How Long Until We See The Return Of Hulk Hogan?


Staff member
It's only a matter of time now, isn't it?

We all know that Hulk Hogan was out of line when he started his racist rant that seen his career crumble around his ears. Did he deserve to see a full legacy of wrestling and being an icon in the wrestling business stripped from him for one instance of racism? I'd say so. But that's probably up for discussion.

Needless to say, his punishment and exile from the WWE won't last forever. I remember seeing an article a few months back about the WWE testing the waters for a Hulk Hogan return by mentioning his name in various WWE productions and I must admit that I've seen that. Legends With JBL is particularly guilty of this as he interviews people who spent a lot of time with Hulk in their careers. All of this people have said that Hogan never seemed to be racist to them and, actually, paint a very positive picture of Hogan. To me, it's almost as if the WWE are using these talents to pave the way for Hogan to return.

My question to you is this: How long is it until we see Hulk Hogan back in a WWE ring?

Personally, I see this happening sooner rather than later. His win over Gawker has given Hogan some level of sympathy in the wrestling and celebrity worlds. And whilst the subject matter isn't ideal, it seems as though people are keen to see Hogan put this troubled part of his life behind him and reclaim some of his reputation. I firmly believe that the WWE think that Hogan is paying the price for his transgressions and will eventually welcome back into the company before too long.

As far as time scale goes, I think WrestleMania next year will be the moment that Hogan returns. It might be a little bit soon but I think that the opportunity exists to have him do something, even if it just a small part on the show to re-introduce Hogan to the WWE fans. After everything that has gone on, I actually think he would be welcomed back by the vast majority.

But what do you think?
Hulk Hogan can only come back at WrestleMania. Even if none of this transpired, Hulk Hogan should only be used for the Grandest Stage Of Them All. It’s called the Showcase Of The Immortals for a reason, and that reason is the Immortal Hulk Hogan.
It's difficult to say when you think about it. Even though it probably shouldn't be, racism is something that's become fairly complex. Some examples include things like African Americans will claim that they despise the N-word yet, in the next minute, are listening to a rap song in which the N-word might be said 40 or 50 times within a 3 to 4 minute span. Some African Americans truly do despise the word altogether and don't feel that anyone should use it under any circumstances. Some don't mind if they have close friends of a different race use it while some feel that it's appropriate if African Americans use it as a form of "power" in that they've hijacked the word and that it means solidarity to them while it's a racial slur if someone of a different race uses it. Some feel that it's acceptable if it's being used in music or as part of a TV show or movie as long as it's under very specific circumstances. It just goes on and on really and it's enough to give anyone a headache so, as a result, it's easy to understand and see where a lot of the confusion comes from due to mixed messages. I just avoid the word, or racial slurs in general for that matter, as it just makes things a whole lot simpler.

Is it fair that Hogan's entire legacy may well be overshadowed because of his racist remarks? I guess it depends on who you ask as some feel that even though he was definitely out of line, it's not as huge of a deal as it's been made out to be. On the other hand, you have to wonder just exactly how many of the people who hold with that opinion, or one similar to it, have themselves been the victims of racism; my guess would be that it's not very many. The racist rant that Michael Richards, the comedian who played Kramer on Seinfeld, went on at the Laugh Factory 10 years ago has sort of overshadowed his legacy; sure, he won 3 Emmy Awards for his portrayal as Kramer, sure the character was named the 36th greatest character in television history by TV Guide but his career has been dead ever since.

If Hulk Hogan was still a viable in-ring worker, I could see Vince choosing to take a chance and bring Hogan back for a WrestleMania match. That doesn't mean I think he would, but I could understand if he took the chance. With that said, Vince would probably be crucified in the media, any number of dirt sheet writers would criticize him for it and rake him over the coals no matter how much money a Hogan match might draw. Hogan is no longer viable inside the ring; when he came back to WWE, they were so concerned regarding his health that they'd barely allow him to do anything remotely physical. I don't see Vince risking a backlash just to bring out Hogan for a nostalgia moment or two and, as a result, I'm not sure we'll see Hogan in WWE again until he's a pitiful, pathetic old man who can hardly move.
There has to be a lot of investigation into what kind of reaction he would get way before he makes an appearance. You wouldn't want signs saying "DIE HOGAN DIE" or "HOGAN WAS RIGHT ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE!"

