Elder Scrolls V Thread

Just found a mega-glitch. Positioned myself so as I can see into the city of Solitude without being actually inside it. Actually I'm on a mountain overlooking it towards the North. I fired the lighting spell 'Magelight' into the area where Solitude is supposed to be and subsequently my alteration skill is rapidly climbing to 100 in a matter of seconds. Awesome.
Just found a mega-glitch. Positioned myself so as I can see into the city of Solitude without being actually inside it. Actually I'm on a mountain overlooking it towards the North. I fired the lighting spell 'Magelight' into the area where Solitude is supposed to be and subsequently my alteration skill is rapidly climbing to 100 in a matter of seconds. Awesome.

Nice. I'll have to try that.
I should mention that when I tried to get back to the same spot I was unable to, very difficult. Involves a lot of jumping up 80 degree cliffs.
I'm late to the party but I should be getting this game in the next few days... I just hope it's something I will get interested in.
Breezehome is a fine house, but I think the Windhelm one is the best. It takes some doing to achieve it, but it has a lot of storage, all the niceties, and is plenty big and spacious.

Not sure how far you are, or how much money you have, but I recommend that.

I think that aside from the trip to High Hrothgar I have yet to leave the territories of Whiterun at all.

Joined the Circle of the Companions yesterday and sacked the Silver Hand camp.
Ahhh being a wearwolf is pretty fun huh? I love to use it for it's speed when I have a place I haven't been to yet.
So because of problems in the software causing the game to freeze, I had to turn my auto-save feature off. This means that after I completed a quest and began a new one, at which point I got chomped in half by an Ancient Dragon, I had to go all the way back before I completed the quest.

Very frustrating. Hopefully patch 1.4 will fix the freezing problem.
One thing I absolutely love is how the daedric quests literally come out of nowhere.
So because of problems in the software causing the game to freeze, I had to turn my auto-save feature off. This means that after I completed a quest and began a new one, at which point I got chomped in half by an Ancient Dragon, I had to go all the way back before I completed the quest.

Very frustrating. Hopefully patch 1.4 will fix the freezing problem.

I've had the freezing problem, but it didn't fuck me over like that. that sucks man.
Has anyone played the "A Night to Remember Quest?" It is quite simply the most fun RpG quest you will ever play.

The best Elder Scrolls Quest ever was in the Dark Brotherhood of Oblivion, when you went to the party house and killed every party member one by one. Awesome mission.
I bought this game on Tuesday after renting it for a day on Christmas Eve. It's the best game I've played since Fallout 3! I love how it's very European pagan-ishy, especially the cairns found by roads. I appreciate the little things like that.

I don't know my skills right off the bat, I'll jot 'em down during my game session tomorrow. I mostly use two-handed long swords while occasionally equipping a bow to kill dragons and giants from someplace high they can't reach. Other than being chickenshit scared of the latter, I prefer attacking all my enemies head-on. I learned how to deal with giants the hard way. :banghead:

Oh, I'm currently at lvl. 15 and I've yet to cast a spell or conjure (or whatever the term is) even once! I might have done it one time accidentally while trying to free a prisoner from a trio of mages, only to notice their health kept replenishing, so I had to run away like freaking hell after running out of health potions. Is it possible to complete the main story without casting any spells? Not including mandatory spell casting for storyline purposes.

Dark Elf for the win.

Despite the ever growing list of games that I own but have yet to play, my lady friend got me Skyrim for Christmas. This is the first RPG that I’ve ever played (unless Bioshock or Borderlands counts) so I was unsure of how much I would enjoy it as it takes me a while to get into open world games with that lets you play how you want to play, do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Before Skyrim, the biggest open world game that I played was Red Dead Redemption.

I’m only 13 hours into the game, and have only completed a handful of quest (I haven’t even talked to The Greybeards yet) I am completely blown away by this game. I’m 100% immersed into the world of Skyrim, and even when I’m unable to be playing it, it’s still on my mind.

