Everyone is too nice around here

You know, by this point, I would have thought people could have come up with more original arguments.

I don't know where you live, but there's a saying that happens in America all the time "Love it or leave it". That's stupid. If I feel the standard is pathetic, I'm not allowed to try and change it? It's silly.

That's the same thing you're spouting there. "WZ: Love it or leave it". Fuck that. Why not try to BETTER it?

Which could be done by bettering the new posters, by debating with them and getting them talking, which you won't do, as they don't live up to your standards.
You know, by this point, I would have thought people could have come up with more original arguments.

I don't know where you live, but there's a saying that happens in America all the time "Love it or leave it". That's stupid. If I feel the standard is pathetic, I'm not allowed to try and change it? It's silly.

That's the same thing you're spouting there. "WZ: Love it or leave it". Fuck that. Why not try to BETTER it?

But that's the fucking thing, you're the one trying to better it in your OWN views, your OWN fucking opinion, and it's just that a fucking opinion, you're in the minority, you don't enjoy the damn forum, ok that's your business dude, there's the majority who do and you right now can be considered to be fucking up the general enjoyment of this place. Not because YOU think this shit will better things doesn't mean that it freaking will, it's what YOU think and if other people on the fucking forum don't freaking matter to you then who gives a fuck what YOU think?
Better it for who though?

It certainly seems from this thread that the vast majority of the user base prefers thing the way they are now. Changing the site away from a form that the majority to enjoy, to allow one person to get a kick is not 'improving the site' or 'making things better' or any other justification you can try to give.

It's trying to get the site to revolve around how one person (you) thinks, and telling everyone else to go hang.

Slyfox....generally a good poster but when he's backed into a corner and does not know something....he ignores. (I am referring to the Brett Farve thread that I got the last post).

Actually, I totally forgot all about that. Would it make you feel better if I go back and respond to it tomorrow?

As far as me "ignoring" something, if you notice, that generally happens several posts into a thread, in which someone makes the same ignorant point over and over. So, I ignore it, because I get annoyed.
I am going to sleep and checking this thread tomorrow to see if he actually replied or if he did as predictable Sly would and ignored it.
You really didn't say anything of importance though...

What was I supposed to reply to?
So Sly wants me to be like him: A nearly bar room exclusive that never really answers any of the arguments that people bring against him and rides out debates long enough to find an error then pounce on it, followed by constantly ignoring any question he simply can't argue with.
So Sly wants me to be like him: A nearly bar room exclusive that never really answers any of the arguments that people bring against him and rides out debates long enough to find an error then pounce on it, followed by constantly ignoring any question he simply can't argue with.

Finally some honest.

As far as "never really answer any arguments"...prove it.
For an example, you and I had a baseball debate a few months ago where I was arguing that Babe Ruth was the greatest HR hitter ever. I consistently argued that due to his playing several hundred less games yet still being as close as he was to the record, it was clear that he was a better, although not as prolific, home run hitter. The only thing you would answer with was something to the effect of Bonds had more.

Actually, I totally forgot all about that. Would it make you feel better if I go back and respond to it tomorrow?

As far as me "ignoring" something, if you notice, that generally happens several posts into a thread, in which someone makes the same ignorant point over and over. So, I ignore it, because I get annoyed.
You really didn't say anything of importance though...

What was I supposed to reply to?

I stated the facts. Some people in this world think that they know all there is to life. You may be knowledgeble in some parts but in others, you do not have a clue. I could care less if you replied in the thread or not (the sports one). I always say something new in my posts. Hell, I just predicted the new season and disagreed with Shocky on his assessment of the Packers. I respect people on this forum but I do not "love" them like you believe we do. Damn its late here, I gotta catch some sleep.
Yay Dan. now go vote for me in the Tourny... the other team is getting flogged.

EDIT: Oh Shit your the other team :lmao: Sorry bro.
If that woman asked me what I thought...I would tell her what I think.
Okay, I see your point. If someone starts and thread and says "Discuss" or "What do you guys think?" Then you're being invited to give your opinion. But if someone makes up a fun little thread with an anecdote from their day, is it neccesary for you to go in and say "See, this is what's wrong with the forum. If I was running it... Yada yada yada etc. etc. etc.

