Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

There's an article on Forbes about how the Hogan situation cost the WWE $50 million yesterday with their stock price dropping almost 4%.

You gotta wonder why that happened though? Is it because investors didn't want to be associated with Hogan and sold their stock... even though WWE was quick to fire and completely distance themselves from the guy?

Or is it because investors didn't want to be associated with a company who were so quick to erase their most important figure ever from it's history?

I've got a feeling it's a little of both. There were going to be investors who dropped out simply because of the Hogan controversy. And there were also investors who looked at the WWE's reaction to it, felt that they went too far, and didn't trust their money with a company who makes knee jerk reactions such as that.

Which group was greater? Considering they dropped Hogan so quickly and still had such a huge hit to their stock price? I'd say that the investors spoke with their wallets and lost faith in the WWE because of how they handled the situation.

You are not serious if you are suggesting that poor mishandling resulted in loss of money and not Hogan racial slurp. WWE handled it poorly but Hogans slurp had everything to do with loss, be sure of that. Its just bad for bussiness today and thats it.
But you specifically said that "If you think it's ok to be anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that."

So if there's no other explanation then how can you defend them because it's comedy?

Maybe you just say things without thinking. Sort of like Hulk Hogan.

Wait a minute...


Are you really saying that Leonardo DiCaprio saying the n-word in a scripted, fake movie role and Hulk Hogan's real life feelings, calling his daughters REAL LIFE partner an N-WORD IN REAL LIVING BREATHING LIFE are the same thing?


Are you arguing semantics or do you really believe this shit?
He commented to me that the sky being blue is a subjective opinion, after he drew up countless red herrings and strawmen arguments to hide from the fact that he does not have a valid argument. I ignored him at that point.
Wait a minute...


Are you really saying that Leonardo DiCaprio saying the n-word in a scripted, fake movie role and Hulk Hogan's real life feelings, calling his daughters REAL LIFE partner an N-WORD IN REAL LIVING BREATHING LIFE are the same thing?


Are you arguing semantics or do you really believe this shit?

No. I'm not saying that. I'm actually saying the exact opposite of that. I was just pointing out the stupidity of that guy's comment when he said there is NEVER a reason for anybody to say it.

He's the one that said "anyone outside of a minority group and use racial slurs that that particular group has identified as racial slurs, you are a racist. Full stop. There is no other explanation of that."

I was using entertainment as a way to show that his statement is off and not every use of the word is racist i.e. Django, comedians, etc.
I am REALLLLLLLLY surprised how WWE jumped the gun on this one. In a situation like this, I wonder why they didn't at least give Hogan the benefit of the doubt. This is a man whose made millions, BILLIONS FOR WWE and they couldn't give him the benefit of the doubt. I heard the interview and I don't feel that Hogan said those things with malicious intent. If you really want to talk racism in wrestling, then lets talk about why Alberto Del Rio was let go from WWE, Lets talk about Paul Orndorff referring to Mr T as a gorilla during a live Piper's Pit and so on, and so on.
What Hogan said was bad enough, but the main page is reporting that according to those that have seen or heard the video or recordings, there is more to come. Apparently it's a lot worse that what's already been reported.

I questioned why the WWE moved so swiftly, then realized if this isn't over then they might be trying to minimize the damage before the shit hits the fan again. It also makes you wonder if they already know what's going to come out. I know that the tape all this came from is under a sealed judicial order, and whoever leaked it is in a major pile of shit when they realize who did it. But obviously someone has a copy of it, and I don't think the shocks are finished yet.
The thing that bothers me is that the punishment FAR, FAR outweighs the crime.

Think about this. Hogan is being removed from the HoF, won't be on any merchandise, and he is being removed from everything, like he never existed.

So, in effect, he is being given the Chris Benoit treatment.

One said an offensive word, the other murdered his wife and son. Yet WWE treat both offences equally.

One did nothing illegal. The other did about the most illegal thing you can do. Yet both are punished the same.

