Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

His lawyer is saying that if they find out gawker leaked it they will "bury them". If they have any sense he'll apologize to Al Sharpton and disappear. Suing anyone is just gonna make it worse for him. He should just let the story blow over and spend every day at the beach and stay out of wrestling and and any kind of entertainment. I really don't feel like getting involved in the debate about wether what he said is ok or not because I just don't think that anyway you spin it anyone can really defend him. He fucked up. That's all there is to it. One thing I wanted to point out though is that as of about 2 hours ago he was still listed on the title history section of and at least the video of him beating Iron Sheik still played so he's not totally removed from the web site. I think he'll eventually be back on the web site and hopefully we will see him in videos. I can't imagine a wrestlemania video package without him and Andre.
I don't personally condone racism directed towards anybody. However, I do believe there's very much a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. If black people use it, it's supposed to be a symbol of power or camaraderie because of a shared heritage, but it's purely racist if someone else says it? The rap/hip-hop industry, for instance, contains massive usage of the N-word knowing full well that some 70+ percent of those buying said music are Caucasian. This debate isn't anything new, it's been going on for as long as I can remember and I'm 35 years old, but there's definitely a mixed message concerning the N-word as far as the media goe Also, it seems to be acceptable when racial slurs are used at Caucasians, but it's a big no-no for everyone else and I do think it's pretty hypocritical. While being called "cracker", "honky", "snowflake" and others don't have the history of the N-word behind them, I'm just of the mind that a racial slur is a slur no matter which way you slice it and it'd be best for EVERYONE of every skin tone to avoid using them altogether. :shrug:

Here's the thing Mr. Hammer. On one hand you have those people of color who use the n-word as a form of camaraderie, subtly mocking the use of the term that's so heavy it obliterated my other hand. When white people made that word famous, they didn't just use it casually. They shouted it during hymnals while celebrating a lynch picnic. That chapter in our nation's history doesn't just fade away.

You're comparing a rap artist dropping the n-word to Hogan stating explicitly that he doesn't want any you know what's having sex with his daughter unless they're eight feet tall.

#1. Hogan wasn't saying "Dennis Rodman is my you know what" or "The other day a you know what bumped me in line". Hogan was saying that he could pleasantly imagine his daughter having sex with another man so long as he wasn't your average you know what. Hogan dropped the n-word in the most low-brow redneck racist manner he possibly could have in our day in age.

#2. Hogan made his sweeping generalization of all black people as being you know whats in the midst of fucking that pile of medical waste that Bubba the Love Sponge pays to tolerate his company. How backward can a human be without forgetting how to breath? You've already 100% failed as a human being by having sex with someone Bubba touched, but you amp it to motherfucking eleven by spontaneously ripping on a group of people that white people have historically been very unkind toward.

#3. Hogan dropped the n-word in a purely racist manner, period. I don't give a fuck about anyone's philosophical waxing in regard to the power of words and how foolish we are to regard them as such, fuck all that. Hogan stated that black men having sex with his daughter disgusts him in the most racist way he possibly could have. When you precede the n-word with "fucking", you're probably not just stating the word in an intentionally harmless manner. We all have our moments, everyone is a little racist. We do our best to not just start shitting out our faces like a stupid motherfucker named Terry.
Hook up every white father in the world to a lie detector test. Ask them if they would "mind" if their daughter was with a black man. You would be shocked (or maybe not if you're a rational person) at the results. Bottom line here is that you need to be smart enough to know that certain opinions need to be kept to yourself.
WWE always brags about being trend setters, trail blazers.. well they are at it again.

Ray Rice beats a women on camera, NFL doesn't act like Ray Rice never existed. WWE would. Oh but the N word OMFG NO WAY THE N WORD!!!. Who the hell cares. This world is turning into a world ran by *****es. Sticks and stones may break my bones but your words are bound to kill me right? Well that's according to the world we live in.

All WWE ever likes to do is jump the gun and fire people acting as if they never existed. I would love to see the day Vince, Steph or Triple H fuck up and do or say something, cause I'll be there front and center crying for them to be fired and treated as if they never existed.

