Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

How come the media don't cop the consequences of many of the stories that they report? They will often go with a story, get the facts wrong, ruin someone's standing or career, and all they get is a slap on the wrist and forced to print a retraction.

Can you actually name a specific incident or are you generally just throwing the entire media into the same pot?

If I were Hogan, and WWE eventually owed me an apology, I would sue them for everything instead, for not taking my word for it. I would ruin Vince and end WWE for betraying me.

Sue them for what? You actually have to have some criminally liable reason for suing someone and Hogan doesn't have that. You also seem to forget that Hogan has acknowledged that it was indeed him saying those things on the tape as he's repeatedly apologized for them. The damage is done and no amount of apology is going to repair the damage whether anyone agrees with Hogan or not.

As for sponsors, firstly do morals clause go both ways? If a sponsor of WWE embarrasses itself, can WWE pull out on them early? Besides, some companies just use this as an excuse to not keep paying for their sponsorship, or to pull out early, because they have a more lucrative sponsorship deal elsewhere, so use these things as an excuse to not meet their obligation.

How am I supposed to know? I'm not privy to the contents of the contracts WWE has with sponsors. I also don't understand why you consistently try to make these broad generalizations about everything from businesses to the media without some degree of facts to back them up.

So a racist jury makes it okay to trash a city does it? Also, I didn't see white people rioting when black hero O.J. Simpson got cleared by an obviously black racist jury, when O.J. was accused of killing two white people. Double standards.

Did you even read anything I said there? I said there wasn't any justification for it. People were injured and property was destroyed, all of which had nothing to do with what happened. My point was that the riots weren't caused by any single incident, it was the not guilty verdict in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary that was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back as there've been allegations of racial prejudice practiced by the LAPD for decades.

If I were Hogan, the dirty laundry I would air is the full, unadultered account of everything that happened with the steroid trial in the 90's. It almost put Vince in jail last time. I would dig up dirt that would put him in prison, and blackmail him with it to give me back my contract or I will go public with enough evidence to send him to prison for years.

You actually have to have EVIDENCE when you go around making such accusations. Does Hogan have any 25+ year old recordings of Vince giving steroids to anyone or telling them that they need to start juicing up? Does he have any sort of verifiable documentation, some sort of paper trail confirming any sort of allegations? If he didn't, then all that'd happen would be WWE suing Hogan for slander, which they'd most likely win because you actually have to have evidence backing up what you say. For instance, right now both CM Punk and Colt Cabana are being sued by one of the WWE doctors for $1 million for Punk's claims of being misdiagnosed in regards to a Staph Infection around the time of the 2014 Royal Rumble resulting in what Punk said on Cabana's podcast was a 'baseball sized" growth on his lower back, yet we've seen video from Punk at the Rumble in which no such growth is visible and something that large would cause some sort of indentation at the waistline of Punk's tights.

Your right that anyone who exercises their freedom of speech must pay the consequences. But those who seek to destroy careers and reputations should watch their back as well, because one day, someone might decide to do something about it.

Hulk Hogan destroyed his own reputation, nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to go on that racist rant. Even if Hogan genuinely doesn't have those feelings and said what he said during a time of frustration, he should've been smart enough to keep his mouth shut rather. Hogan's a celebrity, a celebrity worth millions of dollars, which means he should be suspicious of anyone he talks to or even says anything to. Why? Because he has so much more to lose than most other people; he's someone that has decided to spend his professional, and even personal, life in the public spotlight, which means there's always someone looking for him to fall flat on his face and be there when it happens.
Look, WWE is a publicly traded company. VKM had little choice in the matter unless he wanted a full-fledged proxy fight to remove him from WWE, which would have happened had he kept Hogan employed.

