Complain in Here

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And how exactly is substance judged? Character count? Oh well he had 150 characters in his post so its not contributing while another guy who can't make a point with a pencil sharpener wrote 2 paragraphs on absolutely nothing.

Does anyone read the junk that gets posted on here? Its a forum, thats what happens, I understand the rules and I know I'm not the first to complain or argue against them but if you are going to have rules you need to create guidlines that are less arbitrary than whether it contributes to the thread. Contribution according to who?

Such as...

Ensure that when making a post that it either continues or generates conversation based on the thread topic.

Seriously, go through and read the misspelt junk that makes its way into the threads.
WZ Rules said:
4. Don't Spam (making useless topics or posts). Before you reply to a thread, ask yourself, "Does this post contribute to the thread?" If not, don't bother. Same thing goes with making new threads.

That's from the rules if you bothered to read them.

Quoting Snitsky doesn't contribute to any thread at all btw.
Do you know the definition of arbitrary? I read the rules...

"Quoting Snitsky doesn't contribute to any thread at all btw"

Again, my comment made just as much of a contribution than anything else I've seen in there, considering the context of the conversation...

regardless, after deep searching I found a reasonable explanation to this all and if someone had just said that this place is more like a cult than I would have understood

"Originally Posted by Scott Hudson View Post These are privately owned forums, and so we decide what can and can't be posted here. Don't complain about freedom of speech; you don't have any here, except for that which we delegate to you."

I'll go with that explanation, logical. Stupid, but logical
Yeah, we don't let people post shitty little posts.

You posted a crap post and got warned for it. It made no contribution at all, I don't understand how you can really complain about being warned for spam.

Then you bring out the "We can't post what we want" card. The fact is no you can't, if we let people post anything then the place would just be overrun with spam. That's we have mods, so the posters who actually want a decent discussion, can have one. If you want to post Snitsky quotes and act like a dick then post somewhere else.
Boy, was that a 16yrd old response or what...

Is this the complain in here thread? I'm going to use capital letters to be the dick that I supposedly am....THE THREAD IS CALLED COMPLAIN IN HERE

I honestly hope not everyone in this forum is as immature and hot tempered as you. I was I not allowed to complained? The fact that you are centering your point around the topic of my point, accentuates the fact that the entire rule is arbitrary. Its not a cut and dry rule, its decided by the one who enforces it.

I have no problem with that, I just want someone to admit it. My post was far from spam. Was my post thought provoking and enlightening? no. Did it contribute? again that is arbitrary.

So if you want to get me banned or warned again while making a point while in the complain in here thread by all means be my guest because your attitude will only prove my point.

Have my recent posts been contributive enough for ya?
Spam = A post that doesn't contribute to a thread.

So, yes, your post was spam. I don't get what your hoping to achieve from this rambling.
I know I'm new here, so complaining won't do me much good, but I just got an infraction for this post:

I'll just put my ideas into short points:

  1. More extreme rules matches!
  2. Get Miz, Boogeyman and Big Daddy V away from ECW!
  3. Push Tommy Dreamer!
  4. Add a 2nd title to the brand (TV Title anyone?)
  5. No more ''Extreme Expose'' (as much as it kills me to say that)

Now, imo, I don't get how this is ''spam''. I just put my points into numbers, it's not like I said ''push drEamer, die MIZ!!1!''
Can someone tell me why I'm not allowed to post? Am I being punished for complaining in the Complain in Here thread? or is this one of the repercussions for "SPAM'ing"?
Can someone tell me why I'm not allowed to post? Am I being punished for complaining in the Complain in Here thread? or is this one of the repercussions for "SPAM'ing"?

If you mean a new thread then your account will take a few hours to update.

If it was a punishment for spamming you wouldn't be able to access the forums at all.
I know I'm new here, so complaining won't do me much good, but I just got an infraction for this post:

Now, imo, I don't get how this is ''spam''. I just put my points into numbers, it's not like I said ''push drEamer, die MIZ!!1!''

Try adding why you think each of those points. It makes the forums a lot more interesting that way.
Hey...can someone help me?

When I try and post a new thread in the forums, it says I do not have access.

I don't know why...
This question has been asked a Billion times in this thread alone. Its also in the rules and the Feedback FAQ. Go read those... I swear I am going to start warning people that don't even bother to read stuff the is labeled "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING"
Dear mysticx0,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Spamming
Make sure you are giving reasons for your opinions, not just making statements. Go back and read the rules again of you are unsure what spamming is.

