Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

"shows that he is a racist prick". OPINION.

"It is something that you cannot argue"- yes I can, because it is an opinion.

"Those who agree with him are just as racist as he is"- opinion, and a strawman argument.

"As you have already shown on another thread". OPINION!

Your whole entire post is smothered in opinion, your opinion. There would be people who disagree with you. Unless you can provide evidence of why they are wrong, than it is an opinion, not fact.

As for Hogan being a racist, he has already admitted and apologized for what he said. So that is a fact. He could have said it in a completely different manner he chose not too. Again a fact.

Anyone who agrees with him, and would defend his actions, yes to me is a racist as well. Whether it was said in a private conversation or not. And wasn't it you who said the following, on a thread you created about wrestlers you don't much care for.

"Originally Posted by d_henderson1810 View Post
4. Goldberg

Expect that he did. Goldberg, the sell-out, the hypocrite, joined WWE in 2003. Always sniffing a buck with that Jewish nose of his, he joined Vince's group."

Another fact. I didn't type that you did.

So yes part of my post is my opinion, and as you have said you can't argue opinion, but you also can't argue what you yourself have written. So I think I just proved you wrong.

Hogan didn't Austin beat those women either, or make Michael Hayes call Mark Henry an "n" (and I would think that Hogan was more valuable to WWE than Michael Hayes, so they could have fired Hayes easily), or Randy Orton humiliate a female.

You seem to be a low-class individual if you see more problem with Hulk Hogan using a word, than SCSA using fists on his wife.

You punish one, you punish all. Domestic abuse is WORSE than calling someone an N, because violence can lead to death. Saying the word can lead to violence, but it may not as well. But hitting a woman is violent, no way around it.

Hogan didn't kill anyone with his word, but Austin could have killed Debra with his violence, except she was empowered enough to not stay around and let that happen.

Nowhere did I say that I condoned what SCSA did, please show me where I said that. The point that is being made here is, this has nothing to do with what Hogan said or did. And I'm continuing to have a problem with why you keep bringing it up.

It's almost seems like to make Hogan look good, you have to bring up other indiscretions in other wrestler's past's. It's not working. We are talking on this thread about Hulk Hogan going on a racial rant, which I might add happened while he was screwing his best friends wife. Yea the guy's a real saint.

And using your analogy of "punish one, punish all". Austin was arrested and charged with beating his wife. Should they arrest and charge Hogan with a hate crime. No because there is nothing in the law to charge him with what he said.

Again this has nothing to do with Austin, Hayes or Orton. By all means create a thread for each one of them and we'll discuss what they did there, but this is not about them.
You're just wasting your time with Red Herrings with these idiots. Seriously, these guys are just Shitlords from YouTube. (Shitlord isn't calling someone a bad name, it's the name of people that choose to fight to support racism, sexism, homophobia, and other bigotry)
I'm not going to defend Hogan for what he said, but I DO disagree with the punishment. He should not be Chris Benoit'ed!

Is does Michael Hayes still have a job? They employee many racists still. Just ask Del Rio about it. In fact they still acknowledge many people that have done far worse things. From domestic violence to drunk driving to drug use to straight up murder, yet Hogan is erased for racist comments?

Like I said.....I'm not defending him, but something doesn't add up with how its being handled. I wonder if there's more to it then we know?
As for Hogan being a racist, he has already admitted and apologized for what he said. So that is a fact. He could have said it in a completely different manner he chose not too. Again a fact.

Anyone who agrees with him, and would defend his actions, yes to me is a racist as well. Whether it was said in a private conversation or not. And wasn't it you who said the following, on a thread you created about wrestlers you don't much care for.

"Originally Posted by d_henderson1810 View Post
4. Goldberg

Expect that he did. Goldberg, the sell-out, the hypocrite, joined WWE in 2003. Always sniffing a buck with that Jewish nose of his, he joined Vince's group."

Another fact. I didn't type that you did.

So yes part of my post is my opinion, and as you have said you can't argue opinion, but you also can't argue what you yourself have written. So I think I just proved you wrong.

Nowhere did I say that I condoned what SCSA did, please show me where I said that. The point that is being made here is, this has nothing to do with what Hogan said or did. And I'm continuing to have a problem with why you keep bringing it up.

It's almost seems like to make Hogan look good, you have to bring up other indiscretions in other wrestler's past's. It's not working. We are talking on this thread about Hulk Hogan going on a racial rant, which I might add happened while he was screwing his best friends wife. Yea the guy's a real saint.

And using your analogy of "punish one, punish all". Austin was arrested and charged with beating his wife. Should they arrest and charge Hogan with a hate crime. No because there is nothing in the law to charge him with what he said.