As for those who feel that Hogan was wronged: Once again, if you take on a media company, you had better make sure that you are squeaky clean without skeletons. The reason is that they will ferret out anything from your past in order to destroy you. Now, there may be a silver lining. Hogan could own Gawker if it is found that the recording was part of a SEALED deposition. No way does the National Enquirer get their hands on that recording unless Gawker tipped them off.

In the meantime, Hogan will not starve. If he is humble and is willing to take $1000-$5000 per appearance for a guarantee, there are SHITLOADS of promotions, memorabilia stores, and conventions that will pay him to make an appearance, sign autographs, sell merch, and take pics with nostalgic fans. It will not matter if he said the N-Word or attended a cross-burning at the local cow pasture. People will still want to pay $25 to see the Hulkster in the flesh. I am not one of those people as I could take or leave Hogan. However, there are those that have done "The Training, prayers and the vitamins, Bruhtha!"
^^ exactly. WWE had to fire him or they would look just as bad. They are a public company. However completely erasing him was dumb. no one is gonna forget who he is. Keep him on network, keep shirts and other stuff
The newest updates and expanded transcript make mention of a ten million dollar deal with "the Saudis". That's sounds extraordinarily shady and is likely to be the shit that actually sinks him to the point of no return.
^^ exactly. WWE had to fire him or they would look just as bad. They are a public company. However completely erasing him was dumb. no one is gonna forget who he is. Keep him on network, keep shirts and other stuff
For what purpose? They do not own his character nor likeness. They will make no money off it. They will receive only grief. Keep him in the Hall, but erase him everywhere else.
You know, I always wondered if this aspect of things happened earlier, would we really give a shit, because honestly people, this shit with Hogan REALLY saying stupid stuff happened back in 2007 after Nick Bollea and John Graziano's accident, Hell, I mean the signs of Hogan's less than tasteful demeanor already had all the seeds planted back in 2007 after the jailhouse conversations with his son went down and from what has been said from these reports, that's when Hogan had used these slurs. I mean, even as a fan I was like what the fuck about the jailhouse tapes. But this makes me want to go back even farther now, so let me pose this:

If this happened in 2002, around the time Austin was beating his old lady, would Hogan get all this grief? On that token, if what Austin did happen in 2015, would we be all up in arms about Austin's transgressions towards his wife and then again with his girlfriend a couple of years later? Let's also not forget about Ultimate Warrior's "queering not making America work" spiel, which was done on a public form at that. That happened some years before his death, but nothing changes the fact he said very distasteful things towards the LGBT community.

Either way, this isn't the exonerate Hulk Hogan post on my part, despite my obvious and well documented fandom of the guy.

But seriously, I bet many people who are ignorant and just as hateful as Hogan was in these racial slurs, which I might add have yet to have the corresponding dialogue to match up with the transcripts, probably think that what Warrior and Austin have said and done was ok because it wasn't in the "social media boom".
You know, I always wondered if this aspect of things happened earlier, would we really give a shit, because honestly people, this shit with Hogan REALLY saying stupid stuff happened back in 2007 after Nick Bollea and John Graziano's accident, would we give as much a shit? Hell, I mean the signs of Hogan's less than tasteful demeanor already had all the seeds planted back in 2007 after the jailhouse conversations with his son went down. I mean, even as a fan I was like what the fuck about that one.

If this happened in 2002, around the time Austin was beating his old lady, would Hogan get all this grief? On that token, if what Austin did happen in 2015, would we be all up in arms about Austin's transgressions towards his wife and then again with his girlfriend a couple of years later? Let's also not forget about Ultimate Warrior's "queering not making America work" spiel, which was done on a public form at that. That happened some years before his death, but nothing changes the fact he said very distasteful things towards the LGBT community.

Either way, this isn't the exonerate Hulk Hogan post on my part, despite my obvious and well documented fandom of the guy.

But seriously, I bet many people who are ignorant and just as hateful as Hogan was in these racial slurs, which I might add have yet to have the corresponding dialogue to match up with the transcripts, probably think that what Warrior and Austin have said and done was ok because it wasn't in the "social media boom".

