Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

He's not right. Speak for yourself. I know I don't walk around spouting off the n-word and holding some hidden resentment towards the black community. If YOU are "racist to some degree" than that's your own business but don't make a stupid comment generalizing the entire world.

Not only am I a not any amounts racist, but based on this post alone, you are FAR more than a little racist about anything.

This was covered on Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. Here's a link for those who doubt it.

This whole deal is going to get a bunch worse for Hogan before it ever gets better. There's apparently more to be released in the coming days, and it's worse than what was already released.

Good riddance.
Anybody who says it's okay for black people to say a word because they were oppressed is legitimately stupid.

They don't get to say it because they were oppressed. They get to say it because of context. Black people call each other the N word (usually) as a term of endearment. It's what they call their friends.

When white people say the N word, their intent is usually to be racist *****.

For example, if your friend was to call you an asshole during some banter, that's fine. Why would you be upset over that? But if I was to call you an asshole because of something you can't control, with the intent of offending you as much as possible, then you would definitely have the right to be upset over that.

I hope you picked up the subtle subtext there.

You don't get extra rights because you were oppressed. Fuck....YOU weren't even oppressed. YOU are a normal human being with the right to go to the same school as me, vote and sit anywhere you want on the bus.

Yeah, black people are never discriminated against anymore. In fact, I heard that the whole slavery thing was just a myth.

When you claim a difference from somebody based on your race, you only strengthen the racial divide.

It's perfectly okay to point out that we're different because of the colour of our skin. Because we are. Hey, I'm white. Hey, black people are black. Cool, whatever.

It's when people start getting discriminated against or judged based on your skin colour that it becomes a problem. Like, for example, when a white guy says the N word with the intent of offending or being derogatory towards black people.

If the transcript online is correct, Hogan went on an insane racist rant, where he criticised his daughter for supposedly sleeping with a black guy. That is racist as fuck.

As far as this thread is concerned, Hulk Hogan said a word most people don't like and now he's paying the price. WWE was well within their rights to fire him and it was the best thing for a publicly traded company to do. He's right though. I think we all are a little racist to some degree.

This attitude of "we're all a little racist" is just a thing racists say to make themselves feel less like the scum of the Earth.

Although, I'm racist towards white people. In this city, they scare me more than any minority. So you might be onto something.
This attitude of "we're all a little racist" is just a thing racists say to make themselves feel less like the scum of the Earth.

No, it isn't. You should watch the video I posted above. Maybe you'll learn something.

But I honestly don't have anything else to say about this topic. I know that I'm not racist, regardless of what others in this thread may think. My problem - which can sometimes be seen as a benefit - is that I like to play Devil's Advocate. Especially when it comes to highly controversial subjects like this one.

I've already condemned Hogan for saying what he did and said that firing him was the right thing to do.

I really do encourage you all to watch the video I posted above though. Even if you don't agree with it, there's something there that has to be taken in to account.
The moral of all this: If you are a celebrity, do not go to war with a media company unless you know GODDAMNED well that you have done nothing in your past that will bite you in the ass. This came out of the depositions during the Gawker lawsuit. This is why Celebrities settle their cases for peanuts and let bygones be bygones.

But, we will see Hogan again. At you local Indy show for a grand per appearance.
Considering it was Hogan saying it, I'm not sure how true it is that he sat in a dark room with a gun ready to blow his brains out. But if all this comes to fruition and Hogan is turned into a pariah, he could go off the deep end.

I hope for his sake, he doesn't do anything stupid.
If you ain't black...don't say the word, it's really simple. As Americans we follow someone else's rules everyday of our lives. If a light is red than I have to stop, I have to cover my tattoos at work, no matter how fast my car is I have to drive a certain speed. I personally have friends that are Hispanic that say the word frequently as well as my black friends and family, so it's not a huge problem to me if used in a non racist way. However, especially if you are white, there is absolutely no benefit to ever using the word so just avoid it. It's really simple.
Hogan (and lots of people in this thread) ONCE AGAIN misunderstanding the difference between Racist and prejudice(as is the case in 97% of these conversations)

Its sorta sucks that something he said 8 years ago is gonna sink him, buuuut.....the WWE has absolutely zero choice in the matter. B A $TAR and all that bullshit. Given they have those associations, there is no chance whatsoever this news could come out and they could continue to have Hogan under contract.
Well Let Me tell you something Brother! Hogan is in deep trouble with the stuff that came out recently!! I dont blame Vinnie Mac for Taking a dump in his pants with the stuff that came out about Hogan...

