How Long Until We See The Return Of Hulk Hogan?

I personally think Hulk should just ride off into the sunset. Induct him with the nWo next year into the Hall of Fame, have them do a spot at wrestlemania, restore his rightful place in WWE history and call it a day.
They should quietly reinstate him back into the Hall of Fame and see how that goes. Despite what he said I don't personally think he's a racist. I think he chose poor words to express his frustration with a specific person. I think there was a price to be paid, but there comes a point where you either give a person a chance to atone for what they did or you're just a bigger asshole than he is.
And when history proves me right yet again like it has dozens of times over the last few years alone (Ryback, Brodus Clay, Zack Ryder, Alex Riley, The Miz, Umaga, Kozlov, Khali, Lashley, McIntyre, Nexus, Reigns, ad infinitum), I'll be waiting for you to admit you were wrong.

As usual, you're missing the point. You don't have someone you're currently pushing as a monster get squashed by an old man who walks gingerly because of all his back issues.

And based on your posting, I already know your "special" opinion on those wrestlers. Now go somewhere else and tell people how Ziggler is the greatest wrestler since Hulk Hogan, but has been screwed by an imaginary Vince McMahon vendetta.
As usual, you're missing the point. You don't have someone you're currently pushing as a monster get squashed by an old man who walks gingerly because of all his back issues.

And based on your posting, I already know your "special" opinion on those wrestlers. Now go somewhere else and tell people how Ziggler is the greatest wrestler since Hulk Hogan, but has been screwed by an imaginary Vince McMahon vendetta.

Yet you see more upside to Strowman than Ziggler?

He's how to get fans behind burying Strowman with Hogan. Put the WWE belt on him for months, and have him all over RAW. The fans will treat him like Roman Reigns, who they also saw a lot in, until he became champion, then bagged him mercilessly until he lost it again.

Since the IWC hate seeing anyone as champion for too long, then a WWE Title reign by Strowman will guarantee that most will be happy to see him get buried by an old fart with a bad back and fake hip.
As usual, you're missing the point. You don't have someone you're currently pushing as a monster get squashed by an old man who walks gingerly because of all his back issues.

And based on your posting, I already know your "special" opinion on those wrestlers. Now go somewhere else and tell people how Ziggler is the greatest wrestler since Hulk Hogan, but has been screwed by an imaginary Vince McMahon vendetta.

When the someone you're pushing as a monster has zero potential to ever be a draw, you're damn right you have him get squashed by a legend.
Young guys should be taking the losses. They have their whole careers to recover from it.
Yeah. Since they have whole careers to recover, make them get squashed by a person who isn't even a part-time wrestler? Why the hell does Hogan need to squash Strowman?
And Braun Strowman isn't one of the young guys they should be building anyway. No future, no upside.
And this you say without giving him any proper chance to prove himself, right? You can't judge any wrestler based on squash matches he goes through. Strowman's next feud seems like to be with Sami Zayn and that's where his real wrestling ability would be showcased.

You can't expect a big guy like him to put on great wrestling matches, right? But he nowhere deserves to be squashed by Hulk Hogan. Neither did Erick Rowan.
ShinChan™;5594373 said:
Yeah. Since they have whole careers to recover, make them get squashed by a person who isn't even a part-time wrestler? Why the hell does Hogan need to squash Strowman?

Because it would make a great WrestleMania moment. Simple as that. It's the only way Braun Strowman will ever get a reaction anyway. Strowman issues an open challenge at WrestleMania, Hogan comes out and squashes him in seconds. You've got a WrestleMania moment, Strowman is technically a part of history, and you've got 75,000+ people going absolutely nuts because they just witnessed something great. All positive.

