BillLesnar seemed to have completely missed the point on Doctors post,from reading reports the fued will end with a match at Mania

Jenks don't read internet gossip.

Jenks thinks it would be funny for both Jenks and Bill Lesnar to talk like this.

Bill Lesnar, Jenks wonder *scratches head,*

How is babby formed?
Jenks don't read internet gossip.

Jenks thinks it would be funny for both Jenks and Bill Lesnar to talk like this.

Bill Lesnar, Jenks wonder *scratches head,*

How is babby formed?

Bill lesnar reads alot of Internet Gossip, Bill lesnar wont reveal his sources.

Bill lesnars does wonder however

jenks vs BILL LESNAR, 2011 FOTY?
Bill lesnar reads alot of Internet Gossip, Bill lesnar wont reveal his sources.

Bill lesnars does wonder however

jenks vs BILL LESNAR, 2011 FOTY?

Jenks think J v BL 2011 FOTY would be fun, exciting, entertaining but sadly, unlikely. Either Jenks or Bill Lesnar will, according to the rules, be perma-banned, while the other gets to remain in the prison.

This is a bummer for Jenks, since Jenks always liked Bill Lesnar and always wanted Bill Lesnar un-banned. Jenks thought Bill Lesnar personified what the cage was all about, because you could be whoever you wanted in the cage.

Whatever happens, Jenks will be fine with the outcome and although Jenks said it before, if Jenks is unfortunately perm-banned, then that will be the end of Jenks on WZ forums. Jenks realizes not many are given a second chance like this and the least Jenks can do is follow the rules and not make another account.

As for if Bill Lesnar happens to be banned, keep fighting! Bill Lesnar has a ton of potential and is one of the more entertaining posters on the forum and a good guy, one of the top IWC babyfaces as a matter of fact.

Jenks just wants to thank the admins for a second chance and tell Bill Lesnar good luck. And that if Jenks loses this match, JenksIX will retire and stay retired like former WWE Diva, Shawn Michaels.

Jenks is now done speaking in Bill Lesnar's awesomely unique way of speaking. No lyin.
Jenks think J v BL 2011 FOTY would be fun, exciting, entertaining but sadly, unlikely. Either Jenks or Bill Lesnar will, according to the rules, be perma-banned, while the other gets to remain in the prison.

This is a bummer for Jenks, since Jenks always liked Bill Lesnar and always wanted Bill Lesnar un-banned. Jenks thought Bill Lesnar personified what the cage was all about, because you could be whoever you wanted in the cage.

Whatever happens, Jenks will be fine with the outcome and although Jenks said it before, if Jenks is unfortunately perm-banned, then that will be the end of Jenks on WZ forums. Jenks realizes not many are given a second chance like this and the least Jenks can do is follow the rules and not make another account.

As for if Bill Lesnar happens to be banned, keep fighting! Bill Lesnar has a ton of potential and is one of the more entertaining posters on the forum and a good guy, one of the top IWC babyfaces as a matter of fact.

Jenks just wants to thank the admins for a second chance and tell Bill Lesnar good luck. And that if Jenks loses this match, JenksIX will retire and stay retired like former WWE Diva, Shawn Michaels.

Jenks is now done speaking in Bill Lesnar's awesomely unique way of speaking. No lyin.

Bill Lesnar has been touring Aussie since sunday and only has 28minutes left on the internet cafe, thats why he may not post as much as he would like to in the coming days.

Bill lesnar has been told numerous times he must drop his style and Bill lesnar like Jenks would like to address this.

Bill lesnar if he dropped his style of posting would indeed gain new fans like a certain admin, HOWEVER HE WOULD LOSE HIS OLD SCHOOL FANS, the ones who made Bill lesnar as big as he is today. Bill lesnar will be the old Bill lesnar is the cage and wherever he feels its appropriate however in non spam sections Bill lesnar will try and keep it on the downlow and post long wrestling essays to cater to different fans. At the end of the day, old school fans are the ones who matter to Bill lesnar most and those are the ones who take 1st priority

Other than that, Bill lesnar pretty much repeats what jenks said, towards the moderators and Jenks himself. bill lesnar has busted his ass almost 5 months to come back and if he isnt given that chance he will accept and move on as it obviously wasnt meant to be. Jenks was one of the old school Bill lesnar fans that Bill lesnar was reffering to, and if Bill lesnar had to lose to someone he has no problem being it him.