Warrior also oversaw that unbelievably weird comic book depicting his Warrior character seemingly just finishing with a raping of Santa Claus. Then his completely strange Warrior note to his fans on the back cover and people he had a gripe with. With the Warrior, I'm surprised more shit didn't come to light from this guy, he was as strange as his wrestling character.
Personally, this was the last straw for me and wwe. I get wanting to distance themselves from Hogan with this but wwe needs to look in the mirror a bit. Vince made a choice to go on tv a decade ago and use the same word Hogan is in trouble for now. Oh, he didn't mean anything by it, it was satire - who cares? Vince made a decision to go on national tv and do that when he didn't need it. It didn't help a storyline or anything. But wwe acknowledged it so all is forgiven. Seriously? You have Michael Hayes going around backstage telling Mark Henry how he is more black than Henry is, you have Bill DeMott doing what he did and wwe keeping him on staff for years, you have Del Rio getting fired for cuffing a guy making racial jokes yet wwe cares about all people no matter their colour or race and they don't support this. What a load of crap. I am done with them, no more. There is nothing I hate more than a company or person who is this two-faced.
Then why are you in a WWE forum talking about it? Feel free to go, especially since you don't understand kayfabe, work, acting, entertainment, or any other term that means "NOT REAL" as opposed to what Hogan said.
Personally, this was the last straw for me and wwe. I get wanting to distance themselves from Hogan with this but wwe needs to look in the mirror a bit. Vince made a choice to go on tv a decade ago and use the same word Hogan is in trouble for now. Oh, he didn't mean anything by it, it was satire - who cares? Vince made a decision to go on national tv and do that when he didn't need it. It didn't help a storyline or anything. But wwe acknowledged it so all is forgiven. Seriously? You have Michael Hayes going around backstage telling Mark Henry how he is more black than Henry is, you have Bill DeMott doing what he did and wwe keeping him on staff for years, you have Del Rio getting fired for cuffing a guy making racial jokes yet wwe cares about all people no matter their colour or race and they don't support this. What a load of crap. I am done with them, no more. There is nothing I hate more than a company or person who is this two-faced.

Oh God here I am defending Vince McMahon. Listen there is a difference between the two. Now I'm not advocating what McMahon said, but he said it on TV as part of the act. Was it a bad decision? Probably but he said it and got away with it.

Hogan on the other hand said it in private and if you read the transcripts, he wasn't saying it as part of an act, he meant it in a derogatory manner. There is a difference. If you can't see that then I don't know what to say to you.

You also can't start throwing everything up against the wall and hoping that something will stick. I'm sure every company has had their share of this kind of shit they've had to handle. In this case the WWE is a publicly traded company, and any bad press that can be put on them the better by the media.

If that is enough to make you give up wrestling and stop being a fan, then I have to question whether you were a fan to begin with. You must understand that there are assholes everywhere, and sooner or later they will be weeded out.
I guess you have to take into account that if they didn't fire Hogan WWE shares would plummet once news that their biggest ever star was a racist hit the fan.

A racist at the lowest point of his life 8 years ago mind you and he only said the things he did because he was pissed off at the guy for making an offer to his daughter.
It was an unguarded moment for the Hulkster and I don't think it means he's actually a racist. I certainly don't think WWE needed to remove all trace of him from their website.

These guys Hogan has been having a court case with really fucked him over this time. It looks like the end for Hogan's career in wrestling at any capacity. I don't know about you but I'll miss him. Poor bastard.
Oh God here I am defending Vince McMahon. Listen there is a difference between the two. Now I'm not advocating what McMahon said, but he said it on TV as part of the act. Was it a bad decision? Probably but he said it and got away with it.

Hogan on the other hand said it in private and if you read the transcripts, he wasn't saying it as part of an act, he meant it in a derogatory manner. There is a difference. If you can't see that then I don't know what to say to you.