With what he has been revealed as having said; he's a toxic human being who may never be able to bridge the gap with some fans. He'd have to come back in some kind of hyper-patriotic surprise appearance where he and Mr. T save New Day from being beaten down by The Club. I'm sure that if Big E is willing to hug Hogan in the ring, the crowd will put their ire on hold for that evening.

It'll look exploitive and therefore disingenuous, but he can't just show up with the fans having any awareness ahead of time. Even if nobody is still outraged, there will be those who indulge in inciting outrage.
Wrestlemania 33 will be 30 years after slamming Andre, so I bet that's when he'll return and maybe share a moment with someone like Cass or Cesaro, when on of them slams the Big Show during the Shaq vs Show match.
I'd love to see Hulk Hogan come back at WrestleMania and just squash Braun Strowman. Strowman issues an open challenge, Hogan comes out, Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1...2...3. THAT would be a great WrestleMania moment.
Read some report that it would be around Wrestlemania. Should be nice thing to see, firing was in order because PC people wouldnt get from WWEs back until they do that, but deleting him from history was just too harsh thing to do for legend like him.
I'd love to see Hulk Hogan come back at WrestleMania and just squash Braun Strowman. Strowman issues an open challenge, Hogan comes out, Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1...2...3. THAT would be a great WrestleMania moment.

Yeah squashing current talent with geezers has worked wonders in the past. :disappointed:
So Braun (who destroyed everyone on his arrival) is squashed by Hogan, that not only shits on Strowman but the entire roster by saying this 'unstoppable monster" couldn't beat a shriveled up has been.

What purpose was served by the Rock shit talking the Wyatt's and destroying Rowan? Absolutely nothing but a brief nostalgia trip for memberberry addicts that most people have already forgotten about.

Hulk is a legend and I look forward to his return but if he must physically go over on somebody it needs to be someone on their way out like Big Show or Mizark, another part time performer, or a comic relief guy who is beyond ever receiving any real push.
I don't expect to see him any time soon. Hogan doesn't need the money and his last run of repeating "$9.99" wasn't worth his appearance fees. It's just not worth the headache since he really hasn't done anything that fixed the world's perception of the most horribly misperceived American celebrity in history next to OJ Simpson.
I grew up loving and idolizing Hogan, but I have to wonder what he has to offer at this stage in his life? Sure, showing up for the occasional appearance would be ok, but do we want him on TV on a regular basis.

Hogan sells Hogan on TV wether he tries to or not. Anyone he manages will be Hogan's prodigy, not their own character enhanced by Hogan. So becoming a manager won't work.

We have good General Managers for both brands. I think we got well enough of GM Hogan in TNA, we don't need to see it in WWE.

That's aside from the racist comments. Does someone become a pariah forever for something stupid they said once? I've seen good people make stupid and pretty borderline racist comments before. Do we hang those people forever, or do we leave room for people to be forgiven, to grow and move on?

I'm not a person of colour so I don't really think it's mine to say if Hogan can or should be forgiven. All I know is I don't really think he has anything left to offer us except for plugging the Network and Susan G Komen.
All he did was say the n word a few times right?

That's hardly racist.

It's not like he went on a full on racist rant like Mel Gibson did.
Yeah squashing current talent with geezers has worked wonders in the past. :disappointed:
So Braun (who destroyed everyone on his arrival) is squashed by Hogan, that not only shits on Strowman but the entire roster by saying this 'unstoppable monster" couldn't beat a shriveled up has been.

What purpose was served by the Rock shit talking the Wyatt's and destroying Rowan? Absolutely nothing but a brief nostalgia trip for memberberry addicts that most people have already forgotten about.

Hulk is a legend and I look forward to his return but if he must physically go over on somebody it needs to be someone on their way out like Big Show or Mizark, another part time performer, or a comic relief guy who is beyond ever receiving any real push.