Old men say and do some pretty bad things, would that have anything to do with the world they grew up in? Back then the N word was used and used plenty. And today its still used just as much by black people and whites. Go play some COD and your bound to hear plenty of N words. There was once a time when the F word was bad, oh wait when your a little kid the worst thing is using that F word your bound to get your mouth washed out with soap, the same word all use grown ups fucking say all the fucking time.
the reason they did it is for PR reasons. if they did nothing it would make the company look bad and they would lose sponsors
Hogan has always been a disgusting piece of crap. I tell you, if I ever catch that old boy in dem streets I'ma give the old racist pig the business. I'm glad he got fired. It was well overdue. He's human garbage.
First off ppl need to take a chill pill that word doesn't mean now what it once ment like gay and happy hogan is not a racist ppl need to calm down and wwe is ******ed for erasing him from the history books he is a major part of the first time 9 manias and few more after that so R we going to just ignore Wrestlemania 1-9 or what plus wwe will have him back in about a year or so then they got to undue there work n let hogan be back in the history books and hall of fame
Like, I'm sorry, guys. I don't know, but...doesn't anyone find this story just the slightest funny? I mean, let's break this down; Hulk Hogan has faced the following:

1. Testifying to Congress about steroids.
2. Being subpoenaed in the steroid case against Zahorian, Vince, and the WWE.
3. Becoming a running gag after being found to have taken steroids.
4. A divorce in which he lost a damn gold chunk of money.
5. His son killing someone in a car wreck.

And now, in 2015, now, Hulk Hogan is going to be brought down by a guy named Bubba the Love Sponge.

Like, I'm sorry, I can't muster the anger on this one. And don't get me wrong; this isn't my support of Hulk Hogan. He is an absolute moron, and yes, what he said is racist. We can do this dance about being "PC" all day; it's racist, and no one in the right mind should be defending Hulk Hogan.

But let's think about this for a second here; Hogan's a joke. A gag. He doesn't really have any power, and he's a C list celebrity. The truth is, Hogan saying racist things really doesn't matter.

You know what does matter? Housing discrimination, that literally kills millions of young black men and women every year.

You know what else matters? A militarization of the police, which has consequentially resulted in more death for black men and women.

You know what else matters? The institutionalized racism that is inherent to our education system, which limits the chances for minorities in our country to receive education and opportunities reserved for white people.

But sure; let's crucify the orange troll, because he's a celebrity.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Hulk Hogan using the N word isn't killing young black men. If we want to have a nuanced conversation about race in America, then I'm all for it. But if we're just out here to show how tolerant we are by condemning Hulk Hogan, I'm sorry, but you're probably not caring about the racism in society as much as you think you do. Everyone here can wag their fingers and say they won't tolerate this speech from Hulk Hogan. But unless we're really ready to discuss the actual issues that facing blacks in America, I'm sorry, but all this grandstanding over Hulk fucking Hogan saying the N word is a joke, and we're not really getting anywhere we need to.

But, sure. Let's ignore the real issues of race in America, and sacrifice this orange turkey to the constant news media stream. Yes, this is reay going to solve our issues with race and America.

Fuck the disingenuous nature of WWE (who, by the way, still has Donald Trump in their hall of fame), fuck Hulk Hogan for being a racist prick, and fuck the media for harping this story, while ignoring the real issues of black people in America.

When I bring back the Haiku Hogan gimmick, I'm going to have a lot of fucking fun with it.
First off ppl need to take a chill pill that word doesn't mean now what it once ment like gay and happy hogan is not a racist ppl need to calm down and wwe is ******ed for erasing him from the history books he is a major part of the first time 9 manias and few more after that so R we going to just ignore Wrestlemania 1-9 or what plus wwe will have him back in about a year or so then they got to undue there work n let hogan be back in the history books and hall of fame

Wrong and ridiculous. The way Hogan used it is EXACTLY the way that racists have always used it. There's no defending that part of this.

That said, I agree that erasing him from history books is dumb and pointless. Firing him from his current job? Fine. But trying to "erase history" is so stupid and pointless.

As for Hogan "not being a racist"? Umm....did you read his words? He ADMITTED to being racist.

Though being that he's a 61 year old man who grew up in a much different time who was heated and protective over his daughter.....I'm not really mad about it. Chalk it up to ignorance.

