Breaking News : Hulk Hogan parts ways with WWE

Whether this is true or not, we'll see (probably is).

All I know is I'm getting a kick out of everyone making fun of this by photoshopping Hogan out of iconic Hogan moments. Oh internets ...




I think it would be even more hysterical if the historical photos of Hogan were photoshopped so that Kurt Angle, Lex Luger, and Jack Swagger all randomly appeared in them instead. Anyone want to do that for a cookie?
At least I don't have to hear about Hogan wrestling at Mania 32 anymore...

I can't say it matters to me one way or the other whether Hogan stays or goes. We rarely see him in any legitimate capacity anyway, but if this is true, it seems as if the ties may finally be cut for good between the two. I've never heard of WWE disassociating itself with somebody so quickly and thoroughly since Benoit.
Has WWE jumped the gun on this? It certainly looks that way but, at the same time, you have to remember that the mainstream media loves to crucify WWE every time anything negative regarding professional wrestling in general comes out. Whether or not this is valid, it'll take time to discover but this gives me the impression that WWE has decided to batten down the hatches for the POSSIBLE shit storm that's could hit.

With racial tensions higher than they've been quite possibly since the Rodney King/L.A. Riots situation, any accusation of racist belief is pretty much resulting in a guilty until proven innocent mind set these days. In all honesty, I've little doubt that WWE would be viewed by some as condoning Hogan's alleged statements if the company doesn't distance itself from Hogan completely and immediately. Unfortunately at this time, to a lot of people, it doesn't really matter to some if Hogan is completely innocent; the accusation has been made and just as unfortunate, there are a lot of people who believe anything that they read or hear about just because it's in the media. So until this is proven one way or another, WWE is ultimately trying to protect itself in the only way it can. I'm not saying that it's necessarily right or even fair, but that's just how it is and virtually any corporation in any field would do the same thing.
It must something more than just racial slur or tribade. It must be something really serious if WWE is removing him from even the Hall of Fame list. But we've to wait and see to mouth about this with our fantasy!

Jesus Christ there is never a dull moment over at the WWE is there? On the other hand if this has any sort of truth to it, then I guess they want to distance themselves as far as they can from him.

I haven't heard the tape or read any transcripts, but it must have been bad enough for them to take this sort of action.
Has WWE jumped the gun on this? It certainly looks that way but, at the same time, you have to remember that the mainstream media loves to crucify WWE every time anything negative regarding professional wrestling in general comes out. Whether or not this is valid, it'll take time to discover but this gives me the impression that WWE has decided to batten down the hatches for the POSSIBLE shit storm that's could hit.

With racial tensions higher than they've been quite possibly since the Rodney King/L.A. Riots situation, any accusation of racist belief is pretty much resulting in a guilty until proven innocent mind set these days. In all honesty, I've little doubt that WWE would be viewed by some as condoning Hogan's alleged statements if the company doesn't distance itself from Hogan completely and immediately. Unfortunately at this time, to a lot of people, it doesn't really matter to some if Hogan is completely innocent; the accusation has been made and just as unfortunate, there are a lot of people who believe anything that they read or hear about just because it's in the media. So until this is proven one way or another, WWE is ultimately trying to protect itself in the only way it can. I'm not saying that it's necessarily right or even fair, but that's just how it is and virtually any corporation in any field would do the same thing.

This is bullshit.

First of all, fuck the mainstream media. They can all go to hell. Being a media hack has to be the easiest job in the world, making up lies and reporting them. They never mention wrestling results, but only when they do bad things.

Maybe Vince should go into a new venture, by buying a media outlet, one who has criticized WWE often, sack everyone there, and then put in his own people, who are only going to report favourable things about WWE.

Secondly, I thought America was the country of "free speech". It is the First Amendment. Yet, when anyone says something some minority group doesn't like, then everyone says that they can't say it.

As for sponsors pulling out, fuck them too. The WWE and sponsors have a contract, about how often the brand will be shown, etc. If a sponsor pulls out, sue them for breach of contract, since you have met the obligations of signage etc. Or maybe wait until the heat is off, then sign with a sponsor who pulled out on you's main competitor, and advertise them instead, saying how much better they are then the competition.

It is hypocritical of the black community to be offended by that word, when they use it themselves. If they are the only ones who call each other that, then that, in itself is racist. As for the Rodney King thing, well the blacks actions after that just made themselves look worse, and just reinforced the stereotypes people had about them.

If Hogan is out for good, then maybe he needs to dump the bucket on WWE, air its dirty laundry. They are treating Hogan like he killed his wife and child, (and even the Benoit ban has reached ridiculous proportions).

