Everyone is too nice around here

Yes. Once they're established and the rest of us have taken the time to help them become established instead of you taking maybe a minute to reply to them each.

You don't have anything to do with them becoming established, it only has to do with them avoiding getting banned.

And why would they... or more accurately we... or even more accurately anybody, bother to stick around at all if everyone suddenly started adopting your "everyone else is here for my personal enjoyment" philosophy?
Because everyone else should be here for their own personal enjoyment as well.

However, it just so happens that most people get banned.

You seem to want people to change their behaviour, so that you can be amused.
You want an improvement in the quality of debate, so that you can be amused.
Yet you recoil away from actually doing anything to bring this about unless you personally find it gratifying. This seems rather hypocritical to me.
What more can I do, aside from wasting my time with responses to people who are going to get banned anyways.

I've started threads, wrote a LONG column about wrestling, and have created this thread to raise awareness about how people have gotten soft.

What else would I do?
So us starting up debates with them, bantering with them, replying to them, arguing with them, partially what the point of this thread is all about has nothing to do with establishing them? Arguing with them, getting debates going so that their post counts are high enough for them to qualify to debate you has nothing to do with any of uis? What are they going to do, debate against their own minds?
What else might you do? Get out of the barroom, the prison, and the colums lounge and get off your damn high horse and go debate something in the wrestling forums for a change might be a great start.
So us starting up debates with them, bantering with them, replying to them, arguing with them, partially what the point of this thread is all about has nothing to do with establishing them? Arguing with them, getting debates going so that their post counts are high enough for them to qualify to debate you has nothing to do with any of uis? What are they going to do, debate against their own minds?

I love how you're trying to glorify yourself in this. Makes me laugh really. The best part is how you're trying to show your importance in making another poster debatable, by my standards of when they are ok to debate (meaning when I feel they'll be around a while).

Go here, for example.


That thread remotely interested me, until I read the opening post and skimmed the responses. Not only is it a ridiculous concept (as you can never pick a next big thing, it just happens), but the posts in there are poorly worded, hard to read, and mind-numbingly ridiculous.

The thread title interested me, but when I read what the thread was about, and the responses to it, I said "pointless", and moved on.

You don't have anything to do with them becoming established, it only has to do with them avoiding getting banned.

Lies. As I said before; since I am a new poster getting myself established, I think I can speak with some authority on what has and has not helped me. And as a matter of fact I believe I did a page of so back. Experienced posters taking time to encourage me into debates and helping me make a name for myself help me get established. Not getting banned is just a basic side product of advanced mental functions and the ability to read.

Because everyone else should be here for their own personal enjoyment as well.

However, it just so happens that most people get banned.

You see, this is where you loose me. You claim everyone should be here for their own enjoyment. But you also claim that everyone should start behaving in a way that they clearly find less enjoyable, just to spice things up for you. That's totally illogical.
But Sly, you posting YOUR opinion could like IC said, cause someone to step their game up, then maybe, just maybe that person might be someone worth debating with.

If you don't make the effort, giving that thread a nice little response, everyone else will just claim it pointless.
First of all, you're actually trying to tell me that Hogan wasn't pushed as the next big thing? In his first match back with the company he wins the world title in little more than a squash and is immediately made the biggest star in the company, main eventing almost every major show for almost 5 years. That just happened and he wasn't hand picked? Same with the Rock being showed relentlessly down our throats when he showed up at Survivor Series 1996 and then being pushed until people were so sick of him they screamed for his death? Or that your boy Cena hasn't been pushed to the point that even his own fans boo him out of simply being sick of him? That's more bullshit than I've ever heard you say put together and that's saying something.

The point is, since when do you have to read every post before you can post your own thoughts on the topic? Would it really be that difficult for you, a man who is very smart and knowledgeable on wrestling to say that what he thought on this subject? Who cares that the previous ones sucked. Give them an example to go off and maybe, just maybe, they'll take the hint.
But Sly, you posting YOUR opinion could like IC said, cause someone to step their game up, then maybe, just maybe that person might be someone worth debating with.