Bill lesnar flies to Brisbane tommorow morning, so he wont be posting for a few days. Bill lesnar would like to wish luck to Jenks aswell and not to waste the chance if given to him.


*Bill Lesnar looks around to a raucious crowd at the Boston Air field, they are chanting Bill lesnars name, the chant gets louder and louder,it wont die*


*drops mic,hbk to xpac style*
I Dont know who Bill Lesnar is, But after reading bill lesnar's posts. Bill lesnar has my support for all his endeavors, evil and otherwise.
Bill Lesnar is in Adelaide?

Sweet Jesus, Bill you need to come to Adelaide.

sorry Macca, Bill Lesnar wont be in Adelaide. Bill Lesnar is visiting Queensland, he landed in Brisbane this mourning, and will be there untill next wednesday, before Bill Lesnar was in the Goldcoast and enjoyed it greatly. Great surf, and themeparks (dream world,the water one and sea world), Bill Lesnar stayed in Surfers Paradise and recommends it to anyone visting Aus
Bill lesnar quickly browsed Wrestling Sapm section...

@ Rox, Vickie came in after Eddies death and was part of Reys dream run at Mania supporting him all the way through, Chavo turned heel saying rey was ruining the Guerrero name..Vickie followed and Chavo injured rey at No mercy in a FCA match, Benoit then fueded with Chavo trying to find out the reasons for Chavos betrayal/actions and Vickies character developed from there

@ KlunderBunker, NWO 2007 was apoor event...wait was this where HBK superkicked Cean or was that on Raw. Too mnay raw guys on the ppv and it hada Ecw Title match wtf?, King Bookah as lame as ever, had a lame fued with akne and thier match sucked, no atmosphere at all (had booker decided to leave here?) + Hornswoggle became relevant.

L & K had one of their worst macthes ever vs those crappy Greasers. The opener was solid, and was match of the night. That shows you how bad this was, as no opener should be MOTN. Ecw hamp had no business here, only too get Lashley even more over for his big fued with Vince. Its funny seeing Miz host a Divas contest considering where he is now.
In fairness, if the people in the opener work hard enough at any PPV, and put on a spectacle, it deserves to be MOTN..

Example being: Bryan Vs. Ziggler, Bragging Rights.

Yes, Bill lesnar knows this but in general terms fans expect the main event to be the best macth of the night. The main event features the top stars of the company (theres a reason why they are the top wrestlers), should be the best match becuase they are the best at what they do. People order PPVs for the ME not the opener that has a job of getting the crowd hot and drawn inot the event. Remember bragging rights wasa crap PPV anyway (orton vs Barrett - 2 slow methodical natural heels in the ring, waht were the wwe thinking), as for the Danial Bryan Match, it was good sure but for Bill lesnar it was overated and dint have anything that left him in awe, it was good solid wrestling bout but thats it.

Remember that Db WILL change. Right now Danielson, is mixing between an indy and WWe style same for his promos, but slowy but surely he will adopt a wwe style of wrestling and his fans wont like him nearly as much as they used to. That will be a test of Bryan to see if he can still be enteratining wrestling a wwe style match, just like other guys who had to drop a avast arsenal..Benoit im looking at you. Bill lesnar apologizes fro going off on a tangent there.

Best Backlash match ever in Bill lesnars view?
Bill lesnar has seen a lot of great backlash matches from orton vs Foley to rock vs triple h. However the 2006 main event takes the cake for Bill lesnar. For Bill Lesnar, the fued itself was brilliant with Cena and trips fighting to see who the better man is after months of intense confrontations ,stare downs and workouts. Finally trips tapped in a fantastic mania match, and he now had to prove that he hadn’t lost his touch. Meanwhile Bill knew Edge had just had the classic with Foley and was on a hot streak looking to regain his title. The match had a lot at stake and didn’t disappoint Bill Lesnar. The match was full of nearfalls, great in ring phycology (something lacking in the pg era), all guys did their jobs really well, spots were awesome. Trips bled like a stuck pig and each guy hit their finisher leading to heaps of near falls, it also helped that the crowd was hot for this. The triple H chair shot was fantastic as he nailed edge, and the way he looked so pissed and frustrated looked incredible in Bill lesnar view after Edge almost tapped to the stf. All guys had great chemistry and the finish with trips cleaning house with the sledgehammer was an awesome sight. Trips even nailed Lita with a spinebuster. This match had it all, Bill lesnar rate sin 10/10 and one of the best matches of 2006. Bill lesnar acknowledges that this was an awesome time for the wwe starting after no mercy 2005.