Where is the Vince McMahon with the testicles the size of grapefruits? Where is the Vince McMahon who didn't give a damn what the mainstream media thought during the "Attitude Era". WWE during that time ran storylines which were more offensive than anything Hogan said, and Vince endorsed it (didn't WWE have a story leading up to Wrestlemania 19, where Vince's future son-in-law made slave jokes about Booker T). Where is the Vince McMahon who did what he damn wanted, and didn't care about outside opinion?

Also, if Vince sacks Hogan for this, then how come he didn't sack the guy backstage who told Alberto Del Rio to wipe up his table (which has racist connotations) which ADR then punched out?

Even the mods at wrestlezone are PC tools, who banned me for a week for suggesting that Goldberg lives up to the stereotype. You can't say anything these days.
Maybe it wouldn't matter as much if they weren't a publicly traded company.

Until more information is made available I'll reserve my judgment.
I reserve judgment on Hulk Hogan. I have read he said something unpleasant about certain people - but it is not proved and so he is innocent until proven guilty.

That said - if he did say some of the things I have heard... I doubt he will ever be in a WWE programme again.
Looks to me like Hogan was just having a discussion about the word. When he said it, he was repeating what Booker T, Lil Wayne, and The Game had said to him. He wasn't actually "saying it", he was quoting them.


Vince himself used the word on TV.
This is bullshit.

First of all, fuck the mainstream media. They can all go to hell. Being a media hack has to be the easiest job in the world, making up lies and reporting them. They never mention wrestling results, but only when they do bad things.

Maybe Vince should go into a new venture, by buying a media outlet, one who has criticized WWE often, sack everyone there, and then put in his own people, who are only going to report favourable things about WWE.

Secondly, I thought America was the country of "free speech". It is the First Amendment. Yet, when anyone says something some minority group doesn't like, then everyone says that they can't say it.

As for sponsors pulling out, fuck them too. The WWE and sponsors have a contract, about how often the brand will be shown, etc. If a sponsor pulls out, sue them for breach of contract, since you have met the obligations of signage etc. Or maybe wait until the heat is off, then sign with a sponsor who pulled out on you's main competitor, and advertise them instead, saying how much better they are then the competition.

It is hypocritical of the black community to be offended by that word, when they use it themselves. If they are the only ones who call each other that, then that, in itself is racist. As for the Rodney King thing, well the blacks actions after that just made themselves look worse, and just reinforced the stereotypes people had about them.

If Hogan is out for good, then maybe he needs to dump the bucket on WWE, air its dirty laundry. They are treating Hogan like he killed his wife and child, (and even the Benoit ban has reached ridiculous proportions).

Where is the Vince McMahon with the testicles the size of grapefruits? Where is the Vince McMahon who didn't give a damn what the mainstream media thought during the "Attitude Era". WWE during that time ran storylines which were more offensive than anything Hogan said, and Vince endorsed it (didn't WWE have a story leading up to Wrestlemania 19, where Vince's future son-in-law made slave jokes about Booker T). Where is the Vince McMahon who did what he damn wanted, and didn't care about outside opinion?

Also, if Vince sacks Hogan for this, then how come he didn't sack the guy backstage who told Alberto Del Rio to wipe up his table (which has racist connotations) which ADR then punched out?

Even the mods at wrestlezone are PC tools, who banned me for a week for suggesting that Goldberg lives up to the stereotype. You can't say anything these days.

You are a giant tool. Its been awhile since I've read something so advertly ignorant that I was almost shocked to read it. Then I quickly remembered where I was at and on what forums I'm posting. You're right, there is freedom of speech, however, that doesn't mean one has the freedom to say whatever they want without consequence. Meaning if you call me a n*gger, expect to get that ass whipped. That goes double for someone who's in the public eye. I can't believe that the thinking that because blacks say the word then everyone should be able to say it still exists. See when someone like you says the word, you mean to hurt and insult someone. When a friend of mine says it, he means as a term of endearment. Almost like saying what's up my friend or brother.

But I'm just talking to a wall aren't I? I'm sure a little while from now you and probably some more people will respond to this post completely misunderstanding the point as to why someone like Hulk Hogan just can't do shit like that. If he did do it.
Remember, the word was taken out of context, so I'm not going to condemn him just yet.

IF he DID say it, I'm really disappointed. Hogan is one of my favorite wrestlers, but racism will not and should not be taken lightly.
Secondly, I thought America was the country of "free speech". It is the First Amendment. Yet, when anyone says something some minority group doesn't like, then everyone says that they can't say it.