If you don't make the effort, giving that thread a nice little response, everyone else will just claim it pointless.

As a poster, I don't think it's anyone's responsibility to have to post in a thread they find pointless is it?

Flames Out
Sly...people will start treating your thoughts with respect when you treat others with respect. You and I get along, but you didn't give two craps about me until I agreed that with you about giving warnings instead of infractions.

Try to have an open mind and realize that being right should never take precedent over understanding, community, and fun.
Lies. As I said before; since I am a new poster getting myself established, I think I can speak with some authority on what has and has not helped me. And as a matter of fact I believe I did a page of so back. Experienced posters taking time to encourage me into debates and helping me make a name for myself help me get established. Not getting banned is just a basic side product of advanced mental functions and the ability to read.

And I was a new poster as well. And I can tell you that exactly dick was needed in order for me to stay around on the forums, aside from me continually making posts and not breaking the rules.

But Sly, you posting YOUR opinion could like IC said, cause someone to step their game up, then maybe, just maybe that person might be someone worth debating with.

If you don't make the effort, giving that thread a nice little response, everyone else will just claim it pointless.
But, what opinion am I going to post? Write 17 sentences on why it's ridiculous to try and say who is going to be the next big thing, when next big things usually come from no where?

Just so people who are going to be banned soon can respond? No thanks.

First of all, you're actually trying to tell me that Hogan wasn't pushed as the next big thing? In his first match back with the company he wins the world title in little more than a squash and is immediately made the biggest star in the company, main eventing almost every major show for almost 5 years. That just happened and he wasn't hand picked?
Of course he was pushed, but getting pushed and winning a title isn't the same thing as becoming mega over.

There have been many different people in the WWF/E's history who have been champion, but only a few who have been "big things".

The point is, since when do you have to read every post before you can post your own thoughts on the topic?
No one says I have to. But the thread has to lend itself to reasonable discussion material, and that one didn't do it.
In the end, I am honest when I say that I look through the wrestling sections, and it usually isn't that interesting. The only time I post is when a thread really interests me, or when there is someone I can play off of. Unfortunately there aren't many threads that interest me and many threads are people just agreeing with each other.
Oh so and so talent can make it into the lower main event.
I disagree, he will probably make it into the upper middle card.
See? Its the same shit, with some different wording. So in the end, I am content to occasionally post in wrestling. There are plenty of other facets of this site. Personally, I like the E-fed, Chit Chat, and Bar. Those can keep my interest. If is something interesting going on in the wrestling section, then that is great and I'll be happy to participate. I think that another wrestling tournament will bring new life to the forum for a while.
As a poster, I don't think it's anyone's responsibility to have to post in a thread they find pointless is it?

Flames Out

I didn't say it was a responsibility, sure he got turned off from it, but if he really wanted to better shit, he could give an example for the newbs to follow from, to want to debate about it, hell he could have gone in there and be all headstrong about you can never pick who'll be the next big thing or whatever, someone would debate with him and he could actually enjoy it. It's like he basically won't do anything to make things interesting for himself, except tell OTHERS how to do things for HIM to have fun.

That's all I'm saying.
Then Sly if they're not up to your standards to even share your thoughts in them, why do you have the right to complain about what's in them?
I didn't say it was a responsibility, sure he got turned off from it, but if he really wanted to better shit, he could give an example for the newbs to follow from, to want to debate about it, hell he could have gone in there and be all headstrong about you can never pick who'll be the next big thing or whatever, someone would debate with him and he could actually enjoy it. It's like he basically won't do anything to make things interesting for himself, except tell OTHERS how to do things for HIM to have fun.

That's all I'm saying.

At this point, people's failure to understand my original point is just tiring.
But, what opinion am I going to post? Write 17 sentences on why it's ridiculous to try and say who is going to be the next big thing, when next big things usually come from no where?

