Dixie Carter says it's now or never for TNA?

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Are you forgetting Hogan tought Vince McMahon everything about Wrestling business he is not denying , its true now he is doing the same for TNA!

Really? Terry Bollea taught Vincent K. McMahon everything he knows about wrestling? REALLY? The son of wrestling promoter Vincent J. McMahon? The grandson of sports promoter Jess McMahon? Terry Bollea taught him EVERYTHING he knows? Sure Vince Sr. gave him the name but do you really think Vince needed Hulk to teach him the business? Hulk Hogan's entire gimmick was ripped off of....

That's right, "Superstar" Billy Graham. Don't believe me?
....yeah, that's Hogan, not "Superstar."

<-- He even ripped off his Facial Hair!?

As for Hogan's intention's being teaching TNA the wrestling business, oh please. First off the company has been around and grown since 2002, something in that tells me they know a thing or 2 at least. Secondly this is Hogan, the same guy that Vince put EVERYTHING behind and as soon as Ted Turner opened his checkbook Hogan was running to the cash. Hogan's whole inspiration in this is money, pure and simple. With his divorce just out of the way, a lot of bad publicity in the past couple of years since the end of Hogan Know's Best, his son's accident, his daughter's entire career, and his last project tanking (American Gladiators) he needs money. CCW couldn't have gotten him THAT much money; with one of the worst time slots and being on CMT of all channels. If Hogan had this altruistic need to help TNA he would have done it LONG ago, around the same time he shot the promo with Jeff Jarrett hitting him in the head with the guitar. There was talk that he was coming to TNA! buuuut, Nope. He went right back to doing small appearances for WWE and TNA was forced to use to clip OVER and OVER even though he has never actually stood foot in a TNA arena. And Bischoff, he badmouthed the product from the get go and is only in this because of a) Spike and b) Hogan. I'm sure we'll be seeing his friends the Nasty Boys and Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake dragging their decrepit asses around the ring soon as well.

Now as for the actual topic I felt that it was a very odd moment. When I turned on the tv I just wondered "who died?" Then she starts kindly ripping ass, as politically correct and nice as possible though.

What would people have said had they done with in WCW. What if Ted Turner came out and said "I'm the boss, I know more about wrestling than ANY of you wrestlers, and if you question me consider yourself fired." I mean c'mon, these are wrestlers, their input on the product isn't invalid or sacrilege and it's not like she didn't just buy her way into wrestling; just as Ted did.

Then you put what she said into context, she was saying "Mother knows best" basically. The same mother that just a little while ago put so much behind the acquisition of Bobby Lashley. Yeah, that was a ratings rocket, wasn't it? Or was it really just bringing in a guy that was ALMOST a heavyweight champion in WWE, well on his way at least, only to leave before cementing his fanbase. But yeah, Mother knows best.

Also in the SAME night they continue to make the TNA World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles look like a WEAK champion. When Kurt was champ all eyes were on him, the SHOW was about ANGLE. Now AJ is champ and 9 out of 10 times he's getting beaten down. What was even the point of making him the champ if they were going to use him in such a way? He's been with the company since the very beginning yet he still gets treated like just another other worker. Vince wouldn't do that, Vince likes his best earners just look at Cena, Orton, HHH, HBK, etc. Dixie may know how to run a company (have daddy buy it!) but she clearly doesn't know how to treat her top workers.

Hell, just having that whole thing on tv proves that she does not know best and her judgment should be questioned. It's okay for her to break kayfabe with this but it isn't okay to air the shoot by Kevin Nash?

But who are we kidding, what does it matter? She says she's the boss but really, Hogan's the boss now and Bischoff's his Number 2 (just needs an eyepatch).They'll put as much money behind him as possible hoping that his popularity will drive the company a REALLY far way really fast; whether that will happen or we're looking at the beginning of the end only time will tell. Will Angle stay? Will Sting? (really that's more of a morality question; he avoids WWE because it's dirty but it's PG now and TNA is the "hardcore" show, kinda hypocritical) Will we ever see Jeff Jarrett again? Kevin Nash? We have a lot of big egos here and we've got the biggest being given the keys to the city (and Angle really wanted those keys!).

