Daniel Bryan Released *GIVE OPINIONS*

This is definetly not a work then? It appears so, with xfear as my main source given I haven't bothered to read more than one or two reports about this. I believe in you man, I really do.

Obviously, if this thing is legit, which we all must now assume it is, it's a dumb decision and policy. Unless they said before "Hey Danny boy, don't choke anyone or else we'll fire your ass", how was he supposed to know? I'm sure you could choke whoever the fuck you wanted in ROH. Yes, indeed.

Anyway, it also sounds as if he'll be back eventually, like in a couple of months, which should be a pretty kickass return. Lookin forward to it.
Well i dont know how you guys want to take it but on the live chat on the wwe universe are doing polls which say something along the lines of was WWE right to fire daniel bryan which leads ME to belive its all a work as no one gets attention after being released from WWE normally they just leave it at that no polls or anything so like i said take it for what you want but it defenantly leads me to belive its a work.
I have a new theory, and it's probably already been put out there, but I just wanna tell you what I've conjured up.

I was talking to my buddy at work who went to his friend's wrestling match last weekend. He races for ACE or something. Anyways, the locker room was apparently buzzing about the Bryan Danielson firing, and popular opinion was that Mattel told Vince to fire him for the choke, as, since the Benoit incident, choking has been expressly forbidden on television, and who has more to lose money wise from an unpopular choking incident than a TOY company? Also, it was being said Vince did not want to fire Danielson.

Now Vince has the final word, I'm sure of it, but maybe he wanted to fire Danielson to rehire him so that when he comes back, he has a clean slate. It would suck to give Danielson a warning, and then have him do something questionable like, within the next year. Now he's up to two strikes, and he's got to be on his best behavior for the rest of his time in the WWE. I'm sure that would affect his in-ring psychology. This way, Vince can resign him in three months, and he'll be back and better than ever, hopefully in time to continue some NXT brutality.

Also, if they make public mention of it tonight on RAW, you can be sure they have definite plans to bring him back.

Sadly, I'm now positive it is not a work, and this is real, but I still have hopes that he will be back.
You should treat his word with a hell of a lot more respect than that, because he's almost never wrong. As someone who's been reading the Observer and listening to Figure Four radio for quite a few years now, I can count on one hand the amount of times Meltzer has been wrong about something and still have fingers left-over. He's not a "dirtsheet" writer like these guys like Nick Pagliano are, he's a genuine journalist with better sources and more connections than any other writer in the business.

With all respect due to Meltzer, I haven't follwed his work at all. Which means I don't know how much more reliable he is than any other dirtsheet writer. So I treat him the same as I would any of the other westling writers.

I'm really getting tired of people shitting on Meltzer when the man is the single most reliable source of information in the wrestling industry and has been for about 20 years now.

That may be, but I am keeping him at the level of trust between the official company website and unsourced forum posts. (though he will now be placed at the high end of that section of the spectrum).

Honestly I haven't heard shit about Mattel being involved in this. What does Mattel have to do with this?

Word is that they're the people who objected to it, which of course led to Danielson's release.

This is news to me man, why would Mattel cut all ties with the WWE over this?

It's just the name that seems to have come up as the protestors.

I don't buy that for one second. I doubt the Mattel execs even watch Raw.

Like I say, they just seem to be the company that lodged the protest. At any rate, that's the name that's come up earlier in the thread.

It absolutely is dead.

$5 on it contiuing, depite its 'death'.

The entire angle was going to be focused on Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan because those were the only two guys the WWE felt were ready to carry an angle like this with maybe a third guy like Justin Gabriel getting a rub as well.

Agreed. They were the tallent of the angle. Slater isn't quite there characterwise, Gabriel can't talk, Otunga is green as a leaf, Skip isn't a star, nor are Tarver or Young. THough this means they can focus on Barrett for the time being.

Everyone else was just part of the background for those two. Notice the entire beat down focused on Daniel's beatdown of Cena?

