Daniel Bryan Announces Retirement - Keep It All Here!

WHat should WWE do with Daniel Bryan?

  • WWE should Clear Daniel Bryan to wrestle

  • WWE should grant Bryan his release

  • WWE should stay the course for theirs, and his, own good.

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Cena is no Bruno & Cole is no Solie

Daniel Bryan has been on the shelf for almost nine months now. It is said that he has a concuussion and that WWE will not clear him. Fair enough. However, there are several wrinkles in all this. Let us look on both sides, shall we?

First, WWE is afraid of the baad publicity. As a public company answering to share holders, it needs to tread lightly on any actions that could adversly affect share price. With the concussion issue on fire right now, they do not want to take that chance. Furthermore, with all the lawsuits facing them, why have another in the future?

Second, Daniel Bryan believes that he can still wrestle. He has been cleared by specialist after specialist regarding his concussion. He had a neck and shoulder injury in 2014, where he claimed that he had some weakness in his right arm. He has been working out like a madman in preparation for a comeback. He is currently pulling in a $650K guarantee. However, he has rejected three non-performing positions, insisting on being able to wrestle.

So, what should be done? I see this as an impasse. WWE does not want to clear him, and has offered Bryan numerous positions within the company. Bryan has turned the offers down and wants to wrestle. The linchpin is that Bryan is currently pulling down $650K a year. SO, what should be done? Should WWE take the exams of the numerous experts and clear Bryan? Should they continue to hold him out for his own good? Or, should WWE cut its' losses and release Bryan, and spend that money on someone else. Discuss.
Well I'm on the fence about this one. First of all if the doctors, and we're not talking about quack doctors here have cleared him, then what is the problem. On the other hand I can see what the WWE is scared off. He could get into the ring and in his first bout suffer another concussion or something worse, but isn't any wrestler facing that same possibility.

Part of the problem here is Daniel Bryan himself. I can understand the fact that he wants to wrestle, he's been doing it for years, and the pop he gets from the crowd must be amazing. But again is he looking out for his best interests, you would have to think yes he is, but is he really? If he's been offered other positions in the company there is a reason that he hasn't taken them, and I don't want to believe that he's that selfish to want to end up a cripple just for that last hurrah.

The WWE doctor knows better than anyone else Daniel Bryan's medical condition and there is a reason he hasn't been cleared. He was one of their number one draws, and almost this whole year it's been about Bryan vs Reigns and was Bryan held back to push Reigns. I don't think it was for that reason. Reigns isn't drawing the numbers the WWE wants, and he's not selling the merchandise the way Bryan could. The WWE is a business in it to make money, so if Bryan was okay to wrestle he'd be back, especially with an injury ridden roster and Mania coming up.

What's the best thing to do? If they can't come to some sort of an agreement with him then I guess give him his release. No doubt another company would pick him up right away, and I'm guessing that Brie would ask for her release as well. He will go to Japan or TNA, be received with a thunderous ovation and hopefully go on to wrestle for a number of years.

In this case though the WWE is dammed if they do and dammed if they don't.
As much as I would hate to see him leave I have to say release him. If they really think it's unsafe for him to wrestle(why else keep him on the shelf for this long?) and he won't take non-wrestling roles then they're just burning money away from keeping him around and wasting his time where he could be wrestling someplace else. Obviously I would prefer to see him back in a WWE ring but if that isn't possible then it would indeed be best if they cut their loses and let everyone walk their separate paths.
It's not the easiest of decisions, however, if it is an impasse that they cannot get past, the only result would be to release him. It would disappoint many, but when parties cannot come to terms on something, the best thing to do is to cut ties.

WWE however doesn't want to do that, they seem intent to keep him around, in some capacity, showing that he is valued within the company, which is great, and should Bryan take the offer, it would only mean a much better product as a whole, because of the benefits he would bring future talent.

I realize that many would be sad without him in the ring and on their TV every week, but it wouldn't be as bad if his capacity in the company was training future stars, that would make the product better for the fans. I'd take a wrestler trained by Bryan if I cannot have Bryan himself.

