Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

I thought about this and I think Hogan is probably right, that everybody is probably a little racist inside. There are darker skin people in Africa that cannot tolerate other blacks who are lighter skin for example. It's in every cultures and I've heard people say all sort of things behind closed doors. He was mainly talking about his daughter, right.

Still I understand why the WWE reacted this way cause it's an image thing.
So they terminated him from their history for N word? Such a political BS, Hogan is not a tooth fairy for sure, but he is a huge part of wrestling success, i just lost any respect whatsoever for WWE.
If you had a shred of common sense, it'd be funny but it's just too pitiful to laugh about; so, I'll explain this the best I can. You do have free speech, you can think what you want and say what you want, at least as long as you don't encourage someone to commit crimes and they actually commit said crimes you've encouraged them to do. If you want to call someone the N-word or call a Jew the K-word, there's nobody that can stop you from doing so, but you don't seem to understand that you also have to endure the potential consequences of exercising your right to free speech. If you say it out loud in front of someone, then you run the risk of having to take the personal and professional shit storm that may follow. In Hogan's case, IF he legitimately said it, then any company would be perfectly within their right to fire him. If it's a misunderstanding, then WWE screwed up and eventually owe Hogan an apology; however, you're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think that ANY company isn't going to do what it can to protect itself.

Do you know the exact details of the various contracts WWE has with its sponsors? I know I certainly don't and I have the feeling you don't either. One thing that MIGHT possibly be included in said contracts are various morals clauses that could allow the sponsors to end their association with WWE legally. These sponsors aren't some rinky dink mom & pop operation, they're multi-billion dollar corporations that I'm willing to bet have some sort of technical loop hole that allows them to end their association with WWE without violating any contractual obligations.

I do agree, at least to some degree, that there's definitely a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. I'm also of the opinion that it's hypocritical for them to use the word while denouncing it for everyone else. As for the King situation, I don't believe there's justification for much of what happened, I mean genuinely innocent people were assaulted who hadn't done anything to incur the wrath of the mob, but I do understand why some did it as it looked to be a clear cut case of racial bias on the part of the jury. They had video evidence of the police beating the ever loving shit out of a black man long after he was unable to resist arrest. The riots that followed came about out of frustration due to, allegedly, decades of racist activities of the Los Angeles police; the Rodney King verdict was just the spark that ultimately lit the fuse.

What dirty laundry can he air that won't be refuted by anyone who hears it as sour grapes from a former employee? Besides that, what if Hogan himself has some dirty laundry that WWE management, wrestlers, referees, producers, etc. know about that we don't? All that happens then is just a game of he said/she said but, in this particular case, there are allegedly taped conversations he had with Heather Clem, the wife of Bubba the Love Sponge at the time, about being mad at Brooke for sleeping with a black man. As for Benoit, do you honestly believe that any wrestling company wants to be associated with a man who killed his wife and son before killing himself while he was still working for them? The Benoit incident was a public relations disaster for WWE, and rightly so because it ultimately revealed that WWE didn't really care what its wrestlers were doing so long as it didn't jeopardize their work for the company; Benoit's testosterone level was over 10 times the normal amount and autopsies on his brain revealed significant trauma that WWE could have known about and did nothing about. At one point, there was talk of congress taking it upon itself to regulate WWE if Vince didn't clean things up, hence the formation of the Wellness Policy.

That Vince McMahon got his ass kicked in lawsuits filed by the widows of wrestlers, news stories of rampant drug abuse among the wrestlers, one wrestler committing a murder-suicide while still under contract, congress threatening to essentially remove him from power and appoint someone else to regulate the happenings within the company, demands from company shareholders to improve the WWE's image and to keep a tighter rein on medical & drug issues regarding talents, etc. When you're the CEO of a publicly traded company, like it or not, there are certain obligations that you have in regards to the public.

The guy was fired after an investigation took place. All they had was Del Rio's word that he made the racist remarks whereas people actually saw Del Rio physically strike the guy. WWE asked investigated his history, talked to people who worked directly with him and under him, tried to discover if he had a history of making racially motivated remarks, etc. and he was let go.