Again this has nothing to do with Austin, Hayes or Orton. By all means create a thread for each one of them and we'll discuss what they did there, but this is not about them.

Yes, Hogan said what he said. But whether YOU agree with it or not is your opinion, which you are entitled to.

Also, I did write that about Goldberg. But again, that was MY opinion. Neither are facts, so technically, neither is wrong.

What I mean by "punish one, punish all" is that if WWE are prepared to erase Hogan from existence, then why not wipe all things pertaining to SCSA when he beat his wife, and other women as well? Austin plead guilty, so if WWE are going to wipe wrestlers from existence (and they were even OTT with their reaction to Chris Benoit), then a confessed wife-beater, who then attacked another woman afterwards, should have had his Legends contract torn up, or been wiped from WWE.

But then, Attitude fans, who defend anything that Austin does, and laughed and cheered when Austin gave Stacy Keibler on Raw, and also gave Stunners to Stephanie McMahon, and even one to Linda McMahon, AFTER he had been in trouble for real-life violence against women, would boycott WWE if their fave hero from the beloved Attitude Era got his right whack. By not punishing Austin, WWE said that they endorse domestic violence.
So all the "offended" people who want Hogan shot and burnt in oil tell me this.

How did you feel when "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase had a black servant called Virgil? Could that not be twisted that it was a wealthy landowner (since he had four residences) who owned a slave?

Or how did you feel when the WWE had a black faction called "The Nation Of Domination" which was a racist black faction meant to be like the "Nation Of Islam" and Faarooq was patterned on Louis Farrakhan, a black racist?

In fact, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't people get excited that when Big E, Kofi and Xavier first got together, people thought that it would be NOD 2.0, and now boo them because they are "New Day" instead? So, some of the same people acting SO "offended" were happy to see a retread of a racist black group?

Now, these things either offended you or they don't. You can't not be offended by it then, and be offended now. It was either always right or always wrong. You can't just choose to become offended by something that never bothered you yesterday.
So all the "offended" people who want Hogan shot and burnt in oil tell me this.

I don't want Hogan shot or burnt in oil but I will play your half-wit game.

How did you feel when "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase had a black servant called Virgil? Could that not be twisted that it was a wealthy landowner (since he had four residences) who owned a slave?

I never assumed Virgil was a slave but regardless I disliked Dibiase similar to the way people dislike Hogan except Dibiase was acting.

Or how did you feel when the WWE had a black faction called "The Nation Of Domination" which was a racist black faction meant to be like the "Nation Of Islam" and Faarooq was patterned on Louis Farrakhan, a black racist?

I disliked NOD similar to the way people dislike Hogan except the NOD was acting.

In fact, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't people get excited that when Big E, Kofi and Xavier first got together, people thought that it would be NOD 2.0, and now boo them because they are "New Day" instead? So, some of the same people acting SO "offended" were happy to see a retread of a racist black group?

Yes, New Day are actors on TV playing a role meant to elicit certain emotions. Hulk Hogan was not playing a role when he was being privately taped.

Now, these things either offended you or they don't. You can't not be offended by it then, and be offended now. It was either always right or always wrong. You can't just choose to become offended by something that never bothered you yesterday.

I didn't think you were stupid when I read your first post years ago but I think you are stupid now. I'm not sure what happened there but it happened. You may have become stupid over that time, I may have become smarter, or maybe I just needed more time to come to the clear conclusion of your stupidity but my opinion evolved for some reason and that is OK. The important thing is that I know realize that you are stupid.
Oh God here I am defending Vince McMahon. Listen there is a difference between the two. Now I'm not advocating what McMahon said, but he said it on TV as part of the act. Was it a bad decision? Probably but he said it and got away with it.

Hogan on the other hand said it in private and if you read the transcripts, he wasn't saying it as part of an act, he meant it in a derogatory manner. There is a difference. If you can't see that then I don't know what to say to you.

You also can't start throwing everything up against the wall and hoping that something will stick. I'm sure every company has had their share of this kind of shit they've had to handle. In this case the WWE is a publicly traded company, and any bad press that can be put on them the better by the media.