That being said, the situation really comes down to Bryan. WWE has come to their perspective of the situation, one that Bryan has to sadly accept, if they feel he cannot perform without risk. I don't know the severity, they do, but if they're telling him they don't feel comfortable with him going out night after night, without risking injury, then that is how things are.

I feel bad for Bryan, there is no doubt I do, he feels that he is ready, but the company finds itself in a tough position, one wrong move could spell disaster not only for WWE, but for Bryan as well, and in the long run, that is what is most important, the well being of the performer.
Does a decision have to be made? If the WWE has committed to no longer using Daniel Bryan as a regular in-ring character, then the smartest move the WWE has is to continue to pay out his contract.

Releasing DB would result, almost instantly, in TNA, ROH, and NJPW throwing slightly smaller than WWE sized (but very significant) stacks of money at him, because the company that wins that sweepstakes would receive a massive boost in viewership; and while viewership isn't a zero sum game, the minds that run the WWE sure act like it is.

If I'm the WWE, and for whichever reason I've committed to not using Daniel Bryan as an in-ring performer? I'd do exactly what they're doing now.
WWE has no need to use Daniel Bryan right now. It is clear, and it has always been clear that Bryan is the type of guy that will always retain his heat regardless. It doesn't matter if WWE brings him back another month from now or another year from now. He's established. Just like the Cena's, Orton's, Batista's, Rock's, Lesnar's, and Austin's of the wrestling world.


I don't see WWE releasing Daniel Bryan from his contract. That would be incredibly dumb. It is obvious that WWE is keeping him sidelined as a marketing ploy. He means something to fans, and thus they will wait for him. Just like they wait for the other big name stars. WWE is trying to build new stars on the level that they built Daniel Bryan. With Seth on the sideline this is a golden opportunity for Reigns and Ambrose to really step up. Once those two can draw consistent heat like Bryan can, WWE will bring him back. Once all the big stars who are injured return, there's another reason to bring him back. WWE has no real reason to feature Daniel Bryan right now. His presence would just hinder the process of other guys.

Of course most dumbasses in the IWC don't get this. They want to see a one man Daniel Bryan show without realizing how hypocritical that is. So on the question on what to do with Daniel Bryan, I say have some patience and wait a little longer.
I'd love for Daniel Bryan to return to the ring, as would many other fans. However, WWE is in a spot here. Bryan's insistence on not changing his wrestling style has caught WWE in a catch 22 situation. They can't risk another lawsuit. On the other hand, releasing Bryan would be incredibly dumb. Even outside the ring, he serves a significant purpose. He is the most over superstar on the roster and is worth keeping around. He still moves a lot of merch, and frankly, why let go of your golden goose.

Of course, at some point, both may have to reach a decision. That time hasn't arrived yet IMO.
Well I'm on the fence about this one. First of all if the doctors, and we're not talking about quack doctors here have cleared him, then what is the problem. On the other hand I can see what the WWE is scared off. He could get into the ring and in his first bout suffer another concussion or something worse, but isn't any wrestler facing that same possibility.

Part of the problem here is Daniel Bryan himself. I can understand the fact that he wants to wrestle, he's been doing it for years, and the pop he gets from the crowd must be amazing. But again is he looking out for his best interests, you would have to think yes he is, but is he really? If he's been offered other positions in the company there is a reason that he hasn't taken them, and I don't want to believe that he's that selfish to want to end up a cripple just for that last hurrah.

The WWE doctor knows better than anyone else Daniel Bryan's medical condition and there is a reason he hasn't been cleared. He was one of their number one draws, and almost this whole year it's been about Bryan vs Reigns and was Bryan held back to push Reigns. I don't think it was for that reason. Reigns isn't drawing the numbers the WWE wants, and he's not selling the merchandise the way Bryan could. The WWE is a business in it to make money, so if Bryan was okay to wrestle he'd be back, especially with an injury ridden roster and Mania coming up.

What's the best thing to do? If they can't come to some sort of an agreement with him then I guess give him his release. No doubt another company would pick him up right away, and I'm guessing that Brie would ask for her release as well. He will go to Japan or TNA, be received with a thunderous ovation and hopefully go on to wrestle for a number of years.

