Complain in Here

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Some people talk as though i am talking bad about the Pope or God or something - they are just normal people these MOD's - just in an elevated position of power on a message boards site.... they do not have a Nobel Peace Prize.....

#1. I was just talking about, u but about posters in general
#2. No we do not think their are the pope or god but they are authority figures that deserve respect just like any moderators.
#3. My point was that ok bring up the fact that it may not be spam but if they review the post and agree it was spam whats the point of getting band, by arguing and flaming, when the reason u are complaining is that u only got 1 infraction which wont result in a bad. It's just confusing, that is all.
This has happened. I PM'd a mod/admin when I first got here about an infraction for spam that I felt I did not deserve. It was reviewed, and the infraction was removed.
The reason for this is because if you wish to post here, you have to follow the rules. I think you have been very fortunate thus far to not be banned, as I think OneBigWill has been VERY kind to you. You flamed him in one of your posts, and to the best of my knowledge were not banned for it.

I think that also shows that the mods/admins are not out to get anyone, just trying to objectively enforce the rules.

You made your point, in that you feel it was an undeserved infraction. It was reviewed and your plea was not granted. I am suggestion, just as one poster to another, that you now just take your infraction, learn from the mistake, and go on posting. I don't see how posting in this thread about the one infraction will help you in any way from here on out.

If you scroll up slightly you will notice in one of my previous posts that i have said i am happy to agree to disagree - and not because i am worried about being banned either, i am just giving up the ghost. All i am after is a retraction of the "racist element" statement which was posted by Mr Will, which i would deem as a personal attack and not very "professional" of somebody in a position of certain power. I hope that this will be cleared up as just a bad choice of words.
Ok just so were all good y2j987 more rant about spammer complainers wasn't just about u!! I hadnt even read your posts where u complained. I was just reading old posts and seen how may fought and got banned over a simple spam fraction. I just dont see the need of it but it was by no means an attack against u! good all cleared up!?
Yeah man, no issues. I thing it should be a bit more "new member friendly" with regard to spam, but i'm sure the longer you are here the better posts you contribute.
I agree to an extent about what Slyfox696 said. Sometimes I fear to post on a certain topic because I feel that I wont be able to type out a lengthy paragraph about why I choose/chose something or another on the specific topic. I would say out of 10 people - 2 would have been border-line okay.

Just my opinion. I think the forum is run just fine though besides that. The constant traffic and the great discussions generated are awesome. Even if nothing is done for it, I will continue to post low-key to not get an infraction because rules are rules.

I feel the same way. There's many times i will start to post, but then erase it all because i have that feeling im going to get an infraction. Even if i don't have that feeling, I get them anyway. That's why my post count is so low, and why I tend to stick to the Bar Room. Sometimes though, certain threads i.e. the John Cena Thread will have hundreds of spamy, "I like John Cena becuase he can wrestle and he has good mic skills" posts. But, I'll get an infraction for quoting someone and either agreeing or disagreeing, and posting one of my own thoughts in about 5 sentances. These forums are strict, plain and simple. New posters have to realize that. I, like many others, learned the hard way, didn't read the rules, then adjusted my style. By that, I mean i post less unless i think i have a paragraph or two or three to write about.
this place is not friendly to new members and it should because i have a lot to give i couldn't care less about the big wigs because im the only one that counts like it or not im here to stay
this place is not friendly to new members and it should because i have a lot to give i couldn't care less about the big wigs because im the only one that counts like it or not im here to stay

Right on my brother... maybe we could start up an nWo style invasion or something. we are!!!

Then again maybe not.... just look what happened when WWE tried to revive the nWo.... that was UGLY!!!
True. But if they didnt do their job and didnt watch the new members closely then they probably wouldnt learn how to not spam. They insure that all new members are aware of how not to spam so that the forums aren't fall of.

"Yeah he rocks"
"Well he could beat him, he's bigger"

They are pointless and dont contribute. Im not trying to stick up for the mods(they dont need my help) all im saying is "i" get sick of hearing of new person saying the same old stuff about how "they" do not spam? It just erks me....imo!!