I just picture Jeff sitting at home with a little guitar-shaped tear drawing down his cheek as he bangs that former stripper Mrs. Angle and playing with both his and Kurt's kids while remembering that although he did lose control of his company he is still gainfully employed and having a MILF top him off.
I watched the video again, keeping in mind the things people here wrote about. The first time I watched it, I think I was expecting a "we got Hogan, rah rah, get on board the rocket ride" speech. So I projected some of that into it.

If you watch the speech again, (if you can finally get Youtube to load it) the speech is mostly negative towards the wrestlers. She's chiding them for doubting, questioning and challenging her.

Vince McMahon is batshit bugs-under-his-skin crazy, but he listens to some of his talent--he takes suggestions. Maybe not from everybody, but from ones he respects. (Maybe he chooses the wrong ones to respect, but that's a different thread on a different forum). Scuttlebutt is that Orton was crucial in getting Kennedy fired and in giving Eugene a comeback tryout. In Foley's autobiography (the first one) there was a segment about him coming back to WWF from the indies and realizing that he was going to make less money because he couldn't freelance his own merchandising. He went to Vince, Vince listened, and upped the entry-level minimum (or maybe just Foley's, I don't have the book anymore to check.)

So she's not going to listen to talent telling her she's fucking up? Nash, world champion and star for the last 15 years or so, can't say that something is dangerous and should stop? Styles, Mr. TNA, can't say something? What about Hogan? Can he say anything? ?

How is she ever going to know that she's fucking up?

Johanna is four years old and wants to see her name on the screen. Johanna. Johanna.
The only thing that Vince McMahon learned from Hulk Hogan was how to be a delusional self-promoting asshole.

And the student has surpassed the master, Grasshopper.

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To begin I am not a fan of TNA and i barely watch it, I respect the talent they have but thats a different story,
I just watched this and wow so demoralizing it just made me feel like the wrestlers are the problem, like its nobodys fault except the talent, Im military and i hear this kind of crap all the time from those above me. It just sounded like a ass chewing for no reason
wow smart move !! (sarcastic)

If you can't post anything relevant, don't bother. And to the guy who ripped on the guy who quoted Hogan when he said he taught McMahon everything, Hogan actually said that on a radio show the other week.

Now, this can go one way or another for TNA, but it won't be fatal for the company. TNA needs to have its' talent running in one direction. They need to be happy and while I think that message didn't need to broadcast so publicly, the fact remains that TNA (Russo) knows they have a big IWC based audience and so a large amount of their fanbase would be aware of the apparent (speculated) backstage heat with AJ, Joe etc.

I wouldn't disagree that Russo had a part in this. I can also believe it was Dixie's personal belief and not scripted. I'd love to know what the talent thought of this whole thing. i'm not sure how relevant this will be in six months though. Really, I doubt anyone will remember this.
TNA even dares to compete with the wwe they will fail dearly. Especially if they try to compete with with raw on monday nights. Why? Simply because wwe has more talent better matches and they're well established. Besides TNA does not even know how to cut a promo of even promote their own company. 1 more thing to many of tna's superstars try to copy the wwe to much they take finishers, gimmicks,etc. R.I.P TNA!
What is it with the ripping on TNA by making irrelevant posts in the wrong thread? The WWE marks have crossed the line.

Yes, we all know that if TNA directly tries to compete with WWE, they will most likely lose. But the key is that they are not looking to compete at this time. Nothing Dixie said indicated that they are "going to go to war". TNA's strengths lie in their differences so they need to avoid going directly against Raw. Thursday nights is good for them at the moment.

For the last time, Dixie's speech was trying to get people behind her as the boss and her way of doing things; her way = Hoagn's way.
Yes, we all know that if TNA directly tries to compete with WWE, they will most likely lose. But the key is that they are not looking to compete at this time. Nothing Dixie said indicated that they are "going to go to war". TNA's strengths lie in their differences so they need to avoid going directly against Raw. Thursday nights is good for them at the moment.

For the last time, Dixie's speech was trying to get people behind her as the boss and her way of doing things; her way = Hoagn's way.

IF Hogan speaks for Dixie, then TNA is challenging WWE.

If Hogan doesn't speak for Dixie, and doesn't have control, then he's the one who should be lectured.