I could have sworn that every other rookie got their shot in too, including several harsh lariats, and three people delivering their finishers. While Danielson's headkicking did steal the show (probably attributable to Danielson knowing exactly how to steal shows) it was by no means the 'focus' of the beatdown.

Without Daniel, all we're left with is Wade Barrett and a group of nobodies. The angle is already dead in the water. Who are we supposed to take seriously in that group? Michael Tarver? Heath Slater?

Tarver is actually capable of being a good heel. See his FCW work. But yes, as of right now, it's Wade Barrett's band of peons. And the people who aren't credible right now can be made so. Have Tarver punch some high ranking people out and hey presto he's more credible.

Without Bryan, the angle is worthless.

I wouldn't go that far. It can still help Barrett considerably, and as I think he's going to be the bigger star of him and Danielson (certainly in the forseeable future) that's more than enough to make it worthy of continuing.

Huh? Bryan was BY FAR the most over person on the NXT roster Remix.

Going by the crowd, that was usually Gabriel to my ear.

I'm not even sure how that's arguable.

It's arguable because I think Gabriel seemed to get the bigger pops throughout NXT.

He's consistently been given by far the most camera time (atleast twice that of Wade Barrett)

Do not confuse spotlight with being over. IIRC, Sheamus was given time in the main event as WWE champion, and didn't start to get over until after he dropped down the card a bit.

he was over as a face before this whole NXT heel turn, and the guy beat The Miz clean in a matter of minutes, something we haven't seen since what, Cena last summer?

Yes he was. Gabriel was more over though. Mostly because he's prettier and does flips.

Not to mention the match with Batista on Raw a few weeks back where Bryan stretched Batista out all over the ring and almost beat one of the biggest stars in the industry in a solid match.

Agreed. Danielson, despite his terrible W/L record was credible to anybody and Creative thought he was a tallent and treated him as such. Not debating that. But there is a difference between being over, and being pushed.

Bryan was BY FAR the biggest "threat" there Remix. If it wasn't for his British accent I actually doubt Barrett would have even made it this far, that and Jericho are literally the only reasons the guy hasn't been a flop.

Disagree. If it wasn't for the fact that Barrett was EASIlLY the best talker on the show, I would agree with you. There is a reason Barrett was FCW colour commentator, and it isn't his accent, size or physique. It's because he is a damn good talker. The fact that he's solid in the ring is icing on the cake. He could retire from the ring tommorow and take kings place on Raw and fit in (and probably do a better job).

Bryan was CLEARLY going to be the star out of that group Remix.

Yes he was. I've never said anything else. In fact, I've gone on record as calling NXT season 1 'the Daniel Bryan show' and 'a vehicle for Daniel Bryan'. In fact, I lemented the fact that if it wasn't for Bryan Danielson he should be the winner. And yet, the plan was changed and Wade Barrett won.

He was the original intended winner for season one incase you've forgotten.

I hadn't. Barrett was the actual winner though. Presumably because WWE creative decided that while Danielson had the perfect setup for a feud with The Miz over the US championship; Barrett was the only guy who could be a main event level heel straight off the bat. I seem to remember him having a decent match with Cena and having periods of dominance.

Wade will be squashed in a title match and spend the next five years in the midcard most likely, whereas Bryan could have been atleast on the level of someone like a Kofi Kingston or Christian by year's end.

Meltzer apparently thinks that he's being pencilled in for a feud with John Cena over the WWE title over the summer. Unless 'feud' became synonymous with 'squashing' recently, that's not on the cards. I'd also like to say that Barrett is a damn good wrestler and talker, and isn't someone who's going to be a career midcarder. He's like The Miz. Good on the mic, decent in the ring and a future main eventer.

I'm so confident in Barrett's abilities, that if Barrett gets squashed and never gets close to the WWE title I'll change my name to 'Stupid Cunt who was wrong about Wade Barrett'. I'll let you be the judge of whether or not he gets squashed.

