Do You Want TNA Wrestling to be Successful?

I want TNA to fail.. to a point. I want them to pay for all the stupid decisions they've made over the years. I want them to snap out of this complacency. They seem totally ok with being a far distant number two promotion. It's reflected in much of the product between the lazy, illogical booking and the unimaginative, uninspired writing. They need to wake up to the fact that Jersey Shore, MMA has-been's and never-been's, Sons of Anarchy, and all the C list celebrities they play up to does absolutely nothing for them other than taking money out of the real wrestlers' hands. TNA gets away with its abundance of mediocrity. Spike TV doesn't put any pressure on them; they're happy with mediocrity. The TNA fans don't put any pressure on them; they're happy with mediocrity too, as they vehemently defend every stupid decision the company makes like typical apologists do. If you actually want TNA to be successful, you have to send them the message that they've got to keep pushing until their good is better and their better is best. Do smarks like me think we know how to run TNA better than they do? You're damn right we do because we're the fucking fans. We've been watching wrestling longer than TNA has been in business. We know what we want to see. What draws out our venom is seeing all the potential being squandered. We want WWE to have real competition again. But right now, the difference between WWE and TNA is like wiping your ass with either Charmin or sand paper. Will TNA ever graduate up to Charmin's level? Not with their current attitude. How many times have they themselves said they'll never be able to compete with the WWE? One too many. I have Verizon cable and internet. I used to have Comcast. Do you know why I don't have Comcast anymore? Because Verizon moved into Comcast's markets and offered a better deal. But TNA is completely ok with only filling half of a small arena and scoring less than a 1.0 in the ratings and it shows. Maybe they need to fail so they can get better.
I want TNA to fail.. to a point. I want them to pay for all the stupid decisions they've made over the years. I want them to snap out of this complacency. They seem totally ok with being a far distant number two promotion. It's reflected in much of the product between the lazy, illogical booking and the unimaginative, uninspired writing. They need to wake up to the fact that Jersey Shore, MMA has-been's and never-been's, Sons of Anarchy, and all the C list celebrities they play up to does absolutely nothing for them other than taking money out of the real wrestlers' hands. TNA gets away with its abundance of mediocrity. Spike TV doesn't put any pressure on them; they're happy with mediocrity. The TNA fans don't put any pressure on them; they're happy with mediocrity too, as they vehemently defend every stupid decision the company makes like typical apologists do. If you actually want TNA to be successful, you have to send them the message that they've got to keep pushing until their good is better and their better is best. Do smarks like me think we know how to run TNA better than they do? You're damn right we do because we're the fucking fans. We've been watching wrestling longer than TNA has been in business. We know what we want to see. What draws out our venom is seeing all the potential being squandered. We want WWE to have real competition again. But right now, the difference between WWE and TNA is like wiping your ass with either Charmin or sand paper. Will TNA ever graduate up to Charmin's level? Not with their current attitude. How many times have they themselves said they'll never be able to compete with the WWE? One too many. I have Verizon cable and internet. I used to have Comcast. Do you know why I don't have Comcast anymore? Because Verizon moved into Comcast's markets and offered a better deal. But TNA is completely ok with only filling half of a small arena and scoring less than a 1.0 in the ratings and it shows. Maybe they need to fail so they can get better.

You're not wrong with the things you said here. My main problem is that Impact is the only wrestling show I watch at present time. It's the only fed i'm interested in watching, because I prefer their wrestlers more than anywhere else. So for all the mediocrity, if I stop watching, I'll only punish myself, cause i'm a wrestling fan and I need my weekly wrestling fix.