In this case though the WWE is dammed if they do and dammed if they don't.
Perfectly said.

I can't believe some people feel like wwe is in the wrong. They are looking out for DB's health(and themselves), unlike his so called "fans" who want to see him rushed back and face Brock Lesnar of all people at Wrestlemania.

I think DB might be an issue to why wwe hasn't cleared him as well, he seems a little stubborn. There were reports saying he was told to ease up on his move-set a little after his injury, yet he came back still hitting suicide dives and headbutts off the rope. He went as far as having "headbutt wars" in his matches with Ziggler and Sheamus after winning the IC championship. He dont seem to care about his well being as much as he cares about entertaining/wrestling for the fans. Which is respectful but idiotic.
He needs to take the entire time off to COMPLETELY heal. I may not be the biggest DB fan, but I would love to see him wrestle again in wwe. Though, I can wait until he's fully recovered. Besides, think of the reaction he will receive when he returns.
That's a tough one. Bryan wants to wrestle, to the point that he won't accept a non-wrestling role in WWE. The man loves what he does and he wants to keep going in the ring until he feels he can't do it anymore.

Meanwhile, WWE doesn't want to risk him getting hurt again. With all the negative press WWE gets anytime a wrestler dies young or winds up a mess, they don't want to risk that. Personally, I don't want Bryan to wind up like the Dynamite Kid, who kept going even after his body started breaking down, and paid a heavy price for it.

With the number of top guys WWE has on the DL going into WrestleMania season, they have to make a decision soon whether to use him, or cut him loose.
With the number of top guys WWE has on the DL going into WrestleMania season, they have to make a decision soon whether to use him, or cut him loose.

I don't think it'll happen that quickly. If they feel he isn't ready, anytime before or even after WrestleMania would probably be a bit too close. If they really wanted to bring him back and allowed him the proper time to see how things go, and they go well enough to let him go, the best option would be SummerSlam. Plenty of time for him to heal, and a good event to make a comeback at or, depending on the time-frame, the choice, that many believed that would happen this year, Royal Rumble.

WWE isn't completely lost, they have Styles, Brock, Reigns, they have Bray and Ambrose added into that mix as well. Orton will be back sooner than expected because he doesn't require surgery and is recovering quickly, and Cena, I'm not sure on, but I did read he's already training. Of course Rollins will be out for a while, Sting is out of commission for the time being, but they're not devoid of a main event scene currently, where I'd say their in danger.
I realise it will upset the IWC, but the WWE needs to formally end Bryan's career, by releasing him, it's obvious he'll never wrestle in a WWE Ring again, maybe he could go back to somewhere like Ring of Honor or the Indies.
I'd love for Daniel Bryan to return to the ring, as would many other fans. However, WWE is in a spot here. Bryan's insistence on not changing his wrestling style has caught WWE in a catch 22 situation. They can't risk another lawsuit. On the other hand, releasing Bryan would be incredibly dumb. Even outside the ring, he serves a significant purpose. He is the most over superstar on the roster and is worth keeping around. He still moves a lot of merch, and frankly, why let go of your golden goose.

Of course, at some point, both may have to reach a decision. That time hasn't arrived yet IMO.

Because sometimes it's not about what the WWE wants or to a lesser extent what the IWC wants, it's what the person involved wants. Yes it would be stupid for the WWE to release him, but if they aren't going to let him wrestle and if he doesn't want to work for them in any other capacity, then that's the only option.

He's been injured twice in the last two years, and been out for a long time, and he's still a polarizing figure. Would we be having this conversation about Cena, Orton or Rollins? No we wouldn't. As soon as they are ready, they will be back.

Daniel Bryan seems to be the person that gets blamed for everything that goes wrong. Now I'm not his biggest fan so maybe I can see it clearer than most. He got blamed for fans booing the Rumble two years in a row, he gets blamed for Reigns not being able to get over, even though he tried to put Reigns over himself last year at Fastlane. It's not Daniel Bryan's fault, it's the WWE's for their crappy booking. They totally ignored the fact that they have probably the most popular wrestler to come along in years, and they didn't want him in the top spot. This is a fan driven enterprise, and fans got pissed because they showed their support and got ignored for their trouble.