And just because Hogan SAID that Vince learned everything about the business from Hogan, that doesn't make it true.
When I watched the opening of Impact, I just really kind of rolled my eyes through most of it. Some of the best talent she has in her company are frustrated with the direction that TNA Creative is going with them and I really think it would be in her best interest to sit down and at least listen to what they have to say. Giving an address to the gathered locker room that was, primarily, a lecture doesn't really do anything to solve those problems. Dixie Carter told those unhappy with the direction of the company, in no uncertain terms, that it's basically her way or the highway.

Now, on one hand, it's professional to do what you're told even if you don't particularly like it. On the other hand, Dixie Carter is a woman that knows nothing about the wrestling business. Among the most well known backstage conflicts in TNA is the one between Vince Russo and AJ Styles. I don't know what's going on with the whole situation, not going to pretend I do. But, if Dixie Carter hasn't sat down with AJ Styles and talked about his complaints with what's being done to him, then she's bat shit stupid. Vince McMahon is half crazy most of the time, but he does listen to some of his talent. If she has had a sit down with Styles and the other complaining wrestlers, and still wants things done the way they're done, well then maybe they should either just gring and bear it or hit the road in search of greener pastures.
IF Hogan speaks for Dixie, then TNA is challenging WWE.

If Hogan doesn't speak for Dixie, and doesn't have control, then he's the one who should be lectured.

And just because Hogan SAID that Vince learned everything about the business from Hogan, that doesn't make it true.

Exactly, I was "ripping him" for believing what Hogan had said. Hogan's a hype-man; everything he has is the best and he'll tell you all about it, even if he has to embellish the hell out of it. I never claimed Hogan couldn't make TNA better or drive it to even compete with WWE; although most still seem to agree that they could really work on their product more before attempting to go head to head with the show that more advertising and p.r. than Viagra. To me it just seems like a really big jump forward.

Hogan "taught" Vince, come now. Vince is the reason Hulk is who he is, Vince chose to make him the biggest ever, even if it meant diminishing the careers of others (Ultimate Warrior, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, etc). Next Hogan will come out and claim he started the Attitude Era.

Let's be honest, some weeks TNA nails it, they pull off a great show that you enjoy the entire time. Then on other weeks they pull shit that just never makes sense with stuff like heel/face turns week by week - since Mick started I have never been able to predict whether face (crazy) Mick or heel (dick but also crazy) Mick will be coming out and his promos never fit one or the other. The point is there's still a lot of work to be done.

TNA at this point has assumed enough of WCW's traits. They have plenty of the stars you would have seen in WCW (Steiner, Nash, Sting, etc), Russo and Ferrara, big money backing from a business man/woman (father/daughter) that have no real caring for the business and might drop out if it proves to not be profitable, and now Hogan to top it all off. The wrestlers are a good idea but I fear if they try to become too much like WCW they will go down the same path they did, and remember it would be easier for WCW to jump on the scene since WWE wasn't nearly as big then as it is today.

Also I hope Dixie knows what "creative control" means in contracts and has a firm NO against that. Don't give the inmates full control of the asylum...or iMPACT! Zone as it is.
I thought it was ridiculously unprofessional, and broke down the walls of kayfabe and made all the things happening in the companys, storylines and feuds and threw them in the garbage. Just because of Hul;k Hogan, she managed to belittle all of the TNA roster and make them look like scolded children. Especially Brother Ray, who looked like he was struggling to stay awake.

Although it was "cool" to see it, it completely ruined the mystique of the show and in many ways weakened my views on Dixie Carter.
I thought them airing it made for good TV. I thought it gave the show a little bit of a edge that's been missing from wrestling in general as of late.

As far as what she actually said, I thought it was pretty terrible. Anyone in that locker room who is 100% behind her and doesn't have gripes, concerns or complaints with how that company is run and the decisions they make at times would have to be bat shit crazy.

Again, it was good TV but I found what she was actually saying to the roster to be rather disrespectful and basically translated in to "If you don't agree with me, I don't give a shit and you can gtfo" "This is my company and I know best" when in reality I think Dixie Carter has proven she knows next to nothing about the wrestling biz time and time again.
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