If you had a shred of common sense, it'd be funny but it's just too pitiful to laugh about; so, I'll explain this the best I can. You do have free speech, you can think what you want and say what you want, at least as long as you don't encourage someone to commit crimes and they actually commit said crimes you've encouraged them to do. If you want to call someone the N-word or call a Jew the K-word, there's nobody that can stop you from doing so, but you don't seem to understand that you also have to endure the potential consequences of exercising your right to free speech. If you say it out loud in front of someone, then you run the risk of having to take the personal and professional shit storm that may follow. In Hogan's case, IF he legitimately said it, then any company would be perfectly within their right to fire him. If it's a misunderstanding, then WWE screwed up and eventually owe Hogan an apology; however, you're an even bigger fool than I thought if you think that ANY company isn't going to do what it can to protect itself.

As for sponsors pulling out, fuck them too. The WWE and sponsors have a contract, about how often the brand will be shown, etc. If a sponsor pulls out, sue them for breach of contract, since you have met the obligations of signage etc. Or maybe wait until the heat is off, then sign with a sponsor who pulled out on you's main competitor, and advertise them instead, saying how much better they are then the competition.

Do you know the exact details of the various contracts WWE has with its sponsors? I know I certainly don't and I have the feeling you don't either. One thing that MIGHT possibly be included in said contracts are various morals clauses that could allow the sponsors to end their association with WWE legally. These sponsors aren't some rinky dink mom & pop operation, they're multi-billion dollar corporations that I'm willing to bet have some sort of technical loop hole that allows them to end their association with WWE without violating any contractual obligations.

It is hypocritical of the black community to be offended by that word, when they use it themselves. If they are the only ones who call each other that, then that, in itself is racist. As for the Rodney King thing, well the blacks actions after that just made themselves look worse, and just reinforced the stereotypes people had about them.

I do agree, at least to some degree, that there's definitely a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. I'm also of the opinion that it's hypocritical for them to use the word while denouncing it for everyone else. As for the King situation, I don't believe there's justification for much of what happened, I mean genuinely innocent people were assaulted who hadn't done anything to incur the wrath of the mob, but I do understand why some did it as it looked to be a clear cut case of racial bias on the part of the jury. They had video evidence of the police beating the ever loving shit out of a black man long after he was unable to resist arrest. The riots that followed came about out of frustration due to, allegedly, decades of racist activities of the Los Angeles police; the Rodney King verdict was just the spark that ultimately lit the fuse.

If Hogan is out for good, then maybe he needs to dump the bucket on WWE, air its dirty laundry. They are treating Hogan like he killed his wife and child, (and even the Benoit ban has reached ridiculous proportions).

What dirty laundry can he air that won't be refuted by anyone who hears it as sour grapes from a former employee? Besides that, what if Hogan himself has some dirty laundry that WWE management, wrestlers, referees, producers, etc. know about that we don't? All that happens then is just a game of he said/she said but, in this particular case, there are allegedly taped conversations he had with Heather Clem, the wife of Bubba the Love Sponge at the time, about being mad at Brooke for sleeping with a black man. As for Benoit, do you honestly believe that any wrestling company wants to be associated with a man who killed his wife and son before killing himself while he was still working for them? The Benoit incident was a public relations disaster for WWE, and rightly so because it ultimately revealed that WWE didn't really care what its wrestlers were doing so long as it didn't jeopardize their work for the company; Benoit's testosterone level was over 10 times the normal amount and autopsies on his brain revealed significant trauma that WWE could have known about and did nothing about. At one point, there was talk of congress taking it upon itself to regulate WWE if Vince didn't clean things up, hence the formation of the Wellness Policy.

Where is the Vince McMahon with the testicles the size of grapefruits? Where is the Vince McMahon who didn't give a damn what the mainstream media thought during the "Attitude Era". WWE during that time ran storylines which were more offensive than anything Hogan said, and Vince endorsed it (didn't WWE have a story leading up to Wrestlemania 19, where Vince's future son-in-law made slave jokes about Booker T). Where is the Vince McMahon who did what he damn wanted, and didn't care about outside opinion?

That Vince McMahon got his ass kicked in lawsuits filed by the widows of wrestlers, news stories of rampant drug abuse among the wrestlers, one wrestler committing a murder-suicide while still under contract, congress threatening to essentially remove him from power and appoint someone else to regulate the happenings within the company, demands from company shareholders to improve the WWE's image and to keep a tighter rein on medical & drug issues regarding talents, etc. When you're the CEO of a publicly traded company, like it or not, there are certain obligations that you have in regards to the public.

Also, if Vince sacks Hogan for this, then how come he didn't sack the guy backstage who told Alberto Del Rio to wipe up his table (which has racist connotations) which ADR then punched out?