Now do it the other way. Braun Strowman issues an open challenge. Let's say Mark Henry answers it. Strowman beats him easily. 75,000 people sit on their hands, not making a sound, Henry's career is hurt for his loss to this nobody, and the fans still don't give a damn about Strowman, because all veterans do in WWE is lose, so beating Henry means nothing. All negative.
Because it would make a great WrestleMania moment. Simple as that. It's the only way Braun Strowman will ever get a reaction anyway. Strowman issues an open challenge at WrestleMania, Hogan comes out and squashes him in seconds. You've got a WrestleMania moment, Strowman is technically a part of history, and you've got 75,000+ people going absolutely nuts because they just witnessed something great. All positive.
So a person who isn't even a part-time wrestler squashes a big guy who has been built by WWE just for a Wrestlemania moment?
I guess that you consider Rock squashing Eric Rowan at Wrestlemania 32 a great Wrestlemania moment?
Now do it the other way. Braun Strowman issues an open challenge. Let's say Mark Henry answers it. Strowman beats him easily. 75,000 people sit on their hands, not making a sound, Henry's career is hurt for his loss to this nobody, and the fans still don't give a damn about Strowman, because all veterans do in WWE is lose, so beating Henry means nothing. All negative.
Yeah, you say that Braun is a nobody. Right? I can survive it but can you tell why he's a nobody? Because he hasn't gained any credibility via winning over a credible midcarder or even losing to a veteran. Every new guy will remain a nobody if you want him to get squashed by a person who isn't even a part-time wrestler.
ShinChan™;5594903 said:
So a person who isn't even a part-time wrestler squashes a big guy who has been built by WWE just for a Wrestlemania moment?
I guess that you consider Rock squashing Eric Rowan at Wrestlemania 32 a great Wrestlemania moment?

Yeah, you say that Braun is a nobody. Right? I can survive it but can you tell why he's a nobody? Because he hasn't gained any credibility via winning over a credible midcarder or even losing to a veteran. Every new guy will remain a nobody if you want him to get squashed by a person who isn't even a part-time wrestler.

Rock squashing Erick Rowan was great. Rowan has no future and no upside. Having a young guy like Rowan lose to The Rock in six seconds provided a great WrestleMania moment and didn't hurt anyone of value. If they'd had Randy Orton or Triple H lose to The Rock in six seconds, that would be an entirely different story.
Rock squashing Erick Rowan was great. Rowan has no future and no upside. Having a young guy like Rowan lose to The Rock in six seconds provided a great WrestleMania moment and didn't hurt anyone of value. If they'd had Randy Orton or Triple H lose to The Rock in six seconds, that would be an entirely different story.

I think the point is no one should be losing to the Rock or Hogan. The Rock is a movie star now, he shows up once a year at Mania to put asses in the seats. He shouldn't be squashing anyone, I don't care who it is. Rowan still has a career in wrestling, the Rock has surpassed the WWE and is onto better things.

With regards to Hogan and Strowman. I can suspend disbelief only so much, and there is no way I can believe that Hogan in the condition he is would be able to beat Strowman. Sure Hogan has the experience in the ring, but the guy can barely walk never mind do anything else. As with the Rock he shouldn't be squashing anyone either.
I think the point is no one should be losing to the Rock or Hogan. The Rock is a movie star now, he shows up once a year at Mania to put asses in the seats. He shouldn't be squashing anyone, I don't care who it is. Rowan still has a career in wrestling, the Rock has surpassed the WWE and is onto better things.

With regards to Hogan and Strowman. I can suspend disbelief only so much, and there is no way I can believe that Hogan in the condition he is would be able to beat Strowman. Sure Hogan has the experience in the ring, but the guy can barely walk never mind do anything else. As with the Rock he shouldn't be squashing anyone either.

Exactly. Putting over legends at the expense of younger talent is part of the reason why WWE has trouble building any new stars and WM has become a shitshow that needs part timers to come in and pad the card.
Rock squashing Erick Rowan was great. Rowan has no future and no upside. Having a young guy like Rowan lose to The Rock in six seconds provided a great WrestleMania moment and didn't hurt anyone of value. If they'd had Randy Orton or Triple H lose to The Rock in six seconds, that would be an entirely different story.
Rock squashing Rowan was nowhere near to a great Wrestlemania moment.

Rowan is a full time wrestler and Rock is almost a part-timer at wrestling. It did hurt the already credibly weak Wyatt Family. It did hurt that the guys we are supposed to believe as monster heels are getting squashed by someone who isn't even a full-time wrestler.

So just waste a guy for your nostalgic moment which isn't good enough to be considered a moment itself?
I think the point is no one should be losing to the Rock or Hogan. The Rock is a movie star now, he shows up once a year at Mania to put asses in the seats. He shouldn't be squashing anyone, I don't care who it is. Rowan still has a career in wrestling, the Rock has surpassed the WWE and is onto better things.

