Creepiest Things To Ever Occur On WZ

You were on staff when it happened.

I've completely forgotten about this. It has been about two years. I'm losing it with my old age.

You weren't on staff. I was there, and you had left by then.

Much of what is said here is completely bollocks by the way. TM was weird, absolutely, but people are making out he was Fred West. Some of the people in here are straight up lying, and others are pulling the holier than thou act.

To be honest, TM clearly took the forum too far, and pulling out Slyfox's name from fuck knows where then pretending to be him is absolutely wrong, but tdigle, Lee and Sly (mostly Lee) are the only people on this entire forum that ever said anything to him publically while he was here, and yet the rest of you have the audacity to make out he was reviled universally and you all stood up to him. Either you didn't have a problem with TM or you're too fucking chicken shit to have ever brought it up on the internet! That's far more pathetic than anything he ever did. Some of you weren't even here when he was.

No, there was not some big blow out, Lee and Sly gave him shit in the boardroom and he left. Simple as that. It was much later when the revelations came out, and 90% of them are fabricated, hearsay or the result of people not getting TM's admittedly warped sense of humour. Seriously, TM was odd but he wasn't John Hinkley Jr and you're not Jodie Foster. Get a fucking grip.
The only two confirmed creepy things about TM on this board:

1) He pretended to be Sly in an MSN conversation, he probably thought it was funny and very likely meant it as a joke.

2) He found NSL's address, it wasn't a hard thing to do there's a website out there where you put someones e-mail and it tells you publicly available information about them.

That was it, he took this place too seriously just liek Doc used to, just like I used to. I didn't like him for various reasons but seriously it's blown waaaaaaaay out of proportion. His gf probably gave him an ultimatium or something and I know what choice I would have made. He still knows about what goes on because he has e-friends from here on MSN who obviously talk about it.

The thread in question KB did not have a go at TM (and only has good things to say about him) it started with a Sly comment and was added by myself and Doc and in turn was made because I was against Doc being graphics mod, I was wrong on that BTW.

Remember I was be far his biggest critic but come on he's not as bad as half of the people on here.

EDIT: It's like one now former mod pretending to be another on Twitter or another former mod pretending to be 10 years older than they are.
I'll post them when I think of them. I remember one time there was this 16 year-old girl (she was cute, forgot if her username was Becca or Rebecca) who posted her pic and SavageTaker repped her and asked if she liked it. This is all the more ironic now that he has outed himself as gay.

When did SavageTaker ever out himself? I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Undertaker's#1Fan.
Not so thinly veiled thread meant to bash TM...nice.

I'd put money on most of these stories being giant fucking exaggerations and people who weren't even fucking around for that shit are chiming in. Wonder how many of the people here still talk to him and have no problems with doing so yet bitch about him being creepy here...hmmmm.
I ran into him on Spood's blogTV back when he was not sucked into WoW and he was exactly the same.
Just for the record I'm no longer sucked in.

Anyway TM basically just likes playing the trolling game. You may have those few decent conversation with him but then you get dozens of conversations where it's just him talking about obscene and ridiculous shenanigans. I think he knows a lot of people classify him as a creeper and due to that he overacts as one and gets on just about everybody's last nerve.

He's never really bothered me over MSN, but recently some of the odd comments he's left on my FaceBook, I just couldn't leave those up. So from what I've gathered is that he overacts with his own trolling, and after a while it could drive just about anybody nuts.
He's a wacky sprite for sure and definitely a little odd, but I've never gotten anything creepy from him. So he's fucked with people, who the fuck cares. Honestly, ya'll would be plum surprised at who talks shit about who here. Just about every person I've talked to outside of here has talked shit about someone that they pretend to like here. No one's safe really.
He's a wacky sprite for sure and definitely a little odd, but I've never gotten anything creepy from him. So he's fucked with people, who the fuck cares. Honestly, ya'll would be plum surprised at who talks shit about who here. Just about every person I've talked to outside of here has talked shit about someone that they pretend to like here. No one's safe really.

Anyone talk shit about me? Don't have to say who, just want to know if I should go to my cry corner.
I was never quiet about my dislike of the guy.

It's pathetic how I vocalized it, looking back on it. When two people who take the internet far too seriously collide...faces will palm.
Come on, Armbar. I'm more than willing to talk shit to people's faces.

Bring me, Crock. Now!

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