"NWO Invasion?" ummmm yeah.....all i have to say if the mods werent here this wouldnt be a wrestling forum just a chat room.
Hey, i just saw that i have a green thingamay jig.... wow, i feel like Scooby after a scooby snack.... keep em coming, im a changed man!!! Now more Spam for me - i was always a Cheese man anyway!!
heheh... I'd like to see an invasion... It'd entertain for a few minutes... until they're all invading the prison =/... I'm going to complain now... Why is it that certain people can get away with flaming reguarly? I
If you don't get a satisfactory response from he MOD's, then why not re-complain. What about the 1st ammendment - some people fough hard for the freedom of speech (i don't know who - the 1st ammendment means nothing to me from the uK!!!)

First, to reply to this.. I replied to you, you didn't like the reply because it was still PROVEN that you "spammed." Sorry to say, infraction stays.. deal with it.

Secondly, I will apologize for the racial remark, as it may have been taken out of context. I wasn't personally "slapping" you.. I made a statement that holds water. Just because the Nation was.. (I repeat, WAS) a heel group.. why does it have to be lead by a group of black people? You said it yourself, Owen Hart was in it. Yet YOU decided to claim you felt it'd be neat, which I'm not arguing.. I'm simply saying it was somewhat racial.

Its racial in the aspect that A.) The *New* Hart Foundation was rumored to have Ted DiBiase Jr. (no relation, to my knowledge, to the Harts) & therefore, just because things were black & white in the past.. W.W.E. is attempting to rewrite those "wrongs."

All in all, I apologize regarding the racial remark. I didn't mean offense to you, I was merely pointing out that it could've been taken racially by others. Especially as of late. I hope this clears the air, & you can continue posting & respecting the rules.. whether you like them or not.

One FINAL thing.. I'm asking nicely that you quit bad mouthing the mods of this forum. No, none of us are "god-like" & we never claimed to be. (outside of one or two joking comments in the bar room thread) You have been attacking the entire mod staff, just because you don't like that you got an infraction, & because you took what else I said out of context. "I" apologized, this arguement should therefore be over. Thank You.
I'm simply not understanding all of this. I mean, we aren't asking anyone to type out a book. 2 sentences IS more than enough, as long as IN those 2 sentences it covers the topic, & a remotely detailed understanding on what you feel of the subject.

I get how people may want more relaxed rules, but if we do that, there would be a LOT more spamming, because people would take the "inch" we give them.. & run a "mile" with it. We'd end up getting 5 words per post, which may make next to no sense regarding anything, but because it may involve something FROM the topic title, we'd get more arguements from it.

I have an example of this

I go t an inraction (doesn't amtter who the nmod was) in the music thread what concerts have you been to.

I simply listed the bands I've seen live, I thuoght that was ok, it would lead to no debate...there was nothing further to mention.
However I got the infraction so I PM'd the mod

he said somehting to the effect of just describe the shows a little, were the bands good etc....

even though I still thought it was a silly infraction I just left it alone.
he gave me reasoning why I got the infraction, that's the rule so whatever, It's just a froum, it's not like an infraction goes on my permanant record

as far as the mods having issues with certain users, it could happen, I'm sure it does, however it's only if that user is being a jerk

if it was for a mod not liking you for your posts then Jonny b would ban me for not liking triple h

it's been said 1,000 times, have substance with your posts

Should Lashley come back heel? : I think this would have been an appropriate post.

"Yes, i think Lashley should come back heel. He is a dominating wrestler that could have a certain edge to him. Maybe he could start a faction, like a new nation of domination because he is aggresive like Farrooq was."
First, to reply to this.. I replied to you, you didn't like the reply because it was still PROVEN that you "spammed." Sorry to say, infraction stays.. deal with it.