Telling everyone to fuck off or go fuck themselves might produce the desired results when you're a high school sophomore, but I'm afraid that won't get you very far as an adult.

How come the media don't cop the consequences of many of the stories that they report? They will often go with a story, get the facts wrong, ruin someone's standing or career, and all they get is a slap on the wrist and forced to print a retraction.

If I were Hogan, and WWE eventually owed me an apology, I would sue them for everything instead, for not taking my word for it. I would ruin Vince and end WWE for betraying me.

As for sponsors, firstly do morals clause go both ways? If a sponsor of WWE embarrasses itself, can WWE pull out on them early? Besides, some companies just use this as an excuse to not keep paying for their sponsorship, or to pull out early, because they have a more lucrative sponsorship deal elsewhere, so use these things as an excuse to not meet their obligation.

If a sponsor did this to me, then I am free, when the heat dies down, to go to their major competitor, offer them a better deal, and then keep saying publicly how much better this company is, and the previous sponsor can't sue me for making them look bad by comparison, as, because of them, I am not longer obligated to them. I will give their rival the forum they once occupied.

So a racist jury makes it okay to trash a city does it? Also, I didn't see white people rioting when black hero O.J. Simpson got cleared by an obviously black racist jury, when O.J. was accused of killing two white people. Double standards.

If I were Hogan, the dirty laundry I would air is the full, unadultered account of everything that happened with the steroid trial in the 90's. It almost put Vince in jail last time. I would dig up dirt that would put him in prison, and blackmail him with it to give me back my contract or I will go public with enough evidence to send him to prison for years.

Your right that anyone who exercises their freedom of speech must pay the consequences. But those who seek to destroy careers and reputations should watch their back as well, because one day, someone might decide to do something about it.
If he was RACIST why did he do the movie with Tiny Lister aka ZEUS?
How come ZEUS worked with Hogan in the NO HOLDS BARRED movie? I don t get it

Because he got paid. $$$ is the ultimate equalizer. Your argument is lame and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to defend (although weakly) that racist piece of crap.

All that moron has to do to clean up his image is donate $1 million to the NAACP and denounce the Confederate flag and all will be forgotten. That idiot needs me on his PR team.
Roddy Piper wrestled in black face yet no one says anything about him being a racist. How about Bill Watts being fired from WCW for racist remarks and yet he still got into the hall of fame? Why does Michael Hayes still have a job after his racist remarks to Mark Henry? Teddy Long has recently shared stories about Ric Flair being a racist, but he's rumored to be replacing Hogan on Tough Enough? HHH used very racist overtones in his angle w/Booker T, not to mention that racist angle they did with Bret Hart when it was DX framing him.

Yeah, WWE clearly cares about racism, lol.
This is a very sad day for us wrestling fans. In all reality, the worst day possible scenario for us wrestling fans. Regardless, if you liked him or hated him before all this drama Hogan is the face of professional wrestling. If you argue this fact you are thinking way too small. Nobody was the face of professional wrestling more than Hulk Hogan and that stand true through current day. Rock & Austin dug out a name for themselves but not the way Hogan was the face of wrestling. The last 10 years there have been no mainstream superstars which makes this black eye even worse.

Outside us hardcore wrestling fans, the general public associated professional wrestling with Hulk Hogan, it really is that simple. This is a black eye WWE / wrestling will not recover from. A good majority of the general population already looked at wrestling as a low class circus like event. Now add that’s its biggest star of all time will now go down in history as a racist is the worst possible thing that could happen. For the general population that was just indifferent about wrestling will now associate it in a negative way. I simply can’t think of anything worse right now to hurt the already sinking wrestling business.

Some may say what Benoit did was worse and it sure was but problem is Benoit is NOT Hulk Hogan. This is equal to Babe Ruth being erased from baseball, Michael Jordan erased from the NBA, Wayne Gretzky erased from hockey and Joe Montana erased from the NFL. This day will go down as the worst ever for professional wrestling and it saddens me as a fan of 30+ years.
Lol at all these lowkey racists who think the N-Word isn't that big of a deal...

It's hilarious to see situations like this reveal people's true colors.

It's appropriate that they terminate all their current relationships with him. But it will be funny to see how they do documentaries that cover the history of the WWE/WCW.