And why do you think he was chosen to do those things Remix, instead of Barrett, the "leader"?

The headkicking was imo a stand in for a finisher or a clothesline. The other 3 guys who went from NXT looking like stars (Battett, Otunga and Gabriel) all hit their finishers on him. Submissions don't look good in beatdowns, so a brutal head kick was what was cooked up for him to do major damage. The "YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME" was probably adlibed.

Because he was obviously going to be the guy to get the breakout push from this. Like they might as well have written in giant letters on Bryan's forehead "I'M GETTING PUSHED" it was so obvious.

Would he have got a push from the NXT faction? Yes. Was Barrett getting the first push? Also yes. Were they both being positioned as stars? A third yes. Both are going to be big. But Barrett, in my opinion is going to be bigger sooner.

It's lost all of it's steam in one week man.

No it hasn't. It's still got people talking about it (even if some of it is about how it's going to continue), and it's still got the mouthpiece and pushee number 1 Wade Barrett.

It doesn't help that the WWE did absolutely nothing to advance the storyline on NXT or Smackdown this week

Why would they? On NXT they would have overshadowed the second batch (which is detrimental to them), and doing the same again on Smackdown would have been overkill. they kept it in the minds of the fans by showing it again, but they needed to do no more than that.

but now with Bryan, the only person that was actually over

Gabriel disagrees, but go on.

and ready for this kind of push is gone

Barrett disagrees, but go on.

the angle is dead in the water.

I disagree, but go on.

You really think Wade Barrett alone can carry this angle?

He was going to have to on the mic anyway. One of Danielson's few faults is that he is NOT the promocutter that Wade is. He simply is not. All this means is that Wade is going to be the talker and doesn't share the rub with Danielson, who may return just in time for the faction to break up (where he can spearhead the faces)

I don't. And the rest of the NXT guys won't because they're so green RVD might mistake them for a bag of weed and try to smoke them.

That would have been the case with or without Danielson. The only issue is whether or not Barrett can carry the peons without Danielson. I think he's got the charisma to do it, and has the ring skills to benefit from it. He's nowhere near as good as Danielson in the ring. I'd be a fool if I said otherwise but he's good at what he does, and will benefit from having a gang to beat down opposition.

1) Where is this Mattel stuff coming from? First I've heard of it honestly, though I haven't been online much the last few days.

they're the name that seems to have cropped up as the complaining party.

2) Bryan was by far the most over person on NXT. How you could even pretend otherwise is a bit strange.

I was going by how loud I think the crowd was for that person. I think Gabriel tended to outpop Danielson. Otunga also got more heat than Barrett, for what it's worth.

It won't matter, because without Bryan, the angle is dead.

No it isn't.

David Otunga, a star? Why? Because he fucks a celebrity?

No, because he's decently charismatic and has a damn good look and character. Note how I said after he learns to wrestle. He is the greenest of the green guys, and I've said that on many occasions. However, once he stops being shit he will be an asset.

I'd put more stock in Zach Ryder as a future WWE champion before David Otunga Remix, the guy is atrocious inside of the ring and the only reason he's even made it this far is because of who he's sleeping with.

Note how i said after he learns to wrestle. Implying that I not only think he is shit, but that he won't be a star until he stops being shit.

Danielson was by far the most talented of the NXT guys. The WWE had solid gold in it's hand, and they threw it out.

In the ring, yes he was. However, the angle will continue without him, and likely end up reaching a similar conclusion without him. That similar conclusion being Barrett becoming WWE champion, and six guys getting sent back to FCW.

And as has been said, Danielson may be back sooner than we expect. he may make it back intime for the dramatic conclusion of the angle, but that's being too optimistic.
So watching Raw, and Barrett mentioned Danielson not being there. Obviously there has been confusion since I made this post on whether or not it was a work, and such. And a few people figured if he was mentioned he wasent really fired, and I thought the same way.