The WWE have been pushing Reigns like there is no tomorrow for the better part of a year and a half now, and the guy is still getting booed. With this bullshit match at Fastlane where he's going up against the two most over guys on the roster, do we expect any different? Are we going to be shocked if he gets booed again? I'll be stunned if he doesn't. Same with Mania, HHH is going in the heel and will come out the face.

So that's why I say release Daniel Bryan. Let him go to a company where he can wrestle. If fans go with him to TNA or NJPW, then who cares, what is the WWE losing that they haven't lost already. Fans that only watch the WWE for Bryan have stopped watching since last April.

I don't know why some act like if you're a fan of the WWE you can't watch anything else. I watch NJPW, but am still a fan of the WWE. Daniel Bryan going to NJPW won't make me watch them more or less, and I won't stop watching RAW. Plus you will get rid of the spectre of Daniel Bryan holding back Reigns and others, and the conspiracy theorists can stop their conspiring.
Second, Daniel Bryan believes that he can still wrestle.

I equate this problem to the one faced by the NFL in the matter of concussions. While teams surely were withholding information from the players, it's also true that players would conceal their head injuries from the team because they were worried about losing their place in the line-up if they sat out.

So, what's happening now? The players are suing the NFL for the results of their own self-destructive tendencies and the league will pay them hundreds of millions of dollars. The NFL is damned if they do, damned if they don't.

The same thing applies to Daniel Bryan & WWE. I still believe his main problem might be his neck, rather than the concussions, but whatever is ailing him, if WWE lets him back in the ring and he suffers a permanent (or fatal) injury, the same fans who are currently screaming: "Let poor Daniel back in the ring!" would be the first ones pleading: "How could you let that guy wrestle again?" (Again: damned if they do, damned if they don't)

It doesn't matter if Daniel is cleared by God. If there's a bad outcome, the only one blamed will be WWE.

And let the lawsuits begin.
I equate this problem to the one faced by the NFL in the matter of concussions. While teams surely were withholding information from the players, it's also true that players would conceal their head injuries from the team because they were worried about losing their place in the line-up if they sat out.

So, what's happening now? The players are suing the NFL for the results of their own self-destructive tendencies and the league will pay them hundreds of millions of dollars. The NFL is damned if they do, damned if they don't.

The same thing applies to Daniel Bryan & WWE. I still believe his main problem might be his neck, rather than the concussions, but whatever is ailing him, if WWE lets him back in the ring and he suffers a permanent (or fatal) injury, the same fans who are currently screaming: "Let poor Daniel back in the ring!" would be the first ones pleading: "How could you let that guy wrestle again?" (Again: damned if they do, damned if they don't)

It doesn't matter if Daniel is cleared by God. If there's a bad outcome, the only one blamed will be WWE.

And let the lawsuits begin.

The biggest problem I have with this argument (not that it isn't a fair one) is that it is EASY to avoid financial issues due to injury/death as a result of wrestling again. That is contract mumbo-jumbo (and I have dealt with a ton of contract mumbo-jumbo in my life) that is EASILY worked out by lawyers. So, lawsuits are not a real issue here in any logical sense.

The other point is very fair. If they are actually concerned about Daniel's health (which is odd considering the number of years they have cared about nobody's health) ... then they do face backlash from fans if he comes back and gets hurt.

There have been PLENTY of people hurt/killed/permanently injured while in the ring for thousands of companies ... very rarely has any lawsuit come from it or held any water because they all sign their lives away, knowing the risk, for the glory. So, lawsuit wise the E would have very little to worry about.