It is the equivalent of stealing a pair of shoes and being sentenced to the death penalty. It is still the wrong thing to do, but the punishment would far outweight the gravity of the crime.

Can Hogan go to prison for what he did? Some blacks and the PC crowd would love that, but it isn't the law.

Should WWE react to what Hogan said. Sure, it was wrong, whether deliberate, misguided or ignorant. Fine him heavily, suspend him for a year, don't show any promotion of him for one year. Do other things that would hurt. Then, when the heat dies down, and the PC crowd have moved onto the next person to crucify, then ease Hogan back into the WWE, and business as normal. People have short memories, and the ones offended will move on quickly to someone else who will offend them (it doesn't take them long to find something to get righteously indignant about), so Vince should have taken the heat out of it, remove Hogan temporarily, which still is a punishment, but also doesn't ruin someone's career over one slight mistake for being human.

Hogan didn't don a sheet and burn a cross. He allegedy made a silly, stupid remark (in fact, I can't actually find what he said, since no-one is game enough to actually quote what he said, lest they too lose their jobs for even using the word in the context of quoting someone else). That is how stupid it is. One person yells "Fire" and with no evidence or proof, a man's reputation is destroyed beyond repair.

I think that a lot of the condemnation from people smacks of nothing more than "sticking the boots in". Enemies that Hogan has made in the past (and he has a lot of them) have used this opportunity to go after Hogan, for perceived wrongs he may have done to them in their career (e.g. burying them etc). He probably deserves some of that, but it is also should offend some that some people in the industry are using this issue as a guise to "square up" on someone they don't like.

Of course, the media and the public have their say. Like they are all so perfect. Society today LOVES to see the downfall of the successful, so that they can drag the achievers down to the level where the bottom-feeders live. Success is no longer lauded, but despised, and scandals with celebrities are celebrated, so that insecure Joe nobody can think "well, I might not be able to wrestle like Hulk Hogan, or be as rich, famous or recognized as him, but at least I am morally superior, and a better person". Knocking the successful from their pedestal is just the tonic to the insecure, lazy and stupid in society, and the media, who are only in it for the money and power without responsibilty, egg on these jealous and insecure individuals, to make them forget about their bottom-feeding, meaningless, useless lives.

I would rather be Hulk Hogan than some jealous individual. I would still rather be Hulk Hogan than some joe nobody. Better to have had it all and lost it, than never having it to begin with.
Here's the thing Mr. Hammer. On one hand you have those people of color who use the n-word as a form of camaraderie, subtly mocking the use of the term that's so heavy it obliterated my other hand. When white people made that word famous, they didn't just use it casually. They shouted it during hymnals while celebrating a lynch picnic. That chapter in our nation's history doesn't just fade away.

You're comparing a rap artist dropping the n-word to Hogan stating explicitly that he doesn't want any you know what's having sex with his daughter unless they're eight feet tall.

#1. Hogan wasn't saying "Dennis Rodman is my you know what" or "The other day a you know what bumped me in line". Hogan was saying that he could pleasantly imagine his daughter having sex with another man so long as he wasn't your average you know what. Hogan dropped the n-word in the most low-brow redneck racist manner he possibly could have in our day in age.

#2. Hogan made his sweeping generalization of all black people as being you know whats in the midst of fucking that pile of medical waste that Bubba the Love Sponge pays to tolerate his company. How backward can a human be without forgetting how to breath? You've already 100% failed as a human being by having sex with someone Bubba touched, but you amp it to motherfucking eleven by spontaneously ripping on a group of people that white people have historically been very unkind toward.

#3. Hogan dropped the n-word in a purely racist manner, period. I don't give a fuck about anyone's philosophical waxing in regard to the power of words and how foolish we are to regard them as such, fuck all that. Hogan stated that black men having sex with his daughter disgusts him in the most racist way he possibly could have. When you precede the n-word with "fucking", you're probably not just stating the word in an intentionally harmless manner. We all have our moments, everyone is a little racist. We do our best to not just start shitting out our faces like a stupid motherfucker named Terry.