Secondly, I will apologize for the racial remark, as it may have been taken out of context. I wasn't personally "slapping" you.. I made a statement that holds water. Just because the Nation was.. (I repeat, WAS) a heel group.. why does it have to be lead by a group of black people? You said it yourself, Owen Hart was in it. Yet YOU decided to claim you felt it'd be neat, which I'm not arguing.. I'm simply saying it was somewhat racial.

Its racial in the aspect that A.) The *New* Hart Foundation was rumored to have Ted DiBiase Jr. (no relation, to my knowledge, to the Harts) & therefore, just because things were black & white in the past.. W.W.E. is attempting to rewrite those "wrongs."

All in all, I apologize regarding the racial remark. I didn't mean offense to you, I was merely pointing out that it could've been taken racially by others. Especially as of late. I hope this clears the air, & you can continue posting & respecting the rules.. whether you like them or not.

One FINAL thing.. I'm asking nicely that you quit bad mouthing the mods of this forum. No, none of us are "god-like" & we never claimed to be. (outside of one or two joking comments in the bar room thread) You have been attacking the entire mod staff, just because you don't like that you got an infraction, & because you took what else I said out of context. "I" apologized, this arguement should therefore be over. Thank You.

Ok, although you may have noticed a hint of sarcasm in this post....

y2j987 said:
Right on my brother... maybe we could start up an nWo style invasion or something. we are!!!

Then again maybe not.... just look what happened when WWE tried to revive the nWo.... that was UGLY!!!

Then again, i heard that sarcasm isn't as big in the USA as it is here in the Uk!!!!:)
I have an example of this

I go t an inraction (doesn't amtter who the nmod was) in the music thread what concerts have you been to.

I simply listed the bands I've seen live, I thuoght that was ok, it would lead to no debate...there was nothing further to mention.
However I got the infraction so I PM'd the mod

he said somehting to the effect of just describe the shows a little, were the bands good etc....

even though I still thought it was a silly infraction I just left it alone.
he gave me reasoning why I got the infraction, that's the rule so whatever, It's just a froum, it's not like an infraction goes on my permanant record

I'm not intentionally trying to burst your bubble, because I like you. Don't misunderstand this.. but.. your "example" doesn't hold water. I just finished checking everywhere you've ever posted, & all 3 of the infractions you've ever received. 2 are "private" & the 3rd isn't in the music thread. Finally, the only time (to the background check's history) that you've posted remotely in the music thread, was once.

At any rate.. I'll say this much. I just combed through the entire thread on "list the concerts you've been to" or whatever it was. And you'r name isn't even in the thread. And I'm pretty sure I'd know if it got deleted, too.

Anyways, my point isn't to make you look bad, its to explain that something like that can be seen as either spam, or not. Its all in how the general majority posts. And if you look, a lot of people list nothing but bands, without anything. They weren't given infractions for it. Yet some listed maybe one or two bands.. & were given warnings, or infractions. SO.. this is what I've come up with. In situations like that, obviously we don't expect a "book" on what you loved from 10 PLUS concerts you've been too, but slight detail on maybe your favorite, would be nice. HOWEVER.. if you've only been to 1-3 concerts, I doubt theres much reason why you couldn't remember each, & explain a little about your experience. Therefore, that is considered.. spam/not spam, in my mind.

as far as the mods having issues with certain users, it could happen, I'm sure it does, however it's only if that user is being a jerk

Mods 98% of the time do not hold grudges against regular members. The 2% would only come out of something like a small group of idiots, banning together & attempting to cause a scene, at which point.. every Mod noticing that, would flock to them & destroy them.

Mainly & this is the important thing to remember here.. Mods don't have emotion. To be in the position we're in, there must not be favorites. You can't allow one person to get away with something, & then punish someone else for the exact same thing. Jonny & Jake, while they joke, are very serious with what they do.. & as such, THEY pick who is beneath them at each mod position. They don't pick out of favorites, they pick out of respect & whom they believe would be fair & just.

Should Lashley come back heel? : I think this would have been an appropriate post.

"Yes, i think Lashley should come back heel. He is a dominating wrestler that could have a certain edge to him. Maybe he could start a faction, like a new nation of domination because he is aggresive like Farrooq was."