You also can't start throwing everything up against the wall and hoping that something will stick. I'm sure every company has had their share of this kind of shit they've had to handle. In this case the WWE is a publicly traded company, and any bad press that can be put on them the better by the media.

If that is enough to make you give up wrestling and stop being a fan, then I have to question whether you were a fan to begin with. You must understand that there are assholes everywhere, and sooner or later they will be weeded out.
exactly. Vince said it as part of a show, a segment for satire, like a movie. Hogan said it in real life. They had to fire him or it would make WWE look really bad to sponsors and investors which are very important in running a business.
Look, WWE is a publicly traded company. VKM had little choice in the matter unless he wanted a full-fledged proxy fight to remove him from WWE, which would have happened had he kept Hogan employed.

As for those who feel that Hogan was wronged: Once again, if you take on a media company, you had better make sure that you are squeaky clean without skeletons. The reason is that they will ferret out anything from your past in order to destroy you. Now, there may be a silver lining. Hogan could own Gawker if it is found that the recording was part of a SEALED deposition. No way does the National Enquirer get their hands on that recording unless Gawker tipped them off.

In the meantime, Hogan will not starve. If he is humble and is willing to take $1000-$5000 per appearance for a guarantee, there are SHITLOADS of promotions, memorabilia stores, and conventions that will pay him to make an appearance, sign autographs, sell merch, and take pics with nostalgic fans. It will not matter if he said the N-Word or attended a cross-burning at the local cow pasture. People will still want to pay $25 to see the Hulkster in the flesh. I am not one of those people as I could take or leave Hogan. However, there are those that have done "The Training, prayers and the vitamins, Bruhtha!"

Hogan should go back to Japan, and perform there, and make millions, since he would be a massive attraction, and the heat wouldn't be on him in another country. I mean, it isn't like he made a comment Japanese people would be offended by.
What Hogan said can't be wrong, as it is an OPINION, and an opinion can't be right or wrong.

So, it is a question of whether you agree with his opinion or not. You can't say "He shouldn't be allowed to say that?" since he is as entitled to his opinion as anyone is, and you are entitled to disagree with it.

Why do the PC crowd and minority groups put scare and guilt- tactics on anyone who doesn't agree with them? Why try to destroy careers? Why not effectively argue your case, and try to bring others over to your viewpoint by persuasion?

Could it be that the PC and minority groups have no convincing case, and base their stand on feelings rather than common sense?

It is said that "opinions are like ********s, everybody has one". Well, I add, "the difference is, opinions don't have ********s, but there are plenty of ********s who have opinions".
WWE get rid of someone who made a racist comment, yet are happy to keep a wife-beater ("Stone Cold" Steve Austin), another racist (Michael Hayes), and someone who crapped in a diva's gym bag (Randy Orton) on their books.
What Hogan said can't be wrong, as it is an OPINION, and an opinion can't be right or wrong.

So, it is a question of whether you agree with his opinion or not. You can't say "He shouldn't be allowed to say that?" since he is as entitled to his opinion as anyone is, and you are entitled to disagree with it.

Why do the PC crowd and minority groups put scare and guilt- tactics on anyone who doesn't agree with them? Why try to destroy careers? Why not effectively argue your case, and try to bring others over to your viewpoint by persuasion?

Could it be that the PC and minority groups have no convincing case, and base their stand on feelings rather than common sense?

It is said that "opinions are like ********s, everybody has one". Well, I add, "the difference is, opinions don't have ********s, but there are plenty of ********s who have opinions".
This is what's called "freedom of association", and is equally important as the easier to understand and thus frequently shouted "freedom of speech". Bear in mind I will be talking about the concepts here, and not the Bill of Rights Amendments by which the government is bound to operate; the two are different things.

Freedom of speech is a concept by which people are allowed to say what they will without fear of physical reprisal. Since freedom of speech is a universal concept, this also entails that people are allowed to use their speech to criticize someone else's speech. (This covers about 95% of "free speech" arguments on the internet.)