Now Barrett said you will never see Daniel Bryan again, so still its a matter of is Daniel Bryan fired and Bryan Danielson will return as a face? Or is he outright fired? Since he was mentioned I got the feeling Bryan Danielson will return.


BTW Bret Hart said WWF, found that rather funny
Right, because the WWE decided to cut NXT's season in half and they no longer had the proper time to lay out the whole underdog coming from behind to win the season angle with Bryan. That is literally the only reason why Barrett won NXT.

X, NXT season 1 was only ever going to be 17 weeks long. That's how long the rookies wqere told it was going to be. It got shortened by all of two weeks.

Except no one really gives a fuck about Wade Barrett. Or any of the other NXT rookies.

WWE is more than capable of making people care about him.

But they did care about Daniel Bryan. I don't recall ever having heard any "Wade Barrett" chants, but I recall hearing quite a few "Daniel Bryan" chants every week on NXT.

ANd I remember Justin Gabriel consistently outpopping Daniel Bryan.

If you think Wade Barrett is ready to single-handedly carry a main event angle with John Cena...well, as usual, I have no idea what the fuck you're thinking Jerry.

I think it too. He was laready going to have to do a LOT of the work. What's wrong with the expectation that WWE can't trust him to do more of it.

You seem to be forgetting that all of the NXT rookies besides Danielson were actually just that---rookies.

Actually, that's just Otunga. Everyone else has been in the buisness for a few years.

They have VERY little in-ring and on-mic experience, and it will be years before most of them are ready to even be midcarders.

Gabriel has been wrestling longer than Danielson, Barrett spent months on commentary in FCW and debuted in 2004, Slater has been in developmental since DSW, Skip was on Tough Enough as Miz, Darren Young Debuted in 2002, and Tarver debuted in 2005. Otunga you are right on. The rest, you aren't.

Danielson on the other hand was about a breath away from being given the US title within a few months of being in the company, because he's got more experience than just about all of the rookies combined.

No he doesn't.
This is my guess and that is if and only if this is a work and just going off of the recent current events and the opening to RAW.

Daniel Bryan may or may not be fired legitimately, but I am more than sure there are creative plans on bringing him back.. possibly as part of a team consisting of John Cena, Evan Bourne, etc.. to fight off the invasion. However WWE wants to bring as much attention as possible to themselves and if this is a work then they succeeded in just that. Nobody's release has ever got this much attention since Matt Hardy. If he was part of the Invasion angle as a heel he would take away all the steam from Barrett and the other rookies who desperately need it because they are not over with the crowd just yet. It's also possible that only John Cena, DB, and VM only know about this (similar to an HBK storyline a good decade or two ago) and working closely with DB (who knows how the internet works) they want to know how to sidestep the internet in order to surprise everybody while bringing more attention to RAW. If anything this reminds me of a storyline rumor I saw posted awhile back with McIntyre and Matt Hardy where McIntyre would be fired, but then Matt (who is also internet crazy) would use the internet to get him reinstated in order to get even.

Edit: BTW the Daniel Bryan poll someone brought up can be found here http://fans.wwe.com/go/chat/live
Wade Barrett just made an announcement saying Daniel Bryan felt remorse for the invasion, which is why he's not apart of the NXT Invasion anymore. This makes the release legitimate, yet opening up a return for Daniel Bryan in the future. Well played, WWE.

Does this mean we'll see DB in a few weeks though? Or will we have to wait until his 90 days are up? Can't the WWE ignore their no-complete clause if it's a return to the same company? Now I'm REALLY confused haha.
Wade Barrett just announced his name and said Daniel Bryan felt remorse, that's why he's not apart of the NXT Invasion anymore. This makes the release legitimate, yet opening up a return for Daniel Bryan in the future. Well played, WWE.