Honestly, if "I" seen that type of post I would leave it alone. Because it gives several topics of which to discuss further, as well as stays on topic to the thread.

My ONLY disagreement with this, is I'd (personally) try to add even more detail.. such as WHY "I" felt he should start the Nation, WHY "I" felt he would have that edge, WHY "I" felt he should even return heel, instead of remaining face.

Don't misunderstand that. I already said that post (you put) would be fine.. I'm merely saying if "I" were to write something, its my belief to always try to add as much detail as possible, because THAT.. is what gives people the full ability to pick through it & discuss several points, keeping the subject ON-TOPIC, as well as adding as much discussion as possible.

I hope this has helped.
I just got a message saying that I have had an infraction as my post was considered Spam. I am a "noob" to all this net nerd lingo, and I don't even know what I did wrong!! All I did was mention how much I despise Bobby Lashley!!
I just got a message saying that I have had an infraction as my post was considered Spam. I am a "noob" to all this net nerd lingo, and I don't even know what I did wrong!! All I did was mention how much I despise Bobby Lashley!!

First, you need to read the rules of the forum. It'll help you understand all this "net nerd lingo." Secondly..

"Did I mention that I hate Bobby Lashley??"

This was your entire post. This is "spam" at its purest. The thread asks if you feel Bobby Lashley should return as a heel. Not only did you completely go off-topic, but you didn't even say anything that could be discussed in all honesty. You stated an opinion, in which you had.

What you should've done, was read the rules & realized that you needed to post ON-TOPIC, detailed, posts. I'm asking you as nicely as I can, to please understand this.. because to me, the post you made.. makes me curious if you'd continue posting this throughout the board, which if you did.. would cause you to be banned, for not following the rules.
I have a new complaint now. I am fed up of posting during mid-day in the UK, when the majority of users are from the US and pot during their mid-day - evening while most UK posters are asleep. I say we lobby our respective governments to cease these national time differences so that 2pm here is also 2pm in the US.
I just got a message saying that I have had an infraction as my post was considered Spam. I am a "noob" to all this net nerd lingo, and I don't even know what I did wrong!! All I did was mention how much I despise Bobby Lashley!!


"I HATE Bobby Lashley. He is built, granted but his face just looks ******ed. When he is trying to pull off the wholee mean powerhouse thing he just annoys me. He cant do a decent promo, and I find his matches boring. In short I hope he never returns. I hate Lashley!!!"

This was a post about 5 posts before your "spam" one. And to be honest, you could've been given an infraction for this one too, as you're still off-topic. You're stating your opinion on how you feel, regarding the man in the subject. However, you aren't stating your opinion on the subject, except to say "you hope he never returns." Which isn't the question being asked.

Finally, to add to all that.. its basically "repeating" yourself, which is another infraction. (Now, I feel like I'm pushing..)

So I'll let it go with the one you got, but seriously, READ the rules.. if you wish to be a solid member of this forum. If you have any questions regarding the rules, thats fine. Just please don't continue until you understand, or have a better idea of what not to do. Basically.. stay ON topic, give detailed replies, & make sure your post fits the thread its being put in.
I have a new complaint now. I am fed up of posting during mid-day in the UK, when the majority of users are from the US and pot during their mid-day - evening while most UK posters are asleep. I say we lobby our respective governments to cease these national time differences so that 2pm here is also 2pm in the US.

The complaint thread is NOT a joke thread. Please remain serious, thank you.

By the way, 2 things.. 1. Most of our posters, I do believe ARE from the U.K. & 2. If you don't like the time difference, the best way to resolve your complaint, is to move here, to the U.S.

Again, NOT a joke thread, please remain serious. Thank You.
Hey I was in the book this lounge and wanted to sent up my own e-fed.So I went to set up a thread for it.But it says I can,t .why?do I need some amount of post to set up one?
Jake, you've reached the paradox of dimentia - the nexus if you will. You're complaining about complaints. If someone starts complaining about your complaining, I may go postal. :)
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