Just so people who are going to be banned soon can respond? No thanks.

Lol, again with the being banned shit, Sly you didn't start out with over 100 posts, no-one does...and you weren't banned right? So yes, it is highly probable that does with a low post count will be banned, but there is always the chance that the individual is trying to get more posts under his belt and doesn't HAVE to be banned.

This is pointless:p You're sure you're not a Capricorn? I thought I was a stubborn guy :lmao:
You know, I'm starting to think people have a point with this 'selective vision' accusation that keeps getting hurled at you. You managed to totally overlook half my post.

And you've already said before, earlier in this very thread, that you got your name out there having debates with X-Fear, who I'm assuming was an established face. Which sounds just a tiny bit like it... what's the word... ahh yes, conforms exactly to what I said.
I do find in intriguing that the point of this was Sly wanted more debates. We're debating him on what he had to say and now we're not doing it the way he wanted it done, so naturally we're the failures and only he really gets it.

At this point, people's failure to understand my original point is just tiring.

*sigh* I do understand your point.

But like a certain someone, why should I let go of what I think? I should hammer it down 'till someone accepts I'm right.

Lol, anyway Sly...just asking a question, when was the last time you made a wrestling thread where it actually counted? It's an honest question, I think the only threads I've seen you make are usually in the spam zone. correct me if I'm wrong, just asking.
You know, I'm starting to think people have a point with this 'selective vision' accusation that keeps getting hurled at you. You managed to totally overlook half my post.
And your post proves that people are unwilling to take the slightest bit of time to comprehend what I'm saying.

Allow me to repeat myself...again. If you've already posted something, that has already been addressed by myself, I'm not responding to it. If I think it is a pointless waste of my time, I'm not responding to it.

The second half of your post was the same stupid thing I've responded to a multitude of times. Quit being so fucking lazy and read what I'm saying, or quit getting pissed that I don't respond to it every fucking time I read it after the third time of responding to it.

Then you obviously aren't explaining it clearly enough. Suck it up and make people understand...or go to a place where people have brains that are of acceptable size to you.
I've explained it at least 10 times, in many different ways.

It's not that they don't have the brains, it's that they are too sensitive to accept it, because they see it as "big bad Sly" trying to tell them what to do, and fuck him, who is he to tell us what to do.

It's complete and utter ridiculousness, and it just gets tiring. I mean, how many times have they replied "If you don't like it, just leave"? How many times do I have to respond to "You want us to do it your way" before it because ridiculous?

I'm at that point. I realize it's a long thread, but I've been explaining the same damned things multiple times tonight alone.
:lol: I think arguing with Sly is getting overrated, everyone does it.

Well Sly, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with people always agreeing you anymore :lmao:
In response to someone asking when the last time Sly started a thread was, after checking his threads started page, this is what I found.

Beginning with this thread, Sly has started all bar room or spam zone threads save for two colums and a suggestion for the Wrestlezone Tournament thread since February 3rd of this year when he started a Nigel McGuinness thread.
Another interesting irony.

I've explained it at least 10 times, in many different ways.

I'm at that point. I realize it's a long thread, but I've been explaining the same damned things multiple times tonight alone.

The second half of your post was the same stupid thing I've responded to a multitude of times.

So you can see, both sides in this debate have been repeating themselves a little. But in our case it's because we're being lazy and don't understand; whilst Sly is being a martyr putting up with us and desperately trying to force us to comprehend his ideology.

Sly can't accept our point because we're wrong, and none of us can accept his because we all have sensitivity issues.

This is the problem with convincing yourself that your opinion is utterly infallible, then trying to share it with people.
Sly, I graduated Magna Cum Laude from a well respected liberal arts college and am starting my master's degree in September...and I still don't know what you are trying to say.

All I have read is "I'm tired," "I don't want to debate with noobs because they will get banned," "I've explained things like a hundred bazillion times," "etc," "etc," "etc."

In the most concise and precise manner possible, make one post summarizing your entire point. Then, I will address it.

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