The fact that I still post on these boards shows that I use a lot of self control.
May I ask you to please see if you could eek out maybe just a little more?
You should see some of the things I do on other boards. There's one where every week, I create a new CM Punk thread, making up some B.S. reason that Punks, according to the same criteria people used against Cena for years.
I've seen you on youtube. I know what you're capable of.
I don't do that here. But, I would if I could.
Well, I've seen you turn the tables on people using similar methods. For the record, I pretty completely agree with you when it comes to John Cena. But that's besides the point. I'm not talking about the wrestling forums. For the most, I think you do a fantastic job in the wrestling forums. But in the Bar Room, I just don't see why you can't try to be a little, I guess the word would be... friendly. The Bar Room is not meant to be like the rest of the forum. Sure, occasionally some serious debates occur here, but they don't happen intentionally. How about a little experiment? I assume you have friends. I also assume that you have normal, non-debate conversations with those friends, at least occasionally. Try and act in the Bar Room the way you would when your hanging out with your friends. And I'm not telling you to change your posting style. It's more like an adjusment to your... bedside manner.
You're catching on. :rolleyes:
No offense Sly, but I'd rather not be like you. I usually prefer when people like me. Call me crazy. It's probably because I could never gain my father's approval as a child.
Honestly, I don't follow your posting habits enough to know.

*acting like it doesn't hurt*

Aaand moving on...

But you want to know who I'm talking about? Go to all of Shocky's "What do you really think" threads. You'll see.
I know what you're talking about. I've seen them. It's a little bit Howdy-Doody time in there. But in all fairness, I tell the truth in those threads. If I don't know em to well, I admit it, and then I think of what I do know about em and what I think based on those small facts. Fact of the matter is that I generally like most of the regulars. And guys like Shockey, well, I honestly don't have any criticisms for. So the way I see it, if I genuinely like most of the posters in the Bar Room, well that could mean that so does most everybody else.

Where else will I post then? The wrestling forums just aren't very good right now, at least in terms of proven competent posters.

I mean, look at the Edge vs. Hollywood thread. Edge is winning 2-1 in that thread. Seriously.
Well that should be expected. There probably aren't a whole lot of posters around who watched Hollywood Hogan, they probably outgrew wrestling, or don't both with the internet aspect of the business. Most posters round here have spent a good chunk of thier wrestling viewing years watching Edge bash people's heads in with chairs. Edge really is the best heel of this era, so there's not much surprise that he'd be leading the poll.

I'm not sure if it's possible to change the forum, educate them enough that can discuss the topics you like. That's a lot of change. Maybe you would be better suited finding a forum with a user base that's a bit older.
But that's the fucking thing, you're the one trying to better it in your OWN views, your OWN fucking opinion, and it's just that a fucking opinion, you're in the minority, you don't enjoy the damn forum, ok that's your business dude, there's the majority who do and you right now can be considered to be fucking up the general enjoyment of this place. Not because YOU think this shit will better things doesn't mean that it freaking will, it's what YOU think and if other people on the fucking forum don't freaking matter to you then who gives a fuck what YOU think?

You come into a thread I created, to lecture me on trying to change people's views?

Better it for who though?

It certainly seems from this thread that the vast majority of the user base prefers thing the way they are now. Changing the site away from a form that the majority to enjoy, to allow one person to get a kick is not 'improving the site' or 'making things better' or any other justification you can try to give.

It's trying to get the site to revolve around how one person (you) thinks, and telling everyone else to go hang.
The vast majority enjoy it because they don't know anything different. But, the fact is, that in many ways, this forum suffers because all the people think this is all a forum should be. It's not.
For an example, you and I had a baseball debate a few months ago where I was arguing that Babe Ruth was the greatest HR hitter ever. I consistently argued that due to his playing several hundred less games yet still being as close as he was to the record, it was clear that he was a better, although not as prolific, home run hitter. The only thing you would answer with was something to the effect of Bonds had more.

You got your ass handed to you over and over in that debate. I don't remember who else was arguing with you, but there was like 2 or 3 people explaining why you were so wrong.

By the way, it was greatest offensive player of all time, no HR hitter, if I remember it correctly. I'm not sure which point you ever made that you feel I didn't adequately respond to, but it seemed quite clear that you were completely decimated in the argument.

