up with an example and that one came to my mind.
I gave my honest answer in that thread. I said i liked him but there was some aspects i found annoying. If i have a problem with someone i will speak up. I dont suck up.
This was your response...

Jake is a good poster, he posts everywhere and always provides discussion. There is only one thing i find odd with him ant thats when he says something you ask a question and he has a random answer. And when he corrects my posts all the time lol. i know they are bad.
Once again, you thinking you're better than everyone else.
You don't even have the first clue as to what he and I are talking about.

Seriously hun, you are not better than anyone else here. You see, you complain about people not disagreeing with you, yet you choose who to reply to, therefore missing out on people who disagree because they're not good enough for you?
I reply where I feel it's appropriate. And, I wasn't complaining about people not disagreeing with me.

We were talking about needing an asshole to shake things up again, and I said that I used to be that guy, but then people started agreeing with me, or at least stopped disagreeing.

So, not only do you not make sense, you're not even taking things into proper context.

You need me to answer what's silly and stupid about making comments like that?
I'm curious.

I did, but honestly some of the shit you say is stupid.
So, then, that's your excuse for ignorance?

You claim to not know what I said because you read it to say it was stupid?

That kind of logic is simply incredible.

So stay in them :).
No, I'll go where I want.

People are nice in the bar room, since when is there a need for everyone to bitch?
Who said anything about bitching? I'm talking about disagreements and debate, not thread after thread dedicated to kissing one another's ass, MSN Messenger style.

But there isn't anything like that in the otyher sections, so why come here?
Yeah, you totally just answer your own question.
I'm talking about disagreements and debate, not thread after thread dedicated to kissing one another's ass, MSN Messenger style.

This is pretty much it though. In the bar room, we don't come here to disagree and debate. At least I don't. I come here to have a laugh and 'relax' so to speak. In the other forums, I debate with people. I don't see the bar room as being for that.
That was the only thing the entire time I wanted an answer to but never got. I don't hold a grudge. You told me to come up with an example and that one came to my mind.
Then I obviously didn't feel it was important in the discussion that was going on.

You know, you people have seen me debate non-stop for over a year now. IT astounds me that you people think you can get me to a point where I won't reply because I can't.

If you make an argument, and I don't reply, it's most likely because I find it irrelevant.
This is pretty much it though. In the bar room, we don't come here to disagree and debate. At least I don't. I come here to have a laugh and 'relax' so to speak. In the other forums, I debate with people. I don't see the bar room as being for that.
Then, you should read my first post, in which I talk about how things used to be so much more interesting.
Hook, Line, and Sinker.

Sly works the Bar Room yet again to perfection. He posted a topic, and everyone played perfectly right into exactly what he was setting out to accomplish.

The whole point of my What Do You Really Think of Threads was to get something going, but it didn't really work out. They started off hot, and now have gradually died down. Why, because no one says anything out of place.

I've been saying it for months behind closed doors in the board room, these forums have gotten far too nice, and frankly they get boring. It's a problem again where a ton of people hide out in the Bar Room, spread the rep to each other. That's all fine and good, but does anyone venture into the wrestling forums and try to at least start some conversation?

Sly worked you all, he accomplished what he wanted to. He created a controversial topic, and it got the most hits of the evening.
But seriously people, quit with the fakeness. It's just a message board full of people you'll never meet. Just be honest. And quit being so damned nice.

I'm probably the biggest culprit on here, but it doesn't bother me a lick. Sam chides me constantly for "doling out the feelgoods" a bit too much, but you know what - I take it as a compliment.

I kiss EVERYONE's ass because people take time out of their day to come here and spend some time. And godforbid we actually go 2 weeks without some bullshit drama. We would have board drama every other day for a while, and while it made things interesting, it can be nice every now and then to slow down and appreciate each other's efforts.

And another thing. The world is FULL of people who just want to bitch, complain, and rag on everyone else. It's refreshing to know I can come onto these boards, engage Justin in a hardcore music debate, go back and forth with Sly about ratings, and attack Monkey Mania in the fan club wars. But when all is said and done, there's a level of respect.

I can't wait for Sly's "What do you really think about.." thread.
Hahaha. I think the biggest reason we don't have all the bickering is because everytime someone bitches someone out, it ends in a banning. Yes, I will admit that there are things and people on the forums I don't like, and hell, there are a few people on the forums I DISPISE for reasons unknown to even myself. But I enjoy coming and having fun anyways, and I don't wanna say somthing stupid to get myself banned. I know I could say some stuff, get it off my mind, and not cross the flaming line. But I'll hold that in untill I make my heal turn.

If I ever do.
I guess I can be considered one of the "noob" posters that Sly was referring too. I post in the wrestling sections, but hardly find any response to anybody's post to argue or comment on. You say that you don't reply to people that you don't respect, well that's probably a short list. If people, like you, responded to the "noobs" of WZ, they would actually have a chance to build up some kind of reputation and maybe have a chance to shed the "noob" title. I've always wanted someone to disagree with my posts so I could have my chance to show my worth, but it doesn't happen because people like you look down at the new posters of WZ. We will forever be "noobs" in your eyes because we are not given any chance to rise up and have a place on this forum.

The people that you claim to be "too nice" or "ass kissers" atleast respond to people like me and give us a chance to respond back, but when "great" debaters like you ignore every post we make, well we can't argue with ourselves. (I know what you're gonna say, "well how come the other members don't debate with you, why does it have to be on me"). Well that's because they aren't like you in that they debate everything just for the purpose of debating. That's what you do, so maybe you can help us "noob" posters and instead of looking at us as unimportant, give us a chance to prove our worth and maybe we'll be looked at as "good enough" to be taken seriously.
Yeah, this thing really took off.