Braun Strowman isn't a talent, he's a nobody. He has no purpose, no upside, and no future. There's no point in pushing him. WWE gains more from the nostalgia of having Hogan squash a nobody like Strowman than by having Hogan squash someone with an actual CAREER like Big Show or Mark Henry. All three of those guys should be regularly squashing nobodies like Strowman.
I'm not exactly sure how long it will be until Hogan is back in a WWE ring but I do think that time will heal this wound and Hogan will be back with WWE relatively sooner than later.

I think it's good WWE is testing the waters with mentioning Hogans name. I hope they keep doing that like on Raw and SmackDown and mentioning Hogan when it relates to records and former champions and WWE can judge from there if the public reaction is pretty content with that and could sustain more.

When Hogan made these unacceptable remarks it was like 7 or 8 years ago, he was apparently in the lowest time of his life and the conversation he was having was supposed to be private. Doesn't really make it okay to say those things but breach of privacy is not good either so it's good that Hogan won the lawsuit over Gawker.

I think WrestleMania 33 or just before is the next most likely time WWE could bring Hogan back. If they do, I'm sure it would just be for a simple segment maybe as a friend, mentor or supporter of a current WWE star. Just enough so that Hogan can get his entrance, say his beloved catchphrases, promote the current star he is with and then get a nice pop and be off.

Then, after that, I think WWE can test the waters further with Hogan and at LEAST put him back in the record books, on the website and also can allow him to do some select things on the WWE Network.
Braun Strowman isn't a talent, he's a nobody. He has no purpose, no upside, and no future. There's no point in pushing him. WWE gains more from the nostalgia of having Hogan squash a nobody like Strowman than by having Hogan squash someone with an actual CAREER like Big Show or Mark Henry. All three of those guys should be regularly squashing nobodies like Strowman.

Ok so bury Strowman before he has an opportunity to build a career, got it.
Ok so bury Strowman before he has an opportunity to build a career, got it.

Absolutely. When someone has no upside, no potential, and no future, they should be losing. WWE absolutely should NOT be having top guys like Big Show and Mark Henry jobbing to that nobody. Braun Strowman shouldn't be going anywhere but the unemployment line.
Color me crazy but I see Hogan as a surprised entrant in the Rumble. They keep bringing up how this will be the biggest Royal Rumble ever on top of being the 30th anniversary along with possibly 75,000 in attendance. Want to make it worthwhile? Bring in arguably the biggest name in wrestling history.

Just my hunch but they definitely are doing a slow burn on a return for him.
It's only a matter of time now, isn't it?

We all know that Hulk Hogan was out of line when he started his racist rant that seen his career crumble around his ears. Did he deserve to see a full legacy of wrestling and being an icon in the wrestling business stripped from him for one instance of racism? I'd say so. But that's probably up for discussion.

Needless to say, his punishment and exile from the WWE won't last forever. I remember seeing an article a few months back about the WWE testing the waters for a Hulk Hogan return by mentioning his name in various WWE productions and I must admit that I've seen that. Legends With JBL is particularly guilty of this as he interviews people who spent a lot of time with Hulk in their careers. All of this people have said that Hogan never seemed to be racist to them and, actually, paint a very positive picture of Hogan. To me, it's almost as if the WWE are using these talents to pave the way for Hogan to return.

My question to you is this: How long is it until we see Hulk Hogan back in a WWE ring?

Personally, I see this happening sooner rather than later. His win over Gawker has given Hogan some level of sympathy in the wrestling and celebrity worlds. And whilst the subject matter isn't ideal, it seems as though people are keen to see Hogan put this troubled part of his life behind him and reclaim some of his reputation. I firmly believe that the WWE think that Hogan is paying the price for his transgressions and will eventually welcome back into the company before too long.

As far as time scale goes, I think WrestleMania next year will be the moment that Hogan returns. It might be a little bit soon but I think that the opportunity exists to have him do something, even if it just a small part on the show to re-introduce Hogan to the WWE fans. After everything that has gone on, I actually think he would be welcomed back by the vast majority.

But what do you think?

The whole thing was a massive overreaction in our PC society.