Shit, I forgot I had Oblivion for my 360. I bought it in a dual pack with Bioshock a year and a half ago. Why the hell was I struggling with Xpadder to get it going on my PC with use of a 360 controller?

That’s one hell of a combo pack!

Shinier visuals. Right.

I'll be getting Skyrim yes, but for my PC. I need something to really test the strength of my new video card.

I might be alone on this, but I’m still looking forward to seeing some screenshots

Finally able to purchase a home. I will be able to enjoy this game SOOO much more now. I like collecting things, and when you're limited to carrying only 300 pounds, it does tend to become difficult.

I’m the same way. I’ve been playing for over thirteen hours and I haven’t even talked to the Greybeards yet because I’m constantly scavenging for weapons, items, food, potions etc. I have also been spending a lot of time lockpicking to see what I can find. Last night I spent more time that needed roaming though The Ratways lock picking every door and chest I could find. There are A LOT of locks to be picked in The Ratways.

I’m not sure what I did, but my 300 carry weight is now 305 (or 310), while it’s not a huge difference, it often allows me to carry that one extra item that I don’t want to leave behind. I can’t wait to purchase a house so I can have a place to put things that I want to keep, but don’t want to carry all of the time.

Ok everyone lets talk about PROGRESSION!
State your race and what kind of player you are(sorcerer, knight, etc) & some great discoveries you made.

It may sound weird but I'm a Breton who uses sneak and magic. The frenzy spell is really useful in this game for killing off enemies indirectly.

I’ve been playing for just over thirteen hours and just got my Kajiit to level 11. I believe he has a 47 in archery, a 44 in sneak and a 37 in lockpicking. He also just joined The Thieves’ Guild

I bought Oblivion GOTY Edition today at GameStop for $20. I figured it would be a good trial run to see if I like it before purchasing Elder Scrolls. And if I get addicted to it, I'm blaming you :)

What system are you playing on?

Just got everything installed on my PS3 how pumped should I be for tonight now?

What’s your PSN id?

if you're like me and like to use a mace you owe it to yourself to do The House of Horrors quest.
for completing it you get the Mace of Molag Bal it does 18 damage 25 points of stamina damage 25 points of Magicka damage and soul traps the person you kill it with if you have a soul gem

Where do you get The House of Horrors quest?

So because of problems in the software causing the game to freeze, I had to turn my auto-save feature off. This means that after I completed a quest and began a new one, at which point I got chomped in half by an Ancient Dragon, I had to go all the way back before I completed the quest.

Very frustrating. Hopefully patch 1.4 will fix the freezing problem.

Before I started playing, I heard a podcast saying that if you set your autosave for every fifteen minutes, and turn autosave during travel off, it will help eliminate freezing and some glitches because it’s not constantly saving. This is what I have done, and while I’m still only scratching the service of the game, I haven’t experienced any issues with it yet.

Hit 20 Hours today, the "Night To Remember" quest is the one with the Party/Delphine etc yes? I love that one.

Currently, part of the Thieves Guild, doing a lot of Robbery etc. The only thing I'm really bad at is pickpocketing. Anyone got any tips?

Hit 20 Hours today, the "Night To Remember" quest is the one with the Party/Delphine etc yes? I love that one.

Currently, part of the Thieves Guild, doing a lot of Robbery etc. The only thing I'm really bad at is pickpocketing. Anyone got any tips?

Keep practicing or find a trainer. When you try to pickpocket, beneath the item you are trying to steal, there is a percentage that shows how likely you are to successfully steal the item. The higher the percentage, the better the odds.
Keep practicing or find a trainer. When you try to pickpocket, beneath the item you are trying to steal, there is a percentage that shows how likely you are to successfully steal the item. The higher the percentage, the better the odds.

I did not know about this Percentage thing. I shall look into it.
I learned about it after I tried to steal a ring in my first pickpocketting attempt. Needless to say, it was very unsuccessful.

I believe the percentage is located at the bottom of the item information.
Thanks Merk. I can't rep you, otherwise I would.

I'll give it a go later. Delvin needs a ring/amethyst/something expensive.

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