But I want to know why there was no action taken against Michael Hayes for calling Mark Henry the N-Word. Hope that comes to light too.
The problem isn't what Hogan said or even that he thought it. The problem is that even unknowingly, it was taped.

We've all probably muttered something under our breath or called someone something we shouldn't at least once, but got away with it cos no one else heard. Doesn't make us racist but it makes us dicks.

I have some pity for Hogan here, not only was he videoed without his knowledge shagging someone but a SEALED deposition is now somehow out there. There are some real dirty tricks going on right now and his lawyer is right, if it remotely goes back to Gawker that this got out, they're screwed.


It doesn't change the fact that he comes off very badly in the audio, saying it once might have got a pass but repeatedly, even in a private conversation? Nope... no free pass.

Remember how much penalty Donald Sterling got from the NFL? It's worse than what Hogan is getting from WWE.

You could point to Vince's Cena N-Bomb or Piper in Blackface but it's deflecting the point. Vince said it "in character" and the framing of the skit was to make him look a fool, it was probably not appropriate but he wasn't coming across as "winning" in it...

Piper in Blackface was 25 years ago, a lot has changed in the landscape since then, it was even before Rodney King so it's inadmissible.

WWE is doing what it feels it needs to, with a little bit of "finally we can rid ourselves of this prick" which is why they are going OTT. The HOF though is a step too far while guys like Jimmy Snuka are still in there with far worse transgressions.

Arguably the guy sweating now is Michael Hayes, it's all gonna come back to the surface... just when he thought it was gone. That HOF nod for the Freebirds? Nope... not now... and they might just release him too as collateral damage as between this and the Eva stuff, he shows a seedy light on them... especially when they can slot a Tyson Kidd or D-Bry into his place as an agent and say "Hey, we look after our guys".

Hogan took the good for long enough, he maybe did think he was in a private conversation or that he was indeed untouchable. No one is.

WWE has zero tolerance for anything these days, JR was fired cos SOMEONE ELSE got drunk, the next drug failiures will be interesting too. ADR got let go somewhat unfairly, but he still hit the guy. If the grand jury ever decide on Snuka's case to reopen, he's gone from the HOF, if someone looks at Scott Hall's shooting again? He's gone...

The sad part is MOST guys have something in their past, someone who should be a HOF lock like Regal might now not get in cos of the peeing on a stewardess thing...

At some point there has to be limitation, 8 years probably is just the right length, but if it had been 10, even on tape... WWE should admonish, suspend but not fire.

Vince has waited for this for years remember, he can finally re-write himself as the reason for the WWE's success and that Hogan was always trouble.
Not only am I a not any amounts racist, but based on this post alone, you are FAR more than a little racist about anything.

Why? Because this guy calls out the hypocrisy of the "offended", and then they pull the race card again.

You must love using that race card. Oh, the sympathy it must afford you. Woe is me, I am persecuted, even though those injustices weren't done directly to me. But I can pull out this card, call someone a name, and everyone quivers in fear, while I play the victim.

But then, you will call me a "racist" now. You need to use that word, since you have no legitimate argument to refute what either this guy or myself have said.

Give me your address, so I know where to send the tissues.
WWE are hypocrites.

It seems that the treatment of black people is more important to them than the treatment of black people.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin never got fired for beating women, which is actually a crime. What Hogan did isn't a crime. Yet Austin never got fired for something he plead guilty to. Also, one of Ric Flair's ex-wives accused him of beating her up as well. Yet, WWE hasn't sacked them from their contracts.

WWE have done a lot of "fire first, ask questions later" only to end up with egg on their face. Emma got done on a shoplifting charge, and fired, only to be reinstated when the full facts came out.

The thing is, it isn't like Hogan did what Cosby did, or touched little children, or murdered someone. He didn't deal drugs or organise a terrorist attack. He said a word that offends some people, which is not even a crime. That is how little society thinks of it, to not even make it illegal. But being offended is a national pastime, I suppose.
I can understand WWE for wanting to protect themselves. They would have a lot of troubles if they dont do that. But erasing Hulk Hogan entirely just because he made racist remark? Firing him and not calling him to work ever again would just be fine, trying to erase no1 legend in wrestling entertainment ever after he put that bussiness at the map is kinda pointless. Can understand why they did it but its just silly.
Why? Because this guy calls out the hypocrisy of the "offended", and then they pull the race card again.