If that is enough to make you give up wrestling and stop being a fan, then I have to question whether you were a fan to begin with. You must understand that there are assholes everywhere, and sooner or later they will be weeded out.
To be honest, thinking about using the N word as part of the entertainment is ten times worse than saying it when you are emotional.
Vince McMahon and Booker T were not even involved in a storyline and they haven't interacted on WWE TV for years and Vince was even a babyface back then (this was a few months before he turned heel and started feuding with Shawn Michaels) it was just random.
What was Vince thinking? "Hey, why don't we have a funny little segment with me and John Cena backstage when I say the N word with two black people next to us. That's entertainment"
When Hulk Hogan said that maybe he was just mad, sad, maybe he was drunk or high or maybe he is just a racist pig who finally showed his true colors but there is only one tape showing him saying that. Vince McMahon on the other side has created a show full of racist segments, not pushing talented black guys, stereotypical gimmicks, he has used racism intentionally to create entertainment.
The Hulk Hogan treatment/punishment is a bitter one. Not because of Hulk Hogan personally, it's because of the person who punished him. It's like Adolf Hitler banning Mel Gibson from Hollywood because of his Jews rant. That's the perfect example of how our society works: if you did something wrong you will be punished by the higher-ups who did the same thing but are untouchable
Society has to find scapegoats for everything.

I believe that society has no right to tell others how to conduct themselves morally, as long as they don't break the law.

This is because each person has their own moral code, that is made up of values, upbringing and experiences. These things color your morals, and your ability to determine what is right or wrong.

Society have laws, which regulate what us as individuals can and cannot do. Outside of that, you really only have the right to hold accountable your family and some friends. But who died and made people decide that they have the right to judge an individual that they have never met, and make moral judgements on them. You don't know their upbringing, circumstances, experiences or morals, so you speak in ignorance, and judge them according to your moral code, not theirs.

I would rather people be judged by violating their own moral code (hypocrisy) rather than society's moral code, which is made up of opinions.

And let's face it, people love seeing celebrities fall, because it makes them their own talentless ass look better. They think "I don't have their talent, fame or fortune, but I am better than them, because they failed to live up to my moral code". Judging celebrities is usually the domain of those too lazy, too insecure or too stupid to make their own life relevant.

How about doing something to make other people's lives better, rather than wanting celebrities' lives to get worse, so you feel better about yourself.
Society has to find scapegoats for everything.
Scapegoat - A person or group that is made to bear blame for others. Hogan is not a scapegoat. Who is he taking blame for?

I believe that society has no right to tell others how to conduct themselves morally, as long as they don't break the law.
WWE does have the right to fire Hogan. I have the right to not like Hogan. So this has no relevance to anything.

This is because each person has their own moral code, that is made up of values, upbringing and experiences. These things color your morals, and your ability to determine what is right or wrong.
So in your view, being a racist is okay if they have a reason? So what possible reason could someone have to be a racist that would make it justifiable? There is no answer to that question.

Society have laws, which regulate what us as individuals can and cannot do. Outside of that, you really only have the right to hold accountable your family and some friends. But who died and made people decide that they have the right to judge an individual that they have never met, and make moral judgements on them. You don't know their upbringing, circumstances, experiences or morals, so you speak in ignorance, and judge them according to your moral code, not theirs.
See the beauty of the US is that you can be a racist all you want. However, that also means people have the right to not like racists. People have the right to not want to associate with a racist. What could possibly make people hate a skin color? Did they have a bad run in with a black crayon and that makes it okay for them to be a racist?

I would rather people be judged by violating their own moral code (hypocrisy) rather than society's moral code, which is made up of opinions.
Ah so Hitler is only a bad guy in your eyes if he secretly liked Jews? He was responsible for the murder of millions of people but hey, at least he wasn't a hypocrite. See how screwy your view is?

And let's face it, people love seeing celebrities fall, because it makes them their own talentless ass look better. They think "I don't have their talent, fame or fortune, but I am better than them, because they failed to live up to my moral code". Judging celebrities is usually the domain of those too lazy, too insecure or too stupid to make their own life relevant.
I don't like when good people fall. That sucks. Now when a horrible person falls, I don't mind. I don't sit around all day waiting to throw a 'hooray (insert celebrity here) is a racist' party. I'm pretty sure no one does. However you are implying that people are happy that Hogan is an ass. I've only seen people say they are bummed out by this. I have not seen one person gush about how Hogan being a racist has made them happy.

How about doing something to make other people's lives better, rather than wanting celebrities' lives to get worse, so you feel better about yourself.
How is Hogan being a racist supposed to make me feel better about myself? How does it make anyone feel better about themselves? I don't want Hogan to be thrown into a volcano. I want him to get help. I want him to genuinely change his views. Just like I would want any person to get help for something like this. Honestly the only feeling I got from this is sadness. I'm sad that it is 2015 and racism is still a problem.
I believe that society has no right to tell others how to conduct themselves morally, as long as they don't break the law.
So then you have no objection to the WWE making the (entirely and unquestionably legal) choice to disassociate from Hulk Hogan?