I have one more thing to spice up the arguement, but I'll wait till I come back from wherever I'm going.
This is the most ridiculous thread ever, seriously, I can't beleive you people actually played right into Sly's hands like that, my god this is just sad, though I do love how Sly bitches about people kissing ass, and and he receives more of the ass kissing than most of the people on the forum, LOL

BTW Sly is it makes you feel better I still hate you;)
I knew I was playing into his hands Justin, it was just fun like that...better than ignoring him and keeping quiet...no fun.
I said the same thing in the "Shango thread". They want you to tell the truth but whatch out if you say anything against some people cuz they will get all in a huff. Everyone who feels that they are "regulars(which pretty much consits of the bar-room people) tend to kiss each others ass and only attack "noobs" that either cant fight back or are go all flamey. God forbid you say something critical about someone. If your a "regular" your ass is safe.
So I read all 30 pages. Some pointers:

  • I agree with Sly and Shocky, the Bar Room is boring now
  • Be honest, chances are you'll never meet someone from WZ in real life, so what have you got to lose from being honest?
  • In every dicussion about a new mod no one has ever said "That guy compliments me, make him a mod" So don't waste your time.
  • 30 pages and I wasn't mentioned once? Fuck what? No "Too many Bar Room exclusives like Luther"?, No "Luther's being saying this for years"? Fuck that, I am the Bar Room. Kiss my fucking ass.
  • *****
I said the same thing in the "Shango thread". They want you to tell the truth but whatch out if you say anything against some people cuz they will get all in a huff. Everyone who feels that they are "regulars(which pretty much consits of the bar-room people) tend to kiss each others ass and only attack "noobs" that either cant fight back or are go all flamey. God forbid you say something critical about someone. If your a "regular" your ass is safe.

There is a large difference between regulars and barroom regulars. I am pretty sure that most people know that if they are a barroom regular. And being a regular of any kind doesn't make you safe. You may think that because they don't argue much, but it's probably because they don't act hostile towards each other. You, however, took offense to people defending Shango. He has done more than just lurk in the bar and prison, which is probably why they defended him when you claimed that he didn't do much. Did you know he is organizing a movie tournament? Crazy I know because we are on a wrestling forum and all we are capable of talking about is wrestling, but it is actually nice to have other options(once again, crazy I know). You got mad because you wanted to able to say whatever you want(which you still can), but got mad when you realized that most people don't agree with you and that you had to back up what you were saying. Deal with it because if you are nice to people you probably won't be attacked or called out. Is it such a crime for some people to defend their e-friends.

I didn't make this post because I am good friends with Shango, in fact we are usually at odds. I made this post because your holier-than-though-because-I-post-about-wrestling-on-a-wrestling-forum is rather annoying.
What I've noticed is that a lot of the posters who have been here awhile (Myself, Shocky, Dragon, Luther, etc.) have agreed with Sly. While a lot of posters who have become prominent in the past 6-8 months (Klunder, Shango, Spawn, Becca, and more) don't.

And I too hate this whole "WZ: Love It or Leave It" thing, it seems to be a bunch of bullshit. This is because these "more recent" posters don't know a thing about the Wrestlzone we knew and loved. I'm sure the mentioned posters will disagree, but this forum has definetely seen better days.
Sounds a lot to me like the same bitching people do about wrestling now. Yes wrestling was better 10 years ago and people want it to be that way again. Wake up people. It's not going to happen. This is what you have. Deal with it. If you don't like it, go do something else.
What I've noticed is that a lot of the posters who have been here awhile (Myself, Shocky, Dragon, Luther, etc.) have agreed with Sly. While a lot of posters who have become prominent in the past 6-8 months (Klunder, Shango, Spawn, Becca, and more) don't.

And I too hate this whole "WZ: Love It or Leave It" thing, it seems to be a bunch of bullshit. This is because these "more recent" posters don't know a thing about the Wrestlzone we knew and loved. I'm sure the mentioned posters will disagree, but this forum has definetely seen better days.

And it's seen much worse too. I mean some people did say "Love it or Leave it" a lot in this thread, but aren't the efforts of all the admin and mods to clean up this forum from when people first joined up in 06 seen as a good thing? They didn't just leave it. Not that I'm trying to compare cleaning up a whole forum to just changing some stuff around in the Bar Room, but I think the intentions are the same. Right, so if that's all Sly's trying to do, improve, then there's nothing wrong with that either. Like I said before if you think there's no reason to improve how you post, if you think you're honest enough, and can voice your opinions, then so be it. No need to get mad over anything Sly said at all.

Flames Out
Sounds a lot to me like the same bitching people do about wrestling now. Yes wrestling was better 10 years ago and people want it to be that way again. Wake up people. It's not going to happen. This is what you have. Deal with it. If you don't like it, go do something else.

Wow, once again reverting to the "Love It or Leave It" posts.

You right, this is like bitching about wrestling now compared to how it used to be. Some people who bitch about wrestling now still watch it, and still have hopes of it getting better.

See the analogy? Except wrestling fans can't help creative make the product better. We can help "creative" (aka the modern WZ posters) make the "product" better, they just have to be willing to try new things and let loose.
And it's seen much worse too. I mean some people did say "Love it or Leave it" a lot in this thread, but aren't the efforts of all the admin and mods to clean up this forum from when people first joined up in 06 seen as a good thing? They didn't just leave it. Not that I'm trying to compare cleaning up a whole forum to just changing some stuff around in the Bar Room, but I think the intentions are the same. Right, so if that's all Sly's trying to do, improve, then there's nothing wrong with that either. Like I said before if you think there's no reason to improve how you post, if you think you're honest enough, and can voice your opinions, then so be it. No need to get mad over anything Sly said at all.

Flames Out

That is pretty much the gist of what Sly wanted, I think.

Read this post, people. Dragon hits it out of the park once again.

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