So, how would you feel if a black person said that they didn't want their daughter a white person? Wouldn't that be just as bad?

If you say not, that you sir, are a massive HYPOCRITE. You are either black, and can't move on, or white, and wanting to be black (oh, what are you going to do to me with that me? remove all semblence of my existence, ban me from the HoF boo hoo). What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Now, lynch mobs and what used to happen to blacks was terrible. There is no justification for it. But it goes further than color, or gender, or sexual preference. People should just treat other people better. Period. No-one deserves to have bad things said about them. But it happens in society all the time.

You can do two things with slurs- let them define you as a person, or don't let them define you. Your choice. You can think "Saying that word makes me feel lesser, like I am not as important", or you can say "What a stupid word to use. Ignorant fool. I am better than that. I am not what he said. I am a good, well-adjusted person who deserves respect and honor". Someone calling you the N-word doesn't make you a lesser person. You can be called that, and it doesn't take away from how you treat others, your achievements or your importance. You are better than just stupid word from some ignorant idiot. You can overcome. It takes work, but build up your self-esteem, and be happy with your life. Sure, defend yourself, but take the anger out. Time heals all wounds.
The thing that bothers me is that the punishment FAR, FAR outweighs the crime.

Think about this. Hogan is being removed from the HoF, won't be on any merchandise, and he is being removed from everything, like he never existed.

So, in effect, he is being given the Chris Benoit treatment.

One said an offensive word, the other murdered his wife and son. Yet WWE treat both offences equally.

One did nothing illegal. The other did about the most illegal thing you can do. Yet both are punished the same.

It is the equivalent of stealing a pair of shoes and being sentenced to the death penalty. It is still the wrong thing to do, but the punishment would far outweight the gravity of the crime.

Can Hogan go to prison for what he did? Some blacks and the PC crowd would love that, but it isn't the law.

Should WWE react to what Hogan said. Sure, it was wrong, whether deliberate, misguided or ignorant. Fine him heavily, suspend him for a year, don't show any promotion of him for one year. Do other things that would hurt. Then, when the heat dies down, and the PC crowd have moved onto the next person to crucify, then ease Hogan back into the WWE, and business as normal. People have short memories, and the ones offended will move on quickly to someone else who will offend them (it doesn't take them long to find something to get righteously indignant about), so Vince should have taken the heat out of it, remove Hogan temporarily, which still is a punishment, but also doesn't ruin someone's career over one slight mistake for being human.

Hogan didn't don a sheet and burn a cross. He allegedy made a silly, stupid remark (in fact, I can't actually find what he said, since no-one is game enough to actually quote what he said, lest they too lose their jobs for even using the word in the context of quoting someone else). That is how stupid it is. One person yells "Fire" and with no evidence or proof, a man's reputation is destroyed beyond repair.

I think that a lot of the condemnation from people smacks of nothing more than "sticking the boots in". Enemies that Hogan has made in the past (and he has a lot of them) have used this opportunity to go after Hogan, for perceived wrongs he may have done to them in their career (e.g. burying them etc). He probably deserves some of that, but it is also should offend some that some people in the industry are using this issue as a guise to "square up" on someone they don't like.

Of course, the media and the public have their say. Like they are all so perfect. Society today LOVES to see the downfall of the successful, so that they can drag the achievers down to the level where the bottom-feeders live. Success is no longer lauded, but despised, and scandals with celebrities are celebrated, so that insecure Joe nobody can think "well, I might not be able to wrestle like Hulk Hogan, or be as rich, famous or recognized as him, but at least I am morally superior, and a better person". Knocking the successful from their pedestal is just the tonic to the insecure, lazy and stupid in society, and the media, who are only in it for the money and power without responsibilty, egg on these jealous and insecure individuals, to make them forget about their bottom-feeding, meaningless, useless lives.

I would rather be Hulk Hogan than some jealous individual. I would still rather be Hulk Hogan than some joe nobody. Better to have had it all and lost it, than never having it to begin with.