Again, no one is telling Hulk Hogan how to act. They're saying they don't want anything to do with him if he's acting in the way he's being portrayed as acting. It would seem that you're the one insisting that people act a certain way here.
What about the piles of evidence pointing to O.J. being guilty? Yet the white community didn't riot when a black hero got off with a rigged jury and the race card being played to the hilt? There were no riots for the deaths of two WHITE people at the hands of a black celebrity (and everyone knows that he did it). So, what excuse do you have for the L.A. riots now, when both races have had a verdict go their way because of race. I think this shows who conducted themselves more maturely, despite the injustice.

I suppose you will defend Bill Cosby, another black hero, who raped a number of women, (many of them white). If Cosby was white, the black community would be after him if he raped even one black woman. Maybe before condemning whites, look in your own backyard first, because your heroes don't wear halos either.
where do you get one of these fantastic race cards from? I've been slammed on cop cars twice for no reason, Uncle was killed by the cops for no reason, have various family members serving time in prison, and was accused of stealing with no evidence and fired from my last job.

Where do I apply for this race card you speak of? Why didn't all these black people being killed by cops just pull out their race card and make the cops leave them alone?
Scapegoat - A person or group that is made to bear blame for others. Hogan is not a scapegoat. Who is he taking blame for?

WWE does have the right to fire Hogan. I have the right to not like Hogan. So this has no relevance to anything.

So in your view, being a racist is okay if they have a reason? So what possible reason could someone have to be a racist that would make it justifiable? There is no answer to that question.

See the beauty of the US is that you can be a racist all you want. However, that also means people have the right to not like racists. People have the right to not want to associate with a racist. What could possibly make people hate a skin color? Did they have a bad run in with a black crayon and that makes it okay for them to be a racist?

Ah so Hitler is only a bad guy in your eyes if he secretly liked Jews? He was responsible for the murder of millions of people but hey, at least he wasn't a hypocrite. See how screwy your view is?

I don't like when good people fall. That sucks. Now when a horrible person falls, I don't mind. I don't sit around all day waiting to throw a 'hooray (insert celebrity here) is a racist' party. I'm pretty sure no one does. However you are implying that people are happy that Hogan is an ass. I've only seen people say they are bummed out by this. I have not seen one person gush about how Hogan being a racist has made them happy.

How is Hogan being a racist supposed to make me feel better about myself? How does it make anyone feel better about themselves? I don't want Hogan to be thrown into a volcano. I want him to get help. I want him to genuinely change his views. Just like I would want any person to get help for something like this. Honestly the only feeling I got from this is sadness. I'm sad that it is 2015 and racism is still a problem.

What I am saying is, some people become racists because they were raised racist. If your parents talk that way about blacks, a child will grow up thinking that that view is "normal".

I'm not saying it is right, or justified, but there is a lot more to how people act than just being good or bad. Many factors shape someone, but Hogan is still at fault because he said those things. But don't act so self-righteous, and think that your view of the world is the "right one". It may only be the view that you were raised with, and can see no different. You might just have things wrong too.

You say that you don't like it when good people fall. So I suppose I will never see you bag John Cena here then.

John Cena is a very good role model, and even does much charity work, and even has a record number of "Make-A-Wish" requests. Yet he too is hated by many here. Many want to see Cena fall. I bet some here secretly wish it was John Cena who said those things, so that WWE would sack him and the IWC would be rid of him forever.

So you do bad things, like Hogan and Benoit, and you are hated. But you do good things, like John Cena, and you are hated and booed as well. But then Austin does something bad, isn't punished by WWE, and still has many fans and defenders. So, be consistent.
where do you get one of these fantastic race cards from? I've been slammed on cop cars twice for no reason, Uncle was killed by the cops for no reason, have various family members serving time in prison, and was accused of stealing with no evidence and fired from my last job.

Where do I apply for this race card you speak of? Why didn't all these black people being killed by cops just pull out their race card and make the cops leave them alone?

Maybe mate, the cops went after you and your family, because you might have just broken the law. Ever think about that!

Go, tell us your sob story about how the cops pick on you and you have never done anything wrong.

Maybe these blacks got shot by cops because they pulled a gun, and a cop shot in self-defence. Maybe they ran rather than surrender. Maybe, just maybe, the answer to racism is not for the black man to be exempt from arrest and manipulate the media, so that instead of white > black, now black > white.

Originally, the civil rights movement wanted "equal rights". That is what Dr King asked for. And I agree. Black people shouldn't be slaves, and should have the same opportunity with jobs, education, medical help and all other things the rest of us enjoy. No more, no less.

But, as all movements, there become people who go away from wanting conciliation, and want revenge, and take it out on not just those who actually oppressed them, but all people who fit in that catergory. Some blacks wna to punish "whitey" and movements like the Nation Of Islam and the Black Panthers form. Rather than be the "bigger and better man" and not stoop to the level of white racists, some just reverse it and do the exact same thing.