The 2 Best stars and their futures from NXT in Bill lesnar’s view

1. Alex Riley. Bill lesnar is a huge Riley mark. Bill lesnar thinks Alex has the perfect look, his build is great and he is perfect size, he can have valets, be in tag teams and is very versatile. Bill lesnar also likes Rileys in ring skills, yes he is green but he will definitely improve. Bill lesnar likes the way Riley can take a bump such as the table spots, has a great looking finisher with high impact, and overall as believable offense and mannerisms that every heel dreams off. Bill lesnar feels Alex RIleys Mic skills already surpass the Miz, he is loud, clear in what he says,obnoxious and arrogant all great traits to have as a heel. Bill lesnar saw the way he destroyed striker on the mic, and his promos such as the pee wee stuff where his facials and immaturity were just classic, Alex Riley has his own nickname which suits his goofy persona, and the way he can get the crowd involved with his perfect use of the pause and his great one liners just make him must watch t.v. Bill lesnar loves the bounds of Charisma he possesses, the way he smiles is great for his character that his arrogant and thinks hes above all. His current gimmick as Miz’s stooge will only help him, as he interacts with the champ on a daily basis and will provide more comedy with his ridiculous suit and over the top worshiping of the Miz., Bill lesnar just said the Future is bright for Alex Riley

2. Daniel Bryan. Bryan is fantastic in the ring. Bill lesnar loves the way DB can pull off any move and use his height to counter in any way, its obvious that he is atop wrestler though ROH, but Bill lesnar wasn’t sure that he could work the vince style, so far he has pulled it off with flying colors. DB can suicide dive, suplex and use a variety of good looking suns, and in the ring is one of the best of the business, his finisher looks painfiul and very believable. Bryan has already gone toe to toe with Jericho and Miz + other tops guys in the WWE and looks set for a big future. Bill lesnar does however feel DB needs a pinfall finisher because when he faves big guys or injures his arm, he need a move that will put away his opponent for good. Angle has the angle slam and DB needs his pinfall move, that all that’s missing form DBS arsenal. DB has already showed that he has a personality and mic skills form his great fueds with Cole and the Miz, his segment with Cole was one of the best of the year and it was only his first few moths in the company which obviously bodes well for the future. Currently the wwe are trying to ueh his character even more with his interaction with the bellas and frequent backstage skits. DB is already getting a lot off time in the ring, proving that vince is high on him to perform and od what he does best. Bill lesnar sees a bright future for DB for sure.

Bill lesnars Predictions: Riley, 2 titles runs, 2 us Titles runs and a tag title run. DB, 2 Title runs, 6 US Title runs, 3 Intercontinental titles runs and 3 tag title runs.
Bill lesnar quick Raw thoughts after watching bits and pieces off youtube

yeah it was a crap raw, really disappointing after some of the great television they have given us in recent weeks.

Miz had his match with King with was great, but now thye need to stop it. he isnt going anywhere beating up senior citizens, King needs to get over KOTR and move on. Random making Jomos title match next week with a stip....maybe WWE is getting cold feet with the miz and will make him drop the title making JOmo vs Orton at Rumble (joke), yeah Miz will win next week and will lose to Randy at the rumble who will go to mania with the strap (thats how Bill lesnar thinks it will go, and he doesn't like it)

Kidd getting a push hmmmmm could get some good matches with Bryan Bill lesnar guesses however getting crushed by Henry wont help him at all. weird move. Also BILL LESNAR WANTS THEM TO STOP FUCKING WITH RYDER AND EITHER DO SOMETHING WITH HIM OR RELEASE HIM because its tragic how much potential is being wasted there

Sheamus continues his depush and the blame for the bad ratings throughout the summer is being heaped on him and his title reign, watch him get squashed by Trips on a episode of Raw.

oh and Bill lesnar fuck the direction the wwe are going with punk-cena. Nexus have no business here, those green rookies had their time in the sun and now they need to know their place and piss off. Nexus will assist punk to beat up cena, and cena no doubt will hulk up and fight them off. So Punk cant handle Cena on his own (this was his fued ffs, Nexus shouldn't be part of this) and nexus is gallows and mercury. its really weak and they arnt moving forward. what does Vince even see in the Nexus minus Barrett?

also Bill lesnar wonders whether the wwe are getting serious with Santino or if ted is getting that pink slip soon. surely not

Bill lesnar would finally like to add, was that Batista Reference foreshadowing anything. WWE BILL LESNAR JUST SAID BRING BACK DAVE BATISTA HE IS MISSED
Bill lesnar reviews GAB 2006

Cole and JBl on commentary, ppv in indy and attendance is 9000 or so.