Freedom of association is a concept by which people are allowed to choose the people that they wish to associate with. While you are free to speak in whichever manner you see fit, other people are free to choose whether to associate or disassociate with you based on that speech (or just about anything.)

What you're seeing here isn't some great uncontrollable PC monster who's forcing people to agree with them at gunpoint. Hulk Hogan said some pretty awful things on tape (if Ray Rice has taught us anything, it's that it doesn't count unless there's video), and it looks like we're in for a steady drip of new quotes from this videotape. The companies which have disassociated from him over the past week didn't force him to say different things; they made the choice not to associate any longer with him.

People too often confuse "freedom of speech" with "freedom from all consequences of speech". Hulk Hogan is free to complain about how his daughter couldn't land an 8-foot tall millionaire ******, and no one is going to cart him off to jail. Anyone who punched him in the face would be committing a crime. Anyone who doesn't want to give Hulk Hogan any more of their money is well within their rights.
"The sky is orange." - Opinion that is wrong.
"Anthropogenic climate change isn't real" - Opinion that is wrong.
"As a white man, I am persecuted because I can not use the n-word." - Opinion that is wrong.
"Homosexuality is a choice, and homosexual individuals should have fewer rights than heterosexual individuals." - Opinion that is wrong.

See, it's very easy to have opinions that are wrong. Nothing about an opinion shields it from being criticized for being wrong.
WWE get rid of someone who made a racist comment, yet are happy to keep a wife-beater ("Stone Cold" Steve Austin), another racist (Michael Hayes), and someone who crapped in a diva's gym bag (Randy Orton) on their books.

Will you please just stop. This is not about SCSA, it's not about Michael Hays or Randy Orton, it's about comments Hogan made. Austin, Hayes and Orton, didn't make him say what he said, he made that brilliant decision on his own, now he must live with the consequences of it.

You can throw as much as you want up against the wall to see what sticks, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is, Hogan has a big mouth and he is the only one who controls what comes out of it. If he can't take the shit that's coming his way, then maybe in future he should keep his trap shut.

I think you forget that we are talking about a 60 year old man here who should know the difference between right and wrong, not a toddler who doesn't. Hogan has no defense for what he did, this is solely his problem not anyone else's.
What Hogan said can't be wrong, as it is an OPINION, and an opinion can't be right or wrong.

So, it is a question of whether you agree with his opinion or not. You can't say "He shouldn't be allowed to say that?" since he is as entitled to his opinion as anyone is, and you are entitled to disagree with it.

Why do the PC crowd and minority groups put scare and guilt- tactics on anyone who doesn't agree with them? Why try to destroy careers? Why not effectively argue your case, and try to bring others over to your viewpoint by persuasion?

Could it be that the PC and minority groups have no convincing case, and base their stand on feelings rather than common sense?

It is said that "opinions are like ********s, everybody has one". Well, I add, "the difference is, opinions don't have ********s, but there are plenty of ********s who have opinions".

Of course he is entitled to his opinion, no one said he wasn't, but in saying that his opinion on the subject that he was talking about, shows he's a racist prick. That is something you cannot argue. And those that agree with him are just as racist as he is, as you've already shown on this forum in another thread.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the PC crowd, but has everything to do with common sense. If you are a celebrity and go around shooting your mouth off thinking you're immune, then honestly you're a moron.

There is no case to be made here either. Hogan admitted he said what he did, it's not like he's even trying to say it was taken out of context, and now the hammer has come down on him. To me the case is closed.

Now considering we may not have heard the end of this, reports state there is more to come out, and it is way more damaging than what we've heard. Any chance of him ever coming back to the WWE, is I'm afraid lost. Hogan threw away his career and it's not anyone's fault but his own.
"The sky is orange." - Opinion that is wrong.
"Anthropogenic climate change isn't real" - Opinion that is wrong.
"As a white man, I am persecuted because I can not use the n-word." - Opinion that is wrong.
"Homosexuality is a choice, and homosexual individuals should have fewer rights than heterosexual individuals." - Opinion that is wrong.