Furthermore, there's negatives and positives and there's enough positives to keep watching. Like for example the BFG series is starting and that you cannot have anything like this on tv, competitive top matchs for months leading to BFG. Plus like I said guys like AJ, Daniels, Joe, Angle, Aries, Roode, Storm, etc... they're probably the best roster in wrestling. Not to mention, as much as I hate Aces & 8s, Bully is still one of the Top 5 heel in the biz, he's good at what he does and he is very watchable.
Definetly, TNA (In My Opinion), I a lot better than WWE, simply because they're aloud publicly mention that they're pro wrestlers. WWE Fines you if you even say pro wrestler. TNA also pays attention to the younger talent. They use guys from Ohio Valley Wrestling, Which'll help me get into the Big Leagues. Like TNA. Bottom line TNA is better in so many ways, I'm hoping for an InVasion 2, TNA vs WWE. It's brewing, and we all know it. WWE stealing Ideas from TNA, WWE buying the original iMPACT Zone.... Soon dude... Soon

I'd love to see that too, but Vince would NEVER go for it. He would be pretty much giving TNA, fans, and Vince already acts like TNA's a Threat.
Yes, I do. I want TNA to be successful because the WWE'S ego is so big now they think they won't ever fall or be shaken again. TNA being successful will help all the hard working Indy stars land a TV deal. It will also make for better wrestling and competition is always good.

As for now, TNA has been successful but not all that successful. Once they figure out what they want to do and do it then the bigger success will come. More marketing, better viewership, and TNA can be much more successful than they are now.
absolutely, even as a diehard WWF/E fan, well not so much the past 10years I'm a wrestling entertainment fan, anyone who doesn't want another company to offer a good product that is also watchable is an idiot.
Competition creates a great product all around, no way in hell TNA is ever getting close to WWE but they don't need to, get your head out of your asses and give the fans something worth paying for and the rest will handle itself plain and simple

but they "the people in power" and maybe moreso the people paying for TNA to keep going seem hell bent on not making it successfull, so the answer should be does TNA management and there paypacket want TNA to be successfull or just stay afloat.
Sure I would like them to succeed but, what can they do, they have hired huge stars. But there stars faded pretty fast in TNA no matter how big they was in WWE, other then Jeff Hardy. But Jeff Hardy would be even bigger if he went back to the WWE. That's saying something, they just don't know how to market, or keep people watching.
Idk who wouldn't want them to succeed. When WWE (or anything) becomes a monopoly, the quality suffers. I would love for TNA to write great shows and compete with WWE every week. It draws new viewers, makes more money, and pushes all involved to put there best foot forward.
Of course I do. I'll always prefer WWE over TNA, but that's just me. I still enjoy TNA as an alternative, and the TNA house show I went to last year was probably my best and most enjoyable experience at any live wrestling event, ever. I started watching TNA on a full-time basis in early 2006, and I'll continue to stick around. Why anyone would hope for TNA to go out of business is beyond me.

With that said, I really wish TNA would get away from the faction wars storylines. It's like TNA back themselves into a corner with these stable wars. So much time is spent building everything with the hints, foreshadowing, inside traders, brawls, and the inevitable one on one showdown between both groups. And then TNA can't just pull the plug, because they spent so much time building everything to a shocking reveal, or heel turn, that if they actually pulled the plug too early, everything leading up the big moment would feel like one giant waste of time and effort.

So let's say the stroylines and the characters lose steam, or the angle itself reaches an expiration date. TNA can't just pull out all of the sudden. They're stuck tying up loose ends for months and months on end with matches, more sub plots, and more "payoffs". A few prime examples would be "They"/Immortal and currently Aces & Eights.

I actually started to get back into Aces & Eights, and then Sting had to reform the Main Event Mafia. It was a deflating announcement for me, because you know TNA is headed for another stable VS stable wars storyline with MEM taking on Aces & Eights, and I wouldn't be surprised if TNA went in 2014, finally finishing off the angle at Lockdown, where it all started one year ago.

I still watch TNA every Thursday, and I will continue to do so. But instead of really looking forward to Impact each week, I made the transition into a going through the motions mindset, when Sting and Angle started recruiting members for the new Mafia.

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