Complain in Here

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sometimes, just sometimes, it seems as if the mods enjoy having a contest to see who can warn/ban the most people (i base this off the responses from the mods in the first 42 pages of this string)

Let me explain one thing to you right now, concerning this comment and the one you directed at us regarding us sticking up for each other no matter what...

Jake, Luther, myself and all of the other staff might piss around in various Forums around here, have a laugh, appear that we actially are on some kind of power trip, but its not the case. Each and every Mod here knows their job exactly and does it amazingly. There has never and will never be any sort of competition to see who can ban/warn the most members. Also as far as the statement about us always sticking up for one another that is not the case... I have in fact before now reversed (publically I might add) an infraction that someone got that they did not deserve. I apologized to that member (despite not being the person that gave the infraction). We back each other up 99% of the time, because 99% of the time we are right. People may not like our rules, if thats the case then please leave.

I'm sorry if that comes across in the wrong way, but these are the rules we have written, these are the rules that we wish to enforce on this forum, and no amount of complaining will get us to change those rules. Its a pretty simple system you either follow the rules, leave or dont follow the rules and end up banned.
What would you like the thread title to be? "Who will be champ? Remember to write several sentences and not write some barely readable garbage that no one will even bother to pay attention to"? We're not here to lead you by the hand. It's your job to understand the rules. Unfortunately, it's also your right to whine like a little girl and claim we're hiding behind our computer screens. If you're in the area, please, come to my home and I'll explain this to you.
I want to complain, my friend max has been banned, he just wants to know why, he told me he emailed the admin and no one replies can you please let me know why or let me give you his email?
He was banned for Spamming, he will only be banned from the site for a week, then he can come back. I highly suggest that you tell max to read the rules on spamming. Short, one sentence answers that don't go into any kind of depth, and answers that have nothing to do with the topic at hand are considered spam. Max needs to learn this so that he won't get anymore infractions when he returns.
from what post did he make a one answer thread that didnt go anywhere???, just so that i can point this out to him???
I just read something in the vBookie suggestion and it's quite simple why it doesn't show in post bit. Your using the horizontal one, make it vertical and it'll show :)

Can't make a thread so I thought this was the best place to put it.

EDIT: It's somewhere in vB Options. Not sure where exactly, but I know that's the problem. Hope it helps.
He is talking about the VCash showing in posts. I tried switching like he said and yes it did show, however the skin is far too narrow to have the vertical Bar it just looks all wrong.
Just do some template editing and it should work. Nothing major, just fix the width.
i really wish people here didnt get banned so quickly for simple things. it kind of makes me nervous like what if i log on one day and im banned for picking my nose. it just a bit upsetting . . . :(
When a new poster joins they should follow the rules closley. He made several spammy posts one after another. Usually when it happens there just spamming to cause trouble. So they get banned imediately. Your friend was trying to bump up his post count. I banned him. Simple. It's irrelevant that you're friends. He's staying banned.
#1 ECW DIES WHEN PAUL HEYMAN LEFT...R.I.P to all the sweet memories.

#2 its about damn time...but i mean he has been gone forever 2 years now right?

I'm gonna say the HIGH FLYERS...

R.V.D and Sabu

lol...or i would have to go with

The Hardy Boyz
Impact Playas
New Age Outlawz

#4 OK sumone smack that guy who said that shit bout Kurt Angle...Kurt Angle is probably on the list of the 10 top wrestlers of all time...a Ken Shamrock knockoff...ummmm WHAT? Ken Shamrock wishes he was as good as Angle...

oh and to the post if it is not a 2 hour timeslot...then i'm gonna go with Goldberg.

He was just generally a shit poster. I didn't count his e-fed posts as spam. How nice of me.

He isn't coming back.
im back, i got banned for one week here and i finally come on here then i see i got a private message from y2 jake and he says i got an infraction for a postreply in the thread entitled 'which former ecw wrestler has been treated the worst in wwe? now when i checked that out, i didnt see no reply from me on that thread, did i get banned for that, if not then can somebody tell me what i did get banned for and please when you tell me, dont say spamming because i dont get what you mean by spamming, answer it plain and simple to me
This isn't so much a complain but a question can u get a infraction for spamming in the spamming zone, i got one a while back(i didnt care) but i was just wondering.

if not then can somebody tell me what i did get banned for and please when you tell me, dont say spamming because i dont get what you mean by spamming, answer it plain and simple to me

First, it was clearly for spamming. And the understanding regarding spamming is simple, if you would've read the rules when you signed up. If you can't understand them, then I don't think you belong on this forum.

Just for clearification purposes.. spamming is considered when you make one word/sentence replies, that end the discussion, are off topic, don't have a related subject to the thread, or aren't detailed enough. So, in the future when you reply to ANYTHING.. make sure you give a detailed response to what the thread is regarding.

You can reply to any other user, just make sure to give your own opinion as well, otherwise, it'll be an infraction, & enough of them will have you end up banned again.
This isn't so much a complain but a question can u get a infraction for spamming in the spamming zone, i got one a while back(i didnt care) but i was just wondering.


I would have to see the post in which you received the infraction for. It may of been for "spamming" but could've been regarding another matter that doesn't (yet) have a button associated with it.
Oh ok, it doesn't really matter i just wanted to know. I dont see it as a big issue since i'm going to try hard to never again.

i did read the rules and i did write a full detailed response maybe not to your standards though but it certainly was full detailed
what the hell do you mean when you spamming?

Now I think you're just trying to mess with me. Listen/Read very closely...

Spamming is considered what people do, when they make replies, posts, threads.. that really don't contain anything of usefulness to anything else. (Unless its in the spamzone/bar room sections)

Take for example this.. In the thread "Who will be Champ?" If you reply by simply saying "I think Randy Orton will be." THAT is considered "spam" because it isn't contributing to the discussion. While its giving your opinion, its not explaining WHY you feel that way.. which is what you must do.

If that didn't explain it for you.. simply let me know, that way I can ban you now for not being able to follow the rules properly. Its honestly not that hard.
So pretty much your response needs to be more then just a simple, basic answer. You need to give people enough meat in your post to be able to either agree with it, or disagree and be able to counter.

For Example.

Triple H is a shit champion.

What exactly could I debate out of that. Now if you say, Triple H is a shit champion because he is five years out of his prime, has had two ripped quads, he's 38, and has busted knees as well. Plus he's married to the bosses daughter.

There is so much more you can attack and dissect out of the second statement as opposed to the first. The better you post, the more people will debate with you, and that's the point of these forums, to inspire discussion. Do we have a tougher spamming rule then most forums, yes, but I also think we have some of the best posters on the internet as far as wrestling boards go.
Ok well i had an infraction rom some muppet because in the "Shoul we turn Bobby Lashley heel" thread, i agreed and said that he should come bak as leader of a new Nation of Domination facion with a few other underutilised talents - how is that spamming. Some pricks have nothing better to do!!!
Ok well i had an infraction rom some muppet because in the "Shoul we turn Bobby Lashley heel" thread, i agreed and said that he should come bak as leader of a new Nation of Domination facion with a few other underutilised talents - how is that spamming. Some pricks have nothing better to do!!!

I have searched the thread for your post and I cannot locate it, so I assume it was deleted. I will tell you that if your only statement was "that he should come bak as leader of a new Nation of Domination facion with a few other underutilised talents", then yes- that is spam. If you would have added a couple of reasons to support your idea you would have been in the clear. Spam is when you just make a statement, but don't give anything to support it.

Hope this clears things up for you.
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