If you had a shred of common sense, it'd be funny but it's just too pitiful to laugh about; so, I'll explain this the best I can. You do have free speech, you can think what you want and say what you want, at least as long as you don't encourage someone to commit crimes and they actually commit said crimes you've encouraged them to do. If you want to call someone the N-word or call a Jew the K-word, there's nobody that can stop you from doing so, but you don't seem to understand that you also have to endure the potential consequences of exercising your right to free speech. If you say it out loud in front of someone, then you run the risk of having to take the personal and professional shit storm that may follow. In Hogan's case, IF he legitimately said it, then any company would be perfectly within their right to fire him. If it's a misunderstanding, then WWE screwed up and eventually owe Hogan an apology; however, you're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think that ANY company isn't going to do what it can to protect itself.
Do you know the exact details of the various contracts WWE has with its sponsors? I know I certainly don't and I have the feeling you don't either. One thing that MIGHT possibly be included in said contracts are various morals clauses that could allow the sponsors to end their association with WWE legally. These sponsors aren't some rinky dink mom & pop operation, they're multi-billion dollar corporations that I'm willing to bet have some sort of technical loop hole that allows them to end their association with WWE without violating any contractual obligations.
I do agree, at least to some degree, that there's definitely a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. I'm also of the opinion that it's hypocritical for them to use the word while denouncing it for everyone else. As for the King situation, I don't believe there's justification for much of what happened, I mean genuinely innocent people were assaulted who hadn't done anything to incur the wrath of the mob, but I do understand why some did it as it looked to be a clear cut case of racial bias on the part of the jury. They had video evidence of the police beating the ever loving shit out of a black man long after he was unable to resist arrest. The riots that followed came about out of frustration due to, allegedly, decades of racist activities of the Los Angeles police; the Rodney King verdict was just the spark that ultimately lit the fuse.
What dirty laundry can he air that won't be refuted by anyone who hears it as sour grapes from a former employee? Besides that, what if Hogan himself has some dirty laundry that WWE management, wrestlers, referees, producers, etc. know about that we don't? All that happens then is just a game of he said/she said but, in this particular case, there are allegedly taped conversations he had with Heather Clem, the wife of Bubba the Love Sponge at the time, about being mad at Brooke for sleeping with a black man. As for Benoit, do you honestly believe that any wrestling company wants to be associated with a man who killed his wife and son before killing himself while he was still working for them? The Benoit incident was a public relations disaster for WWE, and rightly so because it ultimately revealed that WWE didn't really care what its wrestlers were doing so long as it didn't jeopardize their work for the company; Benoit's testosterone level was over 10 times the normal amount and autopsies on his brain revealed significant trauma that WWE could have known about and did nothing about. At one point, there was talk of congress taking it upon itself to regulate WWE if Vince didn't clean things up, hence the formation of the Wellness Policy.
That Vince McMahon got his ass kicked in lawsuits filed by the widows of wrestlers, news stories of rampant drug abuse among the wrestlers, one wrestler committing a murder-suicide while still under contract, congress threatening to essentially remove him from power and appoint someone else to regulate the happenings within the company, demands from company shareholders to improve the WWE's image and to keep a tighter rein on medical & drug issues regarding talents, etc. When you're the CEO of a publicly traded company, like it or not, there are certain obligations that you have in regards to the public.
The guy was fired after an investigation took place. All they had was Del Rio's word that he made the racist remarks whereas people actually saw Del Rio physically strike the guy. WWE asked investigated his history, talked to people who worked directly with him and under him, tried to discover if he had a history of making racially motivated remarks, etc. and he was let go.
Telling everyone to fuck off or go fuck themselves might produce the desired results when you're a high school sophomore, but I'm afraid that won't get you very far as an adult.