The Term Buried


#Evil Empire
The term buried is used too loosely by the IWC. Last week after Bobby Roode lost to Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory that word was used often in these forums. Now after watching last nights Impact (or reading the spoilers) we should know by experience what angle TNA is going to do with Beer Money. So Roode is not getting buried or lost in the shuffle but it's not only the Bobby Roode situation.

A few weeks ago it was OMG Triple H just buried Punk with that promo then he went over on Punk at the PPV,Punk is getting buried so Trips can stay in the spotlight, Christian got buried because he lost the belt in less than a week, Cena buried Del Rio by saying his cars are rented. CM Punk and HHH are intertwined in an ongoing storyline, Christian and Orton had some of the best matches of the year even the match when Christian dropped the belt was a 4-5 star caliber match and Cena is suppose to make the arrogant rich heel look weak in a promo he did the same with JBL that's how it goes.

If you want to look at buried here's some examples for you John Morrison, Drew Macyntire, Nexus, Ted Dibiase,MVP those are some of the people you can say they were or are getting buried, those who at one time were hot then regulated to jobber status or you only see them on Superstars and don't see them for weeks on Impact those are the ones you can have an argument about them being buried. Not the guys who lose a match or lose a promo battle but are featured in good spots and storylines week in and week out.

In order to be buried you must look bad or not seen on tv for weeks.

I agree, a wrestler losing a match doen't necessarily mean they are being buried. Now maybe if they were made to look like a total stooge such as not getting any kind of offense and being pinned in a really short period of time then I could see calling it "being buried."

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