Fucking TM. Worst part about it is that he claims to some people that he's changed and mellowed out, when he hasn't. God, he really, really hasn't. Creeper. I ran into him on Spood's blogTV back when he was not sucked into WoW and he was exactly the same.
He used to impersonate Sly on MSN, using his real name. Got me good once. He played "Guess the poster" with people over MSN, by sending pictures of users from the Post Your Picture thread to random people. He found out addresses and was just...slimy. Ugh.
His million-man group conversations were the worst, too. They're part of the reason I'm always appearing offline on MSN now. He's since blocked me on FB and MSN, thank God.
He tried to get Scotty and others to leave WZ because he had. Scotty wasn't having any of that crap, but he's the reason Dejan is nowhere to be found. And after he left staff, he tried to claim it was because he wanted other people to get the chance to be a mod, attempting to make himself out like he was some sort of martyr or something.
No it wasn't. He likes TM.
Ha. I remember that. Her name was Rebecca. She was a good sig-maker, wish ST and the others hadn't creeped her off.
Good God. Get over the TM hate. You're the most butthurt person in history.