Batista returns. he was originally seeking revenge over Henry who injured him in a tag title steel cage match back in January. Henry got injured at the Saturday night main event, so Dave beating the fuck out of him on SD with the steps and chair leaving him a bloody mess. Now Kennedy (Mr Anderson) challenges him. Rey is in his fairytale run here, Bookah is his opponent. he beat Lashley to be KOTR at Judgement day in an okay match and then won a battle royale eliminating Fatt Hardy last. Rey beat Booker on SD in an non title match and Booker has been Dominated so King booker was expected to win here. Much like Eddie in 2004 (Rey has based his whole win around Eddies death and had used that to get his push in a disgusting push), he would probably drop the belt to the posh new heel. The other attraction was Taker vs khali, once again Injuries ruined the match as Khali had a liver prob so Show would take his place. Khali had destroyed Taker for a couple of months and was undefeated. Khali beat taker in a squash at Judgment day. he was on a roll coming into this.

Show starts witha promo, revolving around the WHC and the Taker match. looked really good, putting over Khali as the new phenom in the wwe. Set looks great, crowd is hot and it should be agood show

Match one - London and Kendrick (C) vs the Pitbulls (kash & Noble) for the tag champs

Tag titles were still relevant back them. Cole begins slamming L & K for their weird entrance with the masks and all (L & K are huge faces). Cole talks throughout both entrances and the beginning of the match without breathing, he just keeps going. JBL is far better here, as he knows his tag team stuff using his background with the APA to put over tag team tactics. Match starts off very paced, with no pauses in action..its high flyers vs brawlers here. The Champs dominate early with all kinds of cool looking offense inc an inverted atomic drop to a cross body. WWE misses guys like L & K in the tag division where both guys are almost indention in their move set and look, now its all random match making. Noble starts to turn the match around with some big chops, as he tries to ground London. JBL is so good here, yelling about how L & K are freaks and lunatics, he really is a fantastic heel. Kash and Noble go to the outside where L & K meet them with a suicide dive in a nice spot where they both hit the move at the same time.
Kendrick gets the hot tag, hits some nice looking suplex's (he was so underutilized in the wwe as a singles wrestler, much better than Paul), really nice skin the cat. This is starting to be a great match and the crowd are really into it, both teams are working their asses off. L & K after been worn down for a while make a comeback with some neat simultaneous drop kicks and heel kicks. Kendrick hits a splash on Kash, allowing Londo to gte a sunset flip and 1..2...3 good night this ones over. Champs retain

8/10 B+. Really nice tag match here. perfect opener as both teams were working their asses off and put in some very nice spots. This was given the perfect time (15 minutes or so) served its purpose of waking the crowd up and getting them amped for the night. Classic tag team action, with a nice contrast of styles and very well booked.

Backstage with Khali and Daivari. Khaili is going crazy and starts shouting god knows what in Daivari's face and Khali picks him up. Khali sounds quite sacred, which is exactly what he should be sounding like if he wants to be considered legit seeing as though he hasn't been afraid of Taker at all in their fued and its his match.

Out next is Teddy Long, as usual walking as though hes got a stick up his ass. He states Bobby cant perform in his Us Title match due to liver problems (much like Khali). huge boos to this, as Lashley is really over (hes in the middle of his big push, not to worry though as he will be main eventing No Mercy in October). he comes out to a big pop and says to Teddy he wants to fight, Teddys having none of it and the crowd boo him some more. Finlay music hits and hes out with Regal, being heels they take the piss out of Teddy and Lashley, teddy being the face books Regal vs Finlay much to their protest. Bill Lesnar doesn't know why the crowd are cheering considering they boo the fuck out of both men next.