You must love using that race card. Oh, the sympathy it must afford you. Woe is me, I am persecuted, even though those injustices weren't done directly to me. But I can pull out this card, call someone a name, and everyone quivers in fear, while I play the victim.

But then, you will call me a "racist" now. You need to use that word, since you have no legitimate argument to refute what either this guy or myself have said.

Give me your address, so I know where to send the tissues.

So, I'm a white male, straight, and in my 30s. Your argument is moot.

If you think it's ok to be anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that.

If you argue for the ability to use those words, you are a racist. If you try and tell someone that in 2015 America, racism is dead, you're a racist.

Black Americans are arrested at a tremendously higher rate than any other group, but there is no evidence they commit more crimes. They are killed by law enforcement at a much higher rate, although there is no evidence that there is any merit to the reason why. Black Americans are oppressed and persecuted by the plethora of laws that exist to demonize and deride their culture and social norms, and all you can do is complain that it makes you a sorry excuse for a human that you want to use a word that that group has expressed that they don't want you to use. There is no group in America that suffers injustices like Black Americans, and the dignity that they suffer those injustices with, STILL, is beyond me. I mean, racist white Americans lose their shit when a cop illegally stops a black man, and then ends up murdering him for no reason, and complain that WHITES are persecuted in America. There will come a day, and I hope that I'm alive for it, where we realize what we have done to an entire subset of the population on Earth, and we will begin to try and make amends for it. I don't know that we can. But I hope that people like you have to sit and watch, just seething mad that you are no longer in the privileged class based on the randomness of the melatonin and pigmentation of your skin, uttering racial epithets and slurs under your breath, with those delicious tears of ignorance and hate streaming down your face.

And for fuck's sake, the ONLY people that are sniveling cowardly little useless sacks of shit that need tissues for their tears are the ones that are sad that they can no longer acceptably use derogatory and racially charged language for their own pleasure. You're not better than black people because you're white, so get the fuck over yourself.
I can understand WWE for wanting to protect themselves. They would have a lot of troubles if they dont do that. But erasing Hulk Hogan entirely just because he made racist remark? Firing him and not calling him to work ever again would just be fine, trying to erase no1 legend in wrestling entertainment ever after he put that bussiness at the map is kinda pointless. Can understand why they did it but its just silly.

To this point, it is very silly to hold someone accountable for a mistake they made 8 years ago. Humans aren't really equipped to be "celebrities" in the fashion that they are anymore. 24/7 recording, the paparazzi what they are, and scum like Bubba the Cumsponge doing what they can to exploit those that are wealthy makes being a celebrity something I would never wish on anyone, let alone wish on myself.

Everyone has made stupid comments (although, not everyone has made racist comments). What Hogan said was utterly inexcusable. However, while I can understand cutting his contract, taking him off of TV like Tough Enough, etc., clearing the history books does seem a bit like overcorrection, to me at least.
So, I'm a white male, straight, and in my 30s. Your argument is moot.

If you think it's ok to be anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that.

If you argue for the ability to use those words, you are a racist. If you try and tell someone that in 2015 America, racism is dead, you're a racist.

Black Americans are arrested at a tremendously higher rate than any other group, but there is no evidence they commit more crimes. They are killed by law enforcement at a much higher rate, although there is no evidence that there is any merit to the reason why. Black Americans are oppressed and persecuted by the plethora of laws that exist to demonize and deride their culture and social norms, and all you can do is complain that it makes you a sorry excuse for a human that you want to use a word that that group has expressed that they don't want you to use. There is no group in America that suffers injustices like Black Americans, and the dignity that they suffer those injustices with, STILL, is beyond me. I mean, racist white Americans lose their shit when a cop illegally stops a black man, and then ends up murdering him for no reason, and complain that WHITES are persecuted in America. There will come a day, and I hope that I'm alive for it, where we realize what we have done to an entire subset of the population on Earth, and we will begin to try and make amends for it. I don't know that we can. But I hope that people like you have to sit and watch, just seething mad that you are no longer in the privileged class based on the randomness of the melatonin and pigmentation of your skin, uttering racial epithets and slurs under your breath, with those delicious tears of ignorance and hate streaming down your face.