See, it's very easy to have opinions that are wrong. Nothing about an opinion shields it from being criticized for being wrong.

You've got to be silliest Liberal I've ever seen.

The sky being orange can't be an opinion because it's an observable fact that it's blue. Anthropogenic Climate Change isn't real. There is no real scientific proof that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity and man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human history constitute less than 0.00022 percent of the total naturally emitted from the mantle of the earth during geological history.
You've got to be silliest Liberal I've ever seen.

The sky being orange can't be an opinion because it's an observable fact that it's blue. Anthropogenic Climate Change isn't real. There is no real scientific proof that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity and man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human history constitute less than 0.00022 percent of the total naturally emitted from the mantle of the earth during geological history.
Human history = ~2,000,000 years
Geological history = ~4-5,000,000,000 years

If we really want to put this in perspective, almost all man-made greenhouse gas emissions have taken place within the past 150 years. 4-5 billion years is a lot of time when compared to 150 years.

Statistics are meaningless without a context to put them in. Just like using the words 'liberal' or 'conservative' in a derogatory fashion during a political statement.
"The sky is orange." - Opinion that is wrong.
"Anthropogenic climate change isn't real" - Opinion that is wrong.
"As a white man, I am persecuted because I can not use the n-word." - Opinion that is wrong.
"Homosexuality is a choice, and homosexual individuals should have fewer rights than heterosexual individuals." - Opinion that is wrong.

See, it's very easy to have opinions that are wrong. Nothing about an opinion shields it from being criticized for being wrong.

There are two concepts:- Opinion and fact.

The first one isn't an opinion, it is more fact-based. It is not an opinion, because it can be disproven. Once you can prove or disprove anything, it is not an opinion.

The last two are actual opinions, because you cannot definitively prove or disprove your assertions. What evidence can you use to prove that homosexuality is either right or wrong. It is based on a moral code, and unless there is scientific evidence to show that homosexuality is a gene you are born with, or some other way of proving whether it is a choice or not, then it is an opinion.

The last two you pointed are opinions YOU think are wrong. Try to provide EVIDENCE of them. You can't because they are moral codes, whereas the sky being orange isn't an opinion, because it can be disproved.
Of course he is entitled to his opinion, no one said he wasn't, but in saying that his opinion on the subject that he was talking about, shows he's a racist prick. That is something you cannot argue. And those that agree with him are just as racist as he is, as you've already shown on this forum in another thread.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the PC crowd, but has everything to do with common sense. If you are a celebrity and go around shooting your mouth off thinking you're immune, then honestly you're a moron.

There is no case to be made here either. Hogan admitted he said what he did, it's not like he's even trying to say it was taken out of context, and now the hammer has come down on him. To me the case is closed.

Now considering we may not have heard the end of this, reports state there is more to come out, and it is way more damaging than what we've heard. Any chance of him ever coming back to the WWE, is I'm afraid lost. Hogan threw away his career and it's not anyone's fault but his own.

"shows that he is a racist prick". OPINION.

"It is something that you cannot argue"- yes I can, because it is an opinion.

"Those who agree with him are just as racist as he is"- opinion, and a strawman argument.

"As you have already shown on another thread". OPINION!

Your whole entire post is smothered in opinion, your opinion. There would be people who disagree with you. Unless you can provide evidence of why they are wrong, than it is an opinion, not fact.
Will you please just stop. This is not about SCSA, it's not about Michael Hays or Randy Orton, it's about comments Hogan made. Austin, Hayes and Orton, didn't make him say what he said, he made that brilliant decision on his own, now he must live with the consequences of it.