But no need to make excuses for him. What he said was very racist, and he admitted that he's racist.
I don't know, but...doesn't anyone find this story just the slightest funny?


I guess what I'm trying to say is, Hulk Hogan using the N word isn't killing young black men. If we want to have a nuanced conversation about race in America, then I'm all for it. But if we're just out here to show how tolerant we are by condemning Hulk Hogan, I'm sorry, but you're probably not caring about the racism in society as much as you think you do. Everyone here can wag their fingers and say they won't tolerate this speech from Hulk Hogan. But unless we're really ready to discuss the actual issues that facing blacks in America, I'm sorry, but all this grandstanding over Hulk fucking Hogan saying the N word is a joke, and we're not really getting anywhere we need to.

Well now that I've read on, this entire paragraph is a bit of a joke. Obviously another old white man being exposed as a racist isn't going to kill any blacks in America. The whole reason this discussion is happening is because we are all on wrestling forum and a Hulk freaking Hogan has just been outed as a racist. So it's common sense that it's going to be talked about in depth here. Now to imply that the conversations that myself and others have participated in today show that we're "probably not caring about racism in society as much as we think" because there are more important issues to be discussed is extremely short sighted. I personally spend a great deal of time and effort on the "actual" issues of racism, but you of course wouldn't see as much because this board isn't the platform I use to do so. If I felt the need to do so I could provide you with my Facebook and Twitter and show you just within the last week how vocal I've been about the recent case of Sandra Bland and other police brutality incidents. I wouldn't however be able to provide you with the audios or videos of protest and conversations that I've been apart of. Point being, on wrestling forums I tend to speak on, you know, wrestling, but if and when on the rare occasion I see something on here dealing with racism I'll damn sure speak on it.

Now all of that's not to say you didn't bring up great points in your post, but to suggest that some posters on this forum (myself included) are ignoring the "actual" issues of racism against African-Americans because we're not speaking on more serious issues on a wrestling forum is ridiculous.

Well now that I've read on, this entire paragraph is a bit of a joke. Obviously another old white man being exposed as a racist isn't going to kill any blacks in America. The whole reason this discussion is happening is because we are all on wrestling forum and a Hulk freaking Hogan has just been outed as a racist. So it's common sense that it's going to be talked about in depth here. Now to imply that the conversations that myself and others have participated in today show that we're "probably not caring about racism in society as much as we think" because there are more important issues to be discussed is extremely short sited. I personally spend a great deal of time and effort on the "actual" issues of racism, but you of course wouldn't see as much because this board isn't the platform I use to do so. If I felt the need to do so I could provide you with my Facebook and Twitter and show you just within the last week how vocal I've been about the recent case of Sandra Bland and other police brutality incidents. I wouldn't however be able to provide you with the audios or videos of protest and conversations that I've been apart of. Point being, on wrestling forums I tend to speak on, you know, wrestling, but if and when on the rare occasion I see something on here dealing with racism I'll damn sure speak on it.

Now all of that's not to say you didn't bring up great points in your post, but to suggest that some posters on this forum (myself included) are ignoring the "actual" issues of racism against African-Americans because we don't often speak on more serious issues on a wrestling forum is ridiculous.

Question, and a bit of a stretch if you'll allow me; did you put half the thought of that post behind anything that happened in Lafayette, Louisiana today (which, while not a race issue, does go hand in hand with the ease in which we have access to violent weapons.)?

I get it; it's a wrestling forum, and this is all about wrestling. What I'm more lamenting is about how the media picks this story to talk about, as opposed to the legitimate issues of race.

But why not make this the forum to discuss these issues? The real issues, that are affecting us? Because, frankly, there are plenty of outlets on this forum for you to do so. All I'm saying is that, in the grand scheme of things, this story means jack shit. Again, props to you if you do attend rallie regularly. But just saying this is a wrestling forum isn't enough; this is the kind of forum where you introduce those that don't get what's actually going on, because you'll find a population that talk about it.

But no, cool, we can bash the orange turkey.
Question, and a bit of a stretch if you'll allow me; did you put half the thought of that post behind anything that happened in Lafayette, Louisiana today (which, while not a race issue, does go hand in hand with the ease in which we have access to violent weapons.)?