I'd agree with the bolded IF there isn't anything else that comes out. I'm in wait and see mode, as there's rumors that more info could be released soon that could be worse than what is already out there.
WWE always brags about being trend setters, trail blazers.. well they are at it again.

Ray Rice beats a women on camera, NFL doesn't act like Ray Rice never existed. WWE would. Oh but the N word OMFG NO WAY THE N WORD!!!. Who the hell cares. This world is turning into a world ran by *****es. Sticks and stones may break my bones but your words are bound to kill me right? Well that's according to the world we live in.

All WWE ever likes to do is jump the gun and fire people acting as if they never existed. I would love to see the day Vince, Steph or Triple H fuck up and do or say something, cause I'll be there front and center crying for them to be fired and treated as if they never existed.

Old men say and do some pretty bad things, would that have anything to do with the world they grew up in? Back then the N word was used and used plenty. And today its still used just as much by black people and whites. Go play some COD and your bound to hear plenty of N words. There was once a time when the F word was bad, oh wait when your a little kid the worst thing is using that F word your bound to get your mouth washed out with soap, the same word all use grown ups fucking say all the fucking time.

No. WWE would have done nothing about Ray Rice, since they did nothing about "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

So, let's look at this. Hogan has been removed from the HoF, all his merchandise and matches are removed, he is removed from existence for saying something stupid but legal.

Yet "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, gets in the HoF, is honored in the latest video game (and even gets the cover), gets podcasts, and is greatly honored, when he illegally beat up three different women (Jeannie Adams, Debra, and another girlfriend) and plead guilty to it.

Where are the women's groups, calling for the removal of SCSA? Where is Vince, trying to appease sponsors and families, by removing a woman-beater?

A lot of the people condemning Hogan, and treating him worse than Hitler, are some of the same people who probably cheered when Austin stunned Stacy Keibler on Raw one night, one month after being found guilty of beating Debra.

I think SCSA must have incriminating photos of Vince McMahon to have skidded past scrutiny so far.

So, the lesson to all the kids out there is this. Hit as many women as you like, since you don't lose your standing in WWE, but don't, whatever you do, say some word some sections of the community perceive as racist in a private conversation, or you will lose it all.

Hulk Hogan's biggest problem was that he wasn't "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, since, then, he could have got away with anything and everything.
God , all jokes aside..I can't help but feel bad for stupid Hogan. The guy really seems like a lug head , for whatever horrible audio tapes still to come...rumoured sex tapes still to come...court cases on the way...the guy is his own worst enemy. He just strikes me as a guy dumb enough to let this happen to him. Remember the rediculous interview he had with a TMZ reporter about him and Pam Anderson making out in a parking garage ? So obviously lying and so childish the way he was telling the he was desperate to shed the gay rumours swirling around him....I couldn't help but slap my forehead and yell .." What a fucking lunkhead. Somebody needs a PR guy. "

When he hosted WM he seemed scatter brained and botched the name of the arena. Hogan Doesn't Know Best should be a name of a future reality show for him.
The attitude era was 15 years ago. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think the sensibilities back then would apply now.

The WWE is doing what they have to in today's PC society.

Funny though how many here want the Attitude Era to come back, and don't like WWE today because it is PG, and a cleanskin like Cena is on top, and not drinking beer, flipping birds, and using cuss words (or walking out or hitting women).
Pardon the pun, but it's juvenile for you to think in such black and whites. Here's are some examples of a white man using a slur and not being a racist:



But comedians are different.

Many comedians are Left-leaning, so the Left-wing media that dominate in the U.S. turn a blind eye to these people, and allow their racism, since it is "only as a joke".

I would be interested to see how they would react to a Right-wing comedian saying the same thing.
No. WWE would have done nothing about Ray Rice, since they did nothing about "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

So, let's look at this. Hogan has been removed from the HoF, all his merchandise and matches are removed, he is removed from existence for saying something stupid but legal.

Yet "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, gets in the HoF, is honored in the latest video game (and even gets the cover), gets podcasts, and is greatly honored, when he illegally beat up three different women (Jeannie Adams, Debra, and another girlfriend) and plead guilty to it.

