Can Hulk Hogan Ever Return To The WWE?

Wrestlemania 21.-

Hogan returned and helped Eugene(aka Nick Dismore) take out Hussan And Divivari.

If he did return again , i would like to see that happen.
Nothing to huge, Nothing to small, just something to leave a last impression on The WWE Universe.

If WWE announced that He was coming Home for one final match. Merchandise and Ticket Sales would rocket. Yet his In Ring movements are not what they used to e and Could fire backlash from the Keyboard Warriors Of IWC.

Though, its highly un-likely that Hogan would Return.
Just too much Hate at the moment with Vince And Himself.
There is a good chance that we will see him in the WWE again. He is arguably the greatest wrestler of all time and in reality, if Vince can make money in the process of regaining Hogan, then he will certainly capitalize on the opportunity.

I dont see TNA playing a huge factor in Hogan not returning because who is to say that he will stick around the company for ever and even if he does, I dont think that Vince is worried about TNA. They might be some form of competition depending on your stand point but in retrospect they're also a promoter of the sport and since WWE is on top of that world I only see them benefiting.

The people that have seen the sextape aren't going to be people that get appauled by seeing Hogan on Raw...what they saw him do on that tape was way worse.

Keep in mind that McMahon has a good relationship with Hefnar and has maintained it for some time.
It doesn't seem likely at this point, but it is of course Hulk Hogan. One of if not the greatest face in wrestling of all time. If the timing was right and Vince thought he could still make some money off Hogan then I am sure he would eventually have him back.
Yes, of course he can

If Vince McMahon had access to the biggest name in wrestling history for this week's Monday Night Raw 1000, do you think he would have called him? Of course he would have.

For all his faults, Hulk Hogan is still the most recognisable wrestling name on the planet. He doesn't have the same draw as he did 10 years ago, but you can bet your ass he would have still got a huge pop if Real American had hit on Raw. I am certain of that.

WWE still make money off Hogan, they own his back history of matches, and are still promoting his old film No Holds Barred in recent weeks. Hulkamania is always going to be worth a lot of money to Vince McMahon, and he is a business man and he will realise it would not make sense to distance himself from the biggest name in the business.

Hogan will be on WWE TV again, mark my words. But it will not happen when he is still with TNA. Once he leaves, Hulk will appear on WWE programming once more.
This question has been asked many times to Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez, their answer is:

As long as Vince is in charge, there is a real possibility that Hogan could be back, Vince would do business with him regardless

However when Stephanie and Hunter are in charge the chances are much less, because of that Australian incident that happened, and they dont view things in a bussiness sense as much as Vince does.

I am sure Vince would love a Hogan retirement match at a Mania, even when Hogan can barely move. It would do quite well and sell buys.
There isn't much left Hogan to do if he returns to WWE.

Since his return to WWE in 2002 he wrestled most of the big names, The Rock, Kurt Angle, HHH, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and Vince Mcmahon.

A match with John Cena is a mega-dream match remaining only if Hogan can still wrestle more then 10 minutes.

Even Hogan going against Jericho, The Miz or Punk will be hot fresh matches.
Don't worry, the Hulkster will pose once again in a WWE ring. Vince & Hogan are like a couple of chicks. They get into tiffs and hold a grudge for years, but they eventually make up and are BFFs again.

I think the current drama is Hogan's payoff from WMXIX... Or maybe its "Celebrity Championship Wrestling" (as if there was anything left to protect in the business at this point). Whatever. The point is, as long as there is money to be made (and with nostalgia, there always is) Hogan & Vince will find a way to reconnect their bromance.

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