Yes. Though I've admittedly been more vocal about Sandra Bland and other police brutality cases.

I get it; it's a wrestling forum, and this is all about wrestling. What I'm more lamenting is about how the media picks this story to talk about, as opposed to the legitimate issues of race.

That might have something to do with the media itself being racist.

But why not make this the forum to discuss these issues? The real issues, that are affecting us?

Because you can't teach those who don't want to be taught. This thread alone shows as much.

Because, frankly, there are plenty of outlets on this forum for you to do so.

All the years I've been on this forum I visit the WWE section(s), Live Discussions, and the Wrestling Spam Zone. On occasion I accidentally stumble into the TNA section, but I quickly and assertively remove myself.

All I'm saying is that, in the grand scheme of things, this story means jack shit.

And what I'm saying is: this board isn't the grand scheme. Which turns jack shit into Hulk Hogan himself.

But just saying this is a wrestling forum isn't enough; this is the kind of forum where you introduce those that don't get what's actually going on, because you'll find a population that talk about it.

Again, this thread alone disagrees with that. Kudos to you though if you're apart of that population.

But no, cool, we can bash the orange turkey.

I don't believe I've participated in the actual bashing of Hogan, just others poster...uh oh. I'm apart of the problem. ;)
As racially sensitive as America has become this sort of sweeping is natural. The fact is though this was a private convo leaked and the other thing is Hogan as idiotic as he was didn't like the fact that her daughter was seeing a black guy.

Behind closed doors, if I can't say what I want, and have to be politically correct in front of the mirror well, I might as well put a gopro on my head and call it the Fair B*tch Project and run around town. He admits that maybe we all are a little racist, which most of us are. We won't admit it on a public forum, but we will talk about it in a company of confidence.

And then that shit gets taped and released. There is a lot wrong here along with the racist remarks
Haven't read the thread, and I've got a feeling that's probably for the best.

First off, I don't have a problem with WWE firing Hogan over this. They're a publicly traded company, and the negative PR that comes from someone of Hogan's status being involved in a scandal like this can have serious repercussions.

I do think it's completely ridiculous that they're Benoiting Hogan out of their history books... but that's how much the WWE lives in their own bubble. They actually think something like that makes them look good.

I think it's hilarious that TNA is apparently doing the same thing. A fucking riot.

My problems start though, with the fact that they're giving Hogan this treatment considering their own history. Let's be real. The WWE has never been the most racially sensitive company in the world. Wasn't it only about a year ago that they fired Alberto Del Rio for standing up to a guy on their production staff being racist to him? Triple H has never been afraid to infuse his character with a little racism from time to time. Same with Vince McMahon. They're the company that is virtually incapable of seeing a man of any type of ethnicity that isn't Connecticut white and not pigeon-holing them into a very short list of stereotypically ethnic gimmicks. When Michael Hayes (an executive with them) went on a racist rant very similar to Hogan's, what happened to him? A slap on the wrist, a couple weeks off (likely paid), then right back to work.

I should be surprised that no one in the WWE has thought for a second how social media could make this move backfire on them big time, by making their hypocrisy a trend. Outlets like ESPN and Grantland have already posted articles detailing the WWE's own racist history. But I'm not surprised though. It's been quite a long time since I've seen a WWE self aware enough to realize that.

So good on WWE for firing Hogan... but bad on them for everything else, including their real reasons for doing it, which have absolutely nothing to do with Hogan being an old racist, and everything to do with them being petrified that Hogan being an old racist will cost them a point or two on the dow.

Yea the whole thing makes Hogan look like a piece of shit, and instead of dealing with the negative press, they got rid of him. You really can't blame the WWE.

I have a couple of thoughts on this, and they are my own personal opinion. Yes there is something called Freedom of Speech, but there is also something else called common decency. If you know that something you are about to say will offend the crap out of someone, or get you in trouble later, then say something else for crying out loud.

When you are in the public eye, everything you say will be dissected with a fine tooth comb. People that you once thought were friends can become your worst nightmare later on, as Hogan has just found out. And there is no such thing as a private conversation. Anything and everything you do has the power to come back and haunt you later. Even 8 year old private conversations.