And for fuck's sake, the ONLY people that are sniveling cowardly little useless sacks of shit that need tissues for their tears are the ones that are sad that they can no longer acceptably use derogatory and racially charged language for their own pleasure. You're not better than black people because you're white, so get the fuck over yourself.

Hey, mate, if you are white, then aren't you including yourself amongst "white pieces of shit"? Or are you a superior white man, and the only one who pretends to care about their problems.

How do you know what they went through? Unless YOU experienced it, you are only going by second-hand knowledge, which can be embellished.

Don't pretend to understand. According to you, white people cause all the problems, so if you are white, then aren't you part of the problem?

How do you know many of the blacks in prison didn't commit crimes? Is that what they told you? How do you know that a black shot by a cop didn't pull a gun, and the cop shot him in self-defense (but I doubt you care about dead cops, white or black). You just gullibly believe whatever the media tells you. The media twist things to prevent the point of view they want out there, that is black = good, white = bad.

Despite the persectution that blacks went through, they should know better than anyone what damage racism bring, inequality brings. They argue for equality, but are then happy for whites to be treated badly instead of them. Why not be the bigger man, and try to bring peace, instead of retaliation. Is white persecution what the great Martin Luther King wanted? No. He wanted "all men to be treated equal", not whites better than blacks, nor blacks better than whites. Racism is racism, no matter what the color, whether they come from David Duke or Louis Farrakhan.

BTW, I do admire certain blacks. I admire those who work hard, get educated, don't make excuses and have things hold them back, but overcome any obstacle presented towards them, to become whatever they need to be. But I don't admire those who use their circumstances or past to not look for a job, and blame everyone else for what they don't have. Lazy is lazy, whether black or white. I admire people who achieve and don't look to blame.

It seems like you hate white people (despite claiming to be one) and you hate anyone who is rich, is in authority I know you hate cops) or makes something of their life. You seem to push the idea that all blacks are downtrodden, and are being held down. I see many black judges, black lawyer, black doctors etc. Who held them down, and who brought them up? They are not making excuses, they do something to better their lives. That, I admire, not those who make excuses and play "Woe is me". But an imbecile like you can't grasp that, since your life mission is to make yourself look good by pretending to have empathy with black people so that others won't think that you are secretly racist. I'm onto you.
I can understand WWE for wanting to protect themselves. They would have a lot of troubles if they dont do that. But erasing Hulk Hogan entirely just because he made racist remark? Firing him and not calling him to work ever again would just be fine, trying to erase no1 legend in wrestling entertainment ever after he put that bussiness at the map is kinda pointless. Can understand why they did it but its just silly.

Why? Vince didn't give a stuff about what sponsors, the mainstream press or minority groups thought during the "Attitude Era". He did what he wanted, and almost went out of his way to offend. Look how profitable that period was. So, you know what. Stuff sponsors, stuff people who get offended. WWE is what it is, take it or leave it. He didn't need their approval during the Attitude Era, and got by very well as a result. He has the fans, those sponsors who choose to stick by him (and some do) and those who buy tickets to shows and merchandise. Who cares if some people won't come anymore. Hell, some people drop off because John Cena is pushed. True fans will still attend and consume the product, and if Vince gives them what they want, then he doesn't need those who probably aren't really invested anyway.
Why? Vince didn't give a stuff about what sponsors, the mainstream press or minority groups thought during the "Attitude Era". He did what he wanted, and almost went out of his way to offend. Look how profitable that period was. So, you know what. Stuff sponsors, stuff people who get offended. WWE is what it is, take it or leave it. He didn't need their approval during the Attitude Era, and got by very well as a result. He has the fans, those sponsors who choose to stick by him (and some do) and those who buy tickets to shows and merchandise. Who cares if some people won't come anymore. Hell, some people drop off because John Cena is pushed. True fans will still attend and consume the product, and if Vince gives them what they want, then he doesn't need those who probably aren't really invested anyway.

