Could WWE benefit from A Hulk Hogan return?

The best way to use HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN in WWE today is to first take advantage of that one or two matches that he has left in him, have him win either the WWE or WHC World title and retire as champion. After that WWE can use him as more of an ambassador to promote wrestling.

There are two ways for him to get the title. The simplest way would be for him to win the Royal Rumble and get the title shot at WrestleMania. The other would be for him to face whomever has the MITB briefcase in a career vs MITB match. After winning the briefcase he's interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund who says that he never would have believed that in 2014 there would be a chance to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN become the champ again but that's exactly what we now have as a result of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN winning the MITB.

This sets up a new quest where HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN follows the champion (regardless of whether it's WWE or WHC) watching the matches at ringside or peaking through the curtain during title matches as fans wait for when he's going to cash it in. When he finally does it will be like all the other cash ins; the champ gets beat up by someone else so there's no real match. Then HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S music hits and he comes down to cash in. The groughy champion gets to his feet just as HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN gets to the ring and begins to HULK UP. Three punches and a big boot later HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN makes the sign of a belt around his waist. The announcers ask, "Is he going to drop the leg?" HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN hits the ropes, lifts his leg in the air... then steps on the champion's chest, strikes the bow and arrow pose as the ref counts 1-2-3 and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is your new champion!

Did he drop the leg? No, but he made you think he was going to and the excitement was at a fever pitch. Then when the ref counts as the HULKSTER strikes his ironic pose to become the new champion makes the fans cheer for the nostalgia and finally he tears off the shirt for the pose down as fans continue to cheer their hero on. WOW! What a moment.

In either case the title reign will be stretched just a little by having HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wrestle a six man tag match on TV and maybe one title defence that gets stopped before it really gets started just to give fans one last chance to see him come down to the ring as champion.
How about this type of match for WM30... John Cena and Daniel Bryan are both champions. WHC and WWE respectively. HHH and Bryan begin a feud after Rumble or something to set up matches during road to WM30 and Orton challenges Cena for the belt.

The match at 30 could be a 6 man tag match with each team having a surprise guest member sort of like the NWO match. HHH and Orton will have Shane as their special guest with Cena and Bryan with Hogan. I think you could have hogan do a couple spots mainly big boot and leg drop for a huge pop. I also think you could get Vince involved supporting the team of Cena, Bryan, and Hogan in a type of power struggle angle...with the Evil McMahon-Helmsley empire having their usual suspects involved. Shield with HHH and Rhodes etc. with Cena and Bryan.

This may be too many players for one match but I think with other part timers being involved in Mania (goldberg, rock, lesnar, taker, etc.) there are enough other matches to fill the card.

What do you guys think?
If Warrior gets inducted this year, we could always see a rematch of WM6....or we could see Hogan vs Taker (unlikely). One thing I believe is a lock, is it will have to be some sort of nostalgic sense to it, since it's the 30th WM, it's a milestone.

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