The guy was fired after an investigation took place. All they had was Del Rio's word that he made the racist remarks whereas people actually saw Del Rio physically strike the guy. WWE asked investigated his history, talked to people who worked directly with him and under him, tried to discover if he had a history of making racially motivated remarks, etc. and he was let go.

Telling everyone to fuck off or go fuck themselves might produce the desired results when you're a high school sophomore, but I'm afraid that won't get you very far as an adult.
There's a Symposium post coming when I get back from camping this weekend over the fear of the word n*gger.

Where the hell are the mods in this damn thread? Or is it okay to fully say the n-word when you can sure as hell get an infraction for a whole hell of a lot less??

First off he was baited by a black show host and then he was talking about a situation in which the word was used in a comical sense.

He was baited? Hogan is a grown ass man who's been around the entertainment business longer than most, he knows what type of corporation he has ties with and should have known better than to say anything with a racial undertone let alone come right out and say the n-word. So lets not paint a picture of fumbling old man who didn't know any better. Oh but since the host was black it was all good, you're the one who needs to get a grip.

This PC era needs to end, I am so sick of it.

Your sick of the PC era while other are sick racist slurs. Priorities.

This is bullshit.

If you're referring to your post, I completely agree.

Secondly, I thought America was the country of "free speech". It is the First Amendment.

And yet, you can't run into a movie theatre and yell "fire", can you? There are many limitations on the first amendment as there are on all of the amendments.

It is hypocritical of the black community to be offended by that word, when they use it themselves. If they are the only ones who call each other that, then that, in itself is racist.

No, you idiot, it's not. Those who share a condition of oppression, past and present, can take back a word and use it within their own community and it's not racist or hypocritical. Watch from 4:56-5:23.


I do agree, at least to some degree, that there's definitely a double standard when it comes to racial slurs. I'm also of the opinion that it's hypocritical for them to use the word while denouncing it for everyone else.

Wow, I previously would have expected more from you.

As for the Rodney King thing, well the blacks actions after that just made themselves look worse, and just reinforced the stereotypes people had about them.

Well then I guess it's safe to say "white actions" of oppression and police brutality are continuously being reinforced as well. And the world keeps turning.
The actual audio tape has been released, and its much more than "im allowed to say the N word"

Its a full on racist rant, and its totally understandable that they released him. Im sure all of you will become familiar with it sooner than later.

“I guess we’re all a little racist.”

“She is making some real bad decisions now. My daughter Brooke jumped sides on me. I spent $2-3 million on her music career, I’ve done everything like a jackass for her.”

“The one option Brooke had, Brooke’s career besides me, is [to] sell beach records.”

“I don’t know if Brooke was f*cking the black guy’s son.”

“I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, f*cking n***ers. But then when it comes to nice people and sh*t, and whatever.”

“I mean, I’d rather if she was going to f*ck some n***er, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n***er worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player! I guess we’re all a little racist. f–king n***er.”

I must say, his friendship with B the Love Splooge and Heather Clam has not done him any favors.
Where the hell are the mods in this damn thread? Or is it okay to fully say the n-word when you can sure as hell get an infraction for a whole hell of a lot less??

He was baited? Hogan is a grown ass man who's been around the entertainment business longer than most, he know what type of corporation he has ties with and should have known better than to say anything with a racial undertone let alone come right out and say the n-word. So lets not paint a picture of fumbling old man who didn't know any better. Oh but since the host was black it was all good, you're the one who needs to get a grip.

Your sick of the PC era while other are sick racist slurs. Priorities.

If you're referring to your post, I completely agree.

And yet, you can't run into a movie theatre and yell "fire", can you? There are many limitations on the first amendment as there are on all of the amendments.

No, you idiot, it's not. Those who share a condition of oppression, past and present, can take back a word and use it within their own community and it's not racist or hypocritical. Watch from 4:56-5:23.


Well then I guess it's safe to say "white actions" of oppression and police brutality are continuously being reinforced as well. And the world keeps turning.

You're wasting your time. If racists can't understand that minority segments took certain words into their own lexicon in order to remove the power of those words from white racist sacks of shit, then they're never going to understand it.

This is a sad moment, because while we all knew that Hogan was mostly a piece of shit, we never knew he was THIS much of a piece of shit. This is the only move that they can make, and they have to take everything away from him. People like him can't be allowed to hold positions of power, even in entertainment worlds anymore. His historically repugnant point of view, even though it's obviously held by even some in this thread, much be pushed into obscurity and in the end, destroyed.
You're wasting your time.