But as always people always jump the gun especially behind subjects as sensitive as these. They erased Hogan completely almost as bad as Benoit. Hogans Tirade from reports i have read happened 8 years ago and now have surfaced?? Hmmmmm something is off IMO!

But damn WWE just whiped Hogan off the face of the earth in a way cant blame them though given the sensitive subjects in todays society
Summary of what Piper said about the situation on the Rich Eisen Show:

"Piper may be next. He was just on with Rich Eisen. When asked about what Hogan said he ducked the question then told stories about being called a "******" at MSG.

He proceeded to yell the word "******" several times to demonstrate, on national radio/TV. After the interview Rich had to apologize for Roddy, and then claimed "that's why I have no hair after 20 years in live television and radio."

Piper also said that "people shouldn't hurt people's feelings for no reason" and then said that people shouldn't forget all the good Hogan has done. Piper then said people are too sensitive and need to get a life.

I was embarrassed for Piper, Rich was pissed off the rest of the show. But then again, Piper himself has come to the ring at WRESTLEMANIA of all places in blackface so I shouldn't be surprised.

He should've probably cancelled or called WWE for advice because he basically gave Hogan a pass. It was one of the most awkward interviews I've ever seen."

Racism is never ok, no one should be ok with racism.
Maybe its a new Gimmick for Hulk Hogan ! The Racist Hulkamaniac runs wild on Black Wrestlers. Even if he said it in private and he was recorded , it could be a new gimmick and Hogan will start a White Nation of Domination.

Hey WWE , let's go back and check out that Black world heavyweight champion we had there in the 80's....

wait a second..... no , it was the 90's wasn't it ? Let's check him a second...

Suddenly nobody remembers Booker T's feud with HHH , the one where HHH used a shit ton of racially charged comments towards Booker towards the build up....then didn't let him win at Wrestlemania because he was black, basically.

Hey, WWE , might as well erase the whole damn site for that matter.
Does anyone remember the Right to Censor faction led by Stevie Richards, the purpose of which was to censor anything they deemed offensive ( which was a parody of the Parents Television Council, I believe )? That makes this all so very ironic. Fuck political correctness. We
( supposed) to be allowed to say, write, believe whatever we please, regardless of how vile it may be in some cases. And someone doesn't like it, it's their right to say so and shoot it down. But this is wholly different. This is a corporation running scared from our ultra PC, censorship happy, apology seeking, denigrating society. George Orwell was a fucking prophet. The thought and word police are running amok.
First off what Hogan said was absolutely inexcusable. I can only hope that his apology was sincere, and that his views have changed in the last 8 years. This will be extremely difficult for him to come back from. While it's strange to think we may never see Hulk Hogan in WWE again, or any other company for that matter it's very possible. America is pretty forgiving so it's not impossible for him to come back from this but it's amazing to think this could finally be end of Hulkamania
No one here is suggesting that racism is okay. My whole argument surrounds the Political Correctness that is infecting the USA and the world at large. Racists exist, sad but true. So let them be their racist, dickbag selves and tell them to fuck off and ignore their sorry asses. If that is what WWE is doing with Hogan now, so be it. But they are largely doing it out of fear of social justice lopping off their collective heads, are they not? That is frightening to me. It should be to most others.
Wow, I previously would have expected more from you.

I don't personally condone racism directed towards anybody. However, I do believe there's very much a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. If black people use it, it's supposed to be a symbol of power or camaraderie because of a shared heritage, but it's purely racist if someone else says it? The rap/hip-hop industry, for instance, contains massive usage of the N-word knowing full well that some 70+ percent of those buying said music are Caucasian. This debate isn't anything new, it's been going on for as long as I can remember and I'm 35 years old, but there's definitely a mixed message concerning the N-word as far as the media goe Also, it seems to be acceptable when racial slurs are used at Caucasians, but it's a big no-no for everyone else and I do think it's pretty hypocritical. While being called "cracker", "honky", "snowflake" and others don't have the history of the N-word behind them, I'm just of the mind that a racial slur is a slur no matter which way you slice it and it'd be best for EVERYONE of every skin tone to avoid using them altogether. :shrug:
Does anyone remember the Right to Censor faction led by Stevie Richards, the purpose of which was to censor anything they deemed offensive ( which was a parody of the Parents Television Council, I believe )? That makes this all so very ironic. Fuck political correctness. We
( supposed) to be allowed to say, write, believe whatever we please, regardless of how vile it may be in some cases. And someone doesn't like it, it's their right to say so and shoot it down. But this is wholly different. This is a corporation running scared from our ultra PC, censorship happy, apology seeking, denigrating society. George Orwell was a fucking prophet. The thought and word police are running amok.