Thank you

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums
(specifically, RVDgurl)

i understand posting this will change nothing, ive been here long enough and seen how things work. mods defend mods, no matter what even when they are clearly in the wrong. so im asking for nothing here. just making my statement and im done.

first let me show you your very own definition of spam:

4. Don't Spam (making useless topics or posts). Before you reply to a thread, ask yourself, "Does this post contribute to the thread?" If not, don't bother. Same thing goes with making new threads.

keeping that in mind, the topic i posted in and was given the infraction for, was who will be wwe champion? in my post i :
1. made a remark on someone elses previous post
2. gave my prediction as the title of the string wanted us to do and then
3. stated why i thot it was going to happen that way. thats certainly not spam.

of course ill expect you to hide behind anominity and not respond just like the last person who sent me one, basically because like him, your in the wrong not me. you must be a hardy fan and didnt like what i said about him. HAHAHAHA!

anyway please change your spam rule to all replies must be at least a paragraph long or something. considering the number of posts in that string, there really wasnt much more to be said on the subject. as a matter of fact the topic was on page 23 when i got my infraction.
lol handing hardy another title wouldnt prove anything. anyway you cant prove what isnt true...

orton is getting it. i think that was the plan anyway...

RVDgurl gave the infraction. And she's right. I'm not sticking up for her because she's a mod. I'm sticking up for her because you're a goon. Add more or leave.
i understand posting this will change nothing, ive been here long enough and seen how things work. mods defend mods, no matter what even when they are clearly in the wrong. so im asking for nothing here. just making my statement and im done.

Mods don't have to defend other mods. Each of us know the job we're asked to do. Members should know the rules, its somewhat of a requirement upon signing up.

If you aren't "asking" for anything, then you're clearly posting this to get another infraction on "flaming" because all this is, is you being pissed about getting an infraction.. would you like another?

Just because the rules don't make sense to you, does not mean they are misprinted. If you've "been here long enough" then you should know by now what works & what doesn't.
i wasnt going to respond to this but it made me laugh so hard at the immaturity shown that it deserved a small response.

lol im a goon? add more to a 23 page topic about a simple question 'who will be champ?' and threatening me with more infraction points. jeez...

try reading my post and telling me what was wrong with it. instead you take the easy route and call me names and threaten me with more points for complaining IN THE COMPLAINT FORUM.

u people are a trip.
lol handing hardy another title wouldnt prove anything. anyway you cant prove what isnt true...

orton is getting it. i think that was the plan anyway...

This was your exact post, that you received an infraction for. It was posted in the "Who will be champ?" thread. Please, enlighten ME on how you feel this deserves to NOT get an infraction? You gave YOUR opinion on who "not" to give the Championship to, then said "Orton is getting it."

Read the rules. You're suppose to give detailed posts on WHY you feel the way you do. That is most likely WHY you got the infraction. Infractions stays.. but by you calling me immature, I take high offense to that.. bannable offense, & lately, I've been getting better with doing that.. wanna trigger another episode?

I've "replied" to WHY you got what you deserved.. anymore questions? Or would you like to continue questioning our authority?
i thot i did explain why i felt it wasnt deserving of an infraction but since you didnt read or dont remember ill copy and paste it here:

1. made a remark on someone elses previous post (a response to another post, so i didnt just show up in the string and throw some spam up, i was interacting in the conversation)

2. gave my prediction as the title of the string wanted us to do (it wasnt my first post in the string, so instead of repeating myself and everyone on the earlier 23 pages i posted who i thot was going to get the wwe title at that moment due to cena's injury)

3. stated why i thot it was going to happen that way. (answers the question you stated in your post as to why i 'feel the way i do')

i made three points pertaining to the conversation without repeating what i and others have already said, which IMO would have been spam.

where did i question yours or anyone elses authority? i never said mods didnt have the right to monitor or insinuate that mods were not needed. 99% of the time you guys do a fantastic job, if you didnt i wouldnt come to these forums at all. they do not resemble in any way most other forums ive visited. ive been coming here since i first saw someone with a sign on raw back in '99 saying ' coming soon'. i still have that raw on tape as a matter of fact.

i just feel on this one, it was wrong.