Racism is wrong. Whether it is black or white racism. Saying it is okay for blacks to say the N word when whites can't isn't equal rights. So, how about condemning blacks who say it, who cheapen the word and make it more acceptable. N should be an insult, even when a black says it.

Are you saying that whenever a white cop shoots a black person, it is always wrong? How do you know that the black hasn't murdered people, and the cop was just doing his job. Do you suscribe to "the best white cop is a dead white cop"?
So then you have no objection to the WWE making the (entirely and unquestionably legal) choice to disassociate from Hulk Hogan?

Again, no one is telling Hulk Hogan how to act. They're saying they don't want anything to do with him if he's acting in the way he's being portrayed as acting. It would seem that you're the one insisting that people act a certain way here.

There is nothing to stop WWE from disassociating from Hulk Hogan, if he has a morals clause in his contract.

But I think it is a massively OTT reaction, done more to appease outside people (the media, sponsors) than any real moral concern Vince McMahon has (since he has no problem allowing racist material to go on WWE TV in the past). I think a heavy fine, a long suspension and Hogan attending a class educating against racism should have sufficed.

So, what you are saying is, that you see the mere use of the word N.... as equivalent to a double-murder. Because Hogan recieved the exact same treatment from WWE that was reserved for Chris Benoit. Benoit is the line drawn where you have to keep someone out of HoF, no longer have merchanidse or mentioned etc. That warranted it. Hogan is being punished by WWE the same as a murderer did.

If Benoit's disassociating is the ultimate (as I can think of few things worse than what he did) than what Hogan did is nowhere near as bad. If you say it is, is to not live in the real world.

Also, WWE obviously see racism as worse than domestic violence, homophobia, rape or drug use, since people who have done that have been let off the hook by WWE. Maybe dogooders didn't scream enough about it.

The problem I have is that society now expects you to treat blacks, women and gays as BETTER than everyone else, since they are not open to criticism anymore, as the critic will be accussed of being prejudiced rather than being warranted in their criticism ,if it is fair.

Say, for example, I say that Darren Young can't wrestle (now I think he is a great wrestler, but go with me here). I would get accussed here of saying this because he is black, or because he is gay, rather than the reason I might have said it- because I felt it was true (Like I said, this is a hypothetical, so don't attack me here).

If someone said that about Young, WWE may get behind him, and comfort him , rather than improving his skills, so fixing the problem. Certain groups have achieved the ultimate- lack of accountability, because now they have a "fallback" to why they are not loved or pandered to. Just look how people think that all white cops who shoot blacks are racists, rather than a white cop who may be shooting a black criminal.
I would really like to see where I said that usage of the word ****** is equivalent to a double homicide. That's the problem with the "so what you're saying" construct, is that you frequently end up projecting strawman beliefs onto your audience.

How is your moral judgement of the WWE for their actions superior to the WWE's moral judgement of Hulk Hogan? Bearing in mind your stated belief that one person doesn't have the right to tell another how to conduct themselves morally.

The intention here is to demonstrate the absurdity of that statement. People have enforced social codes upon each other since we started huddling in caves together for warmth. We're social animals, it's what we do. The historical response of the side that loses these social/cultural battles varies in exact verbiage, but is essentially "well you can't tell me what to do!"
Maybe mate, the cops went after you and your family, because you might have just broken the law. Ever think about that!

Go, tell us your sob story about how the cops pick on you and you have never done anything wrong.

Maybe these blacks got shot by cops because they pulled a gun, and a cop shot in self-defence. Maybe they ran rather than surrender. Maybe, just maybe, the answer to racism is not for the black man to be exempt from arrest and manipulate the media, so that instead of white > black, now black > white.

Originally, the civil rights movement wanted "equal rights". That is what Dr King asked for. And I agree. Black people shouldn't be slaves, and should have the same opportunity with jobs, education, medical help and all other things the rest of us enjoy. No more, no less.

But, as all movements, there become people who go away from wanting conciliation, and want revenge, and take it out on not just those who actually oppressed them, but all people who fit in that catergory. Some blacks wna to punish "whitey" and movements like the Nation Of Islam and the Black Panthers form. Rather than be the "bigger and better man" and not stoop to the level of white racists, some just reverse it and do the exact same thing.

Racism is wrong. Whether it is black or white racism. Saying it is okay for blacks to say the N word when whites can't isn't equal rights. So, how about condemning blacks who say it, who cheapen the word and make it more acceptable. N should be an insult, even when a black says it.