Finlay (C) vs Regal - US Title

JBl has gone off the rails, blasting Long...he might have a heart attack if he continues. Regal checks for the little bastard aka Hornswoggle before the match. Both guys lock up and do some mat wrestling for a while, as the crowd chants BORING. these chants are really clear as well. Lots of Holds and sleepers as the crowd continues to voice their disapproval. Finally something happens and Regal goes over the top rope and look Hornswoggle appears much to the crowds delight. he chases Regal around the ring (regal being a big pussy, whats he playing at?) and Horny catches him and nails him with the sheileigh (Bill lesnar just said sorry for spelling) . Horny is really annoying here, Bill lesnar just said little fucker aint going away and hes making the match even worse. JBL is having a go at the US, calls Cole a Xenophobe (Cole has to cop a lot of shit with JBL next to him in 2006/2007). Finlay and Regal go back to their mat wrestling as they get bored and break up, Horny bites Regal hand (God he is pissing Bill lesnar off), JBl says Regal could get Rabies from the troll (haha Bill lesnar loved his work at the announce table), he then goes on to proclaiming Finlay grew up around Pub fights and dirty car bombs, god hes on fire. Horny the steals Regals boot (Fuck regal has had to put up with a lot of bullshit), and Horny gives Finlay regals boot and he proceeds to blast Regal over the head with it. Finlay covers and retains.

4.5/10 E. Crowd hated this and Regal and Finlay have had much better matches in the past and in the future. Hornswoggle was really prominent here and he killed it with his crap. really slow and boring, it failed to capture Bill Lesnars interest. Post match Finlay beats up Horny. Regal and Finlay make up on SD after this, and they spend the next few months kissing Bookahs ass.

Lockeroom time with Chavo and Rey. rey living off Eddies name is in full force here, he virtually got his push thanks to Eddies death and it disgusted many fans inc Bill lesnar. Chavo says rey is living Eddies dream. Fuck off, this is revolting.

Fat Hardy vs Helms

Battle of the whiny internet bitches here. Hardy has to wear the worst attire ever, that's one of the reasons why WWE pushed Edge over him, because Matt couldn't let go off his hardy teenage 90s years. he really needed a new look. Helms in the cruiser weight champ here, longest ever (Bill lesnar just said bring this title back wwe). They show a few shots of the prison which looks really impressive, before the match starts. Bill lesnar cant stand either guy so they will have to do well to get his interest. Crowd is pro Hardy who for what ever reason is still really over. before the match gets underway, Hardy copies Hurricanes signature pose (helms was trying to get serious here and hated hurricane references) so this built some cheap heat between the two. Match is decent so far, both guys switching momentum and noone is taking control. highlight is JBLS commentary, hes all over Cole here calling him a moron for a mistake Cole made and then as Cole tries to get a sentence together, JBL yells SHUT UP. These two have great chemistry. While this is happening the match is getting really slow, out of nowhere Hardy tries a sideffect but helms nicely counters and goes to the top turnbuckle, Hardy meets him up there, and they have a duel which Helms wins and he nails a SWEET looking Swinging neck breaker for the nearfall. Hardy fights back and hits a sideffect finally for the 2 count, crowd starting to get into this now. hardy really starting to get into the groove, hits a perfect moonsault and follows that with his signature elbow drop. Just as hes looking to finish this, helms out of nowhere rolls him up via the tights and claims the cheeky win.

5.5/10. Okay match and a filler. Its Hardy and Helms though and Bill lesnar cant stand either guy both in ring and out of the ring. This match reeked of mediocrity in Bill lesnars view

Khali and Daivari are walking backstage, with the usual Khali aimlessly running his mouth and Daivari trying to calm him down taker comes out of nowhere to attack them unlucky for him ECW champ Show is there and he along with Khali beats Taker up. Security break it up. This pretty much sets up Show replacing Khali.

A video package recapping the events that lead to the punjabi prison match happens. Its a very good one as well perfect music and it looked and sounded epic, great way to hype the crowd for the match. One of the best ones Bill lesnar saw in 2006 (just ahead of Edge vs cena from the rumble) and is defo worth checking out. Its all invain though as Khali is not even wrestling. T-Long catches up with Show and Khali and he tells them that's show is wrestling instead of Khali. Show looks like he will shit himself (not a good way to promote your ECW champ) and Khali is furious.