I guess my question is, why did someone wait 8 years to bring this out in the open? Anyway it's out there and Hogan is paying dearly for it now. Nothing he can say will take away from what he said previously, so all the apologizing in the world isn't going to help him now. He's better off folding up his tent and going off to live quietly somewhere and live the rest of his life the best way he can.
You also have to wonder what the collateral damage this whole episode brings. What happens to Curtis Axle and Damien Sandow now? There is no way Axle will be a take off of Hogan anymore. Axelmania is dead.

Also I guess the NWO will never be admitted in the Hall of Fame. How can you induct the group without including Hogan?
I agree that trying to erase Hogan from WWE history is completely ridiculous and pointless. It makes sense for the company to fire him and never work with him again, and I commend them for that, but Hulk Hogan's legacy is irreversibly tied to the WWE. Hogan built WrestleMania, and pretty much built the WWE. He headlined basically the entire first decade of WrestleMania, an event that's only been in existence for three decades. Hogan slamming Andre is not just the quintessential WrestleMania moment, it's the quintessential WWE moment. So yes, Hogan should absolutely be gone from the WWE from this point onward, but attempting to remove him from the past and possibly revoking his Hall of Fame status is stupid. I mean it's not like the WWE Hall of Fame has any legitimacy anyways, but taking Hogan out of it removes any legitimacy it could ever even attempt to claim.

As far as the racist angles the WWE has done in the past, yes I agree this makes them look hypocritical to a certain degree, but it's also very clear the company has undergone a change and would never produce that type of content now, which is also commendable. However, it's still important to recognize that the internal structure of WWE is still pretty racist and sexist and that it's still an ass backwards company in a lot of respects, particularly it's treatment of employees. But that's another discussion.

And yeah, anyone trying to actually defend Hogan's remarks is a fucking idiot. It's blatant racism and shouldn't be called anything else.
Wrong and ridiculous. The way Hogan used it is EXACTLY the way that racists have always used it. There's no defending that part of this.

That said, I agree that erasing him from history books is dumb and pointless. Firing him from his current job? Fine. But trying to "erase history" is so stupid and pointless.

As for Hogan "not being a racist"? Umm....did you read his words? He ADMITTED to being racist.

Though being that he's a 61 year old man who grew up in a much different time who was heated and protective over his daughter.....I'm not really mad about it. Chalk it up to ignorance.

But no need to make excuses for him. What he said was very racist, and he admitted that he's racist.

If he was RACIST why did he do the movie with Tiny Lister aka ZEUS?
How come ZEUS worked with Hogan in the NO HOLDS BARRED movie? I don t get it
As racially sensitive as America has become this sort of sweeping is natural. The fact is though this was a private convo leaked and the other thing is Hogan as idiotic as he was didn't like the fact that her daughter was seeing a black guy.

Behind closed doors, if I can't say what I want, and have to be politically correct in front of the mirror well, I might as well put a gopro on my head and call it the Fair B*tch Project and run around town. He admits that maybe we all are a little racist, which most of us are. We won't admit it on a public forum, but we will talk about it in a company of confidence.

And then that shit gets taped and released. There is a lot wrong here along with the racist remarks

Sounds exactly like Dog Bounty Hunter Duane Chapman hmmmm when his son blackmailed his father and had his show cancelled . i wonder what Brooke Hogan did lol
You are a giant tool. Its been awhile since I've read something so advertly ignorant that I was almost shocked to read it. Then I quickly remembered where I was at and on what forums I'm posting. You're right, there is freedom of speech, however, that doesn't mean one has the freedom to say whatever they want without consequence. Meaning if you call me a n*gger, expect to get that ass whipped. That goes double for someone who's in the public eye. I can't believe that the thinking that because blacks say the word then everyone should be able to say it still exists. See when someone like you says the word, you mean to hurt and insult someone. When a friend of mine says it, he means as a term of endearment. Almost like saying what's up my friend or brother.

But I'm just talking to a wall aren't I? I'm sure a little while from now you and probably some more people will respond to this post completely misunderstanding the point as to why someone like Hulk Hogan just can't do shit like that. If he did do it.