It is difficult, in that case, to believe that there is much reason to keep him on the shelf right now other than a) They legitimately care about him (which, as stated, is difficult to believe) or b) They don't want to deal with throwing out all the work they have done over the last 18 months or so with yet another "Yes" movement.
I love Daniel Bryan as he is in my current top 5 people on the roster, and he isn't even wrestling. I'd hate to see him leave the WWE just after getting to the top after facing so many barriers. It would just be another case like Jeff Hardy where the guy is positioned for a prime spot and due to what ever reason he has to leave just before his real potential as the guy can be captured. It'll always be a case of "What if"

With that being said, I think its time WWE says goodbye to Daniel Bryan. I think personal safety is one thing but just imagine being told over and over that you're not able to do a job when several other doctors have said you can. Its got to be taking a mental toll on him. Daniel should not go to ROH or any intense indie company as they can prove to have much more gruesome matches that take more out of the performers.

I think TNA or NJPW would a good spot for Bryan. With Kurt, Sting, HH, AJ, AA all leaving TNA and AJ, Nakamura, Doc, Karl leaving NJPW there is a gap/void to be filled in both companies and Daniel Bryan can more than do the job. Both the companies would probably make him a champion as soon as he debuted (TNA might even give it to him before his first match) so he would be treated right.

If I were Daniel I'd wait till the WWE actually released me because you know Vince and HHH probably want him back, no matter what the Roman theory going around is. Bryan sold huge merch, he got massive audience reactions. He was a company guy when he finally made it to WM. They saw that he had potential and agreed with the fans and had him beat HHH, Batista, Randy Orton all on the biggest show of the year. Daniel just needs to be a little more patient.
At this point, they need to just release him, they're holding him back for whatever reason, and who says they wont just hold him back just as much in the future.

It's obvious he wants to wrestle with his same intensity for the rest of his career, and WWE wants it to be toned down.

with the disagreement, they need to just split, and let Daniel Bryan have some good years elsewhere.

People keep calling him injury prone, because of 1 injury and a random concussion, WWE holding off on clearing him a little is understandable, but at this point, it can't be attributed to his injury anymore, and it's giving him a bad reputation for something that isn't really true for him.

I'm still with the people who see Vince as stubborn and wanting HIS Stars to get over, WWE has a huge history of burying outside talents, and Daniel Bryan is a magnet that sucks all the popularity off everyone else. Roman Reigns will never get over when Daniel Bryan is around. and I've heard it before, Vince would rather make 1$ off his guy, than 5$ off the other guy.
I think that WWE should offer DB an untimatim- if he isn't cleared to wrestle by the WWE doctor, and refuses to take non-wrestling roles in the company, then just have him sit out his contract, and then not re-sign him.

This way, WWE don't come across as the bad guys, since they honored his contract. WWE have no legal obligation to offer DB a new contract, so they should let him see out this one, and then re-assess whether he gets a new one.

Maybe as a goodwill gesture, they then offer him a Legends contract for DVDs, video games etc, so he is not out of pocket. But they don't have to sign him to a new contract unless they are satisfied that he can give them some value for their money.
Well I'm a selfish wrestling fan on the internet so I obviously want to see him wrestle and I don't give a fuck about his long term health.

Honestly, that's the metality most people seem to have when it comes to wrestlers in general, not just Bryan. Bret Hart has said that Vince McMahon treats wrestlers like circus animals, and it's partly true, but pro wrestling also has a rabid fanbase that expects everything from the performers they go to see. There is also a culture within wrestling that make it seem as though these guys have a death wish, and perpetuates this idea of sacrifice. People within the industry and generally extremely passionate, you have to be to survive in the long haul, so they'll do anything to be in the ring. And wrestling tragedies are the result. I wonder how many more heroes have to die before people inside and outside the business truly realize how fucked up it is. And I love this theory that the WWE is trying to "stick it" to Bryan somehow by not letting him wrestle. If you actually think that then you're just a fucking idiot who has no understanding of how a business operates.

So clear him, don't clear him, it doesn't matter. Bryan will do what he wants to do and that's wrestle. No matter what the risk or what the cost. Even if he gets hurt again I'm sure he'll just consult a moronic naturopath like he did before when he was trying to recover. Hey the WWE just pillaged two top guys from Japan, so I'd love to see Bryan go to NJPW and get his head taken off by a Rainmaker lariat. Bryan vs. Okada would probably be given 5 stars by Dave Meltzer, and I guess that's enough of a reason for a guy to maybe end up in a wheelchair.
I think that a 3rd party cleared him in late 2014 and he got hurt right away again.