Show vs Taker - Punjabi Prison match

The prison gets released looking very imposing as Cole goes over the rules of the match. JBL is going on about comparing this is to King Kong, hes had one hell of a show so far. Big Show is out first on the verge of tears...once again WWE this is your ECW champ. Match is a typical big man brawl, lots of punches and not much else. Show hits the first spot of the match, with a slam off the top rope. Show starts to get frustrated as taker stops him from escaping a couple of times, so Show sends him into the structure face first and he's busted open. Taker after getting almost no offense for 5 minutes hits a big superplex out of nowhere shaking the arena (crowd thought thier would be a Brock moment). Then after what seems an eternity, both guys finally make their way out of the prison. Taker scales the prison and jumps on Show, which sends both guys through the final section. Taker made it out 1st so he wins.

4.5/10. The structure limited anything these guys could do with each other, yea it looked great but fuck Bill lesnar just said it made for a crap match. Bill lesnar just said the match was very slow and most of the time these guys were on the ground. It would have been so much better with Khali in it, but Taker and Khali would have their blowoff a week after summerslam in a last man standing match (Khali's best match ever)

Booker and Sharmell are backstage. Shes comparing him to historical legends like Caesar. This was when Booker had his ridiculous King Bookah gimmick, he walked around with a cape and a fake British accent. 2006 SD had alot of bad gimmicks i.e Vito and Boogeyman. No more Angle or Randy means the roster is rally thin, so they are relying on Booker as the top heel.

4 way bra and panties match

Typical SD divas match right here. If Bill lesnar wants to have a quick perve he will watch porn not this. Mccool, Ashley (Bill lesnar faintly remembers her doing playboy around this time) and krystal are all incredibly hot and Jillian is the bad egg (at least she doesn't have that growth no more). Bill lesnar just said this is a big filler. JBl is once again having a go at Cole for calling out holds instead of checking out the women. this fro some reason went on for longer than 10 minutes.

2/10. Boring filler. Bill lesnar doesn't care for these. Raws Divas division was much stronger.

The Miz is interviewing Kennedy here. Miz has bleached hair and hasn't made his debut yet...he doeskin get the faux mohawk till 2007 Bill lesnar thinks. funny seeing Miz like this considering his position today (he's come such a long way). Kennedy says he will beat Batista blah blah blah

Batista vs Mr Kennedy

This is all about Batista and he's out 1st to a HUGE pop. His attire looks sweet as he dons the white and red trunks. hes been out of the game for 6 or so months. Batista is raging here, immediately goes after Kennedy letting out all of his aggression. Batista is all over Kennedy not giving Ken a look in at all as he is the only one who has managed any offense. hes on his game looking to prove himself that's for sure. Kennedy is bleeding all over the place from a nasty looking spot on the steps. He fakes leaving to a chorus of booes, but big Dave has him covered and nails a spear as Ken tries to sneak attack Big Dave. Bill lesnar just said this is a squash. Kennedy however capitalizes on a mistake and he controls the match for 3 or so minutes in order that he doesn't come out of the match looking incredibly weak. Ken gets a bit to arrogant for his boots and makes a huge mistake slapping Batista and unleashing the animal. Batista continuously throws Kennedy into the ring post. Bill lesnar just said this is getting vicious and he chokes out Kennedy without any signs of releasing him forcing the red to DQ him. Batista has a fit post match with 3 spinebusters and a Batista bomb leaving ken lying in a pool of his own blood and Signalling Batista's return.

6.5 Bill lesnar really actually liked this. kennedy got a BIG win, and they did a great job of getting over how pissed the animal has been and it really was him making up for lost time. kennedy was bleeding hard here and took a big beating. This needed to happen for Batista to have momentum and was done very well. Psychology was pot on by both men, and Batista was at his best here (his intensity was amazing). Wont appeal to all, but Bill lesnar enjoyed it. Batista would go on to reclaim his WHC later in the year whilst Mr Kennedy would fued with Taker for a long time over 3 PPVs.

King Booker vs Rey Mysterio (C) World Heavyweight Championship

great Video package hyping the ME.