Firstly, sure there can be consequences when you say something. But that is for the offended party to decide if they want to do something or not. Why does everyone else get to comment, when it wasn't directed towards them?

If "freedom of speech" was removed from the Bill Of Rights, there would be protests in the street. However, instead what happens is, the media, who use their freedom of speech more than anyone, try to deny viewpoints of anyone they don't agree with. Just look at Left-wing and Right-wing media, who only present their side, and make anyone who disagrees look bad.

Who gives you the right to say in what context someone said something. If a white person says something racist, you think it is wrong, but if a black person called me a "honky", that is okay. Well, I think that is racist, and it offends me, so I should be listened to. But I forgot, in your world, only blacks, women, Jews, and gays are allowed to say and do what they want, and pull out a card anytime someone challenges them.

I was offended by the L.A. riots, but blacks did it, so it was okay.

Besides, you called me a "giant tool". That offends me. So, therefore, you are wrong, because I am upset by it. See what I mean. Sticks and stones.

Also, why is the assumption that the word is said with evil intent, rather than in ignorance? Why assume that the person saying it meant to hurt. Context is everything. But in today's society, people CHOOSE to take offence, so that people will feel sorry for them. These minority groups want us to feel sorry for them, and keep reminding us, over and over again, why.

Maybe, at worse, Hogan should have got fined, suspended and forced to apologize. But he got his contract terminated. The biggest wrestling mainstream star of all time, who, without Hulk Hogan, Vince wouldn't have made WWE or Wrestlemania a success, now has his legacy, and everything he has achieved in the industry destroyed, because of some overly-sensitive pansy getting upset. Toughen up, princess (but I forgot, "princess" might offend some gay somewhere).

So, are you minority groups happy now? Got what you want? Made everyone pay for your oppression (which you keep reminding us of every five minutes)? But, you never know, one day, those been told to be quiet now, may raise up and take back their spot. Hopefully then, we will get some form of balance, where both sides get equal say. But it won't happen while the media, minority groups and gutless public who won't stand in unison against it, let it continue to happen.
You're wasting your time. If racists can't understand that minority segments took certain words into their own lexicon in order to remove the power of those words from white racist sacks of shit, then they're never going to understand it.

This is a sad moment, because while we all knew that Hogan was mostly a piece of shit, we never knew he was THIS much of a piece of shit. This is the only move that they can make, and they have to take everything away from him. People like him can't be allowed to hold positions of power, even in entertainment worlds anymore. His historically repugnant point of view, even though it's obviously held by even some in this thread, much be pushed into obscurity and in the end, destroyed.

So, you think it is okay to say "white racist sacks of shit" but not use the same term for people like Louis Farrakhan and other black racists (they do exist, you know)?

You call Hogan a piece of shit. Yet if it was a black man calling a white man an offensive term, there would be no consequence.

I assume by your over the top viewpoint that you are either an oversensitive black, or you are a white person pretending to be sensitive to blacks, so that you look good to other people.

You see there is a difference between you and me. You call whites "pieces of shit", whereas I just call you, personally, a piece of shit. I don't know what color you are (or want to be), but your color wouldn't matter to how shitty you are.

So, what are you going to do to me, Joe Public. Take everything away from me? What can you take, really? Oh, I'm so scared of what you can do to little ol' me.

What are you going to do? Slander me on the internet? Tell people not to like me. You see, unlike you, I don't give a damn what others think of me. I like me, and you can't take that away from me, loser. You act like you're so damn perfect and without sin. Hogan lost more than you will ever gain in your miserable life.
These last couple of years, culminating in Donald Trump being a front running for a major American political party after accusing most Mexican immigrants of being rapists, have really desensitized me to racism. In my opinion, Hulk just voiced a view many hold. There's not getting around it, and no amount of punishing Hogan is going to rid society of this attitude. I'm at a point in life where I really can't afford to worry about whats in the hearts of people I don't personally know. I do worry about people around me holding erroneous or dangerous views. I hope those around Hogan pull him aside and explain just how erratic his actions have been and how they impact the people he loves. Again, I just feel like going on a tirade on why the comments he made are wrong is just a waste of breath. I'm more concerned with the 6 versions of Hogan not being in WWE 2K16 because of this.

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