I stated the facts. Some people in this world think that they know all there is to life. You may be knowledgeble in some parts but in others, you do not have a clue. I could care less if you replied in the thread or not (the sports one). I always say something new in my posts. Hell, I just predicted the new season and disagreed with Shocky on his assessment of the Packers. I respect people on this forum but I do not "love" them like you believe we do. Damn its late here, I gotta catch some sleep.
Fine, I'll PM you tomorrow on that.

It's funny you say I don't have a clue, when the only reason I never responded to you was because you were just saying the same thing as every other shortsighted Favre hater. I think I even told you why I didn't reply to you, didn't I? Because I was waiting for a more meaningful post?

Sorry I didn't get around to explaining why your post was so poor at the time. I'll do it when I wake up next.
Guess Sly won't reply to my last post...anywho.
It's 4 in the morning here.

I tried to go to sleep. Didn't work.
I wasn't decimated, I was ignored. And I believe you're right it was offensive player. Not to mention every single one of them said nothing but repeating what you were saying.
And it makes it completely boring. Everyone sucks up to HBK-aholic, she idolizes Norcal, the "What do you really think" threads that Shocky does generally are nothing but ass smooching. Frankly, it's boring, and completely unappealing.

A thread started by Sly bitching and I'm mentioned in the first paragraph. There's a surprise. Is there a reason I shouldn't 'idolise' NorCal?

While I agree that we shouldn't rag on HBK-aholic, I'm not sure that I'd agree she doesn't deserve it.

I'd love to know what I've done to deserve it then.

I just wish we could get some more regular posters in the wrestling forums.

Why don't you get out of the bar room and go start some discussion then? You're complaining about there being too many bar room regulars, yet you create a thread like this in the bar room. Tell me, what do you expect to happen?

The problem is that too many people agree with me now. Or, not enough people disagree. So, that sucks.

I disagree with everything you say.

I don't think anybody in this thread has doubted her qualities as a poster. She did seem to start some decent discussions in Chit Chat. But, then again, what do I know? I don't post in Chit Chat. Don't see the point considering most threads of Chit Chat caliber are posted in the Bar Room anyways.

Exactly. You don't post in Chit Chat.

This is because of the situation that we as fans are put in. We tend to try and be smart about most of the time, instead of letting our inner mark come out and put forth some real opinions. Now this is not the case with me and I'm sure its not the same with others. But it is very relevant on these forums.

I let my 'inner mark' come out all the time.

Sly enjoys ruffling people's feathers. He probably figured some of the "too nice" posters would take offense. He also was probably hoping to hear from Becca. And he also probably get a chubby once Becca comes in and starts defending the forum. (And this is nothing against Becca, but she WILL do that, she can't help arguing with Sly).

I will defend what I don't agree with, and I can 'help' arguing with Sly, but he complains no one does. I have no problem with doing so.

I find it funny that you use the words "chubby" and "Becca" in the same sentence.

Freudian slip much?

Lawls, when you have nothing else for your argument you resort to silly comments like that?

It's more than boring, Klunder. There's just a lot of stuff people do that's ridiculous in a bad way. I believe this place can be saved, become a bit more interesting. I think Sly does too, it's just that some people need to expand their herizons. It seems like people come on the boards specifically for the Bar Room, and that's not right. Even I need to start posting frequently in other parts of the forum, and I think others should, too.

Get the hell out of here and do it then.


Because the amount of sap and kiss assery around here makes the forum boring and uneventful. It's no longer entertaining.

If you want to kiss someone's ass, get their MSN address, and chat away. No problem with that. But, doing it here affects MY enjoyment of the forum.

Stay the fuck out of the bar room then.

Klunder, never have I agreed with posts more than I agreed with yours. A-fucking-men. Slyfox, if you hate the forum that much, you're signed up to like 10 more. Use them. And you bitch about people kissing my ass, you have your fair share of ass-kissers. IC25 and Jake also do. Everyone does. So why is it the people that like me that get to you so much?

