You are a giant tool. Its been awhile since I've read something so advertly ignorant that I was almost shocked to read it. Then I quickly remembered where I was at and on what forums I'm posting. You're right, there is freedom of speech, however, that doesn't mean one has the freedom to say whatever they want without consequence. Meaning if you call me a n*gger, expect to get that ass whipped. That goes double for someone who's in the public eye. I can't believe that the thinking that because blacks say the word then everyone should be able to say it still exists. See when someone like you says the word, you mean to hurt and insult someone. When a friend of mine says it, he means as a term of endearment. Almost like saying what's up my friend or brother.
But I'm just talking to a wall aren't I? I'm sure a little while from now you and probably some more people will respond to this post completely misunderstanding the point as to why someone like Hulk Hogan just can't do shit like that. If he did do it.
Firstly, sure there can be consequences when you say something. But that is for the offended party to decide if they want to do something or not. Why does everyone else get to comment, when it wasn't directed towards them?
If "freedom of speech" was removed from the Bill Of Rights, there would be protests in the street. However, instead what happens is, the media, who use their freedom of speech more than anyone, try to deny viewpoints of anyone they don't agree with. Just look at Left-wing and Right-wing media, who only present their side, and make anyone who disagrees look bad.
Who gives you the right to say in what context someone said something. If a white person says something racist, you think it is wrong, but if a black person called me a "honky", that is okay. Well, I think that is racist, and it offends me, so I should be listened to. But I forgot, in your world, only blacks, women, Jews, and gays are allowed to say and do what they want, and pull out a card anytime someone challenges them.
I was offended by the L.A. riots, but blacks did it, so it was okay.
Besides, you called me a "giant tool". That offends me. So, therefore, you are wrong, because I am upset by it. See what I mean. Sticks and stones.
Also, why is the assumption that the word is said with evil intent, rather than in ignorance? Why assume that the person saying it meant to hurt. Context is everything. But in today's society, people CHOOSE to take offence, so that people will feel sorry for them. These minority groups want us to feel sorry for them, and keep reminding us, over and over again, why.
Maybe, at worse, Hogan should have got fined, suspended and forced to apologize. But he got his contract terminated. The biggest wrestling mainstream star of all time, who, without Hulk Hogan, Vince wouldn't have made WWE or Wrestlemania a success, now has his legacy, and everything he has achieved in the industry destroyed, because of some overly-sensitive pansy getting upset. Toughen up, princess (but I forgot, "princess" might offend some gay somewhere).
So, are you minority groups happy now? Got what you want? Made everyone pay for your oppression (which you keep reminding us of every five minutes)? But, you never know, one day, those been told to be quiet now, may raise up and take back their spot. Hopefully then, we will get some form of balance, where both sides get equal say. But it won't happen while the media, minority groups and gutless public who won't stand in unison against it, let it continue to happen.