Agreed x100000000. I really thought they'd either not mention him,which would be horrible...or do something to completely bury him in the storyline. Now,if they bring him back, which i'm sure they will want to do, they have the perfect window too. (Also,remember the John Cena tweet, all coming together, isn't it?)

Well played. Thank you for not dropping the ball.
the beauty of how they did this.. is NOW with Daniel Bryan off TV (my belief is legitimately)... they can always have a..."mysterious limo driver"... or "someone working from the outside"... or "a mystery man calling the shots"...
long enough so that when they do sort out the problem with Bryan.. he can come back to either fill that role... or come back as a good guy.. and then stab the WWE in the back and rejoin NXT or something to that effect.
Expect to see Bryan Danielson back in 90 Days, His release is patially legit and a work. The choking incident is cause for release however like many ppl have posted. He is the hottest wrestler in WWE. After 90 Days are pasted he will return as a face to fued with the NXT faction.
How is a guy with 1 win [in a 10 second match] that's only really been seen by 1/4 of the WWE audience the hottest wrestler in the company? I agree he'll be back, but he's far from the hottest wrestler.
Personally, I think Bryan will return as a face most definitely in about a month or so. IMO, he will return under Bryan Danielson and help Cena and the superstars fight off the NXT crew. Furthermore, I think the new champion (don't want to mention any names) winning the belt confirms Bryan's return because you can tell from the start Vince wanted Bryan to feud with this person and take the US belt form him but then they got distracted with this whole NXT angle and boom Bryan turned into a heel. The WWE has certainly been planing this all weekend on how to return Bryan to TV when the time is right and now they have opened new doors to Bryan's character, GREAT JOB. I feel this so called "firing" was the best thing that could have happen to the Bryan character because we saw tonight that the invasion can work great without Bryan look at the end of Raw. Now Bryan has a clean slate when he returns and he can continue feuding with Cole and the new,awesome united states champion.

PS. I think Cole should have said something too about Bryan like yes that pesky scum is gone form my life or something of that nature to further this angle.
This is beyond stupid. It sounds like the television companies dictate WWE's product more then they do. I just don't know how someone can be fired for choking someone with a tie when we have seen ten times worst on television before. Even in the PG era we constantly see scenarios ten times more extreme then this.

This whole no blood no violence era is starting to really get annoying. Pretty soon wrestlers will be fired from WWE for no reason except they offended some TV executive. I understand the show is PG, but come on. This is a wrestling show last time I checked. Raw isn't on the Disney channel.

It sounds like WWE wants to have Danielson back, but they have to make an example out of him first. If this is a work then we will probably see him soon, but I doubt it. We may not see him for 90 days. At that time he will probably be back on Raw, but I would love to see him TNA. People are routing for Danielson to come back to WWE, but I wouldn't be sad if he went to TNA where he could be say and do anything without fear of losing his job.
Again, we do not know who complained and got Bryan fired. Getting upset at USA/Universal/NBC or Mattel or Linda McMahon is pointless. It doesn't advance anything and only makes you look stupid whenever word on the real culprit comes out.
The WWE's hands are tied right now from complaints from higher ups (stockholders, network executives, etc.) whoever it may be. The entire situation reminds me of the unfortunate timing with Muhammad Hassan

However with Cena, JR tweeting and blogging and mention of Danielson on Raw it is clear that he is still in good graces with the company and will be back shortly when it all blows over.

With the hooded limo driver they can keep up their masked accomplice possible "leader" for a while until 90 days are up and reveal Bryan Danielson to be the masked man and the real leader not Wade Barrettt (of course using someone of similar build from FCW until Danielson can make his return)
Expect to see Bryan Danielson back in 90 Days, His release is patially legit and a work. The choking incident is cause for release however like many ppl have posted. He is the hottest wrestler in WWE. After 90 Days are pasted he will return as a face to fued with the NXT faction.