Where are the women's groups, calling for the removal of SCSA? Where is Vince, trying to appease sponsors and families, by removing a woman-beater?

A lot of the people condemning Hogan, and treating him worse than Hitler, are some of the same people who probably cheered when Austin stunned Stacy Keibler on Raw one night, one month after being found guilty of beating Debra.

I think SCSA must have incriminating photos of Vince McMahon to have skidded past scrutiny so far.

So, the lesson to all the kids out there is this. Hit as many women as you like, since you don't lose your standing in WWE, but don't, whatever you do, say some word some sections of the community perceive as racist in a private conversation, or you will lose it all.

Hulk Hogan's biggest problem was that he wasn't "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, since, then, he could have got away with anything and everything.

Okay it's pretty damm obvious here that you're not a fan of SCSA. Almost every post in this thread you've brought up his name. The issue here is while I don't condone what he did, he was convicted I believe and went through the judicial process.

Hogan on the other hand as you've pointed out didn't do anything illegal, so in a sense this is his trial. And the public is the judge, jury and executioner. His employer the WWE has already set down their sentence by firing him, which they should have, and the general public will make their opinions known here and in other places.

Instead of trying to blame the WWE, fans, media and/or anyone else you can think of, try blaming the person responsible for the whole thing, Hulk Hogan himself. He made a bad decision and it's come back to haunt him. Should it have, I don't know, it was a private conversation that took place years ago. But in saying that, he could have used a better choice of words, he didn't and now he's paying for it.

Nothing he can say or do now will erase what he did, it's out there for everyone to see. And nothing you say or do, no matter who you try to put this on will take the stench off Hogan either.
What Hogan said was bad enough, but the main page is reporting that according to those that have seen or heard the video or recordings, there is more to come. Apparently it's a lot worse that what's already been reported.

I questioned why the WWE moved so swiftly, then realized if this isn't over then they might be trying to minimize the damage before the shit hits the fan again. It also makes you wonder if they already know what's going to come out. I know that the tape all this came from is under a sealed judicial order, and whoever leaked it is in a major pile of shit when they realize who did it. But obviously someone has a copy of it, and I don't think the shocks are finished yet.

How much worse can it be?

Unless it has Hogan donned in a sheet, burning a cross, then anything else is just a storm in a teacup.
But comedians are different.

Many comedians are Left-leaning, so the Left-wing media that dominate in the U.S. turn a blind eye to these people, and allow their racism, since it is "only as a joke".

I would be interested to see how they would react to a Right-wing comedian saying the same thing.

Didn't Kramer from Seinfeld ruin his career shortly after the last show with a racist ranting during a stand up act ? No...I won't go Google it..thank you.
How much worse can it be?

Unless it has Hogan donned in a sheet, burning a cross, then anything else is just a storm in a teacup.

Well I have no idea, I'm just reading reports on what others in the media are saying. It maybe nothing or could be the tip of the iceberg. I guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we.

And seriously, why do you keep bringing up the KKK? Is that all people outside the US think of when they think of racism? It just makes you sound ignorant of the fact.
I'd agree with the bolded IF there isn't anything else that comes out. I'm in wait and see mode, as there's rumors that more info could be released soon that could be worse than what is already out there.

No matter what it is, unless he murdered two people, there is no justification for punishing him the same as Chris Benoit (which, even WWE's punishment of him was OTT and impractical).
Okay it's pretty damm obvious here that you're not a fan of SCSA. Almost every post in this thread you've brought up his name. The issue here is while I don't condone what he did, he was convicted I believe and went through the judicial process.

Hogan on the other hand as you've pointed out didn't do anything illegal, so in a sense this is his trial. And the public is the judge, jury and executioner. His employer the WWE has already set down their sentence by firing him, which they should have, and the general public will make their opinions known here and in other places.