Are you saying that whenever a white cop shoots a black person, it is always wrong? How do you know that the black hasn't murdered people, and the cop was just doing his job. Do you suscribe to "the best white cop is a dead white cop"?
Um no we didn't break the law...I was smashed on the hood of a car for smoking cigarettes while I was 18 years old. The second time a friend and I both were slammed on the hood of a car and held in handcuffs on the side of the road for 4 hours while the cops made fun of what we were wearing after the party we were at was broken up.

You have some strong hate. This country is not equal in anyway. If a cop shoots an unarmed person EVER it is wrong but it just so happens to statistically happen more often to African Americans.

You seriously want to argue about a word? You are blind to reality buddy or probably just racists. I have no sob story. I'm very successful and working on my masters and really don't care about these issues because the only time racism is seen is on the lower levels of society that I have no interest in being a part of. Minimum wage making rednecks are usually the open racists and they are met with resistance by uneducated, and lazy black people. The wealthy or middle class for the most part get along because neither wants to say or do something stupid to jeopardize their success.

The n word is a part of my culture in two very different ways. It's really a simple concept.

All of your post come from an obvious state of anger which leads me to believe that you simply don't like black people. A debate can be had without all of the accusations and anger. You seem to want to blame African Americans for everything while ignoring the obvious racial divide that still exist within America.

African American culture pushes this idea that breaking the law and being "hood" is cool. This is a huge problem within our culture, however, our culture's faults don't excuse racism. Cops are and always have been far more aggressive towards minorities. In some cases it may not be racism but a fear that comes from the stereotypes surrounding certain cultures.

You have some crazy idea that there is some advantage of being black lol.
Um no we didn't break the law...I was smashed on the hood of a car for smoking cigarettes while I was 18 years old. The second time a friend and I both were slammed on the hood of a car and held in handcuffs on the side of the road for 4 hours while the cops made fun of what we were wearing after the party we were at was broken up.

You have some strong hate. This country is not equal in anyway. If a cop shoots an unarmed person EVER it is wrong but it just so happens to statistically happen more often to African Americans.

You seriously want to argue about a word? You are blind to reality buddy or probably just racists. I have no sob story. I'm very successful and working on my masters and really don't care about these issues because the only time racism is seen is on the lower levels of society that I have no interest in being a part of. Minimum wage making rednecks are usually the open racists and they are met with resistance by uneducated, and lazy black people. The wealthy or middle class for the most part get along because neither wants to say or do something stupid to jeopardize their success.

The n word is a part of my culture in two very different ways. It's really a simple concept.

All of your post come from an obvious state of anger which leads me to believe that you simply don't like black people. A debate can be had without all of the accusations and anger. You seem to want to blame African Americans for everything while ignoring the obvious racial divide that still exist within America.

African American culture pushes this idea that breaking the law and being "hood" is cool. This is a huge problem within our culture, however, our culture's faults don't excuse racism. Cops are and always have been far more aggressive towards minorities. In some cases it may not be racism but a fear that comes from the stereotypes surrounding certain cultures.

You have some crazy idea that there is some advantage of being black lol.

You are making some massive accusations against me.

Good on you for getting your masters. You worked hard for it. You see, I have time and admiration for those who work hard, and don't expect society to bail them out. You have been successful, just like many African-American judges, lawyers, doctors and actors and many other professions.

I don't like laziness from blacks or whites. I don't like double standards either. My point with the cops are that, not every case of a white cop shooting a black person is racism. Sometimes it may be necessary, if the black man has a gun and hostages. I also don't have a problem if a black cop shot a white man who did the same thing. True equality is "one rule for all" and not one race having the advantage over the other. Slavery is wrong because it was one race suppressing another, when all races should walk side-by-side. Slavery would be wrong too if it had been black masters and white slaves. Racism is just as wrong in Zimbabwe where there is black rule under Mugabwe as it is in the Deep South of the U.S.

I admire Martin Luther King, because he preaches about equality, not one race being superior to another. He preached about people being judged "not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character". MLK didn't condemn, but offered conciliation.

My problem is when you think that blacks should be treated BETTER than whites. Do you get just as upset when a black cop kills an unarmed white man? Do you think white people should be called "snowflake", "honky" or "paleface"? Do you see people like Louis Farrahkan as racist, or is he justified?
Did you think the whites have as much right to complain about two whites being killed by O.J. Simpson, and let off by a pro-black jury, as blacks did about Rodney King? If it had been a black wrestler caught making a racial slur against white people, would you want them to get the same punishment as Hulk Hogan? Do you like blacks using the N word, when whites can't (and I am saying that no-one should use it, not that everyone should)?

If you answer the following questions in a way which means that it is okay when blacks do it, then you are sort of racist yourself, because you want blacks and whites treated differently, rather than the same, which is what Dr King was preaching about.