Yeah, probably.

If racists can't understand that minority segments took certain words into their own lexicon in order to remove the power of those words from white racist sacks of shit, then they're never going to understand it.

If nothing else, this.

This is a sad moment, because while we all knew that Hogan was mostly a piece of shit, we never knew he was THIS much of a piece of shit. This is the only move that they can make, and they have to take everything away from him. People like him can't be allowed to hold positions of power, even in entertainment worlds anymore. His historically repugnant point of view, even though it's obviously held by even some in this thread, much be pushed into obscurity and in the end, destroyed.

I've never kept any tabs on Hogan and didn't think much of him outside of his few long winded appearances in the E, so it's a good riddance as far as I'm concerned.
There's also the theory about his sex-tape lawsuit with Gawker swirling around.

One would think if the sex tape is the underlying cause of WWE finally parting ways with the guy, they've certainly taken their time getting around to it. Maybe whatever this racial slur thing entailed was just the last straw.

Yet, for some reason, I haven't seen the sex thing discussed much on this forum......and haven't decided whether wrestling fans consider it not important enough to talk about. As it is, there have been few celebrated people ever as aware of their public image as Hulk Hogan. How he could be stupid enough to utter racial slurs in a setting that could be publicized is baffling.

On the other hand, does his sex tape involve him doing the nasty while talking about saying prayers, eating vegetables & taking vitamins?

Some things just don't mix, Hulkster.
The main page revealed what is apparently on some tape, which surrounds his daughter dating a black guy. He's not happy about it and...yeah, it seems pretty racist.
Anybody who says it's okay for black people to say a word because they were oppressed is legitimately stupid. You don't get extra rights because you were oppressed. Fuck....YOU weren't even oppressed. YOU are a normal human being with the right to go to the same school as me, vote and sit anywhere you want on the bus.

When you claim a difference from somebody based on your race, you only strengthen the racial divide.

As far as this thread is concerned, Hulk Hogan said a word most people don't like and now he's paying the price. WWE was well within their rights to fire him and it was the best thing for a publicly traded company to do. He's right though. I think we all are a little racist to some degree.
Roddy Piper is going to be on Rich Eisen's Radio/TV show sometime between 2-3pm.

Piper is in studio and Rich just opened his show talking about how great it is to have Piper on today talk to about Hogan even though they were planning to talk about his comedy and wrestling career.
I'm not supporting what Hogan said at all. I'm a minority myself, and just about every white girl I've ever dated, their parents have always had at least a little bit of a problem with it. That being said, it was a private conversation that got leaked, it's not like he said this in a national interview or anything. And if WWE can support Mike Tyson who raped a girl or Steve Austin who beat his wife, I don't see the need to completely erase Hogan from WWE history, (especially since he was such a big part of the 80s, and even the 90s because of the nWo) the way they do with Chris Benoit.
I think it's more damage control right now. Im sure in a few months when everyone has forgotten about this, they'll reach back out to Hogan.
I do not agree with WWE scrubbing Hogan from their History when you have other figures that have done things also, Michelle Hayse comment to Mark Henry, Iron Sheik, if you listen to a lot of his rants on youtube calling people ******s and saying he is going to f-ck them and make them humble etc, how is that kind of stuff okay, Hogan makes some very poor comments and he gets nailed to the cross for it, not defending him very disappointed to hear he made those comments but why is it these other figures are still employed, still listed on WWE's website, does that mean WWE is okay with some figures using the N-word and other figures calling people ******s etc.

I guess WWE is two faced when it comes to disciplining people
He's right though. I think we all are a little racist to some degree.

He's not right. Speak for yourself. I know I don't walk around spouting off the n-word and holding some hidden resentment towards the black community. If YOU are "racist to some degree" than that's your own business but don't make a stupid comment generalizing the entire world.

Hogan made some really ignorant and ridiculous remarks in a private conversation and it somehow got leaked, which sucks for Hogan. Best way to not have shit like this come out though, is to not act like an idiot.
Anybody who says it's okay for black people to say a word because they were oppressed is legitimately stupid. You don't get extra rights because you were oppressed. Fuck....YOU weren't even oppressed. YOU are a normal human being with the right to go to the same school as me, vote and sit anywhere you want on the bus.

When you claim a difference from somebody based on your race, you only strengthen the racial divide.

As far as this thread is concerned, Hulk Hogan said a word most people don't like and now he's paying the price. WWE was well within their rights to fire him and it was the best thing for a publicly traded company to do. He's right though. I think we all are a little racist to some degree.
Not only am I a not any amounts racist, but based on this post alone, you are FAR more than a little racist about anything.

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