Instead of trying to blame the WWE, fans, media and/or anyone else you can think of, try blaming the person responsible for the whole thing, Hulk Hogan himself. He made a bad decision and it's come back to haunt him. Should it have, I don't know, it was a private conversation that took place years ago. But in saying that, he could have used a better choice of words, he didn't and now he's paying for it.

Nothing he can say or do now will erase what he did, it's out there for everyone to see. And nothing you say or do, no matter who you try to put this on will take the stench off Hogan either.

So, firstly, you say that Austin got his punishment. I know that he didn't go to prison, which would have made these women feel safer. He didn't get punished by WWE either (unless I missed something- tell me what Austin's punishment was in WWE, I don't remember it).

Secondly, you say that because something isn't illegal, and so can't be tried, the public will try it instead. That incorporates all sorts of stupid.

You are aware that juries in trials are made up of twelve members of the public. So the public has their say. The difference is that they are guided and led to coming to a fair decision, not just what they think.

Also, in court, you are "innocent until PROVEN guilty". In the court of public opinion , you are "guilty until PROVEN innocent, and even then, we won't believe you, because it you look bad makes me look good by comparison".

So, you do something illegal, the wronged have to prove your guilt, but you do something not illegal but immoral, and people say that you did it, and nothing you can say or do will ever change that.

Why don't you advocate the return of public stoning, then? Yeah, because that worked well.

Hogan's responsible, but I just wonder if people accusing him are accusing him of that, or have other agendas.

But none of that matters to you. You are right, and anyone who doesn't agree with you are wrong, isn't that it? If you are so much better than us, then , why let someone's comment upset you?
Didn't Kramer from Seinfeld ruin his career shortly after the last show with a racist ranting during a stand up act ? No...I won't go Google it..thank you.

Because some black guy thought that it was funny to interrupt and heckle him.

Maybe if the other people there told the black guy to shut up and stop talking, instead of condemning Michael Richards, he would never have got to the point of anger in saying that.

But then, the black guy would have pulled his race card out, and called all the audience who would have chastised him "racists", which ends all arguments.

Where do I get one of those cards? I am white, male and heterosexual, but I want a card too, that I can use when anyone calls on me to take responsibility. Or don't I get one? Well, if I don't, I find that racist, sexist, and heterophobic.
The thing that bothers me is that the punishment FAR, FAR outweighs the crime.
Racism is a very serious problem. Saying that another human is somehow beneath you because of their color is disgusting. The punishment more than fits this crime.

Think about this. Hogan is being removed from the HoF, won't be on any merchandise, and he is being removed from everything, like he never existed.
So they won't honor a racist and that's somehow a bad thing?

So, in effect, he is being given the Chris Benoit treatment.

One said an offensive word, the other murdered his wife and son. Yet WWE treat both offences equally.
NO. They gave him the same punishment but it doesn't mean that THEY VIEW THEM AS EQUALS. WWE isn't a court. They don't have that many punishment options.

One did nothing illegal. The other did about the most illegal thing you can do. Yet both are punished the same.
Doesn't mean they are viewed the same way. Also remember freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences.

It is the equivalent of stealing a pair of shoes and being sentenced to the death penalty. It is still the wrong thing to do, but the punishment would far outweight the gravity of the crime.
Yes, in a court of law, a death penalty for stealing shoes would be appalling. However WWE IS NOT A COURT OF LAW. This is not like WWE giving Hogan the death penalty because you know, THEY DON'T HAVE A DEATH PENALTY. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T A COURT.

Can Hogan go to prison for what he did? Some blacks and the PC crowd would love that, but it isn't the law.

Should WWE react to what Hogan said. Sure, it was wrong, whether deliberate, misguided or ignorant. Fine him heavily, suspend him for a year, don't show any promotion of him for one year. Do other things that would hurt. Then, when the heat dies down, and the PC crowd have moved onto the next person to crucify, then ease Hogan back into the WWE, and business as normal. People have short memories, and the ones offended will move on quickly to someone else who will offend them (it doesn't take them long to find something to get righteously indignant about), so Vince should have taken the heat out of it, remove Hogan temporarily, which still is a punishment, but also doesn't ruin someone's career over one slight mistake for being human.
This isn't a PC issue. This is Hogan saying something racist with the intent to be racist. This wasn't some really dumb joke. I agree, this shouldn't condemned him for the rest of his life. People change. He needs to show us that he has changed. He needs to work in the African American community. Help charities. Blah blah blah. Show us change rather than tell us you have. Then he should be allowed to come back. Until then, nothing.