You can throw as much as you want up against the wall to see what sticks, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is, Hogan has a big mouth and he is the only one who controls what comes out of it. If he can't take the shit that's coming his way, then maybe in future he should keep his trap shut.

I think you forget that we are talking about a 60 year old man here who should know the difference between right and wrong, not a toddler who doesn't. Hogan has no defense for what he did, this is solely his problem not anyone else's.

Hogan didn't Austin beat those women either, or make Michael Hayes call Mark Henry an "n" (and I would think that Hogan was more valuable to WWE than Michael Hayes, so they could have fired Hayes easily), or Randy Orton humiliate a female.

You seem to be a low-class individual if you see more problem with Hulk Hogan using a word, than SCSA using fists on his wife.

You punish one, you punish all. Domestic abuse is WORSE than calling someone an N, because violence can lead to death. Saying the word can lead to violence, but it may not as well. But hitting a woman is violent, no way around it.

Hogan didn't kill anyone with his word, but Austin could have killed Debra with his violence, except she was empowered enough to not stay around and let that happen.
Can you actually name a specific incident or are you generally just throwing the entire media into the same pot?

Sue them for what? You actually have to have some criminally liable reason for suing someone and Hogan doesn't have that. You also seem to forget that Hogan has acknowledged that it was indeed him saying those things on the tape as he's repeatedly apologized for them. The damage is done and no amount of apology is going to repair the damage whether anyone agrees with Hogan or not.

How am I supposed to know? I'm not privy to the contents of the contracts WWE has with sponsors. I also don't understand why you consistently try to make these broad generalizations about everything from businesses to the media without some degree of facts to back them up.

Did you even read anything I said there? I said there wasn't any justification for it. People were injured and property was destroyed, all of which had nothing to do with what happened. My point was that the riots weren't caused by any single incident, it was the not guilty verdict in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary that was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back as there've been allegations of racial prejudice practiced by the LAPD for decades.

You actually have to have EVIDENCE when you go around making such accusations. Does Hogan have any 25+ year old recordings of Vince giving steroids to anyone or telling them that they need to start juicing up? Does he have any sort of verifiable documentation, some sort of paper trail confirming any sort of allegations? If he didn't, then all that'd happen would be WWE suing Hogan for slander, which they'd most likely win because you actually have to have evidence backing up what you say. For instance, right now both CM Punk and Colt Cabana are being sued by one of the WWE doctors for $1 million for Punk's claims of being misdiagnosed in regards to a Staph Infection around the time of the 2014 Royal Rumble resulting in what Punk said on Cabana's podcast was a 'baseball sized" growth on his lower back, yet we've seen video from Punk at the Rumble in which no such growth is visible and something that large would cause some sort of indentation at the waistline of Punk's tights.

Hulk Hogan destroyed his own reputation, nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to go on that racist rant. Even if Hogan genuinely doesn't have those feelings and said what he said during a time of frustration, he should've been smart enough to keep his mouth shut rather. Hogan's a celebrity, a celebrity worth millions of dollars, which means he should be suspicious of anyone he talks to or even says anything to. Why? Because he has so much more to lose than most other people; he's someone that has decided to spend his professional, and even personal, life in the public spotlight, which means there's always someone looking for him to fall flat on his face and be there when it happens.

What about the piles of evidence pointing to O.J. being guilty? Yet the white community didn't riot when a black hero got off with a rigged jury and the race card being played to the hilt? There were no riots for the deaths of two WHITE people at the hands of a black celebrity (and everyone knows that he did it). So, what excuse do you have for the L.A. riots now, when both races have had a verdict go their way because of race. I think this shows who conducted themselves more maturely, despite the injustice.

I suppose you will defend Bill Cosby, another black hero, who raped a number of women, (many of them white). If Cosby was white, the black community would be after him if he raped even one black woman. Maybe before condemning whites, look in your own backyard first, because your heroes don't wear halos either.

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