No, I don't hate blacks. I hate laziness, I hate hypocrisy, I hate double-standards, and I hate when a private conversation by one person gives them the same punishment by WWE as a double-murderer.
I doubt Hogan is a rampant racist and here is why. A true racist would hate ALL people of a particular race, and have nothing to do with any of them, since the racist would look at that race as "inferior" and "beneath him". A true racist is like a Neo-Nazi or a member of the KKK.

I doubt Hogan is a rampant racist because he is friends with actor Mr T. They appeared at "Wrestlemania" together, Hogan appeared in a couple of episodes of Mr T's show "The A-Team" and they appeared together in "Rocky III". Hogan even inducted Mr T into the celebrity wing of the HoF just two years ago.

Now, I doubt a black man like Mr T would hang out with a white supremisist. I doubt Hogan would have anything to do with Mr T, a black man, if Hogan truly hated black people.

I think Hogan's rant is directed towards one black man- Brooke's current boyfriend. Now, that still doesn't justify Hogan calling him an "N" but he is calling this particular person an "N", rather than every black.

Besides, it was a private conversation. No-one would have been offended if the media hadn't reported the story. If they never reported something that was none of their business , then no-one would know and no-one would get offended. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss.
Okay. I didn't give a $#!+ about what was going on until today. I bought WWE 2K15 for $30 this evening, got home and started buying all of the DLC, only to find out that Hulk Hogan has been removed from the XBOX Live store. Why WWE!?
Okay. I didn't give a $#!+ about what was going on until today. I bought WWE 2K15 for $30 this evening, got home and started buying all of the DLC, only to find out that Hulk Hogan has been removed from the XBOX Live store. Why WWE!?

Oh god. The video game market is a bunch of greedy bastards now-a-days, I refuse to pay any extra money after I've already bought the damn game. I had once bought COD Ghosts for about 40 bucks...I waited until the price dropped plus traded in older games. I figured after they wanted you to get all the fucking DLC skins, guns, maps , voices and extra shit that should've been in the game anyway it would've cost approx. 180 $

180$ Greedy fucks.
I know i'm a little late here, but wanted to weigh in. Seems like WWE used a chance to kill two or three birds with one stone here, staying aggressively politically correct and getting rid of a bill they don't wanna pay and quieting the talk of one more match for Hogan.

I think a complete and utter banishment from the world of Pro Wrestling is way too much in this case. I mean, we have a guy using a racial slur a decade ago. This doesn't prove he is racist, it doesn't even prove he doesn't like non -white people. This just proves that he has used the N word. He has never said it on WWE programming or anywhere in public for that matter. This shows that he is aware of the consequences for using that word so he knew it was wrong but said it anyway. He was probably doing so in an attempt to gain a laugh or prove his toughness or something like that. I know that it is very wrong to disparage others in this manner, and so does almost everyone alive, but many still do it. This is not something that should ruin the remainder of Hogan's life, if it weren't for him we wouldn't have had the big wrestling boom of the 80's and there would have been no need for the Attitude era to combat the ratings he was bringing WCW. In my opinion, they should have done everything but fire him. Suspension, fine, racial sensitivity classes, hell, they should even let all the black superstars on the roster give him an nWo style gang beating once a month for the next year on Raw.

It's sad to see a huge part of your wrestling memory wiped out like it never occured. He has been treated like he's one step short of Chris Benoit, and that simply isn't the case, he's not that bad. I hope that at some point in the future fans can look past his mistake and rally to bring him back.
I know i'm a little late here, but wanted to weigh in. Seems like WWE used a chance to kill two or three birds with one stone here, staying aggressively politically correct and getting rid of a bill they don't wanna pay and quieting the talk of one more match for Hogan.

I think a complete and utter banishment from the world of Pro Wrestling is way too much in this case. I mean, we have a guy using a racial slur a decade ago. This doesn't prove he is racist, it doesn't even prove he doesn't like non -white people. This just proves that he has used the N word. He has never said it on WWE programming or anywhere in public for that matter. This shows that he is aware of the consequences for using that word so he knew it was wrong but said it anyway. He was probably doing so in an attempt to gain a laugh or prove his toughness or something like that. I know that it is very wrong to disparage others in this manner, and so does almost everyone alive, but many still do it. This is not something that should ruin the remainder of Hogan's life, if it weren't for him we wouldn't have had the big wrestling boom of the 80's and there would have been no need for the Attitude era to combat the ratings he was bringing WCW. In my opinion, they should have done everything but fire him. Suspension, fine, racial sensitivity classes, hell, they should even let all the black superstars on the roster give him an nWo style gang beating once a month for the next year on Raw.