Hogan didn't don a sheet and burn a cross. He allegedy made a silly, stupid remark (in fact, I can't actually find what he said, since no-one is game enough to actually quote what he said, lest they too lose their jobs for even using the word in the context of quoting someone else). That is how stupid it is. One person yells "Fire" and with no evidence or proof, a man's reputation is destroyed beyond repair.
Calling himself a racist and saying something intentionally racist is silly? Also look at Dave Meltzer's twitter, he tweeted a link to his website which shows you what Hogan said. That's how I found it. There's more than one website that posted what he said.

I think that a lot of the condemnation from people smacks of nothing more than "sticking the boots in". Enemies that Hogan has made in the past (and he has a lot of them) have used this opportunity to go after Hogan, for perceived wrongs he may have done to them in their career (e.g. burying them etc). He probably deserves some of that, but it is also should offend some that some people in the industry are using this issue as a guise to "square up" on someone they don't like.
Hogan didn't like some guy because of his skin color. Yep totally a witch hunt.

Of course, the media and the public have their say. Like they are all so perfect. Society today LOVES to see the downfall of the successful, so that they can drag the achievers down to the level where the bottom-feeders live. Success is no longer lauded, but despised, and scandals with celebrities are celebrated, so that insecure Joe nobody can think "well, I might not be able to wrestle like Hulk Hogan, or be as rich, famous or recognized as him, but at least I am morally superior, and a better person". Knocking the successful from their pedestal is just the tonic to the insecure, lazy and stupid in society, and the media, who are only in it for the money and power without responsibilty, egg on these jealous and insecure individuals, to make them forget about their bottom-feeding, meaningless, useless lives.
I actually saw a lot of people that were saddened by this. They hated that a guy they grew up watching turned out to be this awful human being. They weren't happy they had a scandal to talk about. They were sad.

Being a nice person is always better than money. There are millions of ways to make money but there's only one you.

I would rather be Hulk Hogan than some jealous individual. I would still rather be Hulk Hogan than some joe nobody. Better to have had it all and lost it, than never having it to begin with.
I like waking up everyday knowing I'm a good person. I like waking up everyday knowing I'm not a racist. I also like waking up everyday knowing I'm not Hogan nor you.
So, firstly, you say that Austin got his punishment. I know that he didn't go to prison, which would have made these women feel safer. He didn't get punished by WWE either (unless I missed something- tell me what Austin's punishment was in WWE, I don't remember it).

For someone who keeps bringing it up, you don't know a lot about it do you? You ask a lot of questions. I know he was arrested for beating her up and charged. He pled no contest to the charges, so what the courts decided to do with him is their business. But he now has a record.

Secondly, you say that because something isn't illegal, and so can't be tried, the public will try it instead. That incorporates all sorts of stupid.

You can't be arrested for doing something that isn't illegal. He will be tried in the court of public opinion. So how is this all kinds of stupid?

You are aware that juries in trials are made up of twelve members of the public. So the public has their say. The difference is that they are guided and led to coming to a fair decision, not just what they think.

Please don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. I know how the legal system works.

Also, in court, you are "innocent until PROVEN guilty". In the court of public opinion , you are "guilty until PROVEN innocent, and even then, we won't believe you, because it you look bad makes me look good by comparison".

They have Hogan on tape saying this, so unless he comes out and says it wasn't him, he is guilty. Oh and by the way, he's already apologized, so I don't think he's going to deny it now. Try to keep up with the story okay.

So, you do something illegal, the wronged have to prove your guilt, but you do something not illegal but immoral, and people say that you did it, and nothing you can say or do will ever change that.