The attitude era was 15 years ago. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think the sensibilities back then would apply now.

The WWE is doing what they have to in today's PC society.
Why? Vince didn't give a stuff about what sponsors, the mainstream press or minority groups thought during the "Attitude Era". He did what he wanted, and almost went out of his way to offend. Look how profitable that period was. So, you know what. Stuff sponsors, stuff people who get offended. WWE is what it is, take it or leave it. He didn't need their approval during the Attitude Era, and got by very well as a result. He has the fans, those sponsors who choose to stick by him (and some do) and those who buy tickets to shows and merchandise. Who cares if some people won't come anymore. Hell, some people drop off because John Cena is pushed. True fans will still attend and consume the product, and if Vince gives them what they want, then he doesn't need those who probably aren't really invested anyway.
Because back then it didnt mather that much. Nowadays you have banned chair shots, almost no blood at all and banned finisher on WWE Champion because its "too risky and can cause head injury" etc. They worked for years to change public image of the company so when you look at WWE you see public company who cares about people and who condmemnes risky and maleficent behavior even if its from their employes. In Attitude Era it didnt mather that much, now it mathers a lot. Back then you could get away with these kind of behavior, now there are big reprecussions in sponsors who doesnt want that bad public image. Which would result in loss of lots of money in sponsors, not to mention that lots of people who watch product now(especially African American but any who would be offended if they think you condone that kind of behavior) would just stay away from product. And they cant risk that even for Hulk.

In example FOX in 90s got big problems with feminist groups after "Married with Children" got that "NO MAAM" organisation. But they stick to it and continued and even kepted good ratings. Today FOX would just straight up canceled it. Nobody today wants to risk losing money just because someone you employ is racist. So they do "damage control". But just straight up erasing Hogan is ludacris even for WWE who is so afraid of bad publicity.
Because back then it didnt mather that much. Nowadays you have banned chair shots, almost no blood at all and banned finisher on WWE Champion because its "too risky and can cause head injury" etc. They worked for years to change public image of the company so when you look at WWE you see public company who cares about people and who condmemnes risky and maleficent behavior even if its from their employes. In Attitude Era it didnt mather that much, now it mathers a lot. Back then you could get away with these kind of behavior, now there are big reprecussions in sponsors who doesnt want that bad public image. Which would result in loss of lots of money in sponsors, not to mention that lots of people who watch product now(especially African American but any who would be offended if they think you condone that kind of behavior) would just stay away from product. And they cant risk that even for Hulk.

In example FOX in 90s got big problems with feminist groups after "Married with Children" got that "NO MAAM" organisation. But they stick to it and continued and even kepted good ratings. Today FOX would just straight up canceled it. Nobody today wants to risk losing money just because someone you employ is racist. So they do "damage control". But just straight up erasing Hogan is ludacris even for WWE who is so afraid of bad publicity.

There's an article on Forbes about how the Hogan situation cost the WWE $50 million yesterday with their stock price dropping almost 4%.

You gotta wonder why that happened though? Is it because investors didn't want to be associated with Hogan and sold their stock... even though WWE was quick to fire and completely distance themselves from the guy?

Or is it because investors didn't want to be associated with a company who were so quick to erase their most important figure ever from it's history?

I've got a feeling it's a little of both. There were going to be investors who dropped out simply because of the Hogan controversy. And there were also investors who looked at the WWE's reaction to it, felt that they went too far, and didn't trust their money with a company who makes knee jerk reactions such as that.

Which group was greater? Considering they dropped Hogan so quickly and still had such a huge hit to their stock price? I'd say that the investors spoke with their wallets and lost faith in the WWE because of how they handled the situation.
If you think it's ok to be anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that.

Pardon the pun, but it's juvenile for you to think in such black and whites. Here's are some examples of a white man using a slur and not being a racist:


Pardon the pun, but it's juvenile for you to think in such black and whites. Here's are some examples of a white man using a slur and not being a racist:

Um no. Those are called comedians, and what they're doing is entertainment. You won't find a single comedian that's going to say "Yeah, the shit I say on stage is LITERALLY how I feel and what I believe."