Booker comes out with his elaborate entrance whilst Rey comes out to huge heat, fans were sick of his farce title reign and they wanted it to finally come to an end. Stage is set for what should be a decent match. Rey dominates from the outset just like he has being doing all fued long, hits a seated senton and frog splash, Bookah kicks out much to his despair. Booker fights back even hits the 3 amigos to add insult to injury. Bill lesnar is bored out if his mind here, woeful match so far. Rey looks to be on the cusp, when thanks to sharmell he misses the 619 and shes rightfully injected (Bill lesnar couldn't stand her). Ref goes down, and Rey hits his frog splash/619 combo but the ref is down so it means shit. Oh look ITS CHAVO, He runs down chair in hand teases hitting King Bookah but instead and predictably hits Rey (this got a big cheer) square in the head (ouch that was a sick looking chair shot) to complete his heel turn. Bookah covers to win his 1st WHC in the WWE, he cries and has a little celebration as Chavo looks on. The show closes with Chavos mean face and blank stare due to his 'shocking' betrayal. Booker after this goes on this have a awful fued with batista full of shite matches, whilst Chavo and Rey fued till No Mercy and Chavo injures Rey in a Falls count anywhere match.

3/10. To Bill lesnar this was plain boring. Predictable, both guys can do much better. Caps off a below par PPV

PPV rating 37.5. F Grade. Bill lesnar doesnt recommend this at all. Opener was good, but from there everything went down hill and was forgettable. Roster was really weak and it showed with Rey and Bookah headlining the PPV. Injuries to big stars didn't help, so WWE had to hash together new fueds. Bill lesnar just said avoid this. SD do a much better job with Armageddon later in the year.
Classic T.V match

Jeff Hardy vs Taker ladder mathc for the undisputed title

Bill lesnar will use this thread, to post a few classic matches from the past, here is one from 2002.

This is the match that put hardy over as a legit title contender. taker had his American Badass gimmick right here, and had never performed in a ladder match before. Noone though taker was capable of this. Full of entertainment and amazing spots it was actually a believable that Jeff could come out on top. taker was so sadistic here, and the crowd were absolutely lapping it up, you don't get crowds as passionate as this in 2010. jeff was in his element here, and was given a great amount time to prove himself here and he did in style. Story telling onsong with jeff taking on taker in his own yard, wont get a better chance at championship gold, fighting for his dream, it was EPIC and all on free television. Your Drews and ted Juniors could use a little in ring Psychology and invest more passion and emotion in their matches. JR and King were in top form here, sold everything as brutal and death defying. top match all round.


Classic T.V match

JBl vs Kurt Angle last man standing match (non title)

2 days before the rumble, the wwe champ JBL met Angle on SD in an exhausting Last man standing match. Before this Bill lesnar remembered Kurt and JBl taking turns to fuck over the other guy in the triple threat the big show. At first JBl told Show about Kurt and Joy (kurt saw Joy in the shower) and JBl said 'i love it when a plan comes together), next week Kurt accuses JBL of kidnapping Joy, getting show pissed off. Kurt then said 'i love it when a plan comes together', they then ambushed show and left him a bloody mess at the hands of the steps. They thought they had succeeded in making show a non factor, however they were very to even the playing field Long booked this match after Show suggested it. This match had everything, as both guys gave it their all (this is how last man standing matches should be), it was an all out brawl between two rivals. the intensity was great, and the finish where they both knocked themselves out was a test to show what they went through. Angle had Luther and Jindrak whilst JBl had the cabinet so they both had backup in terms of interference. Bill lesnar saw both guys working as hard as they could to wear the other down, both guys had their working boots on, in utter desperation to weaken the other before the Royal Rumble. just a good old fashioned brawl adn Bill lesnar loved every minute about it.



Classic T.V Match

Orton vs Benoit summerslam rematch

Bill lesnar will get straight to the point here...Benoit was shocked by Randy at SS who became the youngest whc champ of all time. Benoit used his rematch the next night on raw. randy was far more interesting in this time, than now...although his face turn was rushed big time. At Summerslam their match was all shades of brilliant, randy really stepped it up with Benoit and went toe to toe with him. The raw match was amazing although not as good as the Summerslam match, full of near fulls, great Psychology. Benoit always forces the opponent to work hard, because hes all out with his aggression, he really forces his opponent to take the next step and keep with him. he came right out at Randy here, making him work very hard right from the outset, this was really intense, Bill lesnar could feel the emotion and how much was on the line. oton held his own, played the heel role perfectly with his cocky character. Both guys really did a great job in getting the crowd involved. Evolution got involved as Benoit had the match won, and orton just like Summerslam hit a huge RKO to retain. what followed was quite stunning in Bill lesnars view as HHH out of jealousy turned on Randy and got the strap back at unforgiven and they feuded all the way to the rumble. They also had a beauty of a no holds barred match on SD before the rumble in 2006





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