Why don't you advocate the return of public stoning, then? Yeah, because that worked well.

Why don't you stop being an douchebag.

Hogan's responsible, but I just wonder if people accusing him are accusing him of that, or have other agendas.

Who knows and who cares, the man said what he said, and now he has to live with it. If he can't then he should have kept his mouth shut.

But none of that matters to you. You are right, and anyone who doesn't agree with you are wrong, isn't that it? If you are so much better than us, then , why let someone's comment upset you?

No one has upset me. Sorry I've a little more confidence in myself than to let an internet forum ruin my day.
If that was the case, Vince would hire Brooke and make it into an on-screen angle.

Apparently, there was a rumor that there was going to be a storyline where Stephanie was pregnant, and Vince was going to turn out to be the father.

When Stephanie refused to do this storyline, Vince then posed the option of having Shane be the father instead.
The moral of all this: If you are a celebrity, do not go to war with a media company unless you know GODDAMNED well that you have done nothing in your past that will bite you in the ass. This came out of the depositions during the Gawker lawsuit. This is why Celebrities settle their cases for peanuts and let bygones be bygones.

But, we will see Hogan again. At you local Indy show for a grand per appearance.

Or, if you have money, buy the media outlet you are at war with (via a third party, who doesn't name who you are), and then sack all those who wrote lies about you, and then you can control what they write about you.
Racism is a very serious problem. Saying that another human is somehow beneath you because of their color is disgusting. The punishment more than fits this crime.

So they won't honor a racist and that's somehow a bad thing?

NO. They gave him the same punishment but it doesn't mean that THEY VIEW THEM AS EQUALS. WWE isn't a court. They don't have that many punishment options.

Doesn't mean they are viewed the same way. Also remember freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences.

Yes, in a court of law, a death penalty for stealing shoes would be appalling. However WWE IS NOT A COURT OF LAW. This is not like WWE giving Hogan the death penalty because you know, THEY DON'T HAVE A DEATH PENALTY. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T A COURT.


This isn't a PC issue. This is Hogan saying something racist with the intent to be racist. This wasn't some really dumb joke. I agree, this shouldn't condemned him for the rest of his life. People change. He needs to show us that he has changed. He needs to work in the African American community. Help charities. Blah blah blah. Show us change rather than tell us you have. Then he should be allowed to come back. Until then, nothing.

Calling himself a racist and saying something intentionally racist is silly? Also look at Dave Meltzer's twitter, he tweeted a link to his website which shows you what Hogan said. That's how I found it. There's more than one website that posted what he said.

Hogan didn't like some guy because of his skin color. Yep totally a witch hunt.

I actually saw a lot of people that were saddened by this. They hated that a guy they grew up watching turned out to be this awful human being. They weren't happy they had a scandal to talk about. They were sad.

Being a nice person is always better than money. There are millions of ways to make money but there's only one you.

I like waking up everyday knowing I'm a good person. I like waking up everyday knowing I'm not a racist. I also like waking up everyday knowing I'm not Hogan nor you.

Yeah, because saying the F word is equivalent to murder, rape, child molestation, drug-dealing or terrorism.

You do realize that saying the N word is NOT illegal. So, as disgusting as it is, it isn't so bad that society has legislated to make it illegal to say. Besides, if they did make it illegal, there would be more carry-on about legislating against people's freedom of speech, than about saying the N word was wrong.

So, someone says that you are beneath them. Guess what. Everyone is made to feel like that at some stage. Many children get bullied at school. You get over it and move on.

Funny how NFL "honor" a racist in O.J. Simpson.

Let's look at this. Take the Benoit case. Benoit will never be in the HoF for allegedly killing two people, despite never been found guilty (since he never faced trial). O.J. Simpson, a black man, allegedly killed two people, was not found guilty either, yet remains in the NFL HoF.

I bet if O..J. was white, and killed his black ex-wife and her black boyfriend, then things would have gone a hell of a lot differently.

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