In addition, Leo DiCaprio saying it in Django Unchained is also not a racist. But, you should keep grasping at straws.
Um no. Those are called comedians, and what they're doing is entertainment. You won't find a single comedian that's going to say "Yeah, the shit I say on stage is LITERALLY how I feel and what I believe."

In addition, Leo DiCaprio saying it in Django Unchained is also not a racist. But, you should keep grasping at straws.

But you specifically said that "If you think it's ok to be anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that."

So if there's no other explanation then how can you defend them because it's comedy?

Maybe you just say things without thinking. Sort of like Hulk Hogan.
But you specifically said that "If you think it's ok to be anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that."

So if there's no other explanation then how can you defend them because it's comedy?

Maybe you just say things without thinking. Sort of like Hulk Hogan.

What kind of stupid are you that you can't differentiate between acting/doing an entertainment skit and real life feelings and emotions and words?

It's OBVIOUS in my statement that I'm not talking about movies, comedy, or even music. I'm talking about personal, individual statements.

The fact that instead of debating the merits of your racist position, you'd rather create red herrings and construct strawmen says plenty about your actual intelligence.
What kind of stupid are you that you can't differentiate between acting/doing an entertainment skit and real life feelings and emotions and words?

Typically when somebody says " Full stop. There is no other explanation of that", they are the ones that can't differentiate.

It's OBVIOUS in my statement that I'm not talking about movies, comedy, or even music. I'm talking about personal, individual statements.

Is it really obvious when you say that there is definitively NO OTHER EXPLAINATION?

The fact that instead of debating the merits of your racist position, you'd rather create red herrings and construct strawmen says plenty about your actual intelligence.

I'm sorry, exactly which part of my position is racist? Please tell me. Or are you just throwing around the race card like it's candy on Halloween?
Typically when somebody says " Full stop. There is no other explanation of that", they are the ones that can't differentiate.

Is it really obvious when you say that there is definitively NO OTHER EXPLAINATION?

I'm sorry, exactly which part of my position is racist? Please tell me. Or are you just throwing around the race card like it's candy on Halloween?
Easy. When someone is talking about real life things that happen, real life emotions, conversations, feelings, and actions, people that have normative cognitive reasoning do not start linking actors playing a part and mimicking a role. It just doesn't happen. If someone says, "The sky is blue. Full stop," people don't begin linking Star Wars clips to dispute that point. You're either trolling or too stupid to understand how conversations happen.

There is no other explanation, when we're discussing real life, as we have been the entire time in this thread.

And your position is racist that argues that Black Americans aren't oppressed, that they are infringing your YOUR RIGHTS, and even oppressing you. That words don't have meaning, that if one group uses a word that YOU should have the right to use it to their faces, etc. Dude, you honestly need to take a real look at yourself, and really try to figure out if this is what you want to be. If you're proud of the things you're saying in this thread. If you're trolling, then that is what it is. But if you really believe the hateful and terrible things you've said in this thread alone, it really would benefit you to start evaluating what value you offer society in 2015, rather than in 1961.
Easy. When someone is talking about real life things that happen, real life emotions, conversations, feelings, and actions, people that have normative cognitive reasoning do not start linking actors playing a part and mimicking a role. It just doesn't happen. If someone says, "The sky is blue. Full stop," people don't begin linking Star Wars clips to dispute that point. You're either trolling or too stupid to understand how conversations happen.

I'm sorry but you can't compare objective and subjective subjects. It renders your argument moot.

And your position is racist that argues that Black Americans aren't oppressed, that they are infringing your YOUR RIGHTS, and even oppressing you.

Where did I say that Black American's aren't oppressed? Where did I say that they are infringing on my rights or oppressing me?

That words don't have meaning, that if one group uses a word that YOU should have the right to use it to their faces, etc.

I'm pretty sure I was the one earlier in the thread that said the word is still powerful and you're the one that said that black usage of it makes it less powerful. So which is it?

But if you really believe the hateful and terrible things you've said in this thread alone, it really would benefit you to start evaluating what value you offer society in 2015, rather than in 1961.

Show me ONE SINGLE THING I've said in this thread that was hateful. Go ahead. I'll wait.

If not then I suggest you pull that stick out of your asshole and replace it with your white guilt.

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