so from now on ill stretch my sentences and fill them with as many words as possible, whether its useless or not. instead of saying 'i think orton will get the title' ill say 'according to my assumed insightful predictions and relative knowledge of said situation it seems the correct assumption as to the outcome of who will win the world wrestling entertainment championship would be the world wrestling entertainment superstar known to the world and most especially raw fans as the son son of one 'cowboy' bob orton, a mister randy orton.

now is all that typing really necessary to make the same point? i dont have any pics in my sig, i dont have a sig at all, so you cant really be worried about the amount of space my simple non-repetitive post took up.

lastly, please stop barking at me like im a horrible unwanted member. :( im not. at least the horrible part anyway, not sure about the unwanted part. because out of 130+ posts i got one warning i might have deserved and one i definitely did not. sometimes, just sometimes, it seems as if the mods enjoy having a contest to see who can warn/ban the most people (i base this off the responses from the mods in the first 42 pages of this string)

so i guess we are not going to agree on this topic and thats fine. ive learned from this experience to say the least.
2. gave my prediction as the title of the string wanted us to do (it wasnt my first post in the string, so instead of repeating myself and everyone on the earlier 23 pages i posted who i thot was going to get the wwe title at that moment due to cena's injury)

"orton is getting it. i think that was the plan anyway" <-- This is what you said. Its hardly giving YOUR opinion, as it'd actually be more considered to giving the "rumored" opinion. Also, if you check those 23 pages you're yammering on about, I'm sure they're filled with the exactly SAME opinion. So whether you're repeating yourself or not.. you're repeating that of someone else, so whats the difference?

Oh, thats right.. you didn't explain why YOU felt that way.

3. stated why i thot it was going to happen that way. (answers the question you stated in your post as to why i 'feel the way i do')

Where? "orton is getting it. i think that was the plan anyway" Thats HARDLY explaining (detail - explaining) why you feel whomever was getting whatever.

i made three points pertaining to the conversation without repeating what i and others have already said, which IMO would have been spam.

Don't make me search that thread for someone else thinking Randy Orton was going to win it, because it was the plan. You may of said what noone else had said, within the most recent posts before yours.. but it was hardly original.

where did i question yours or anyone elses authority?

You're doing it right now, genius. You're complaining (which you have a right to) about an infraction, you rightfully got. Therefore - You're questioning our authority over what we did.

i just feel on this one, it was wrong.

Gee, what a shock. I've never seen a member complain about how they've wrongfully got an unjust infraction.

so from now on ill stretch my sentences and fill them with as many words as possible, whether its useless or not. instead of saying 'i think orton will get the title' ill say 'according to my assumed insightful predictions and relative knowledge of said situation it seems the correct assumption as to the outcome of who will win the world wrestling entertainment championship would be the world wrestling entertainment superstar known to the world and most especially raw fans as the son son of one 'cowboy' bob orton, a mister randy orton.

I know "I" wouldn't give you an infraction for posting something that long. It'd be very detailed & I'd accept it willingly!

now is all that typing really necessary to make the same point? i dont have any pics in my sig, i dont have a sig at all, so you cant really be worried about the amount of space my simple non-repetitive post took up.

Maybe you should consider getting a sig. They make members look more warm, & less likely to spam. Unless its a negative sig.

Oh, & no, all that typing honestly isn't "necessary" but a detailed understanding on WHY you posted what you did will save us this arguement, the next time. So remember not to post something so plain, like.. "orton is getting it. i think that was the plan anyway"

lastly, please stop barking at me like im a horrible unwanted member. :( im not. at least the horrible part anyway, not sure about the unwanted part. because out of 130+ posts i got one warning i might have deserved and one i definitely did not. sometimes, just sometimes, it seems as if the mods enjoy having a contest to see who can warn/ban the most people (i base this off the responses from the mods in the first 42 pages of this string)

I never said you were horrible, or unwanted. I'm just explaining to you why you got the infraction, you're questioning our authority over getting. And good for you, 130+ posts with only 2 warnings.. you really slipped passed our eye-sight.

OH the contest thing.. its pure rumor.

so i guess we are not going to agree on this topic and thats fine. ive learned from this experience to say the least.

Somehow, after all that.. I doubt it.
I wanna complain about people who are members for a nice period of time, yet when they receive one infraction for something.. they want to fight it, as if that ONE infraction is going to kill them!

I want something done about it, now, now, now, now, now!
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