We are allowed to say anything we want and be safe from prosecution by the government for saying the vile things we want to say. You, however, are NOT free from facing personal penalties from being a piece of shit racist. It is not a symptom of "overly politically correct bullshit" that someone loses their job because they are a racist scumbag.
For all the good he's done, his legacy will now be remembered for his one moment of weakness.

Sounds good to me.
I don't personally condone racism directed towards anybody. However, I do believe there's very much a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. If black people use it, it's supposed to be a symbol of power or camaraderie because of a shared heritage, but it's purely racist if someone else says it? The rap/hip-hop industry, for instance, contains massive usage of the N-word knowing full well that some 70+ percent of those buying said music are Caucasian. This debate isn't anything new, it's been going on for as long as I can remember and I'm 35 years old, but there's definitely a mixed message concerning the N-word as far as the media goe Also, it seems to be acceptable when racial slurs are used at Caucasians, but it's a big no-no for everyone else and I do think it's pretty hypocritical. While being called "cracker", "honky", "snowflake" and others don't have the history of the N-word behind them, I'm just of the mind that a racial slur is a slur no matter which way you slice it and it'd be best for EVERYONE of every skin tone to avoid using them altogether. :shrug:

This is just historically factually incorrect. Fringe elements inside of the black community began using the word in order to take the power away from white racists using it against them. That's how the whole movement inside of the black culture started using it.

In fact, what you're talking about is the African American Vernacular English version of the word, which carries much friendlier connotations than the Standard American Vernacular English version. It's the similar argument to the endings "-er" vs. "-a" when using the word. If one black man calls another black man the word from the Standard English, that's enough for them to fight. At that point it's the same as a white person saying it.

In addition, it is culturally disgusting to tell a minority group that they have to stop using a word inside of their own culture because you don't understand why you don't get to use it also, then.

The use of the African American Vernacular English version of the word does not excuse ANYONE for being a racist and using the Standard American Vernacular English version.
This is just historically factually incorrect. Fringe elements inside of the black community began using the word in order to take the power away from white racists using it against them. That's how the whole movement inside of the black culture started using it.

Well it's obviously failing then because black people still get pissed when you say it. That means the word still has power.

It reminds me of when Kanye tried to make the Confederate Flag his own thing in order to take the power away. That didn't work either.

If it's not working, then maybe you should stop doing it?
Well it's obviously failing then because black people still get pissed when you say it. That means the word still has power.

It reminds me of when Kanye tried to make the Confederate Flag his own thing in order to take the power away. That didn't work either.

If it's not working, then maybe you should stop doing it?

I don't? And it has tremendously less power than it had in the 1860s, or even the 1960s. Now saying it, if you're white, makes you a terrible person. They removed enough of the power to ensure that the majority of other humans understand than when someone who is NOT in that minority argues for the continued use of it or for the eradication from the black community, that we know they are uneducated worthless bumpkins.

They have effectively given average citizens the ability to quickly truss out who the bad people are. I'd say that that is a very effective reduction in the power of the word.
I don't? And it has tremendously less power than it had in the 1860s, or even the 1960s. Now saying it, if you're white, makes you a terrible person. They removed enough of the power to ensure that the majority of other humans understand than when someone who is NOT in that minority argues for the continued use of it or for the eradication from the black community, that we know they are uneducated worthless bumpkins.

They have effectively given average citizens the ability to quickly truss out who the bad people are. I'd say that that is a very effective reduction in the power of the word.

Just because it now all of a sudden makes you a terrible person doesn't mean it's lost power. It just means that popular opinion has changed.

If a black person gets just as mad today over the use of the word as they did 50 or 60 years ago then how much of the power has really been lost?
Just because it now all of a sudden makes you a terrible person doesn't mean it's lost power. It just means that popular opinion has changed.