With regards to Hogan and Strowman. I can suspend disbelief only so much, and there is no way I can believe that Hogan in the condition he is would be able to beat Strowman. Sure Hogan has the experience in the ring, but the guy can barely walk never mind do anything else. As with the Rock he shouldn't be squashing anyone either.

The problem with that school of thought is thinking that everyone is happy seeing The Rock not wrestling. When the truth of the matter is that people love to see The Rock kick some ass in a wrestling match. There was no pressure on the WWE to put The Rock in a match at Mania last year but they did it because he brings star power and the WWE were lacking that. If it had to be someone who got squashed, then by all means do it with Rowan because he's got no future as far as I can see. That moment hurt no one of note and, personally, made me happy.

As far as Hogan and Strowman goes, that's a bulls hit idea. Strowman, much to the chagrin of some, has a big future with the WWE if he plays his cards right. The difference between The Rock and Hogan, at this point, is a million miles and about 25 years. Totally stupid to see Hogan beat Strowman. But if he were to take up an on screen position, I'd be okay with that.
The arguments both for or against Hogan squashing or embarrassing Strowman are pretty meaningless. On one hand Hogan is a cripple. Unless he's rejuvenated, he no business hurting anyone. And on the other hand, if Snowman is really a talented wrestler he should be able to overcome the moment and have a thriving career.

But in the end I'm sticking with my opinion that Hogan is not worth the time or money in 2016 to risk putting back on WWE programming. His image is too tattered.
Anyone saying Hogan should beat Strowman is clearly trolling folks. A crippled geriatric has no business beating a giant at the start of said enormous young man's career. Hogan will not pass the prerequisite physical in order to engage in physical contact in a WWE ring guys. End of story.

As far as Rock squashing Rowan, there is an argument to be made that it was positive. The honours should have gone to someone else though. The Wyatt Family has been so poorly booked in WWE. Was no one else available that night? Where were the Social Outcasts or Fandango?

Why wasn't Rock advertised to wrestle? I guess if it was an announced match that turned out to be a 30 second squash it might have pissed people off.

Casuals love Hogan and The Rock. Hulk's long time fans are easy to forgive, so there would be value in him showing up, but it has to be one offs. Hogan's image has been pretty hurt in recent years. The TNA run, his odd relationship with his daughter and then the whole racist tirade. This is not to mention the sex tape and the events surrounding that. Hogan needs more breathing room before he's back.

There's a huge issue with new stars and old stars showing up and only putting themselves over sucks. You have to find a balance. You can't have them show up and lose constantly like Jericho from 2012 to 2015, and there's damage to be done when Rock shows up and leaves - no matter how feel good the moments are.

They just need to find a healthy mix of part timers putting themselves and others over. It's not hard. Y2J has been basically full time this year, so it's hard to compare his 2012 to 2015 brief runs to this run, but there's a balance to be found. There's no reason why Lesnar is still massacring everyone.

You have to find a balance, it's the only way to build up new stars.
Anyone saying Hogan should beat Strowman is clearly trolling folks. A crippled geriatric has no business beating a giant at the start of said enormous young man's career. Hogan will not pass the prerequisite physical in order to engage in physical contact in a WWE ring guys. End of story.

It's not trolling if it's true. If there's any way WWE can clear Hogan for basic physicality, there's no reason for them NOT to have him a quick win over some young guy. Irish whip, big boot, leg drop, and a 3 count. Instant WrestleMania moment, that hurts nobody.
It's not trolling if it's true. If there's any way WWE can clear Hogan for basic physicality, there's no reason for them NOT to have him a quick win over some young guy. Irish whip, big boot, leg drop, and a 3 count. Instant WrestleMania moment, that hurts nobody.

By all intents and purposes Hogan is not in shape to do any of the things you suggested. His legs or knees are shit, his back is in horrible shape, and you can tell just watching him walk to the ring, the guy is in pain. Doing a leg drop would probably do him in for good.

Yes we all love the see the greats come back, but if they can't wrestle anymore, they can't wrestle, that's all there is too it. There comes a time when the body says enough is enough and in Hogan's case that happened a long time ago. Hogan is fine coming out and cutting a promo, but I don't want to see someone I used to watch crush people barely able to lift his leg now.

Also add in the fact that someone like Strowman is not just going to stand there and let Hogan run amok, there will be some offense coming back in Hogan's direction. I'm afraid that Strowman on his worst day is better than Hogan on his best day now. Hogan's spirit might be willing, but his body is screwed.

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