Dykstra getting Buried?

You know...its weird.

For months, Dykstra does nothing. Then he has an awesome match with Punk on ECW, but then fades into nothingness again for months. He comes back, and two weeks in a row, he just takes a pedigree and that's it.

But then he comes out against R-Truth....a guy that gets ZERO reaction from the audience...and he can somehow make the fans boo the living shit out of him. That right there should show the WWE that Dykstra shouldn't just become the guy who comes out and gets his ass kicked, but that he could be a very solid heel midcarder. Hopefully he gets his spot on Smackdown or moves over to Raw/ECW and finds a good niche there.
I don't think he's getting buried.. I think what the WWE is doing is basically getting his name back out there... Smackdown has top performers to main event but every one is injured... So while everyone is on the shelf they are making jeff and mvp into main eventers.. Shelton benjamain and brian kendrick and now even kenny dykstra into known names to the middle carders... They need names that people know and recognize... Kenny was basically forgotten so this is their way of building his name again.. If santino can pull it off so can he... Soon we'll probably see carlito... Lol just kidding hahaha
I think Dyktra is the type of guy who right now could beneifit from being apart of a new tag team, why not partner him up with someone like Kozlov or DH Smith and add another team to the tag division, it seems from what I've heard that the guy is still able to get a decent heel reaction the the crowd, so why not?, the tag division needs more teams and you got guys like Dyktra, & Kozlov that don't really seem to be doing anything right now, so why not kill to birds with one stone, and make them a team, you add another much needed team to the tag division and give Dyktra & Kozlov something to do until you can find something better for them
This guy is young and not half bad. He could become world champ one day....IN TNA..this guy should quit before its too late and sign with tna..he could be like the randy orton of tna..the look the mic skills everything

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