WWE's doctors are NO JOKE, despite what CM Punk said on a podcast. They will not clear him unless he is 100% ready. They already have the possibility of a worker becoming paralyzed, etc. even when they are in peak physical condition so putting out a guy with neck and concussion issues is not smart.

WWE has been forced to have the strictest of protocols when it comes to this stuff thanks to people like Nancy Grace and other media personalities and outlets just butchering the business because of choices individuals make every day whether they are wrestlers or not.

I want Daniel Bryan to be healthy. He had an entire Wrestlemania, the 30th edition, built completely around him. Had Brock not broken the streak, the investment in that WM would have been completely lost.

WWE cares about making money, yes, so it must be painful to keep out a guy out who can make them so much considering he is over across the demographics. It's ridiculous to see people thinking that WWE would ever keep a guy out because he is "too over" and then go on and say WWE only cares about money blah blah blah.
I think it would take a complete mark to put DB in the ring without WWE clearing him to do so.....with that said....i expect TNA to immediately sign him and push him if WWE releases him lmao
At this point, they probably need to release him.

They're caught in between a rock and a hard place.

If they bring him back, fans immediately want him to main event and compete for the title again and his body simply can't hold up to that kind of physical toll. So, if you have him enter the main event picture again, and he gets hurt again, you're looking at all kinds of legal issues.

But, if they bring him back and he is on the mid card in the intercontinental title picture again, fans will be angry again and complain about his booking.

It's a lose-lose situation at this point.
Doctors have cleared him. It's only the WWE doctor who is being cautious because of the bad concussion press. He's a grown man and he wants to wrestle...if you have a second and third opinion that give it the O.K. surely WWE have done all the can to keep their talent safe. By releasing him and allowing him back into the indie scene...he's going to be worked to the brink where he really could get hurt.
A DB release is a Loose Loose.
The are 3 reasons WWE won't let Bryan back:
a) his health
b) to not hurt Roman's momentum
c) fans would want to see Bryan in the title picture again, but WWE cannot take that risk as they'd first have to see how healthy he really is

With all that being said I can see them bringing Bryan back in 2 scenarios.
a) bring him back after Fast Lane and place immediately in a big feud against either Taker or AJ Styles in order to please the fans.
b) wait until he's completely healed, in WWE's mind

I don't like all those conspiracy theories saying that WWE does not want Bryan and they want to wait until his contract expires to send him away in good faith. Bryan is moving a lot of merch. WWE are not stupid to just make one of their big stars leave. That would be strike #2 in just two years, after CM Punk's departure.

Also the company wants him backstage, if he's going to retire. Bryan does not want to retire and wants to wrestle.

I think Bryan eventually's going to return. Whether it'll be now or in 6 months. He will be back. So I'd say let's wait and see what happens. There's no chance in hell they're going to release him and there is no chance in hell they're going to let him wrestle if in their eyes he's not 100%.

I just hope the whole situation does end up like Rey Mysterio. Rey also had many injuries and the WWE refused him to get in the ring, but at the same time didn't grant him his release, because they wanted to milk as much money as possible.

I hope that's not the case here as well.
Doctors have cleared him. It's only the WWE doctor who is being cautious because of the bad concussion press. He's a grown man and he wants to wrestle...if you have a second and third opinion that give it the O.K. surely WWE have done all the can to keep their talent safe. By releasing him and allowing him back into the indie scene...he's going to be worked to the brink where he really could get hurt.
A DB release is a Loose Loose.

Once they were to release him their hands are clean with whatever happens after that.

Daniel Bryan is an adult. If he chooses to go Indie, allows himself to be worked to the brink, and gets hurt again that's 100% on him and has nothing to do with WWE.

There's no "lose" for WWE in that scenario.
Daniel Bryan has been cleared by multiple doctors and every doctor except WWE's.

There is NO reason for WWE to have not already cleared Daniel Bryan.

Then again, why would WWE clear the most popular wrestler of the last 10 years that is actually over and can actually wrestle?

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