Furthermore, I don't see the point in you complaining about people being in the bar room, yet you create a post to create controversy in here. Of course people will post. why not put that time into creating a really controversial post in the wrestling sections? Oh yeah, because you're too good for the posters in there :rolleyes:. Your ego is what's destroying these forums for you, no one else.
I wasn't decimated, I was ignored. And I believe you're right it was offensive player. Not to mention every single one of them said nothing but repeating what you were saying.
Did you ever think you were ignored because what you were saying didn't deserve a response, whether it be because it was silly, or already been addressed?

A thread started by Sly bitching and I'm mentioned in the first paragraph. There's a surprise. Is there a reason I shouldn't 'idolise' NorCal?

I'd love to know what I've done to deserve it then.

Why don't you get out of the bar room and go start some discussion then? You're complaining about there being too many bar room regulars, yet you create a thread like this in the bar room. Tell me, what do you expect to happen?

I disagree with everything you say.

Exactly. You don't post in Chit Chat.

I let my 'inner mark' come out all the time.

I will defend what I don't agree with, and I can 'help' arguing with Sly, but he complains no one does. I have no problem with doing so.

Lawls, when you have nothing else for your argument you resort to silly comments like that?

Get the hell out of here and do it then.

Stay the fuck out of the bar room then.

Klunder, never have I agreed with posts more than I agreed with yours. A-fucking-men. Slyfox, if you hate the forum that much, you're signed up to like 10 more. Use them. And you bitch about people kissing my ass, you have your fair share of ass-kissers. IC25 and Jake also do. Everyone does. So why is it the people that like me that get to you so much?

Furthermore, I don't see the point in you complaining about people being in the bar room, yet you create a post to create controversy in here. Of course people will post. why not put that time into creating a really controversial post in the wrestling sections? Oh yeah, because you're too good for the posters in there :rolleyes:. Your ego is what's destroying these forums for you, no one else.
Aww, isn't that cute. Another "WZ: Love it or Leave it!" response.

Seriously, isn't it about time we try for a new response?

A thread started by Sly bitching and I'm mentioned in the first paragraph. There's a surprise.
You're one of the worst culprits, on both sides of the coin.

I'd love to know what I've done to deserve it then.
If you really want to know, and can handle it, PM me. But, if you ask, you get.

Why don't you get out of the bar room and go start some discussion then? You're complaining about there being too many bar room regulars, yet you create a thread like this in the bar room. Tell me, what do you expect to happen?
I'm not a good discussion starter. I've said that since the beginning here.

And, I'm afraid you don't understand. I wasn't complaining about too many bar room regulars. That wasn't in this thread, that was a long time ago.

Please try and stay on topic, at least if you're going to try and make a valid point.
I disagree with everything you say.
Would you prefer me to amend it to say "intelligently" before disagree?

Lawls, when you have nothing else for your argument you resort to silly comments like that?
What's silly about it?
Stay the fuck out of the bar room then.
"WZ: Love it or Leave it!"


And you bitch about people kissing my ass, you have your fair share of ass-kissers. IC25 and Jake also do. Everyone does. So why is it the people that like me that get to you so much?
Get over yourself sweetheart. I mentioned Norcal in my opening post. Yes, I'm aware you were part of that, but that was coincidental. And, I think I HAVE talked about how ridiculous it is that everyone kisses other people's asses. In fact, isn't that what this whole thread is about?

Do I not mention about how in Jake's thread, everyone kisses up to him because they're afraid to make the admin mad? Pretty certain I did.

You should try to read the whole thread first. I know it's long and full of a long of meaningless things, but it will help you to follow along.

Furthermore, I don't see the point in you complaining about people being in the bar room
Again, please try and keep which thread you are posting in straight.

why not put that time into creating a really controversial post in the wrestling sections?

Thanks for playing.
So, the fact that a Player A played longer than Player B has nothing to do with the fact that he was more prolific?
Do I not mention about how in Jake's thread, everyone kisses up to him because they're afraid to make the admin mad? Pretty certain I did.
I gave my honest answer in that thread. I said i liked him but there was some aspects i found annoying. If i have a problem with someone i will speak up. I dont suck up.
So, the fact that a Player A played longer than Player B has nothing to do with the fact that he was more prolific?
I don't remember the argument now.

Find me the thread, and if it really means that much to you, we'll argue it out.

On a side note, in the interest of honesty, I find it amazing that you would still hold a grudge that nobody cared about your opinion in a thread from months ago.

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