It's sad to see a huge part of your wrestling memory wiped out like it never occured. He has been treated like he's one step short of Chris Benoit, and that simply isn't the case, he's not that bad. I hope that at some point in the future fans can look past his mistake and rally to bring him back.

I get what you're saying, and will I agree with some of it you also have to look at the other side of the coin.

Yes Hogan is responsible for bringing wrestling to the forefront. Most people who have never watched wrestling know who Hogan is and that he was a wrestler. That being said though, it doesn't give him the right to do and say whatever he wants. When he goes on a rampage like the one he did, and it comes out later, he really has no excuse, and has to bear responsibility for his actions.

I think most people forget that yes this was said a almost a decade ago, but when he said it he was in bed with his best friends wife. While that's not earth shattering, it doesn't paint him as saint. Also considering they where in his best friends house, no one can tell me the wife didn't know the place was wired to the hilt. Maybe he was being set up for a fall, but Hogan has a history of opening his mouth and inserting a foot into it.

When his son was in that car accident, didn't Hogan say something along the lines that the kid who ended up as a vegetable, deserved it in some manner because of the way he was driving. If you want to think that then that's your problem, but you don't come out and say shit like that in public. Makes you look like a douchebag, and it did.

Anyone who is under public scrutiny has to be so careful of what they do and say at all times. That is one of the drawbacks of being famous I would suppose. Were the WWE right in basically erasing him from their history books? I don't know that is a call they made and only time will tell. All I know is right now, they had to do something, because you know damm well, every time Hogan did an interview his comments would have been brought up. It would have overshadowed anything and everything associated with him.

Maybe one day he will be forgiven and allowed back in, but I don't see it happening in his lifetime to be perfectly honest.
I will make a tip now:-

Hulk Hogan WILL be mentioned again and forgiven in WWE one day. I guarantee it!

How do I know this. Because, (a) Vince is a greedy bastard, and if there is a buck to be made, he will find it, (b) the self-righteous and politically correct get bored very easily (since they never have any fun in their life) and often forget what they were angry about and move onto someone else.

(c) Vince has invited Hogan back into the fold before, when he swore not to. Remember that Hogan's testimony during the steroids trial could have sent Vince to prison. Also, Hogan was the face of the company who almost put Vince out of business. So, at least twice, Hulk Hogan has done things which could have ended Vince McMahon and WWE, and YET, Vince STILL invited him back.

The fact is, Hogan will be back. He will be re-inserted back into the HoF quietly, he will still be acknowledged, footage of him will still be shown. Not this year, not next year or even the year after, but down the track. No-one will complain, since the complainers will have found some other celebrity and some other scandal to go after in order to make their insecure selves feel better. Vince ultimately does what he wants, and I think he wants, he knows that Hulk Hogan is best for business.

Look at "Macho Man". Vince didn't acknowledge him for years either. Yet, when Savage died, WWE "invited" him back into their hearts, and milked DVDs and put him in video games. Also, the Ultimate Warrior was dirt under Vince's feet, until Vince wanted to make a new DVD about him, and then when he died, did they ever pretend that he was one of their most beloved Legends.

Well, Hogan will be "back" in WWE's good books. Either during his life, or when he dies, and WWE see a buck to be made, and bring him back to the fold, when even the PC crowd aren't going to complain when Hogan dies, or they expose themselves as the douchebags that they are to the public, for mocking and judging a dead man. The PC crowd still making WWE not acknowledge Hogan when he dies would make them look like Westboro Church.
Well, Hogan will be "back" in WWE's good books. Either during his life, or when he dies, and WWE see a buck to be made, and bring him back to the fold, when even the PC crowd aren't going to complain when Hogan dies, or they expose themselves as the douchebags that they are to the public, for mocking and judging a dead man. The PC crowd still making WWE not acknowledge Hogan when he dies would make them look like Westboro Church.

Like I said in my previous post, Hogan will probably be readmitted into the WWE at some point in time. Most likely after he dies, but even saying that, what he said will not be forgotten.

You have to stop blaming others for what happened to Hogan. He did this to himself, no one did it to him. He opened his mouth, and said what he said, and he admitted to doing it. No one was holding a gun to his head and making him read from a script. This was Hogan being Hogan, not the wrestler, not the cultural icon, and not the celebrity. This was him being himself, and showing that he is not the saint that you would like to think he is.

As for fans looking like Westboro Baptist Church. Do you even know what this church does? They are officially classified as a hate group. They picket the funerals of military men and woman killed in battle. And pretty much anyone else that they deem unworthy. They are a complete bunch of assholes, who love to get the publicity for their stupidity.

If you look at your posts in the past, it's pretty obvious you don't think much of wrestling fans in general, and I find it totally offensive that you would compare wrestling fans to an known hate group like that.

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