Hogan said a couple of things he shouldn't 8 friggin years ago. You know why most people have never painted Hogan as a racist. Probably because he isn't. He made a couple of silly racist comments. It then doesn't mean that he wants to don a sheet over his head and burn a cross.

I think that the WWE know that it is a storm in a teacup as well. But they "suspended" and didn't use him for a while, because of the fear that sponsors would pull out. So Vince suspended Hogan in a PR exercise, and when the dust settles, and people who shout "Racist" find someone else to target, he will be slowly eased back into the WWE.

It isn't like Hogan's crimes against society are anywhere near as bad as Chris Benoit's. Benoit is the standard that all other "removal of legacies" should be judged by, and anything under that should be given a bit more grace.
Color me crazy but I see Hogan as a surprised entrant in the Rumble. They keep bringing up how this will be the biggest Royal Rumble ever on top of being the 30th anniversary along with possibly 75,000 in attendance. Want to make it worthwhile? Bring in arguably the biggest name in wrestling history.

Just my hunch but they definitely are doing a slow burn on a return for him.

Then he goes over the ropes in the Rumble, and pops his fake hip, and hurts his back again.
As much as my inner Hulkamaniac self wants to see Hogan come down and punch somebody in the face, I can't see him doing anything other than that. A weak punch and maybe a rake to the eyes. He was already limited when he was healthy, now he's old and extra limited. He'd probably get injured throwing that one punch too. A Wrestlemania host would probably be the best bet for him. Then he could screw up the arena name again.
I absolutely want him back in the WWE, the sooner the better. I don't want him there everyday, I don't really want any legend there everyday. But to think that Roddy Piper died while on bad terms with the company, is heartbreaking. Guys from that era seem to drop off unexpectedly and Hogan is the biggest name in the history of WWE, he absolutely should be welcome in the house he helped build.

As for what to do with him...I've never been a fan of the completely random WM segments that the Rock has done, his appearances at 27 and 32 were especially awful. I like the idea of Hogan at WM, but I feel like they need to come up with something better. Non wrestling capacity, but not totally lame audience pandering either.
I'd love to see Hulk Hogan come back at WrestleMania and just squash Braun Strowman. Strowman issues an open challenge, Hogan comes out, Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1...2...3. THAT would be a great WrestleMania moment.
That would be an obnoxious moment.

You want a guy WWE has building gradually to job out to someone who isn't even a part-time wrestler now? That's incredibly dumb as well as undeserving booking for Braun.

If you want something like this, then have Hulk Hogan body slam Braun just like he did with Andre The Giant. Erick Rowan was also squashed by The Rock this year which is bad enough.

WWE needs to build new stars, and that won't happen if WWE makes them get squashed by the likes of Hulk Hogan and Rock.

Even Rollins was almost squashed by Brock Lesnar last year and this year, Ambrose suffered the same fate.
ShinChan™;5593879 said:
That would be an obnoxious moment.

You want a guy WWE has building gradually to job out to someone who isn't even a part-time wrestler now? That's incredibly dumb as well as undeserving booking for Braun.

If you want something like this, then have Hulk Hogan body slam Braun just like he did with Andre The Giant. Erick Rowan was also squashed by The Rock this year which is bad enough.

WWE needs to build new stars, and that won't happen if WWE makes them get squashed by the likes of Hulk Hogan and Rock.

Even Rollins was almost squashed by Brock Lesnar last year and this year, Ambrose suffered the same fate.

Young guys should be taking the losses. They have their whole careers to recover from it.

And Braun Strowman isn't one of the young guys they should be building anyway. No future, no upside.
If he's still employed with WWE tomorrow, you're already wrong. For you, probably not record time.

Entirely your opinion. That alone is the reason you shouldn't bury someone so immensely that they might as well be gone.

And when history proves me right yet again like it has dozens of times over the last few years alone (Ryback, Brodus Clay, Zack Ryder, Alex Riley, The Miz, Umaga, Kozlov, Khali, Lashley, McIntyre, Nexus, Reigns, ad infinitum), I'll be waiting for you to admit you were wrong.

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