I agree, JR and a lot of fans think the same thing. As soon the 90 days are up, Danielson should be back, unless TNA or ROH convinces him to join their company. I hope he comes back, he is the most legit wrestler of the NXT guys and majority of the WWE roster.
where did this "90 days" thing come from? is this based on the 90 day no compete clause? cause uhh.. i don't think WWE is in any danger of pressing charges upon themselves.

i think one guy mentioned "90 days" and now everyone is quoting it.

it could be 2 weeks for all we know!
After tonight, I just don't get it. Choking with a tie is too violent. But crashing a limo into 4 or 5 cars is a-okay.
where did this "90 days" thing come from? is this based on the 90 day no compete clause? cause uhh.. i don't think WWE is in any danger of pressing charges upon themselves.

i think one guy mentioned "90 days" and now everyone is quoting it.

it could be 2 weeks for all we know!

It is true that they could bring him back at any minute but they didnt want to release him they were pleasing corporate by firing him. The best way to do that is to get the incident off everyones minds for awhile and after 90 days he is free to compete elsewhere so it would make sense to bring him back right around the 90 day mark
They kind of left it open saying he got kicked out of NXT because he felt remorse. I see him eventually coming back and will probably feud with the NXT faction. WWE were giving him a nice push I dont think they really wanted to release him.

Kind of stupid that Triple H can run around with a sledge hammer and Sheamus with a lead pipe. You can keep smashing a limo against cars with the hitman in it but you cant choke anybody with a tie.
Gotta love those WWE Double Standards

I think they are intentionally trying to piss fans off at this point. Firing Danielson for the tie incident, which really isnt a big deal anymore considering alot of the crowd are kids who probably dont even remember or even knew who benoit was. Yet this week you have a lead pipe, car accidents, and something resembling gang warfare?
It's not really a double standard. You don't see the carnage with the way the car accident was done, but you could see Roberts turning blue.
Gotta love those WWE Double Standards

I think they are intentionally trying to piss fans off at this point. Firing Danielson for the tie incident, which really isnt a big deal anymore considering alot of the crowd are kids who probably dont even remember or even knew who benoit was. Yet this week you have a lead pipe, car accidents, and something resembling gang warfare?

The kids may not know who Benoit does, but the parents do. They are the ones who control the television remote, whether the kids get to go to the live events or not, and dish out the cash for t-shirts and what not.

As for the lead pipe... the WWE has a twisted reality of "household objects." They claim to only use objects for violence that can't be found within the home, yet my house has folding chairs, folding tables, ladders, a steel garbage can, and I'm pretty sure we have a sledgehammer lying around here. However, if I wanted a lead pipe, I'd have to dislodge one from some plumbing or something, so I guess that doesn't completely qualify as a household object.

And the whole gang warfare and kidnapping of Bret Hart is obviously very edgy, there's no way I can argue with that, but it's more unlikely for a child, or group of children, to recreate. The issue with Daniel Bryan's choke wasn't that it was too violent for television, it was that they were worried children would try to recreate the choke, which is obviously very dangerous.

We need to stop treating children like they will attempt to recreate ANYTHING they see on TV. Come on guys, you were all kids once too, and while you wanted to imitate a cool skateboard trick you saw on TV, you knew you weren't going to be able to pull off the crazy stuff Tony Hawk did. It's no different with kids today and professional wrestling. They might try to imitate something like a single move, but they won't try to run someone over with a car because they saw it happen to Stone Cold.

Also, I don't think we have to worry about Bryan Danielson any more. The WWE NEVER mentions someone after they release them; they all but erase them from recent memory. They have definite and concrete plans for resigning him as soon as they possibly can, and he will come back better than before, possibly with his real name.
For the sole fact that his name got mentioned means that this whole thing is a work but a work that needed to be done because of what he did.He will be back like many people have already said in a few months w/e i dont care as long as when he comes back and will intervene in the ever growing nxt storyline.

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