If a black person gets just as mad today over the use of the word as they did 50 or 60 years ago then how much of the power has really been lost?
It LITERALLY means that it has lost power. If the popular opinion about using it has changed for the better, that's the LITERAL MEANING of lost it's power.

And to address your second point, I can assure you that I, as a 33 year old white straight male, get just as mad at some ignorant hillbilly for using that word as many black people do.

The power of the word isn't in how angry it makes someone, and it's such a shortsighted and ignorant view to try and believe that.
It LITERALLY means that it has lost power. If the popular opinion about using it has changed for the better, that's the LITERAL MEANING of lost it's power.

And to address your second point, I can assure you that I, as a 33 year old white straight male, get just as mad at some ignorant hillbilly for using that word as many black people do.

The power of the word isn't in how angry it makes someone, and it's such a shortsighted and ignorant view to try and believe that.

The popular opinion of racism in general has declined (obviously) which has caused the word to be seen as negative. It has nothing to do with the fact that black people use it constantly.

A word is powerful because it evokes strong emotions from people. If you tell your significant other that you "love" them, it's a strong word because of the emotion behind it. Similarly, if you call somebody the N-word it's still a powerful word because of the emotion behind it.
If black people use it, it's supposed to be a symbol of power or camaraderie because of a shared heritage, but it's purely racist if someone else says it?

If a black person is using it as a symbol of power and camaraderie because of a shared heritage, like you say, then that would exclude people who don't share that heritage from using it. Why would someone use such a word that's been altered for the reason of taking power away from those who used it for oppression, if that person has never been oppressed by the word and/or those that used it. It doesn't make someone "purely" racist, there are also posers and those simply ignorant of the history behind the n-word.

The rap/hip-hop industry, for instance, contains massive usage of the N-word knowing full well that some 70+ percent of those buying said music are Caucasian.

If a white boy from the suburbs wants to listen to Kendrick Lamar's latest album (which does contain the n-word a lot) then that's his choice and I hope he enjoys it, it's a great album. However, just because he's now listened to a few hours of rap/hip-hop doesn't mean he's lived through the same experiences that lead to the writings of those songs. If anything he should be more conscious as to why he shouldn't use such a word, not the opposite.

While being called "cracker", "honky", "snowflake" and others don't have the history of the N-word behind them, I'm just of the mind that a racial slur is a slur no matter which way you slice it

The bold part is the entire reason the latter half of your sentence simply isn't true. There aren't hundreds of years of oppression associated with the italicized words, so it does matter "how you slice it". Now don't get me wrong, I don't think it's ok to use racial slurs against any race, but I do recognize the almost tangible difference in depth between the n-word and "snowflake", how anyone couldn't is beyond me.

and it'd be best for EVERYONE of every skin tone to avoid using them altogether. :shrug:

In addition, it is culturally disgusting to tell a minority group that they have to stop using a word inside of their own culture because you don't understand why you don't get to use it also, then.

Terminating his contract and distancing themselves from Hogan was the right thing for WWE to do. Hell, if it were me I’d probably release some sort of “Sorry everyone, he’s nuttier then we gave him credit for” kind of message. Those statements should be discouraged in whatever way they can be and in this case, WWE (a publicly-traded-and-often-crucified company) had the right reaction. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts. *Snip snip* cut out the bad PR tumor.

Hogan has been caught with his pants down (ahem) more than once so he really ought to have known better. Even more so, Hogan has worked with all types of people from across the globe and he should know from first-hand experience that those comments had no merit, nor do any stereotypes.

What is Hogan’s next move? My guess is that he’ll apologize quickly and go into hiding, and when the time is right he’ll resurface and claim that he made stupid comments during a hard time in his life, probably say he had misdirected anger for his airheaded daughter, that he didn’t mean any of it, and then proceed to sue the living hell out of someone for “breach of privacy”. Whether that will work or not… ehhhh, I couldn’t say. The Donald manages to say some outrageously stupid things even more rapidly then Hogan, yet he’s still making money for some odd reason. Personally, I think the both of them should sink a couple million into rolls of duct tape so they can close their fat mouths whenever they’re going to be in public. Save us all a lot of hassle.

The Hogan Cycle: Do something stupid, get called out, blame & sue, repeat. BROTHER!

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